Jetpack by


Hassle-free design, marketing, and security — all in one place.

Design Services

Create and customize your WordPress site from start to finish. Jetpack helps you with:

  • Hundreds of professional themes for any kind of site
  • Intuitive and powerful customization tools
  • Unlimited and high-speed image and video content delivery network
  • Lazy image loading for a faster mobile experience
  • Integration with the official WordPress mobile apps

Marketing Services

Measure, promote, and earn moment from your site. Jetpack helps you with:

  • Site stats and analytics
  • Automated social media posting and scheduling in advance
  • Elasticsearch-powered related content and site search
  • SEO tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and
  • Advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo
  • Simple PayPal payment buttons

Security Services

Stop worrying about data loss, downtime, and hacking. Jetpack helps you with:

  • Brute force attack protection, spam filtering, and downtime monitoring
  • Daily or real-time backups of your entire site
  • Secure logins with optional two-factor authentication
  • Malware scanning, code scanning, and automated threat resolution
  • Fast, priority support from WordPress experts

Expert Support

We have a global team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.

Paid Services

Compare our simple and affordable plans or take a product tour to learn more.

Get Started

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.


  • Dashboard: Bird’s eye view of your site stats, status, and health.
  • Safety: Protect your site and data with powerful security services.
  • Engagement: Social sharing, likes, and related posts.
  • Analytics: Actionable site stats and traffic insights.
  • Traffic: SEO Tools for Google, Twitter, Facebook and more.


Automated Installation

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.

Manual Alternatives

Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.


Installation Instructions

Automated Installation

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.

Manual Alternatives

Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.

Is Jetpack free?

Yes! Jetpack’s core features are and always will be free.

These include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, and many more.

Should I purchase a paid plan?

Jetpack’s paid services include real-time backups, security scanning, premium themes, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, SEO tools, search, priority support, and more.

To learn more about the essential security and WordPress services we provide, vist our plan comparison page.

Why do I need a account?

Since Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by, a account is required for Jetpack to function.

I already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn’t working. What’s going on?

A account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into, then you already have a account. If you can’t, you can easily create one during installation.

How do I view my stats?

Once you’ve installed Jetpack your stats will be available on, on the official WordPress mobile apps, and on your Jetpack dashboard.

How do I contribute to Jetpack?

There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.


I love JetPack

I would like to thank the automattic team for this useful, extraordinary plugin.

If it didn’t wreck my site!!!

Been dealing with this off and on for over a year. JP will auto update, fail and lock the whole site up. Just happened again with the new release and now it wont even connect back to Not worth the pain and endless times of being off line

Read all 1,483 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Jetpack by” has been translated into 34 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Jetpack by” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Release date: March 6, 2018
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • WooCommerce Analytics: Added a new module for WooCommerce analytics that will use Jetpack’s analytics functionality to help you track activity on your WooCommerce store.
  • Custom Content Types: Added support for excerpts on Testimonial and Portfolio.


  • Activity Log: Improved the way we show failed login attempts in Jetpack’s Activity Log.
  • Admin Page: We now hide settings for Lazy Images and Photon in the Admin page when the modules are not enabled due to being filtered out by jetpack_get_available_modules.
  • Admin Page: Now we only show the dismissal button in Apps card of the Jetpack Dashboard for admin users.
  • Build: Added a pre-commit hook for linting the Jetpack Admin Page source code. This aids in finding common syntax and style problems before having to wait for automated tests to run.
  • JSON API: We removed an obsolete endpoint for updating invites.
  • Onboarding: Added the ability to configure the country for a business address the using the Onboarding functionality of Jetpack.
  • Onboarding: Added the ability to enable the stats module when using the Onboarding functionality.
  • Onboarding: We now delete the onboarding token when the site gets connected.
  • Jetpack Start: Updated scripts for partners allowing to pass a tracking ID when provisioning or cancelling a plan which will help in debugging.
  • Jetpack Start: Improved the documentation for partners so they’re now able to get them right on the Jetpack’s Github repository under the docs/partners directory.
  • Plans: Correctly forward the client IP address for currency localization.
  • Plans: Updated the copy-text on Jetpack’s Admin page for plans to be more concise on the features of each plan.
  • REST API: Added a plans endpoint to Jetpack’s REST API to better handle the features of each Jetpack plan internally.
  • Search Implicitly activate Jetpack Search when attempting to add the Jetpack Search widget.
  • Search: Updated the Jetpack Search settings card to be more helpful in setting up the widget.
  • Search: We made the “Add Jetpack Search Widget” link in the Search module settings card open the widgets section of the customizer.
  • Search: Move any active search widgets to the inactive list if you disable the search module.
  • Search: Only log mysql and ES query times that are less than 60 seconds. There are some outliers that mess up our stats.
  • Sync: Improved the way widget titles are synchronized to servers when widgets are saved or updated.
  • Twitter Cards: Added new jetpack_twitter_image_default filter to allow themes and plugins to customize twitter:image when no suitable image is found automatically.
  • We updated the way we handle Jetpack’s green color in out stylesheets for better compatibility with Jetpack’s new logo.

