Saturday 29 September 2007

Snap election? Just tell us one way or another.

Here is a picture of our McMillan Coffee morning at Plaid's Neath Office. I seem to be raising money for a different charity every week. I can imagine that by Christmas I will be getting on everybody's nerves asking for money, but you can't call me lazy then, at least.

In other news, the Independent reports that allies to Gordon Brown will advise him to go for an election in the next few weeks. It's reported that Brown wants to wait for the poll reaction to Cameron's leadership speech on Wednesday. Personally, I wish he'd just make a decision now. After having one election already this year, I need to give myself some time to mentally prepare for another one at this stage, especially given that the weather's getting colder and wetter for trudging the streets!

He either goes now, or leaves it for at least a year. Next spring, the honeymoon period will be over, and it will not be the ideal time for a General election. It will obviously co-incide with the local Council elections, which may be a positive or a negative for Labour. There seem to be headline grabbing policy announcements every other day at the moment, and I'm not sure how long this can be sustained until people start asking the same questions as they did of Cameron- which is how are you going to deliver?

Whatever date is chosen, I don't think that there will be a revolutionary outcome to the election result until the system changes, and until first past the post is consigned to the history books. There may be a few Lib dem losses to Labour gains, but I don't think it will be the shock outcome that some expect.

In Wales, of course, Plaid will campaign to target areas such as Ceredigion( where it will either be Penri James, Sion Jobbins or Mabon ap Gwynfor as candidates), Ynys Mon and Llanelli, and in retaining our three seats. I would like to think that in the future, we cast our eyes upon really challenging some South Wales seats that are ripe for the taking- and make sure that we have a few more female candidates standing, for that matter!

It's story time

Find out what politicians like to read, including myself!... Autobiographies of other politicians seem to be popular for some. Nothing like escapism from the World of politics, is there?!

Darganfyddwch beth mae gwleidyddion yn hoff o ddarllen..Bywgraffiadau Gwleidyddion eraill sydd yn boblogaidd gan rhai. Sdim byd fel cael cyfle i ddianc o'r byd gwleidyddol, os e?!

Thursday 27 September 2007

The 'Grape'. The next big thing in the IT world....

I'm totally tired tonight, so I won't keep you very long. I am looking forward to a well earned rest at the weekend, although something will crop up guranteed! Tomorrow we have our McMillan coffee morning at the Neath Plaid Office, so if any of you fancy popping over at 10am tomorrow, please do so! I don't know if we'll raise as much money as I did for the SA1 run, but we'll certainly try our best. I would like to say that I was going to do some home cooking, and magic up some sponge cakes to accompany the tea, but I don't think anyone would be pleased with the outcome!

I am at the parents in Merthyr tonight. My 7 year old sister is fascinated by 'my grape', as she calls it, which happens to be the wonderful IT appliance which is the blackberry. Bless!


Rwy wedi blino'n lan heno, felly fyddai ddim yn eich cadw'n hir. Wi'n edrych ymlaen at gael brec neis ar y penwythnos, er, fi'n siwr fydd rhywbeth i ymwneud a gwaith yn croesu fy meddwl! Fory da ni'n cynnal bore coffi McMillan yn swyddfa Plaid Castell Nedd. Croeso i chi pigo draw am ddeg am baned. Dwi'm yn siwr os fyddai'n llwyddo i godi'r un swm a wnes i ar gyfer y ras SA1, ond fe wna i drio! Sen i'n hoffi dweud fy mod i'n mynd i fynd ati i goginio cacennau i fynd da'r te ar gyfer y bore coffi, ond sai'n credu byddai unrhywun yn blesd da canlyniad!

Rwyf yn nhy fy rhieni ym Merthyr heno, ac mae fy chwaer sy'n 7 mlwydd oed yn dwli ar fy 'grape', fel mae'n galw fy teclun IT gwych, sef y Blackberry( neu fy mwyaren i fod yn hollol gywir). Bless!

