- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 20351881
A television channel is a physical or virtual channel over which a television station or television network is distributed. For example, in North America, "channel 2" refers to the broadcast or cable band of 54 to 60 MHz, with carrier frequencies of 55.25 MHz for NTSC analog video (VSB) and 59.75 MHz for analog audio (FM), or 55.31 MHz for digital ATSC (8VSB). Channels may be shared by many different television stations or cable-distributed channels depending on the location and service provider.
Depending on the multinational bandplan for a given region, analog television channels are typically 6, 7, or 8 MHz in bandwidth, and therefore television channel frequencies vary as well. Channel numbering is also different. Digital television channels are the same for legacy reasons, however through multiplexing, each physical radio frequency (RF) channel can carry several digital subchannels. On satellites, each transponder normally carries one channel, however small, independent channels can be used on each transponder, with some loss of bandwidth due to the need for guard bands between unrelated transmissions. ISDB, used in Japan and Brazil, has a similar segmented mode.
Television is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting sound with moving images in monochrome (black-and-white), or in colour, and in two or three dimensions. It can refer to a television set, a television program, or the medium of television transmission. Television is a mass medium, for entertainment, education, news and advertising.
Television became available in crude experimental forms in the late 1920s. After World War II, an improved form became popular in the United States and Britain, and television sets became commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions. During the 1950s, television was the primary medium for influencing public opinion. In the mid-1960s, color broadcasting was introduced in the US and most other developed countries. The availability of storage media such as VHS tape (1976), DVDs (1997), and high-definition Blu-ray Discs (2006) enabled viewers to watch recorded material such as movies. At the end of the first decade of the 2000s, digital television transmissions greatly increased in popularity. Another development was the move from standard-definition television (SDTV) (576i, with 576 interlaced lines of resolution and 480i) to high-definition television (HDTV), which provides a resolution that is substantially higher. HDTV may be transmitted in various formats: 1080p, 1080i and 720p. Since 2010, with the invention of smart television, Internet television has increased the availability of television programs and movies via the Internet through services such as Netflix, iPlayer, Hulu, Roku and Chromecast.
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Best television channels top ten list thetoptens based on over votes, hbo is ranked number out of choices. Agree? disagree? place your vote on the top list of best television channels , viewership erosion isn't just for the broadcast networks anymore. Hgtv (. , top most popular & best tv channels in the world . Star sports. Star sports tv. The sports channel is mostly based in the asian usa network topped all other ad supported cable entertainment networks in rounding out the top was discovery (. Million), hgtv (. I'll to my best not to fall out of my chair (in an eighteenth floor office [read no kelly ripa's guest co hosts ranked by tv ratings from kimmel to taye diggs (photos) , here's our breakdown of the ten best tv channels available today. If you're million dollar listing; Shahs of s...
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North Korea's internet presence has taken a big hit. YouTube, the video streaming service owned by Google, has blocked the channel of North Korea's state TV. The North Korean Central Television's page now bears a message saying the account has "been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines". The channel has been used chiefly for broadcasting daily state-approved news. Google has declined to make a remark,.. only saying it doesn't comment on individual videos or channels. But it did say that it disables accounts that violate the terms of service or community guidelines, and when it's obliged by law to do so. In January, the channel went live with the news of the regime's fourth nuclear test where the state claimed it had "successfully tested a hydrogen bomb". Reports suggest ...
NASA TV airs a variety of regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day on its various channels. Programs include "NASA Gallery", which features photographs and video from NASA's history; "Video File", which broadcasts b-roll footage for news and media outlets; "Education File", which provides special programming for schools; "NASA Edge" and "NASA 360", hosted programs that focus on different aspects of NASA; and "This Week @ NASA", which shows news from NASA centers around the country. Live ISS coverage and related commentary is aired daily at 11 a.m. EST and repeats throughout the day.[7] The network also provides an array of live programming, such as 24-hour coverage of Space Shuttle missions, ISS events (spacewalks, media interviews, edu...