Improved compatibility

  • Admin Page: Jetpack’s Admin Page javascript code is now fully compatible with React 16.
  • JSON API: Updated the modules endpoint Jetpack’s JSON API to reply with a new property override that indicates if a module was either enabled or disabled by a filter.
  • Lazy Images: Updated the library used as IntersectionObserver for Lazy Images. We now use the W3C IntersectionObserver polyfill.
  • Lazy Images: Jetpack now allows the lazy images module to skip images with the skip-lazy css class or any given class of your choice by using the jetpack_lazy_images_blacklisted_classes filter.
  • Masterbar: Updated the sign out button behaviour of the Masterbar to not sign you out of when you sign out of your site for regular Jetpack sites.
  • REST API: Updated the modules endpoint in Jetpack’s REST API to be aware of modules that have been filtered through option_jetpack_active_modules allowing for better compatibility with custom Jetpack installation where the administrator decides to filter out specific Jetpack modules.
  • Sync: Added the jetpack_sync_action_before_enqueue action that’s done when anything gets enqueued before being synchronized to servers.

Bug fixes

  • Admin Page: Removed all linting warnings for the JS code of the Admin page. These were only shown in development builds.
  • Connect: Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in a notice being shown about another user already having connected a Jetpack site when attempting to connect your site to
  • General: Added suppress_filters param to get_posts / get_children function calls.
  • Markdown: Updated WordAds code to not use create_function which is getting deprecated in PHP 7.2.
  • Sync: Fixed a problem in Jetpack Sync code when trying to get property of non-object in the post syncing file.
  • Sync: Stopped synchronizing the sitemap post types to servers as it was an issue given the size of these.
  • Tracks events: Track events are logged now only if the user has accepted ToS and not just if Jetpack is connected.
  • Widget Visibility: Added a decodeEntities function in widget-conditions.js to handle entity decoding for the minor conditions dropdown.
  • WordAds: Updated WordAds code to not use create_function which is getting deprecated in PHP 7.2.


  • Release date: February 6, 2018
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • Lazy Images: after a Beta period, you can now enable this new feature from Jetpack > Settings in your dashboard.
  • Elasticsearch-powered search: also out of Beta! We’ve improved the way data is indexed behind the scenes, and made changes to the Search widget and its filters. (Elasticsearch is a trademark of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.)


  • Comment moderation tools: moderation emails now point to when using the edit_links_calypso_redirect option.
  • Custom CSS: add CSS Grid Layout support.
  • Dashboard: update list of features available in Paid plans.
  • Dashboard: improve the display of notices inside the Jetpack dashboard.
  • Dashboard: update content displayed in the Jetpack dashboard when not connected to
  • Development mode: improve the display of the development notice.
  • General: add a new filter, jetpack_active_modules, allowing site owners to filter the list of active modules.
  • Notices: add rel tags to notice links to avoid issues when links open in a new window.
  • Onboarding: add functionality for saving Business Address in the Contact Info widget.
  • Onboarding: save site type during site setup process.
  • Onboarding: enable loading of specific modules when using the Onboarding process.
  • Post Images: allow passing size when searching for images in HTML.
  • REST API: update the plugin installation process to use a new library.
  • REST API: allow changing the number of posts displayed in the RSS feed, and whether feeds display full text or a summary.
  • REST API: simplify our invites endpoint.
  • Sharing: make sure the Whatsapp button works on mobile and on desktop.
  • Sharing: add new filter, wp_sharing_email_send_post_subject, to allow modifying the email sharing subject line.
  • Shortcodes: update the GettyImages shortcode to use the new format required by GettyImages.
  • Site Settings: add support for site language and timezone settings.
  • Sync: improve synchronization of user actions, theme and plugin edits / updates, post status, updates on Multisite networks, Protect events, and WooCommerce’s meta data.
  • WordAds: enable the Ads in the header by default.
  • WordAds: add filters so site owners can control the display of the ads via code as well.