Wednesday 26 September 2007

The 'diplomatic' AM for South Wales West

I am still in the Assembly's plenary session, and it will be extended until 6pm tonight. Of course, its vital that we discuss issues as AM's, but for those of us who are not allocated to contribute on debates at certain times of the session, it can be quite a long stint in the chamber!! I think there has to be more emphasis on the Assembly's external communications department to encourage a growth in the number of people who choose to attend the plenary sessions, and encourage interest in the debates here at the Assembly. Personally, I have contributed a number of new, innovative ideas for this purpose, and I hope that Dafydd Elis Thomas and his team will implement them in due course.

I have raised questions on the funding of the One Wales Government agreement today at the Senedd so as to ensure that the Government priorities are implemented and that we are seen as a Government to be delivering on our promises. Nick Bourne quipped in that my comment was coded and diplomatic. I have never been described as 'diplomatic' before, so I take it as a compliment!!!

I have also contributed in the questioning of the Education Minister, Jane Hutt, with regards the Government's grants for school uniforms, and the way in which it should be implemented so as not to conflict with the grants currently implemented by Local Authorities.

Tomorrow, the Equal Opportunities Committee will sit at the Assembly. We will discuss the establishment of a Children's committee at the Assembly- a committee which I deem as being essential so as to look at how our policies and measures affect children across the board. We will also be discussing a review of polling stations and their accessibility for disabled people, as well as the proposal of a scrutiny committee on Migrant workers in Wales. All very interesting issues, and which I will blog on in greater detail at a later date.

Byw yn gynnaladwy/ Living sustainably

A recent convert to Plaid, through her work campaigning against the LNG pipeline, Linda Ware is initiating a campaign to live sustainably in every way for the next 3 months, as a trial to show how things can be done.

She is sourcing her own food, hopes not to set foot in a supermarket, or put any bags out for the weekly rubbish collections. I wish her all the best. It'll be interesting to see how successful she is, and is an example of commitment to the campaign to live sustainably and ethically. Go to to find out more.


Mae aelod newydd Plaid, Linda Ware, a wnaeth ymuno yn dilyn cefnogaeth y Blaid yn lleol i'w rhan yn yr ymgyrch yn erbyn y bipen LNG. Mae hi'n bwriadu lansio ymgyrch i fyw yn gynaladwy am y 3 mis nesaf fel arbrawf o fywyd adnewyddol pur.

Mae hi'n bwriadu tyfu bwyd ei hun, yn gobeithio peidio defnyddio archfarchnad, neu rhoi biniau allan ar gyfer casgliadau wythnosol. Pob lwc i Linda. Mi fyddd yn ddiddorol gweld pa mor llwyddiannus fydd ei fenter, ac mae'n esiampl o'r bwriad clir i fyw yn hollol gynnalawy a gwyrdd. Cer i am fwy o wybodaeth.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Brown and all things British

Yesterday, I attended the ITV Wales Carer Awards in Cardiff. A young 9 year old boy, Daniel Matthews from Bridgend, was the overall winner. He had cared for his mother, suffering from a brain tumour until she died recently. I have a 7 year old sister, and it seems extraordinary to me how a child so young had so many responsibilities. The work of carers, and especially young carers are to be commended, and should be acknowledged much more widely.

Before I was elected, I initiated Jill Evans MEP's competition for young people to send in a DVD, or any visual images, of issues that are important to them in society, and a young carers group took part. It was memorable in that they stress how little the understanding is of the work that they do, and they came up with the idea of encouraging the Assembly to introduce a system whereby young carers have cards to show at school or college if they cannot complete homework on time, or if they have to take time off to look after their family. They could then show their card to the people concerned. It is a good idea, but it is important that we address the issues surrounding their circumstances generally, and seek to address this on a wider level.

Today I sponsored the launch of the Disabled Children Matter campaign. They are calling on the Assembly to put in practise schemes to finance services for young disabled people, and to ensure that they have fair access to such services.

In other news, Gordon Brown addressed the Labour Conference for the first time yesterday. The mood seems to be swinging towards an early General election given that the polls show support for Brown and Labour on the increase. Everyone seems to be fascinated by this new style Brown Government, but I'm a little sceptical.

Much of the support is due to the sigh of relief that Labour in Westminster can take due to Blair's departure, and little else. I sense that Brown is concentrating on all things 'British' to try and marginalise Plaid and the SNP in the knowledge of a soon to be General election, where they want a straight Labour v Tory fight.

