- published: 09 Aug 2017
- views: 64977501
The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. It has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800.
The house was designed by Irish-born James Hoban and built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia Creek sandstone in the Neoclassical style. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801, he (with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe) expanded the building outward, creating two colonnades that were meant to conceal stables and storage. However, in 1814, during the War of 1812, the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington, destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior. Reconstruction began almost immediately, and President James Monroe moved into the partially reconstructed Executive Residence in October 1817. Construction continued with the addition of the South Portico in 1824 and the North in 1829.
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
De La Tierra is a Latin American metal supergroup formed in late 2012 by Brazilian guitarist Andreas Kisser (of Sepultura), Argentine singer/guitarist Andrés Giménez (of A.N.I.M.A.L.) Argentine Bassist Sr. Flavio (of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs) and Cuban,Colombian, Mexican drummer Alex González (of Maná). Their debut self-titled album was released January 14, 2014 through Roadrunner Records.
The foundations of the group were laid down around 2005 towards the end of A.N.I.M.A.L.'s run when Andrés Giménez and Alex González began discussing the idea of forming a band together, eventually bringing in Sr. Flavio to play bass in 2011 and finalising the lineup in 2012 with the addition of Andreas Kisser on lead guitar. After self-producing their album in several different locations across South America, the group signed to Roadrunner Records and released their debut single, Maldita Historia, on September 30, 2013. The album was released on January 14, 2014.
In 2015 the band performed at the Rock in Rio - one of the largest festivals in the world, if not the greatest - on the Palco Mundo (World Stage) and delighted the public, opening up for Mastodon, Faith No More and Slipknot. The band was described as one of the best shows of the festival. The vocalist, Andrés Giménez, drew the responsibility of the public to talk about the Latin Metal, saying: "That's the De La Tierra, only Latin band of Rock in Rio festival," Giménez said - emphasizing pride by the fact.", after they played "Somos Uno," "Maldita Historia" and "Rostros" - with Kisser raising the public with solos. At one point of the concert, the Argentine went on to say: "I know a lot of people from many countries like mine came to the Rock In Rio festival and it's the world's biggest festival, people of Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, we are much Latin Americans.", the band didn't spared to show his pride for being Latin.
Jacqueline Lee "Jackie" Kennedy Onassis (née Bouvier, pronounced /ˌˈdʒækliːn ˈliː ˈbuːvieɪ/; July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and First Lady of the United States during his presidency from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Five years later, she married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis; they remained married until his death in 1975.
Jacqueline was the elder daughter of Wall Street stockbroker John Vernou Bouvier III and socialite Janet Lee Bouvier, who divorced in 1940. In 1951, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in French literature at George Washington University and went on to work for the Washington Times-Herald as an Inquiring Photographer.
In 1952, Jacqueline met Congressman John F. Kennedy at a dinner party. Shortly after, he was elected to the United States Senate and the couple married the following year. They had four children, two of whom died in infancy. As First Lady, she aided her husband's administration with her presence in social events and with her highly publicized restoration of the White House. On November 22, 1963, she was riding with her husband in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, when he was assassinated. She and her children withdrew from public view after his funeral, and she remarried in 1968 after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
Paul Edward Stamets (born July 17, 1955) is an American mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal mushrooms.
Stamets attended Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania from 1969 to 1973 and graduated from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington with a bachelor's degree in 1979.
Stamets is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (Begell House). He is an advisor to the Program for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He is active in researching mushrooms' medicinal properties, and is involved in two National Institutes of Health-funded clinical studies on cancer and HIV treatments using mushrooms as adjunct therapies. He earned nine patents on the antiviral, pesticidal, and remedial properties of mushroom mycelia. His work has been called pioneering and visionary. A strong advocate of preserving biodiversity, Stamets supports research into the role of mushrooms for ecological restoration.