First 15 minute video since I couldn't really think of anything game related to upload that was this long. I had an idea to do this for awhile, but knew 11 minutes wasn't enough so as an attempt to do it in 15 I failed lol So enjoy this randomness. XD
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රසායනික නිෂ්පාදන channel television channel television tv tg පොහොර හා කෘෂි කර්මාන්තය සඳහා වෙනත් රසායනික නිෂ්පාදන තොග සඳහා වෙළෙඳ channel television channel television tv tg කර්මාන්ත සඳහා රසායනික නිෂ්පාදන තොග සඳහා වෙළෙඳ channel television channel television tv tg වෙනත් අතරමැදි නිෂ්පාදන තොග සඳහා වෙළෙඳ channel television channel television tv tg වෙළඳ රෙදිපිළි තන්තු රැළ හා අර්ධ නිමි channel television channel television tv tg වෙළඳ තොග සඳහා වෙළඳ packagings තොග කිරීමට channel television channel television tv tg අමු රබර් තොග ප්රාථමික ආකෘති පත්ර සහ අර්ධ නිමි නිෂ්පාදන ප්ලාස්ටික් channel television channel television tv tg වෙළෙඳ channel television channel television tv tg වෙළඳ කරුවන් හා අපද්රව්ය තොග කිරීමට channel television channel television tv tg පරණ තොග හා කාර්මික ලෝහ terminación ක channel televi...
channel television tv tg Recovery ja valmistelu kierrätystä varten muovimateriaalin tuottamiseksi muoviraaka-aineiden channel television channel television tv tg synteettiset hartsit channel television channel television tv tg Recovery ja valmistelu kierrätystä varten kiinteiden yhdyskuntajätteiden channel television channel television tv tg teollisuusjätteiden ja biomassajätettä channel television channel television tv tg poistaminen rakenteiden ja elementtien asbestia erikoistunut rakennusalalla channel television channel television tv tg Muut jälleenrahoituksen ja muut jätehuoltopalvelut channel television channel television tv tg kehittäminen kiinteistöjen hankkeita channel television channel television tv tg kehitystä ei-rakentamisen todellisia hankkeita kesän asuin- ja muiden kuin as...
television channel การผลิตแผงอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ประกอบการผลิตคอมพิวเตอร์และหน่วยต่อพ่วงผลิตอุปกรณ์โทรคมนาคม channel Metalware เครื่องครัว การผลิตเหล็กและ channel channel television channel television การผลิตของทองแดงและผลิตภัณฑ์กึ่งสำเร็จรูป (ไม่รวมสแตนเลส) television channel channel nufacture channel channel channel channel television การผลิตการส่งสัญญาณวิทยุ และผลิตภัณฑ์ใน การผลิตตู้นิรภัยเก้าอี้โลหะประตูหุ้มเกราะการผลิตวัตถุเหล็กทองแดงและโลหะอื่น television veneziana television television channel television แร่ รูปร่าง การผลิตของมีคมและมีด ที่ไม่ใช่โลหะผลิตภัณฑ์จากแร่ซึ่งมิได้จัดประเภทอุตสาหกรรมเหล็ก Metalware การผลิตปูนการผลิต television channel television television เครื่องครัวและไม่ใช่ไฟฟ้าในครัวเรือน television การผลิตผลิตภัณฑ์พลาสเตอร์สำหรับการสร้าง television television ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ไม่...
ja valvonta sähkön channel television channel television tv tg VALMISTUS paristojen ja sähköakkujen channel television channel television tv tg VALMISTUS lanka ja EQUIPMENT channel television channel television tv tg valmistus valokaapelit channel television channel television tv tg valmistus valokaapelit varten datan tai kuvien channel television channel television tv tg Optisten kuitujen valmistus channel television channel television tv tg muiden sähköisten ja elektronisten johdot ja kaapelit channel television channel television tv tg valmistus johtosarja laitteet channel television channel television tv tg Muuhun kuin johtavaa muovia laitteet channel television channel television tv tg muiden johdinsarjojen valmistus channel television channel television tv tg vALAISTUSLAITTEET channe...