Nevertheless, they'll have to be quite vocal to shut us up, frankly. They know that tensions exist in their own party about the future of devolution, so this surge to pander to the Unionists in London Labour is all part of an attempt at party discipline. Let's see how long things last until the cracks start to show, and until the MP's start to kick off again- the LCO's ( new Assembly powers) will be a test to this, and whether or not they will exercise their ability to veto measures, or at least disrupt Welsh Assembly led legislation.

As a party we are ready for a General election, and are ready to take on the challenge. I think that people can see through the Labour party at Westminster's 'Britishness' agenda. With the success of the SNP, and Plaid so far in Government, this is merely another scaremongering attempt by Brown and co. Plaid, arguably so, was once dismissed by critics as being a pressure group on the fringes of mainstream politics. This just doesn't wash anymore, sorry, and we are hoping for a successful Westminster election campaign, if and when it is called in the next few weeks.

Sunday 23 September 2007

All Wales Peace Festival 2007

Apologies for an absence from the blogosphere. I have been very very busy since Wednesday. I have been visiting projects in the South Wales West area- including BAWSO, and the opening of Ty Tawe's new extension in Swansea. I have also just arrived back from the Peace Festival in Caernarfon. The weekend was a huge success, and congratulations to the organisers in the North for their very professionally run first time organising the event. Previously it has been organised by the Aberystwyth Peace and Justice Network- which included myself for many a year, but it was good to see it set elsewhere. I hope this trend can continue. The speakers were inspiring- in that I mean the speech by Jo Berry and Pat Magee. Her father, a Tory MP was killed by Pat Magee from the IRA during the Brighton bomb. A very moving event, as was the workshop that followed. (I'll blog about it in more detail at a later point). The music at night was also great, with Gwilym Morus a highlight for me personally, as was meeting up with friends from the movement.

It's back to the work in South Wales West tomorrow. My office is getting a makeover at the moment, so we have paint and dust everywhere. It'll be worth it in the end!
(picture is of Caernarfon by night on Saturday. It was a stunning evening.)

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Gwobrau Impetus Awards

I haven't been in the Chamber for some of the afternoon's session today because I was presenting awards to 8 groups of young people at the National Museum, who had won awards for projects to do with human rights and ethics in their community.

The scheme was initiated by Impetus, which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government. It was inspiring to see the children and students involve themselves in tackling important issues of the day such as taking part in a play about child soldiers, and those who had helped elderly people who were victims of crime.

Others concentrated on questions surrounding their heritage in the South Wales Valley, and others took part in a play about aslym seekers. There was also a local group from Hafod School in Swansea who's project it was to take part in philosophy sessions in their school. When I asked them what they enjoyed most about the session they said-
' talking and aruging!'
'About what?' I said
' Turkies'.
'Why Turkies..?' I said, expecting a Vegetarian sympathiser to pipe up in support of the human rights of Turkies world wide....

' About why we always have it on Christmas day, and why we want crisps instead!'

There we go, the children of Swansea have spoken;-)

A very interesting day all in all.


Dwi ddim wedi bod yn y siambr am gyfnod hir heddiw oherwydd o'n i'n cyflwyno gwobrau i 8 grwp am brosiectau lleol a wnaethant yn ymdrin a materion yng nghyd destun hawliau dynol.

Roedd y cynllun yn cael ei rhedeg gan Impetus, sy'n cael ei ariannu gan y Llywodraeth yma yng Nghymru. Roedd o'n wych i weld pobl ifanc yn taclo materion pwysig y dydd, er enghraifft fe wnaeth un grwp gwneud drama am filwyr plant, a grwp arall yn trafod sut wnaethant helpu hen bobl yn y gymuned a oedd wedi cael eu ymosod arno.

Roedd eraill yn edrych ar eu hanes, ac ar effaith byw yng Nghymoedd de Cymru, tra fod eraill wedi creu drama am geiswyr lloches.

