Monday 11 August 2008

My blog comes to an end...

Well, all I'm doing is moving really. Don't get too disappointed yet!
I'm moving to I thought I'd create a new look ( well, with a little help from my friend at Webs Wonder Design) Please go there in future if you want to read my blog or take part in any discussions.

For those of you with blogs that have links to me already, or new ones that wish to link to me, please could you change the link?
Also, sorry to those of you who have commented recently, but my new blog does not show them.

In case bloggers complain that they do not see their blog on the link list, every time you refresh my blog, a differing list of blogs and websites come up. This was so as not to have a really long list of blogs on the side bar. So you are all still there, do not fret.

I've done over 500 blogs on this blog, so its a sad goodbye, but I'm looking forward to future discussions over at my new blog spot...


Wel yr oll rwy'n neud yw symud, rili. Paid a cholli gobaith eto. Rwy'n symud i O'n i'n meddwl o'dd e'n hen bryd i mi greu blog newydd, trawiadol ( wel, gyda help fy ffrind yn Webs Wonder Design wrth gwrs!) Plis ewch fan na yn y dyfodol os ydych am ddarllen fy mlog diweddara, ac os ydych am gyfrannu i'r drafodaeth.

I'r rheiny ohonoch sydd a chyswllt i'm blog yn barod, byddech chi cystal a newid y linc ar eich blogiau? Diolch mawr.

Hefyd, ymddiheuriadau i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu sylwad i'm blog yn ddiweddar, am nad oes modd i mi drosglwyddo'r cyfraniadau i'r blog newydd.

Rhag bod blogwyr yn cwyno nad oes gen i linc rhagor i'w blogs unigol, peidiwch a phoeni. Mae nhw oll yno, ond mae cysylltiadau i blogs wahanol yn newid bob tro rydych yn gwasgu 'refresh' ar y blog. Fe wnes i hwn er mwyn peidio cael rhestr hirfaeth o flogs ar hyd ochr y blog newydd.

Dwi wedi neud dros 500 o flogs nawr ar y blog penodol hwn, felly fe ddywedaf hwyl fawr trist, ond edrychaf ymlaen at lu o drafodaethau newydd ar y blog arall....

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Boris to rescue 'The Valleys'?

I am far from convinced by the idea floated by the Institute for Welsh Affairs of an elected Mayor for 'The Valleys'. It sounds like an idea from somebody who doesn't live in South Wales
(oh, it is!) It also sounds quite patronizing, and quite frankly if I should be excited about praising the system which elected Boris Johnson as Mayor of London then there is something seriously wrong! As Valleys Mam says in her impassioned blog on this issue, there are schemes to re- energise said communities already in place. Would a Boris-esque hero save 'The Valleys' from destruction and doom?

The whole point of devolution is to bring politics closer to the people. I certainly don't believe that another tier of government in the form of a Mayor is the answer to the question in relation to the development of the South Wales communities that are mentioned in the report.

And while we're on the subject, where do you actually stop when you talk about 'The Valleys'? There's been arguments over many a year now within valleys communities themselves about who are the real valleys communities (Yes, its true) Do we really want to open up that debate again?! ( I think of the old Aberdare, Rhondda hatred for one which stems from the Miners strikes.)

The fact that the report was launched in Cardiff says it all, really. It would also help if the Westminster government stopped their centralisation agenda of closing HMRC offices that provide key jobs for people in the South Wales area, stop closing Job Centre offices and moving all the positions to Cardiff, and stop actively working against the Welsh Assembly Government's agenda of seeking to devolve key offices to areas such as Merthyr Tydfil.

Let the debate continue.

I'm back again..

Notoriously, I haven't blogged in a while. Perhaps because I've been more busy than usual. Recess has portrayed this negative image of politicians holidaying- but only in camper vans or tents over Wales, mind. We don't do flying any more, at least those of use who a( hate flying ( that's me for the record. Since my car crash I am awful on a plane. or b) are trying to show off about their environmental credentials ...or c) like me( again) haven't actually taken any holiday at all.

I have been dealing mainly with issues that constituents have raised with me in the past few weeks, and taking the opportunity to visit more organisations in my region, like the Port Talbot Tigers football team- a team of people wanting to encourage those from ethnic minorities in the area to take part in a team sport, and to integrate with the wider community.

I've also visited People's First Neath Port Talbot who provide advocacy services for people with learning disabilities, and who are hoping to develop a transition service for those who are aged between 16-18 years of age, as well as visiting Sarn Residents Association to see the work that they are carrying out in the community.

I love what I do for the reason that I can visit so many differing organisations and people, and help them in achieving their goals. So many people have negative images of politicians, but from the community groups I've visited, and the constituents who place their faith in me to help them, I feel a huge responsibility to assist them, and not to let them down.

In that sense, I am a servant to them- to help them and to reassure them that we can try and progress their case, their grant application, their appeal process and so on. So when I sit down at night, I can relax in the knowledge that there are people out there who appreciate me, and the help that I give them. That one letter will put a look of relief on their faces, that a mention in plenary will bring the issue closer to their goal, and that one meeting with a Minister will further their agenda. This is what its all about. Its not about petty political point scoring or stupid gossiping. Its about making people realise that they can put their trust in politicians, and that we will fight for them until the end, no matter what.

I'm off to the Eisteddfod tomorrow. I hope I have a productive day!