Improved compatibility

  • Lazy Images: fix issues with the Gazette theme.
  • Open Graph: add Open Graph Metabox to the list of conflicting plugins.
  • Masterbar: fix incompatibility with BeaverBuilder plugin.
  • PHP 7.2: fix issues when running Jetpack with PHP 7.2.

Bug fixes

  • Carousel: fix PHP Notice with images using custom meta.
  • Dashboard: make sure all links to point to the right site’s settings on
  • Dashboard: update links to the plugin interface on to load the full plugin management page.
  • General: fix images shown in the dashboard when Jetpack is installed in a directory different than jetpack.
  • Lazy Images: make sure Lazy Load can be triggered even when images are added to the content very late.
  • Stats: make sure the Stats script is XHTML compliant.
  • Widgets: Mailchimp – avoid conflicts with jQuery UI.


  • Release date: January 16, 2018
  • Release post:

Bug Fixes

  • Protect: Fixed the math problem fallback for logging into Multisite installations.
  • Settings: Made sure that the Security tab is no longer constantly updating the displayed information.


  • Release date: January 2, 2018
  • Release post:


  • Added ability to create revisions of Portfolio Projects.
  • Users hosting their sites with our Pressable partner who have Rewind access can now jump from the new Activity card in the Jetpack dashboard to the Activity Log in and restore or download backups for the site.
  • Comments: Edit links for comments in the frontend can redirect to calypso if the Jetpack option edit_links_calypso_redirect is enabled.
  • Protect: Updated the styling of the Protect page for recovering access to your site when you’re locked out of it.
  • Search: Improved the UI for customizing the Search widget.

Improved compatibility

  • Comments: Updated our filtering behavior for Jetpack comments so other plugins appending html to the comments section are able to do it instead of being filtered out by Jetpack.
  • Widgets: We updated Goodreads URLs to support https schema.
  • Masterbar: We now hide the Masterbar settings card in Jetpack’s Admin Page for sites that are set to always show the Masterbar.
  • Lazy Images: Added a callback for processing image attributes array when attempting to lazy load images are loaded via wp_get_attachment_image.
  • Search: Added hooks to the search filters widget so that other plugins/themes can hook in and change its output.

Bug fixes

  • REST API: Added a check for avoiding a fatal error when attempting to include Akismet class files in case the Akismet plugin files are present but the permissions on the files there are set to be not readable
  • Markdown: Fixed bug where code inside shortcodes wasn’t correctly restored from the hash.
  • Search: Fixed the link that acts as a month and year filter removal toggle.


  • Release date: December 14, 2017
  • Release post:

  • Contact Forms: Hardened security in Contact Form processing.

  • Sharing: Bumped the character limit to 280 when sharing a post to Twitter.
  • Widget Visibility: Fixed a bug that disabled “saving” the widget when removing a Widget Visibility rule.


  • Release date: December 5, 2017
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements
* Google Analytics: Add support for universal analytics for WooCommerce.
* Performance: minify all JavaScript files used in the plugin.
* Performance: add new Lazy Images module.
* Protect: add new mechanism allowing you to send yourself an email with a link to the form when you are locked out of your site.

* Custom CSS: add new set of font properties that can be used in the CSS editor.
* Photon: do not remove width and height attributes from image tags when known.
* Sitemaps: add CLI commands to purge and built the sitemaps.
* Sitemaps: only display the reporter log success messages if JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG is defined.
* API: add new endpoints to allow for better comment management in third party interfaces like
* Toolbar: prevent dns prefetching for logged out users.

Improved compatibility
* Stats: remove function deprecated in PHP 7.2.

Bug fixes
* Comment Likes: make sure Like text is properly translated.
* General: only load stats code when necessary.
* Related Posts: allow site owners to exclude multiple blog posts from the list of Related Posts.
* Sharing: remove inline JavaScript used in the email sharing form.
* Search: Maintain ordering of the search filters in the widget.
* Sync: avoid PHP notices during the synchronization process.
* Toolbar: avoid broken link when using the sign out button.


  • Release date: November 21, 2017
  • Release post:

Bug fixes

  • In Jetpack 5.5 we made some changes that created errors if you were using other plugins that added custom links to the Plugins menu. This is now fixed.
  • We have fixed a problem that did not allow to upload plugins using API requests.
  • Open Graph links in post headers are no longer invalid in some special cases.
  • We fixed warnings happening when syncing users with
  • We updated the way the Google+ button is loaded to match changes made by Google, to ensure the button is always displayed properly.
  • We fixed conflicts between Jetpack’s Responsive Videos and the updates made to Video players in WordPress 4.9.
  • We updated Publicize’s message length to match Twitter’s new 280 character limit.