Roedd un grwp lleol o ysgol Hafod yn Abertawe, a oedd, yn rhan o'r cynllun, yn cymryd rhan mewn gwersi athroniaeth yn yr ysgol. Pan ofynnais i beth oedd yr elfen gorau o'r gwersi, dywedodd un plentyn-

'Y gallu i dadlau'
' Am beth' dwedes i.
' Twrci!'
'Pan Twrci?'dwedais, yn disgwyl i rhywun brwydro'r achos lluseuol o blaid hawliau dynol pob Twrci byd eang.
' Pam da ni wastad yn cael twrci ar ddydd nadolig, pan da ni moyn creision!'

Dyna chi, mae plant Abertawe wedi siarad!

Dydd diddorol iawn.

Tuesday 18 September 2007

10 years of Devolution

I've written quite a heartfelt article for the Bridgend Post about 10 years of devolution, but I won't reiterate it here as I prefer to keep these posts a bit lighter (not that it gets me anywhere in any of the blog awards;-))

I was 15 when the referendum on a National Assembly took place. I couldn't vote at the time, but I did take part in the rally from Pontypridd to Cardiff with the Yes campaign. I remember that my Dad was involved in the campaign from the Socialist Alliance perspective, and I can recall proudly carrying a banner on the rally, taking in the excitement of the day.

I didn't get involved in the ins and outs of the campaign as such, but I remember that there was a buzz about the referendum taking place, and I watched with interest the live TV coverage of those in pubs and venues across the country sporting t-shirts with 'Yes for Wales'.

I did watch some of the coverage and I distinctly remember scurrying downstairs to switch on the television the next morning, like a Christmas morning- the present being a successful Yes vote. Ron Davies is no Sion Corn but his 'Good Morning Wales' speech still resonates now, and of course I could never forget the powerful image of all the leaders raising their hands in celebration at the result, however narrow the margin.

Following this occasion I did not take part in party politics for some time, but I did decide to study politics at Aberystwyth ( so 97 must have had some sort of effect!) At Aberystwyth, I was told repeatedly by the likes of Richard Wyn Jones and Dafydd Trystan how important Ron Davies's statement that 'Devolution is a process, not an event' was in framing the discussion surrounding devolution in Wales, and how it was vital for us to deliver on the challenges of devolution here in Wales.

At first, I can remember believing that Plaid had taken on the challenge with vigour, and Plaid's election successes conveyed such. Nevertheless, on one level, people began to correlate Plaid with the Government despite Labour being in power, and I think we suffered as a consequence after the early honeymoon period of devolution. Plaid have now become a much more professional, pro-active party, and now, a party of Government with responsibility to deliver.

I would be mindful not to say that we are 'celebrating' devolution today, because we yet have a long way to go. Of course, we have started the process of bringing politics closer to the people, of passing laws in devolved areas of policy, and the opportunity of politicians in Wales to raise local issues on a political stage in Wales.

Nevertheless, we have to be one step ahead at all times, and the next step is the Convention, which will engage the public and key opinion forming bodies on their concerns about the extension of powers in Wales, so as to prepare the ground for a Parliament.

What we have at the moment is a halfway house of an Institution, with a veto from the Secretary of State for Wales, implemented to appease a handful of Labour MP's in Westminster. This isn't sustainable, and those who took part in the Richard Commission will tell you as such.

I am proud, of course, to be part of politics here in Wales at this important juncture in our history as a political party-in Government for the very first time. I have always believed in the importance of the National Assembly, even when other campaign groups were still going to London with their lobbies and campaigns.

Now I am looking forward to our Nation's progression, and to the confidence that we must find to create a Parliament for Wales, to serve the future generations of Wales.

Assembly today

Rhodri Morgan is now introducing the One Wales Government priorities, referring to it as a radical and progressive Government. He is outlining the work commitments of the Government which includes early action on tackling Child Poverty and convergence funding. There will be commitment to appoint the Older Person's Commissioner and effort in the area of affordable housing, and climate change.

Nick Bourne is speaking now, stating that there should be more private sector involvement in convergence funding, and that we should not be proud of receiving this money. It is mostly negative to be honest, and I don't feel obliged to note it! He is incidentally referring to Wales as a 'Nation'. Very Nationalistic I must say!

We have had an attempt by the Lib dems and the Tories de- rail Carwyn Jones's appointment as Counsel General, but they failed. Therefore the new Cabinet has been elected without much conflict.