周杰倫 Jay Chou【煙花易冷 Fade Away】Official MV
聖結石Saint【安儷】Official MV 4K
【ENG SUB】《歌手2017》第9期 20170318完整版: 彭佳慧梁博终极踢馆 李健优雅开唱回忆过往时光 The Singer EP.9【湖南卫视官方超清版】
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《花样姐姐II》第7期20160423: Henry志玲单独约会花样团探秘外星人 Sisters Over Flowers II EP.7【东方卫视官方超清】
Spider-Man: Homecoming
SCP-610 The Flesh that Hates (all Documents and Logs) | Object Class Keter
Jacqueline Kennedy: White House Tour - Documentary Film
T-cophony New album "Egolayten" Trailer video part2
Paul Stamets 談蘑菇拯救世界的六種方法 (中英雙字幕)
Transformers: Age of Extinction
Ghostbusters (2016)
Jailhouse Rock
DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』配信中! ▽iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1263790414?l=ja&ls;=1&app;=itunes DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』アニメーションMUSIC VIDEO 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』主題歌 このアニメーションミュージックビデオのためのオリジナルシーンをふんだんに使って構成したミュージックビデオ完成! ________________ Cygames presents DAOKO TOUR 2017-2018 “THANK YOU BLUE”のオフィシャルHP先行受付開始! 【オフィシャルHP先行】 受付期間 : 9/1(金)18:00 ~ 9/10(日)18:00 受付URL : http://eplus.jp/daoko-2017whp/ ※LIVE会場への入場順は ”①CD封入先行当選者さま”→”②Youtube特別先行当選者さま”→ ”③オフィシャルHP先行当選者さま”の順番になります。 Cygames presents DAOKO TOUR 2017-2018 “THANK YOU BLUE” 11月26日(日)大阪BIG CAT “OPEN 17:00/START 18:00” (問)清水音泉06-6357-3666 11月29日(水)名古屋ボトムライン “OPEN 18:00/START 19:00” (問)JAIL HOUSE 052-936-6041 12月02日(土)福岡DRUM Be-1 “OPEN 17:30/START 18:00” (問)キョードー西日本 092-714-0159 12月08日(金)仙台darwin “OPEN 18:30/START 19:00” (問)G...
煙花易冷 詞:方文山 曲:周杰倫 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/yan-hua-yi-leng/id536247746?i=536248196&l;=zh 方文山超越自己所有中國風創作詞的作品 華麗蒼涼 古典絕美 的人生哲思 周杰倫每張專輯必備中國風「煙花易冷」,靈感來自於方文山看了一本北魏時期的遊記鉅作「洛陽伽藍記」,裡面描述作者楊衒兩度遊洛陽城,看盡洛陽的繁華極盛、煙花榮景,再度回到洛陽時卻城郭崩毀,宮室傾覆,寺觀灰燼,令他不勝唏噓;方文山看完之後頗有感觸,「煙花易冷、人事易分」,絢爛的煙花在空中綻放後,瞬間冷卻消逝,而人與事,即便是繁華過世紀的洛陽城,也有落寞傾圮的時候;愛情亦如是,熱戀過後瞬間冷卻的戀情,即便是過了千年累世,遺憾落在心中,等待緣份落地生根;方文山幻想自己是主角楊衒,回到北魏時代,重遊舊地,「容我再等 歷史轉身 等酒香醇 等妳彈 一曲古箏」,以景寫情,藉由一冊古書描述的畫面,幻化成一首絕美好詞,「聽青春 迎來笑聲 羨煞許多人 那史冊 溫柔不肯 下筆都太狠 煙花易冷 人事易分 而妳在問 我是否還 認真」,這份認真,是對愛的執著由古至今亙古不變的;「緣份落地生根是 我們 伽藍寺聽雨聲盼 永恆」,即使煙花易冷,曾經就是擁有,瞬間即是永恆;整首歌曲,幽幽迴盪著孤寂與落寞,連周杰倫的唱腔,都帶著一絲古典的溫柔婉轉,令人耳朵一亮,成就了這首華麗蒼涼的「煙花易冷」。 【雨下一整晚 完整MV】http://youtu.be/jOxzAsnx9-0 【好久不見 完整MV】http://youtu.be/uAUBexRRFr0 【自導自演 完整MV】http://youtu.be/pbyWurQZ948 【說了再見 完整MV】http://youtu.be/KKsioz-zaZY 【跨時代 完整MV...
從去年11月籌備到現在快半年的心血結晶,來自自己的親身經歷,第一次嘗試自己寫詞的音樂作品。 👉馬上訂閱聖結石囉!►►https://goo.gl/c5v7cQ 👉更多《聖結石Saint 首張EP》! ►►https://goo.gl/FjgZ0P 我記得當時我剛退伍,經由朋友的介紹加入了直銷,想說找幾個死 黨朋友幫忙加入一下,但是大家卻面有難色,我一開始還不理解, 但幾年過後我脫離了直銷環境好一陣子了,午夜夢迴我想到這件事 情,覺得自己很可惡,怎麼能為了利益而利用友情呢?不經一事不 長一智,或許這就是長大的過程吧,不斷從犯錯中成長,因此我將 角色對調,以當時朋友的心境寫了這首歌曲,希望大家不要跟我曾 經一樣笨笨的,想利用友情得取利益。 ※必須要說,有問題的是我當時"自己"的利益取向想法,與直銷、商品本身無關。 我的音樂夥伴「羅凱」:https://www.facebook.com/muser0/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 聖結石Saint【安儷】►►https://youtu.be/r4NGGqmX_W4 聖結石Saint【真的不想嘴】►►https://youtu.be/fWuq67-VSTM 聖結石Saint【根本就不會再見面】►►https://youtu.be/LAPXqtxxstE 👉【聖結石Saint 首張同名EP】數位上架平台 iTunes :https://goo.gl/96ewp5 KKBOX: https://goo.gl/nLPY1Y Spotify :https://goo.gl/r5YXM3 myMusic: https://goo.gl/d0Fvxk...
