Showing posts with label webs wonder design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webs wonder design. Show all posts

Monday 11 August 2008

My blog comes to an end...

Well, all I'm doing is moving really. Don't get too disappointed yet!
I'm moving to I thought I'd create a new look ( well, with a little help from my friend at Webs Wonder Design) Please go there in future if you want to read my blog or take part in any discussions.

For those of you with blogs that have links to me already, or new ones that wish to link to me, please could you change the link?
Also, sorry to those of you who have commented recently, but my new blog does not show them.

In case bloggers complain that they do not see their blog on the link list, every time you refresh my blog, a differing list of blogs and websites come up. This was so as not to have a really long list of blogs on the side bar. So you are all still there, do not fret.

I've done over 500 blogs on this blog, so its a sad goodbye, but I'm looking forward to future discussions over at my new blog spot...


Wel yr oll rwy'n neud yw symud, rili. Paid a cholli gobaith eto. Rwy'n symud i O'n i'n meddwl o'dd e'n hen bryd i mi greu blog newydd, trawiadol ( wel, gyda help fy ffrind yn Webs Wonder Design wrth gwrs!) Plis ewch fan na yn y dyfodol os ydych am ddarllen fy mlog diweddara, ac os ydych am gyfrannu i'r drafodaeth.

I'r rheiny ohonoch sydd a chyswllt i'm blog yn barod, byddech chi cystal a newid y linc ar eich blogiau? Diolch mawr.

Hefyd, ymddiheuriadau i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu sylwad i'm blog yn ddiweddar, am nad oes modd i mi drosglwyddo'r cyfraniadau i'r blog newydd.

Rhag bod blogwyr yn cwyno nad oes gen i linc rhagor i'w blogs unigol, peidiwch a phoeni. Mae nhw oll yno, ond mae cysylltiadau i blogs wahanol yn newid bob tro rydych yn gwasgu 'refresh' ar y blog. Fe wnes i hwn er mwyn peidio cael rhestr hirfaeth o flogs ar hyd ochr y blog newydd.

Dwi wedi neud dros 500 o flogs nawr ar y blog penodol hwn, felly fe ddywedaf hwyl fawr trist, ond edrychaf ymlaen at lu o drafodaethau newydd ar y blog arall....