There is an emergency discussion very soon on foot and mouth by Elin Jones, the Plaid Minister for Agriculture. I am sure that there will be many more challenges for her in this area before the end of the day.....

Irene James has noted the 'Labour Led Government' in her speech in the Chamber today, which had quite a response! (I thought I would note it before Peter Black did so!) I am sure that there will be more such statements in the future, but I am confident that Plaid will retain our identity in this Government regardless of individual AM's interpretations.

Farzaneh Dadkhah

In late July I wrote a blog about the plight of Farzaneh Dadkhah and her two daughers, and their attempt to seek asylum to stay in Wales as opposed to being sent back to Iran where they would have faced persecution for Farzaneh's work as an activist fighting for the rights of women. I am pleased to say that they are able to remain here, and that Romisa, who is currently studying at Bristol University has contacted me to inform me of the news.

Here is the email that I received, which makes being a politician all worthwhile( although I wouldn't say that I was 'wonderful' either;-)) The work of Swansea Asylum Seekers Support Group cannot be ignored, nor can the work of the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation who I have rung on numerous occasions when addressing Farzaneh and her daughter's case.

Dear Bethan Jenkins,

I am very glad to tell you yesterday we received our immigration status document and they granted us with leave to remain.

I would like thank you (on behalf of my mum and my sister as well) and say how grateful we are for everything you have done for us to pass this process.

We are very lucky that we are living in Wales which has such wonderful people like you.

Thanks a lot,

Farzaneh, Romisa, Maedeh

Monday 17 September 2007

Plaid backbenchers and the new Assembly term

Back at the Assembly today for the launch of the new Equal Opportunities body in Wales. As I sit on the Equal Opportunities Committee I will be keeping a keen eye on developments in this area, specifically with regards the work performed by the offices in Wales, and the location of such offices. Making sure that there is a smooth transformation from one body to another is also a key priority for the new organisation, notwithstanding the important policy areas which they need to tackle, alongside the Assembly, of course!

Tomorrow I have a full diary of events and meetings, which also includes an event sponsored by Dafydd Elis Thomas to celebrate 10 years of devolution. I will blog on this in more detail on the anniversary itself.

Tomorrow is also when our first plenary session of the year takes place. Ieuan Wyn Jones has already taken questions as Minister, but this term will see the real affects of Plaid in Government, and its affect on us as a Party. I am looking forward to my role as a backbencher- scrutinising and monitoring the work of the Government. I certainly hope that I will have more to say than ‘Will the Minister agree that…..’ at every session!!

On another note entirely, it seems that the Lib dems are preparing for a leadership contest. I of course have no intention of endorsing any one politician, but what I will say is that I think that Kirsty Williams was unfairly treated during the whole discussion on forming a Government and that this shouldn’t rule her out entirely from any said leadership race. If I was her, I would bide my time, nevertheless, but she should be given fair play.

In other news, I notice that David Collins, Ann Jones’s researcher has resigned. I can only say that it was the appropriate action considering his total disregard of the importance of the Welsh language, and those who speak the language.


Nol I’r Cynulliad heddiw ar gyfer lansiad y corff Cyfleoedd Cyfartal newydd yng Nghymru. Gan fy mod I’n eistedd ar y pwyllgor Cyfleoedd Cyfartal, byddaf yn cadw golwg ar ddatblygiadau’r corff newydd hwn, yn enwedig yng nghyd destun y gwaith fydd yn cael ei wneud o’r swyddfa yng Nghymru yn benodol, yn ogystal a safle daearyddol y swyddfeydd. Mi fydd gwneud yn siwr bod yna esblygiad naturiol I rol newydd y sefydliad yn bwysig iawn, heb son am bwysigrwydd blaenoriaethau polisi.

Fory, mae gen I ddyddiadur llawn o ddigwyddiadau a chyfarfodydd, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys digwyddiad yn enw Dafydd Elis Thomas yn dathlu 10 mlynedd o ddatganoli. Byddaf yn blogio mwy am hyn yn y man.