【订阅湖南卫视官方频道 Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Channel: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 】 ▫ 本期精彩 - 双声夹击最终场 彭佳慧梁博自信闯关 ▪ 更新时间 每周六 ▶《歌手2017》播放列表 https://goo.gl/jFJNZH ▪ 《我是歌手》第一季 https://goo.gl/HHBT65 ▪ 《我是歌手》第二季 https://goo.gl/ck7Dtc ▪ 《我是歌手》第三季 http://goo.gl/T7EHTU ▪ 《我是歌手》第四季 https://goo.gl/3qVWyQ 简介: 2017年全新音乐节目《歌手》是湖南卫视推出的大型音乐竞技节目,由湖南卫视节目中心制作。节目共14期。首发歌手为林忆莲、谭晶、狮子合唱团、袁娅维、光良、迪玛希、杜丽莎等。 全新赛制,本季比拼将十分激烈,除了第一轮是两周淘汰一位以外,之后期期均有淘汰。此外,节目新增“逆战”和“挑战”新概念,挑战歌手进入前四则当场最末位淘汰,否则挑战歌手淘汰;而双周则是两周累计排名最末者淘汰,简而言之就是“场场有淘汰、惊喜伴惊吓同行”。 ■□更多精彩节目请订阅■□ 我是歌手官方频道: https://goo.gl/9K7mqF 芒果TV精选频道: https://goo.gl/EZngdd 快乐综艺联盟频道: https://goo.gl/4QsZna ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 明星大侦探Facebook粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/7lRiFb 我是歌手Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/SaNhcl 芒果小喇叭Facebook粉丝专页: https://www.facebook.com/MangoFans/ 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https:/...
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【花样姐姐II】每周六浪漫启程 欢迎订阅: http://bit.ly/SMGshows ☆ 最新鲜的华语资讯 - SMG上海电视台官方频道: http://bit.ly/ShanghaiTV ★ 最精彩的华语剧集 - 订阅SMG电视剧频道: http://bit.ly/SMGdrama 【欢迎加入SMG 中国上海东方卫视社交页面参与互动讨论】 ☆ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smgdragontv ★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMGKankanews 花样姐姐II 超清完整版: https://goo.gl/YJJFo5 【花样姐姐II】每周六浪漫启程 《花样姐姐》是东方卫视从韩国tvN电视台引进的明星旅行真人秀节目,由姐姐和挑夫展开一场前往国外的旅行。 《花样姐姐第一季》由奚美娟、徐帆、王琳、林志玲、宋茜、杨紫、马天宇、李治廷参加,于2015年3月15日起每周日晚在东方卫视首播,于2015年5月31日完结。 《花样姐姐第二季》由宋丹丹、王琳、林志玲、金晨、姜妍、李治廷、Henry、曾舜晞等人参加。 【SMG上海电视台官方频道 - 梦想的力量 你我同在】 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的-视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海¬量视频新闻搜索。我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道! 【SMG 品牌节目】 ★ 中国之星 China Star 超清完整版: ht...
Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL 👅 SUSCRÍBETE https://goo.gl/PpDqDx 👍 😜 👆 Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL 👍 DALE PULGAR HACIA ARRIBA 👍ツ Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL 🗣 DEJEN SUS COMENTARIOS 💭 Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL DOCUMENTALES, documentales 2016, documentales interesantes, top documentales, documentales nuevos, documentales español, documentales en español, documentales completos, national geographic...
Spider-Man [Tom Holland] begins to navigate his new identity as the web-slinging super hero under the watchful eye of his mentor Tony Stark.
SCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy scar tissue to form in the chest and arm areas, spreading to the legs and back within an additional hour, consuming the victim completely within five hours. Exposure to higher temperatures vastly decreases the time for the contagion to spread and complete infections have been recorded occurring in as little as five minutes. SCP-610 and all associate logs exploration documents. Read below to see and read along with me! Check out my SCP Playlists! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xFp1HRmSQ&list;=PLWbMmdyBjyTxAdPDhu-K3KbOuG-cebCvL Season 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUMD8Jlhk5k&list;=...
