Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. Duela 13 ordu
  3. Duela 26 minutu

    The guy is very humble in real life as well. His opponent 's Murtaza Javed Abbasi is playing religion card against him and asking people not to vote for him and calling him an Ahmadi.

  4. Duela 41 minutu

    RT workers thrashed this poor guy on his denial to vote for .

  5. Duela 52 minutu

    This Chairman corner meeting in Lahore, Capital Of Punjab (Not Sindh ) at 11:30pm On 19-07-2018 at KAHNANou. Any IK or Sharif,s election meeting of this size in Lahore, Plz Share

  6. Duela 1 ordu

    The person supporting Ijaz-ul-Haq belongs to PPP- Shaheed Bhutto group of Ghinwa Bhutto. can go to any level in love with these days.

  7. Duela 2 ordu

    International Recognition 🐅🐅🐅 Turkish President Erdogan Writes Letter to Shehbaz Sharif Ahead of GE in Pakistan. Acknowledging the Role of SS fir Strengthening Pak-Turk Relations & Wishing PMLN Best for 25th July Contest.

  8. Duela 2 ordu

    This is criminal..Economic Disaster!! Current Account deficit $18bn.. Only government is to be blamed..They messed up big time n incoming govt will have serious trouble in fixing it. Sadly elections n politics is not on these huge problems that face.

  9. Duela 4 ordu

    None of the opposing parties have complained or criticised government on load shedding unlike government from 2008 to 2013 ,meaning there by what we CMShehbaz & promised they delivered

  10. Duela 18 ordu
  11. Duela 18 ordu

    says on I will be biggest hypocrite if gone to form govt with & in federal, rather will take IND.

  12. Duela 22 ordu
  13. Duela 22 ordu

    father of Youthiyas.. the great Imran Chutiya.. as he himself said on page 238 of RK book "Reham, mein bohat bara chutiya hoon" 2/2

  14. uzt. 18
    erabiltzaileri erantzuten erabiltzaileari eta erabiltzaileri erantzuten
  15. uzt. 17

    The same crowd that's loving the anecdotal evidence now was in stitches back in 2013 when Imran Khan was also citing anecdotal evidence for widespread rigging favouring

  16. uzt. 16
  17. uzt. 16

    never ever had ability to charge criminals They were always hiding and giving aid to criminals

  18. uzt. 15

    Me n koi politics baat ni ki r na & ki supporter😋 Will this society accept Me ?

  19. uzt. 13

    super highway - smooth. No didn’t construct it, wasn’t possible for them. ? LOL, no. It was

  20. uzt. 13

    Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Rally. Passing by governor house mall road.

    Erakutsi haria
  21. uzt. 12

    my lil one all for dada jan❤️. Thats the elevated spirits we are all in. Love you

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