Fory fydd y sesiwn llawn cyntaf ar lawr y Cynulliad hefyd. Fe wnaeth Ieuan Wyn Jones cymryd cwestiynnau fel Gweinidog cyn ddiwedd y tymor diwethaf, ond nawr mae’r gwaith yn dechrau go iawn! Rwy’n edrych ymlaen I’n rol newydd ar y meinciau cefn, ac at y cyfle I scriwtineiddio’r Gweinidogion. Rwy’n fawr obeithio y byddaf yn gallu dweud mwy na ‘A fydd y Gweinidog yn cytuno….’ ymhob sesiwn!!

Ar nodyn arall, mae’n rhagweld fod y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yn paratoi at gael rhas arweinyddol cyn hir. Wrth gwrs, does gen I ddim bwriad rhoi fy marn ar bwy ddylai arwain y grwp hynny, ond un peth ddweda I yw bod Kirsty Williams wedi cael amser galed iawn o ran feirniadaeth o’I rol yn rhan o drafodaethau’r Llywodraeth, ac ni ddylir hwn wir cael effaith ar ei chyfleoedd fel arweinydd. Os mai fi oedd Kirsty, byddaf yn aros am ychydig cyn rhoi fy enw ymlaen, ond dyle hi, fel pawb arall, cael chwarae teg.

Mewn newyddion arall, rwy’n gweld bod David Collins wedi ymddiswyddo fel ymchwilydd Ann Jones ers ei sylwadau yn pardduo’r iaith gymraeg. Y cyfan weda I yw fy mod I’n cytuno mai dyma’r weithred gorau iddo gymryd o ystyried ei feirniadaeth o’r iaith gymraeg, a’r rheiny sy’n medru’r iaith.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Conference highlights

I'm now back from Conference. Unfortunately I couldn't get internet access at the Centre as Helen was busy blogging when I wanted to do my bit for the blogging world, so apologies all! I enjoyed conference this year. I haven't read other blogs to see as yet how you lot at home interpreted it. The mood was upbeat contrary to Guto Thomas's analysis that it was somehow 'subdued'. My fringe meeting on child poverty went well, as did the emergency motion on Remploy, with visitors from the Remploy Wrexham factory present. Alyn Smith, the SNP MEP spoke excellently on the Saturday of Conference, as did Ieuan Wyn Jones the previous day.

Debates on Conference floor with regards Inheritance tax, climate change and the House of Lords were all very interesting. I spoke on the Richard Evans live phone in about Plaid's review on the House of Lords. This discussion has been transferred to National Council, but until it is a fully democratic institution I will reserve my right to be sceptical of Plaid's involvement there. Lady Bethan I will never be!

Back to the Assembly this week, and to lots of interesting debates and meetings....

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Llandudno- Plaid Conference 2007

Rwyf yn mynd i Landudno nawr ar gyfer y Gynhadledd. Os fedrai blogio o fan na, fe wna i ond dwi'm yn addo dim. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y Gynhadledd- ein Cynhadledd cyntaf mewn Llywodraeth ym Mae Caerdydd. Mae'n siwr fe fydd rhai trafodaethau ar lawr y Gynhadledd yn fwy bywiog nag eraill ( eich syniadau ar cerdyn post plis!) ond mae'n siwr fydd o'n 3 diwrnod cyffroes.
Rwy'n gobeithio cyflwyno cynnig brys ar cynllun Remploy i gau ffatrioedd, ac i ddangos DVD y GMB o daith yr ymgyrch yn ogystal.

Hwyl am y tro

I am going to Llandudno now for our Conference. If I can get a chance to blog, I will of course do so, but I can't promise anything. I'm looking forward to the Conference- our first as part of a Government in Cardiff Bay. I'm sure that there will be lively debates on Conference floor ( guesses of which ones on a postcard please!) but I am sure that it will be three days of interesting debate and discussion.

I am hoping to introduce an emergency motion on the Remploy factory closures, and to show the DVD on Conference floor made by the GMB of their campaign.