Jacqueline "Jackie" Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (July 28, 1929 -- May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the U.S., John F. Kennedy, and First Lady of the U.S. during his presidency from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. More: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BRNGCG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B000BRNGCG&linkCode;=as2&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkId;=4ae0b59d74cf4b82b4cf911ae40944a4 Five years later she married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis; they remained married until his death in 1975. For the final two decades of her life, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had a career as a book editor. She is remembered for her contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance, and grace. A fashion icon, her famous pink C...
In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces: Dante’s Inferno. Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Based on the Dan Brown novel.
Amazon予約受付中 http://www.amazon.co.jp/Egolayten-T-cophony/dp/B017JRNCXS/ CD BABY http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/tcophony11 Next album "Egolayten" is my first ambient music album. (not guitar album) The concept is the escape from reality. I composed this album with imagining the person who arrived at Earth-like planet. It is perfect for BGM when wandering at midnight. You can listen to the album sample in Soundcloud now. I hope you'll enjoy it. ~~~~~Information~~~~~~~ Guitar TAB http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=232&freetag;=TAB Facebook page (Fan community) https://www.facebook.com/tcophony iTunes (All albums) https://itunes.apple.com/artist/t-cophony/id272283371 Amazon.co.jp http://www.amazon.co.jp/T-cophony/e/B002E3RN3I/ Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/t-cophony Offi...
Paul Stamets 談蘑菇拯救世界的六種方法 Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world 真菌學家Paul Stamets列舉了6種菌絲體和真菌可以幫助拯救世界的方法:清除污染的土壤、製造殺蟲劑、治療天花和流感... Mycologist Paul Stamets lists 6 ways the mycelium fungus can help save the universe: cleaning polluted soil, making insecticides, treating smallpox and even flu ... Translated into Chinese (Traditional) by Joan Liu http://tinyurl.com/3w996xe Reviewed by Shelley Man Hoi Tsang http://tinyurl.com/3hp7yx5 http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_stamets_on_6_ways_mushrooms_can_save_the_world.html
隨著科技進步,人類致力於研究地球上的每一個角落,但還是有人力尚未能觸及的地方,例如深海。深海動物的長相常常超越人類的想像,這使得人類對海底的一切更感到好奇,但也因此衍生出有些人對於深海的恐懼症,這種恐懼症也被稱為「恐海症」。 恐海症是一種對海洋的強烈而持久的恐懼,其症狀與大多數特殊恐懼症相同,包括對置身於龐大水體之中的恐懼、對空蕩蕩大海的恐懼,以及對遠離大陸的恐懼。恐海症的另一常見情況是對想到或看到水體之下某一深度的生物感到恐懼,但並不是恐懼水體本身,與恐水症不同。 以下是7張拍攝到「真實海底生物」的照片,即便連鯊魚的照片都沒有經過P圖,如果你在看的過程中會感到不適的話,那你可能就有輕微的恐海症。 Music:Unknown Brain - Perseus (feat. Chris Linton) Original link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMexKKYaG8 Credits to: NoCopyrightSounds Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aE...
A female CIA agent who has been convinced that she can't do field work by her boyfriend does exactly that after her boyfriend is supposedly killed by the daughter of an enemy agent with a nuclear bomb for sale. Luckily, it turns out that she's a far better agent than her intimidated boyfriend, who it turns out isn't really dead, led her to believe.
Please support Peter Joseph's new, upcoming film project: "InterReflections" by joining the mailing list and helping: http://www.interreflectionsmovie.com LIKE Peter Joseph @ https://www.facebook.com/peterjosephofficial FOLLOW Peter Joseph @ https://twitter.com/ZeitgeistFilm * Sign up for TZM Mailing List: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/ Sign up for the Film Series Mailing List: http://zeitgeistmovie.com/ This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!] On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial...
From director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg comes the best 'Transformers' ever! With humanity facing extinction from a terrifying new threat, it's up to Optimus Prime and the Autobots to save the world. But now that our government has turned against them, they'll need a new team of allies, including inventor Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) and the fearsome Dinobots!
Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they’re here to save the world!
"Everybody, let's rock!" Rock'n'roll legend Elvis Presley makes his feature film debut in this critically-acclaimed classic. While serving time for manslaughter, young Elvis is taught how to play the guitar by his cellmate. After winning over the hardened inmates with his musical talent, he's released and struggles to become a major recording star. But conflict arises when his cellmate demands a cut of the action. Considered by many to be the best of the Presley films, it features a golden collection of Elvis standards, including "Treat Me Nice" and the Elvis-choreographed inmate dance number, "Jailhouse Rock." With Dean Jones ("Clear and Present Danger," "The Love Bug") and Mickey Shaughnessy ("From Here to Eternity").