  • Release date: November 7, 2017
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • Jetpack is now fully compatible with WordPress’s new Gallery Widget. Your old Gallery widgets powered by Jetpack will switch to the new Widget when you update to WordPress 4.9.


  • We have improved the performance when loading the Jetpack Settings in the dashboard by optimizing the number of calls made when loading the page.
  • We have updated the plugin to do a better job of cleaning up after itself whenever you decide to remove Jetpack from your site.
  • We made some changes to reduce the number of connection issues that may happen on a site when switching from HTTP to HTTPs.
  • We made some performance improvements to the Jetpack dashboard interface, to make sure your options and settings are loaded faster there.
  • Error messages are also better in the Jetpack Dashboard; whenever you can’t update settings, Jetpack will provide you with more information about why.
  • We improved the Jetpack update process to make sure updating Jetpack does not stress your database during it, even on high-traffic sites.
  • The next version of WordPress, 4.9, will be released very soon and will include a lot of changes to its code editors. Jetpack’s Custom CSS will be fully compatible with the new editors and their syntax highlighting feature.
  • We also made changes to make sure Jetpack was fully compatible with the role and capability changes in WordPress 4.9.
  • We have made some performance improvements to the Carousel feature.
  • Contact Form: do not process shortcodes in widgets when WordPress itself does, starting in 4.9.
  • Contact Form: we have improved the “website” field to display better error messages when you don’t supply a URL. We have also improved the look of the date picker for the date field.
  • Contact Form: avoid duplicate slashes when loading editor style.
  • Masterbar: update the “Plugins” menu item to match the updated design on
  • Open Graph: do not display images smaller than Facebook’s required size.
  • Sharing: use Google’s minified libraries to improve performance when loading Google buttons.
  • Sharing: update Open Graph Image tags appearing on the home page to offer better alternatives based on your site settings in Appearance > Customize.
  • We improved the way sitemaps are built so they do not consume too much memory when they are generated.
  • Shorlinks: those links will now always use HTTPS.
  • Spellchecker: we improved the admin interface to make it more clear when adding ignored phrases and saving them.
  • Subscriptions: we added a filter so third party developers can track comment subscription activations.
  • Sync: synchronize plugin action links to add that information to
  • Sync: improvements to better track theme and widget changes.
  • VideoPress: we removed Jetpack version locking for directly embedded VideoPress videos to ensure all users receive the newest version of the player.
  • We added a new filter (jetpack_google_translate_widget_layout) to the Google Translate Widget to allow you to change its layout.
  • REST API: improve comment management for all roles, including post authors.
  • REST API: allow site owners to manage comments on attachment pages from
  • REST API: improve the response from the API when WordPress’ autoupdates are disabled.

Improved compatibility

  • You can now use Jetpack’s contact form and Yoast SEO’s Focus keywords on the same page without any issues in the editor.
  • Top Posts Widget: avoid Fatal Errors when the widget is used on a site using WPML, and when a popular post cannot be found by WPML.
  • Sync: add more Custom Post Types from third-party plugins to the list of things we do not synchronize with, to improve sync performance.
  • Sharing: since Press This is now a plugin and not part of WordPress itself, we removed the Press This sharing button if you are not using the plugin.

Bug fixes

  • We now avoid displaying notices to user roles that cannot benefit or act based on the info in the notices.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: avoid PHP Notices when the user info is an object.
  • Infinite Scroll: avoid PHP notices when a site customizes galleries thanks to the post_gallery filter.
  • Mailchimp: make sure subscription forms can still be embedded in posts and pages.
  • Mailchimp: do not require the use of the shortcodes feature to use the Mailchimp widget.
  • Mailchimp: fix issue where Mailchimp form code could not be added to the Mailchimp widget.
  • Masterbar: avoid JavaScript errors by always loading jQuery.
  • Post By Email: do not display any content in the email address field if no email address has ever been set before.
  • Publicize: avoid errors when DOMDocument is not available.
  • Publicize: we now hide the feature activation toggle if you are not allowed to manage Jetpack features.
  • Search: make sure module cannot be activated when the site does not use a Plan.
  • SEO Tools: do not output any custom meta tags if another SEO plugin is already active.
  • Sharing: make sure Twitter Cards can be displayed even when a post does not include a title.
  • Sharing: fix alignment of sharing buttons in the admin preview when using custom sharing buttons.
  • Sitemaps: wait a minute before to generate sitemaps when the feature is activated, to avoid performance issues.
  • Sync: avoid synchronization issues on Multisite networks using custom domains.
  • Top Posts Widget: display the default title when it is set to empty.
  • Milestone Widget: make sure the widget is displayed properly and can easily be translated into other languages.
  • Verification Tools: avoid notices when saving changes on a Multisite network admin page.
  • VideoPress: avoid missing file warning in the editor when using an RTL language.
  • Upcoming events Widget: avoid PHP notices on sites using a custom timezone setting.
  • REST API: avoid errors when installing plugins via the API.