Tarra for now.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Remploy's Crusade

I've just finished writing my speech for the Remploy Crusade Rally which will take place tonight at the Dragon Hotel in Swansea. I've tried to support the campaign at every juncture, and have met with workers, Union Officials and Management to discuss the proposals, and its affect on workers in the South Wales West area. I was especially pleased to hear today that the Bridgend factory will be saved from closure. I am sure that this announcement has much to do with the success of the campaign by the Trade Union Consortium, and the pressure that they have placed on the Government to reassess its plans for the industry.

On another note, I'd like to congratulate Gwenllian Lansdown on becoming Plaid's new Chief Executive. Another young woman to join Plaid's ranks! I hope that she is treated fairly by the media, and the blogosphere for that matter ( to date she has been praised, by Vaughan Roderick of all people. Shock horror!!) I wish her well with the new job. It will be a challenge, but one she will no doubt grasp with enthusiasm. I wonder whether she will be as financially prudent as Dafydd Trystan?!

Tomorrow I am going to Llandudno for Plaid's Conference. I am chairing a fringe meeting on Child Poverty with speakers from the Citizen's Advice Bureau and Children in Wales. I have been familiarising myself with my new role as Plaid's spokesperson on Child Poverty, and preparing for some rigorous questioning of Ministers for the new Assembly term!


Rwyf newydd orffen sgwennu fy araith ar gyfer rali Remploy sydd yn digwydd heno yng Nghwesty’r Dragon, Abertawe. Rwyf wedi ceisio cefnogi’r ymgyrch ers y cychwyn cyntaf, ac rwyf wedi cwrdd a chynrychiolwyr Undebau a Rheolwyr Remploy I drafod y strategaeth am ddyfodol Remploy, a’i heffaith ar gweithwyr yng Ngorllewin De Cymru. Roeddwn i’n falch iawn i glywed heddiw bod ffatri Penybont yn mynd i aros ar agor. Rwyf yn sicr bod y datganiad yma wedi cael ei wneud yn sgil y pwysau aruthrol y mae’r Undebau yn rhoi ar y Llywodraeth ac ar Rheolwyr Remploy i ail ystyried eu cynlluniau i’r diwydiant.

Ar nodyn arall yn llwyr, hoffwn longyfarch Gwenllian Lansdown am gael ei phenodi fel Prif Weithredwr Plaid Cymru. Menyw ifanc arall yn ymuno a thim Plaid! Rwy’n gobeithio fydd y wasg yn ei thrin a pharch, yn ogystal a byd y blogwyr( hyd yn hyn, mae’r blogwyr wedi bod yn neis iawn iddi, gan gynnwys Vaughan Roderick. Dyna sioc!) Pob lwc da’r swydd newydd, Gwenllian. Mi fydd yn sialens, ond un y bydd Gwenllian yn mwynhau yn sicr. Tybed a fydd Gwenllian mor dynn gyda’r arian a Dafydd Trystan gynt?!

Fory byddaf yn mynd i Landudno at Gynhadledd y Blaid. Rwyf yn cadeirio cyfarfod ymylol ar Dlodi Plant gyda siaradwyr o Gyngor ar Bopeth, a Phlant yng Nghymru. Rwyf wedi bod yn adolygu fy ngwaith ar y pwnc penodol hwn wedi i mi gael fy mhenodi fel llefarydd grwp y Blaid ar Dlodi Plant, ac yn paratoi cwestiynnau lu i Weinidogion ar y pwnc yn barod at y tymor newydd!

Monday 10 September 2007

Torrwch y Carbon/ Cut the Carbon Rally

Lluniau'r protest Torrwch y Carbon, Caerdydd 8/9/07

Pictures from the Cut the Carbon Rally, Cardiff 8/9/07

Friday 7 September 2007

Creative ideas for AM surgeries

I've had quite a productive day today. I've been out doing a street surgery in Pontardawe, and there is plenty of issues to get stuck in to in the area. I like getting out and about because I think that going to talk to people is much more accessible than having to wait for them to come to you at a designated time. It also takes you to different areas, and allows you to meet different people with varying concerns. I'm looking in to the idea of holding surgeries in alternative venues so that I can be more accessible. For example, during the election, the cafe La Cucina in Skewen were more than happy for us to use the Cafe as a base, and it was an ideal location to meet people. Aileen Campbell, the youngest MSP at the Scottish Parliament has also researched this possibility, and held a surgery at a local fayre over the summer so as to raise her profile locally.
In Camarthen East, I know that Adam Price MP holds surgeries with local groups or charities. I am going to trial it in this area, and see what the response is like.