Jon Baker (Dax Shepard) and Frank “Ponch” Poncherello (Michael Peña) have just joined the California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Los Angeles but for very different reasons. Baker is a beaten-up pro motorbiker trying to put his life and marriage back together. Poncherello is a cocky undercover Federal agent investigating a multi-million dollar heist that may be an inside job — inside the CHP. The inexperienced rookie and hardened pro are teamed together, but clash more than click, so kickstarting a partnership is easier said than done. But with Baker’s bike skills combined with Ponch’s street savvy it might just work…if they don’t drive each other crazy along the way.
Take a tour of White House in Washington, DC, United States -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. It's the most famous and important building in the United States of America. The White House is the home and office of the President and his many aides and workers. The design of this extraordinary building is Neo-classical. It has had several restorations, especially after being burned in the War of 1812. Many of the nationally and internationally important announcements are made here by the President. There are few buildings in the world as symbolically significant as the White House.
Hit LIKE if you like the video :) Want to see whats inside the White House? Lets travel inside the white house as a virtual guest. Even you can visit white house, just open google maps and search for white house and enter Street view. Blog Post: http://bit.ly/UDlcru
http://www.expedia.com/Washington.d178318.Destination-Travel-Guides Take in the many splendors of the nation’s capital when you arrive at Washington, D.C. Your Washington, D.C. tour should start at the National Mall, where you’ll find monuments, memorials, and government buildings instead of tons of shopping. If you’d like to get around town easily but don’t want to rent a car, the Capital Bikeshare program will let you cruise around the city without wasting gas or getting stuck in traffic. Check out the Watergate Hotel and Kennedy Center when you stop at Foggy Bottom, then move on to Georgetown, the oldest district in D.C. It’s filled with 18th-century buildings and, of course, the university itself. After a stop at the National Cathedral, make your way to the Smithsonian National Zoo,...
The White House - HD footage, information and facts on the White House. The White House is one of the most recognized buildings in the United States and one of the most influential buildings in the world. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. It's the most convenient way to catch our new videos! Follow the link below: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=worldsiteguides You can explore more facinating sites by visiting our channel: http://www.youtube.com/worldsiteguides Going traveling? Get our great audio guide on the White House! It comes without any cost. Visit: http://www.worldsiteguides.com/north-america/us/washington/white-house/ Never stop exploring!
The White House tourist attraction in Washington, D.C is covered in this short travel guide for tourist by Hipfig. 1). How to reach White House in Washington, D.C 2). DC Metro and Circulator bus - Public Transport information for White House in Washington, D.C, 3). Information on the White House tour and White House Visitor Center in Washington, D.C, 4). DC travel tips for visiting White House in Washington, D.C, (DC travel guide) 5). White House – top DC attraction, Free Things to do in DC & Washington DC travel video guide S U B S C R I B E: https://goo.gl/bZzVS5 Official Hipfig Travel-Channel Website: http://www.hipfig.com/ F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/HipfigTravelChannel T W I T T E R: https://twitter.com/hipfig
The United States offers uncountable sights to the visitor, from the White House and the Capitolium in Washington through the skyscrapers of New York and the buildings of Chicago to the clay buildings of Santa Fe. The west, well known from the movies, awaits the visitors with wooden forts, the endless prairie, Indian villages and pueblos. Nature offers the visitor the Niagara Falls, the amazing red rocks of the Monument Valley, while the city of gambling, Las Vegas and the capital of movie making, Los Angeles shows the visitor a different side of the United States. Come along! -------------- Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5 --------------...
Washington DC 2016. I will be visiting The White House in Washington DC, The Washington Monument, Cherry Blossom Area, and Different Presidential Memorial, All while filming everything for you guys! It was Awesome getting to witness the white house in person along with all the other goodies around the area. Unfortunately, there were no cherry blossom at my time of travel, so I will be coming back for that in the future. Enjoy the Video Guys! Leave me comments below! Link to New York City Tours Part 1: https://youtu.be/FFbwiMq5VfI Link to New York City Tours Part 2: https://youtu.be/33CWueFTF6Q FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Happyrider2011 My Son's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcgrbiw-HibyQkpb2bDYXVw My Car Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HappyRider2011 S...
Watch more How to Travel videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/402244-How-to-Get-White-House-Tour-Tickets You may never get to stay as a guest in the White House, but you may be able to check out the West Wing if you know who to call. Step 1: Determine trip dates Decide on a few dates when you will be available for White House tours during your trip to Washington, D.C. This should be done months in advance to allow enough time to schedule a tour. Step 2: Contact Congress member Contact your local Congress member to request a White House tour. Supply him or her with dates that you would like to visit the White House. Tip Visit congress.org to find your local Congress member's contact information. Step 3: Follow up Follow up with your local Congress member or a staffer a few weeks befor...
