Founded in 1982 the British Hedgehog Preservation Society offers help and advice to those with sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs and maintains a list of rehabilitators in the UK. BHPS has 8 patrons Ann Widdecombe, Ben Fogle, Chris Beardshaw, CJ de Mooi, John Challis, Lorna Watson & Twiggy Lawson.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) is a registered UK Charity (number 1164542) dedicated to helping & protecting hedgehogs native to the UK (Erinaceus europaeus).


Did you know hedgehogs are nocturnal? This photo was taken at night using clever filters to enhance the lighting conditions. If you ever see a hedgehog out during daylight it could be a sign of distress. Check out our online guides that can help you take the right course of action, if any is required.

Did you know hedgehogs are nocturnal? This photo was taken at night using clever filters to enhance the lighting conditions. If you ever see a hedgehog out during daylight it could be a sign of distress. Check out our online guides that can help you take the right course of action, if any is required.