Our Events

For more information on events and sponsorship, please contact the Business Events team via eventqueries@fairfaxmedia.com.au

The Australian Financial Review Business Summit

The Australian Financial Review Business Summit presented by BHP is a leading, annual business event that aims to reboot the economic growth agenda that underpins Australia’s opportunity-based and prosperous society.

Now in its third year, The Financial Review's top journalists join over 50 globally-focused chief executives, political leaders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and technology experts from Australia and overseas to shed the light on how and why Australian businesses should grab the growth opportunity.

The summit explores and debates the risk appetite businesses need to drive Australian prosperity. We showcase how Australian businesses are dealing with the fundamental forces and challenges reshaping the national and global economies, and probe what type of leadership is required to deal with these challenges.

Designed for business executives – both established and upcoming – the summit provides an insightful platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and action. Comprised of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and intimate in conversation sessions, the event leverages the reputation and authority of the Financial Review to deliver a unique experience that cannot be had by simply reading the publication.

The next summit will be held in March 2019. View insights from the 2018 summit here. General enquiries can be emailed here: afrsummit@fairfaxmedia.com.au.

Women of Influence program

The Australian Financial Review Women of Influence program has evolved. In 2017, we strategically reviewed the offering to reinvigorate and reimagine the program, and engage our community of 500 Women of Influence.

The prestigious 100 Women of Influence Awards will continue its tradition of celebrating the bold, energetic women who capture the spirit of progress and will celebrate the 100 finalists for 2018 on the October 17 at Sydney Town Hall.

In 2018, we will launch the Women of Influence alumni project. This will galvanise the community of influencers to tackle an issue in society and achieve tangible change.

Each project will be led by an alumni member, while members within the alumni will volunteer their time to consult on the project and help bring it to life.

Nominations for the sixth 100 Women of Influence awards for excellence will open in late May. Further information will be posted on the Women of Influence website in May 2018.

General enquiries can be emailed to: 100women@fairfaxmedia.com.au.