This video is from an article on how to get White House tour tickets. There is no cost to tour the White House, but you will need to apply for free tickets. Both U.S. nationals and foreign visitors can tour the White House. http://www.freetoursbyfoot.com/visit-the-white-house-tour/
President Trump Arrives Back in Washington at The White House 2 Weeks in NJ
Kicked Out of White House Tour by President Trump?! Washington DC Vlog 2017! We had a white house tour 2017 scheduled for a few days after the 2017 inauguration, but donald trump canceled all the white house tours! ❤ OPEN ME! I'm having so much fun with my Washington DC 2017 travel, but we had an issue with our plans to tour the white house! The trump white house has decided not to be open for white house tours 2017, so our white house tour 2017 was canceled! THANKS TRUMP. hahahaha in all seriousness, we're having a great time in washington dc 2017 so I hope you like this washington dc vlog. even though we got kicked out of white house tour, we still had a great day exploring washington dc! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● MY EQUIPMENT// CANON 70D http://amzn.to/2l4KzGe CAN...
December 8, 2010: Jon and his fiancée Becka, continuing their five-day trip to their nation's captial, take a tour of The White House, and The Capitol building... followed up by a desperate search for their congressman, in hopes of getting a pass to visit the Senate chamber's gallery. Washington D.C. Travel Vlogs (Playlist) -- http://bit.ly/JAVDC ~~ Jon's Adventure Vlog ~~ Whenever Jon ventures out into the world to do something exciting, he will take you along for the adventure! New episodes are posted sporadically, often in small bursts immediately following any traveling Jon does, so the schedule depends on when Jon actually goes on an adventure! Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?"...
The White House announced new rules that will restrict Americans' travel to Cuba and business with the island nation. CBS News Radio executive editor and correspondent Steve Dorsey joined CBSN to discuss the latest.
PART 2/2 of my solo travel adventures exploring Washington, D.C. with Greyhound Bus! Peep Part 1 of my adventures here: https://youtu.be/rpKZz9A7Wv8 SUBSCRIBE HERE, it's FREE! http://youtube.com/OneikaTraveller For more info about Greyhound, click here: http://www.greyhound.com For tips and tricks about female solo travel, watch this: https://youtu.be/aVMfeiMTh4E If you're digging this vid, please: Help a sista out and SUBSCRIBE here (https://www.youtube.com/user/OneikaTr...) SHARE with all the good people you know who might enjoy or be curious. *********************** If you like this video, please THUMBS UP, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE! SUBSCRIBE HERE : http://youtube.com/OneikaTraveller More Places to Find Me : YOUTUBE : http://youtube.com/OneikaTraveller BLOG : http://oneik...
The White House hosted a Travel Blogger Summit on December 9, 2014.
An invitation to the White House with a self guided tour.
A narrated tour of the White House grounds, featuring images from the 50th-Anniversary edition of "The White House: An Historic Guide." Buy "The White House: An Historic Guide" here: http://shop.whitehousehistory.org/bookstore/books-and-journals/the-white-house-an-historic-guide
Each year the White House opens up its gardens to the general public. Visitors get to tour the grounds and the vegetable garden.
http://bestflights.co.za/north-america/usa/washington-dc - Visit for more information on Washington D.C. Washington D.C. is a city filled with green parks and open space; well designed by the French architect, Pierre L'Enfant. The city is also home to many grand buildings, historic landmarks, marbled monuments and museums, such as the White House, Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument.
http://mocomi.com/ presents: White House - Fun Fact Series EP28! The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States of America. This magnificent building was designed by an Irish-American architect James Hoban, after he won the architectural design competition to find the President’s architect in 1792. The first President of the United States, President George Washington, supervised the construction of the White House, but he did not get to live there! The second President of America, John Adams, elected in 1796, was the first resident of the White House. There are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the White House to accommodate all the residents, workers and guests who live in it. There are 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, and ...