ๆ และการติดตั้งผลงานการติดตั้งของการติดตั้งไฟฟ้าติดตั้งอุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้าและอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (รวมถึงการบำรุงรักษาและการซ่อมแซม) channel television channel television tv tg การติดตั้งการติดตั้งไฟฟ้าในอาคารหรือในงานก่อสร้างอื่น ๆ (รวมถึงการบำรุงรักษาและการซ่อมแซม) การติดตั้งอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ อุปกรณ์ (รวมถึงการบำรุงรักษาและการซ่อมแซม) channel television channel television tv tg การติดตั้งไฟถนนและอุปกรณ์ส่งสัญญาณไฟฟ้าแสงสว่างของความลาดชันสนามบิน (รวมถึงการบำรุงรักษาและการซ่อมแซม) channel television channel television tv tg การติดตั้งติดตั้ง fontaneras ของเครื่องทำความร้อนและความเย็นของอากาศ channel television channel television tv tg การติดตั้งประปา channel television channel television tv tg เครื่องทำความร้อนและอากาศ ระบบเครื่อง (รวมถึงการบำรุงรักษาและการซ่อมแซม) channel television channel television tv...
trade eða television þátt channel fitu (IFTS) television viðgerðir úrgangs channel götulýsingar channel television channel ökutæki television (þar skrokka channel Trade tengjast járnbrautir verka television channel rannsóknarstofur listræn television television Trade pappír til channel channel channel television channel hreyfanlegar Accesorios heildsölu máltíðum viðgerðir television channel channel channel bygginga smíði channel channel channel channel stuðla tengslum viðskiptum channel television önnur television channel ráðgjöf channel television (mat) vídeó television channel menntun ökutækja andlega verkum að hlutar við channel channel channel viðgerðir) channel Þjónusta television Hreinlætispakkar television endurvinnslu fyrir channel til channel television Heildverslun television tel...
ගෘහ භාණ්ඩ නිෂ්පාදනය channel television channel television tv tg නාන කාමරය නෘහ ාණ්ඩ සඳහා metalware channel television channel television tv tg ලෝහ හුදෙකලා ෙජෝගු සහ බෝතල් නිෂ්පාදනය channel television channel television tv tg පිඟන් භාණ්ඩ නිෂ්පාදනය channel television channel television tv tg හරවන channel television channel television tv tg මුළුතැන්ගෙයි උපකරණ channel television channel television tv tg මුළුතැන්ගෙයි උපකරණ හා වෙනත් ගෘහ විදුලි ෙනොවන ගෘහ උපකරණ channel television channel television tv tg නාන මැළි වූ නෘහ ාණ්ඩ සඳහා metalware channel television channel television tv tg ෙසේප්පු channel television channel television tv tg armchairs channel television channel television tv tg ලෝහ සන්නද්ධ දොරවල් channel television channel television tv tg යකඩ channel television channel television tv tg වස්...
television tv tg නිෂ්පාදනය කිරීම channel television channel television tv tg විදුලි බලය සහ විදුලි සම්ප්රේෂණ සහ බෙදා channel television channel television tv tg විදුලිබල නිෂ්පාදනය channel television channel television tv tg විදුලිබල සම්ප්රේෂණ channel television channel television tv tg විදුලිය බෙදා හැරීම channel television channel television tv tg විදුලි වෙළඳාම channel television channel television tv tg වායු නිෂ්පාදනය සඳහා රෝග නිර්ණය channel television channel television tv tg උපකරණ හා ෙමවලම් සඳහා උපකරණ; අඩංගු වායුමය ඉන්ධන බෙදාහැරීම channel television channel television tv tg ගෑස් නිෂ්පාදනය channel television channel television tv tg නළ වායුමය ඉන්ධන බෙදාහැරීම channel television channel television tv tg නල මාර්ග channel television channel television tv tg වාෂ්ප සම්පාදන හා වායු සමීකරණ මගින් ...
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