  • Release date: October 3, 2017
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • Multiple improvements to the connection process, to allow more people to use the Jetpack plugin, even on very specific server configurations.
  • Add a new Welcome screen to guide site owners after they have purchased a Jetpack plan.


  • Add markup to the Contact Info Widget.
  • Add a new “Date” field to the Contact Form.
  • Do not show any update notices when in development mode.
  • Improve our documentation to help contributors set up a unit testing environment.
  • Avoid conflicts between Jetpack’s Infinite Scroll and other Infinite Scroll plugins.
  • Improvements to the REST API to avoid issues when interacting with your site’s categories and tags on
  • Allow third party plugin and theme authors to add new menu items to the toolbar.
  • Improve the Content Options panel displayed in the Customizer with certain themes.
  • Add architecture for the Jetpack Search feature, available for Jetpack Professional users.
  • Simple Payments: improve the display of the payment items when used on your site.
  • Ensure a proper display of the Recipe shortcode on sites using an RTL language.
  • Improve the display of the Facebook posts, images, and all other Facebook embeds in your posts.
  • Synchronize the author information for all published posts.
  • Record how Jetpack was discovered and activated to better understand how site owners first discover Jetpack.
  • Improve the display and options offered with the Milestone Widget.

Bug fixes

  • We fixed layout issues appearing in the admin interface for IE11 users.
  • Comment Form: avoid whitespace sometimes appearing below the form with some themes.
  • Contact Form: avoid errors in the post editor on sites using RTL languages.
  • Toolbar: always display the Toolbar when it’s active, regardless of other admin bar settings.
  • Widget Visibility: make sure rules are correctly migrated from the old Jetpack image widget to the new WordPress Image Widget.
  • Avoid errors showing that Jetpack is out of date on, when running a Multisite network.
  • WP CLI: avoid warnings when using the wp jetpack protect whitelist list command to list the whitelisted IP addresses in the Protect feature.
  • Avoid displaying raw HTML in the Stats Configuration screen.
  • Comment edits are reflected properly in


  • Release date: September 5, 2017
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • Full PHP 7.1 compatibility.
  • It’s now possible to preview your site within


  • The Ads feature now gives you more options and control over the ads displayed on your site.
  • Increased performance in the admin by cutting back on unnecessary requests.
  • Loading comment avatars from Facebook and Twitter through a more secure https.
  • Admin UI is much friendlier on initial activation when there are no stats to display.
  • You’re now able to stop VideoPress from looping a video during autoplay through the shortcode.
  • Made some optimizations to the Jetpack connection process which means connecting your site more is more reliable.
  • The EU Cookie Law widget got some styling improvements and looks better in any theme.
  • There’s a new Jetpack CLI command to allow testing of the Jetpack connection.
  • Added the Likes and Monitor features to our recommended features list, making it easier to activate for new sites.
  • Improvements made that makes sure we have the most up-to-date version of your site when managing from
  • Added a link to view your Comments in the toolbar.
  • Lots of minor design improvements to the Jetpack admin area.
  • We’ve found a few places where we were able to optimize the loading of css files.
  • Removed the Omnisearch feature.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed compatibility issues with plugins using TinyMCE.
  • Contact Form submission emails have been fixed for sites hosted on SiteGround.
  • Updating themes will no longer have any problems.
  • The Sitemaps feature will no longer error with posts/images with special characters in the title.
  • There are no more conflicts with the ACF plugin when adding a new custom field.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause some plugins to throw warnings with the Shortcode feature.
  • We’re no longer loading a font on the front-end for the Likes feature, which will also have some performance benefits.
  • The Jetpack admin UI had some bugs that were causing some features to not display the correct active status, which are squashed now.
  • Cleaned up our markup to avoid XHTML validation errors.
  • Brought back a filter for the Widget Visibility feature that was accidentally removed.
  • Managing your comments and comment authors more reliable from