【订阅湖南卫视官方频道 Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Channel: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 】 ▫ 本期精彩 - 双声夹击最终场 彭佳慧梁博自信闯关 ▪ 更新时间 每周六 ▶《歌手2017》播放列表 https://goo.gl/jFJNZH ▪ 《我是歌手》第一季 https://goo.gl/HHBT65 ▪ 《我是歌手》第二季 https://goo.gl/ck7Dtc ▪ 《我是歌手》第三季 http://goo.gl/T7EHTU ▪ 《我是歌手》第四季 https://goo.gl/3qVWyQ 简介: 2017年全新音乐节目《歌手》是湖南卫视推出的大型音乐竞技节目,由湖南卫视节目中心制作。节目共14期。首发歌手为林忆莲、谭晶、狮子合唱团、袁娅维、光良、迪玛希、杜丽莎等。 全新赛制,本季比拼将十分激烈,除了第一轮是两周淘汰一位以外,之后期期均有淘汰。此外,节目新增“逆战”和“挑战”新概念,挑战歌手进入前四则当场最末位淘汰,否则挑战歌手淘汰;而双周则是两周累计排名最末者淘汰,简而言之就是“场场有淘汰、惊喜伴惊吓同行”。 ■□更多精彩节目请订阅■□ 我是歌手官方频道: https://goo.gl/9K7mqF 芒果TV精选频道: https://goo.gl/EZngdd 快乐综艺联盟频道: https://goo.gl/4QsZna ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 明星大侦探Facebook粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/7lRiFb 我是歌手Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/SaNhcl 芒果小喇叭Facebook粉丝专页: https://www.facebook.com/MangoFans/ 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https:/...
【花样姐姐II】每周六浪漫启程 欢迎订阅: http://bit.ly/SMGshows ☆ 最新鲜的华语资讯 - SMG上海电视台官方频道: http://bit.ly/ShanghaiTV ★ 最精彩的华语剧集 - 订阅SMG电视剧频道: http://bit.ly/SMGdrama 【欢迎加入SMG 中国上海东方卫视社交页面参与互动讨论】 ☆ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smgdragontv ★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMGKankanews 花样姐姐II 超清完整版: https://goo.gl/YJJFo5 【花样姐姐II】每周六浪漫启程 《花样姐姐》是东方卫视从韩国tvN电视台引进的明星旅行真人秀节目,由姐姐和挑夫展开一场前往国外的旅行。 《花样姐姐第一季》由奚美娟、徐帆、王琳、林志玲、宋茜、杨紫、马天宇、李治廷参加,于2015年3月15日起每周日晚在东方卫视首播,于2015年5月31日完结。 《花样姐姐第二季》由宋丹丹、王琳、林志玲、金晨、姜妍、李治廷、Henry、曾舜晞等人参加。 【SMG上海电视台官方频道 - 梦想的力量 你我同在】 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的-视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海¬量视频新闻搜索。我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道! 【SMG 品牌节目】 ★ 中国之星 China Star 超清完整版: ht...
Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL 👅 SUSCRÍBETE https://goo.gl/PpDqDx 👍 😜 👆 Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL 👍 DALE PULGAR HACIA ARRIBA 👍ツ Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL 🗣 DEJEN SUS COMENTARIOS 💭 Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL Viajando Al Centro De La Tierra! - DOCUMENTAL,VIDEO,2017,DOCUMENTALES DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DOCUMENTAL DOCUMENTALES, documentales 2016, documentales interesantes, top documentales, documentales nuevos, documentales español, documentales en español, documentales completos, national geographic...
Spider-Man [Tom Holland] begins to navigate his new identity as the web-slinging super hero under the watchful eye of his mentor Tony Stark.
SCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy scar tissue to form in the chest and arm areas, spreading to the legs and back within an additional hour, consuming the victim completely within five hours. Exposure to higher temperatures vastly decreases the time for the contagion to spread and complete infections have been recorded occurring in as little as five minutes. SCP-610 and all associate logs exploration documents. Read below to see and read along with me! Check out my SCP Playlists! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xFp1HRmSQ&list;=PLWbMmdyBjyTxAdPDhu-K3KbOuG-cebCvL Season 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUMD8Jlhk5k&list;=...
Jacqueline "Jackie" Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (July 28, 1929 -- May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the U.S., John F. Kennedy, and First Lady of the U.S. during his presidency from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. More: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BRNGCG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B000BRNGCG&linkCode;=as2&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkId;=4ae0b59d74cf4b82b4cf911ae40944a4 Five years later she married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis; they remained married until his death in 1975. For the final two decades of her life, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had a career as a book editor. She is remembered for her contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance, and grace. A fashion icon, her famous pink C...
In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces: Dante’s Inferno. Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Based on the Dan Brown novel.
A female CIA agent who has been convinced that she can't do field work by her boyfriend does exactly that after her boyfriend is supposedly killed by the daughter of an enemy agent with a nuclear bomb for sale. Luckily, it turns out that she's a far better agent than her intimidated boyfriend, who it turns out isn't really dead, led her to believe.
Please support Peter Joseph's new, upcoming film project: "InterReflections" by joining the mailing list and helping: http://www.interreflectionsmovie.com LIKE Peter Joseph @ https://www.facebook.com/peterjosephofficial FOLLOW Peter Joseph @ https://twitter.com/ZeitgeistFilm * Sign up for TZM Mailing List: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/ Sign up for the Film Series Mailing List: http://zeitgeistmovie.com/ This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!] On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial...
From director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg comes the best 'Transformers' ever! With humanity facing extinction from a terrifying new threat, it's up to Optimus Prime and the Autobots to save the world. But now that our government has turned against them, they'll need a new team of allies, including inventor Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) and the fearsome Dinobots!
Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they’re here to save the world!
"Everybody, let's rock!" Rock'n'roll legend Elvis Presley makes his feature film debut in this critically-acclaimed classic. While serving time for manslaughter, young Elvis is taught how to play the guitar by his cellmate. After winning over the hardened inmates with his musical talent, he's released and struggles to become a major recording star. But conflict arises when his cellmate demands a cut of the action. Considered by many to be the best of the Presley films, it features a golden collection of Elvis standards, including "Treat Me Nice" and the Elvis-choreographed inmate dance number, "Jailhouse Rock." With Dean Jones ("Clear and Present Danger," "The Love Bug") and Mickey Shaughnessy ("From Here to Eternity").
Jon Baker (Dax Shepard) and Frank “Ponch” Poncherello (Michael Peña) have just joined the California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Los Angeles but for very different reasons. Baker is a beaten-up pro motorbiker trying to put his life and marriage back together. Poncherello is a cocky undercover Federal agent investigating a multi-million dollar heist that may be an inside job — inside the CHP. The inexperienced rookie and hardened pro are teamed together, but clash more than click, so kickstarting a partnership is easier said than done. But with Baker’s bike skills combined with Ponch’s street savvy it might just work…if they don’t drive each other crazy along the way.
3134 most frequent english words with sound (american pronunciation), randomly presented. Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or spoken english text. • TRANSLATIONS AS SUBTITLES Enable the captions clicking the CC button and then choose a language from the settings menu! If you want a translation for a not available language just ask for it! • ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Word list (sorted alphabetically): http://pastebin.com/LRZvgcf8 Word list (sorted as in the video): http://pastebin.com/AfHNeBVf British pronunciation version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQzinFwvtv4 == ES == 3134 palabras comunes en inglés con su respectiva pronunciación, presentadas aleatoriamente. Conocer estos términos permite comprender al menos el 85% de c...
3143 most frequent english words with british sound, randomly presented. Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or spoken english text. American english version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrGBjXPkYF4 The list of words is available here: http://pastebin.com/AUz67vRQ (same order as in the video). *** NEW *** 2015-12-03 - Translations available as subtitles in 35+ languages! Enable the captions using the CC button and then choose your language in the settings menu. Do you need a language not listed here? Just leave a comment and I will create it! == ES == 3143 palabras comunes en inglés con su respectiva pronunciación con acento británico, presentadas aleatoriamente. Conocer estos términos permite comprender al menos el 85% de cu...
Academy Award winner Denzel Washington stars in this "riveting and powerful nail-biting thriller" from Robert Zemeckis, the Academy Award-winning director of Forrest Gump and Cast Away. Airline pilot Whip Whitaker (Washington) miraculously lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe but questions arise as to who or what was really at fault. * Pete Hammond, Deadline Hollywood
Zeitgeist: Addendum, 2008, was born out of public interest in possible solutions to the cultural issues presented in Peter Joseph's first work, Zeitgeist: The Movie. Building upon the topics of social distortion and corruption, Addendum moves to also present possible solutions. Featured in the work is former "Economic Hit-man" and New York Times bestselling author, John Perkins, along with The Venus Project, an organization for social redesign created by Social Engineer and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco. More information on the zeitgeist movies can be found here: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com http://www.thevenusproject.com Embedding & sharing is highly encouraged. Note: This LTI Repository location contains only "official", fully proofread vers...
In Ron Howard's thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Illuminati. With the Cardinals' lives on the line, and the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon embarks on a nonstop, action-packed race through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on Earth! 2009 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This documentary talks about the beginnings, development and decline of so-called Spaghetti-Western, with capsules, interviews and opinions of people understood the medium. A nostalgic look at those movies that are still in the taste of many. (use CC botton for subtittles availables) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0 Este documental habla sobre los inicios, desarrollo y declive del llamado Spaguetti-Western; con capsulas, entrevistas y opiniones de gente entendida del medio. Una nostalgica mirada a esas peliculas que aun siguen en el gusto de muchos.
The Fog of War is a 20th century fable, a story of an American dreamer who rose from humble origins to the heights of political power. Robert S. McNamara was both witness to and participant in many of the crucial events of the 20th century: the crippling Depression of the 1930s; the industrialization of the war years; the development of a different kind of warfare based on air power and the creation of a new American meritocracy. He was also an idealist who saw his dreams and ideals challenged by the role he played in history. 2003 Sony Pictures Classics Inc. All Rights Reserved.