This afternoon I was also at a meeting with Bridgend Council. This meeting is intended to keep AM's updated with the work of the Council generally, concentrating on regeneration plans in the area. It was very informative, much like the meeting that I attended last month with Swansea Council Leaders. It's a way of keeping us in the loop with any developments, and a key opportunity for us to question the Council with regards issues that have arisen through our work as AM's. I am not sure if Neath Port Talbot are organising such meetings, but I think that it would be a positive initiative for them to take on.

Tomorrow I am going to a Cut the Carbon rally organised by Christian Aid in Cooper's Field in Cardiff. Hollywood actress Greta Scacchi and others will be speaking at the rally. Then I will go on to the Football match at the Millennium Stadium. I hope we put up a good fight!

Thursday 6 September 2007

Helen Mary Jones blogging from Conference

Mae Helen Mary Jones yn mynd i fod yn blogio o Gynhadledd Plaid yn Llandudno am yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn ystod yr wythnos. Os fedrai cael gafael ar laptop a signal, fyddai'n ceisio neud yr un peth fel blogiwr! Gobeithio fydd Helen yn parhau i flogio ar ol wythnos nesaf, ac ymuno gyda'r gweddill ohonom ym myd y blogwyr....


Helen Mary Jones is going to be blogging from our Conference next week in Llandudno about the events taking place. I will do so too, if I can get hold of a laptop and a wireless connection! I hope this is a sign of things to come, and that Helen will join the rest of us on the blogosphere when she returns to the Assembly in September....

Fflam Festival a fiery issue!

Reading the Evening Post today, I couldn't help but question the incentive behind the decision of the Lib dem run Council in Swansea to ban large Festivals from Singleton Park in the future. This is in light of the recent cancellation of the highly anticipated Fflam Music Festival, which was cancelled at the last minute, allegedly due to weather conditions. There has been quite a debate in the local paper about this event. Residents in the surrounding area have been complaining about the noise and traffic which they allege would be a knock on affect of such events at the park. Lib dem Councillors have since issued a leaflet stating that no such events will take place in the future, although one day events such as the Proms in the Park will continue.

I do understand the residents' complaints, and sympathise with their concerns. Nevertheless, I was in favour of the the Fflam Festival taking place as it was set to bring some of the top bands of the moment to Swansea, and would have, in my opinion, developed Swansea as a prime tourist attraction. It would also have set the precedent for luring more top bands to the city to play in the future.

Perhaps the event was a little too over indulgent as a first event, and that a day of music would have been far more suitable. Perhaps Singleton Park wasn't the best location for all, but were other venues taken in to consideration beforehand?

The way in which this event has been argued out does make one question whether or not organisers will want to approach Swansea to host such events in the future. I sincerely hope so, but I also hope that we can learn from the mistakes made this time. Political capital notwithstanding!

Wednesday 5 September 2007


Pictures of the ChildLine SA1 jog. There are others on my facebook site.
LLuniau o ddigwyddiad ChildLine. Mae lluniau eraill ar Facebook.

£400 raised for Childline ( so far so good)

I've now raised £400 for Childline Cymru for the SA1 jog which I will take part in in a few hours time. I'm lucky that the weather is nice, and that I've spent a few hours in the gym ready for the run! I will put a photo up of the event, but I'll make sure that there isn't one of a sweaty and flustered Bethan post run!

Supposedly a few other AM's will be at the reception at The Village hotel in Swansea, but I'm not quite sure if they are doing the running bit- I'll soon find out!

On another note, I'm working on developing my website at the moment, so if you have any good ideas for a design, or if you want to suggest any features or content that I should include on the website, please leave a comment. Of course, I want a website that people will use regularly, and to encourage people to get in touch with me, so let me know what you think....


Rwyf nawr wedi cynilo £400 ar gyfer Childline Cymru ar gyfer yr SA1 jog rwyf am wneud mewn cwpwl o orie. Rwy'n lwcus fod y tywydd yn neis, a'r ffaith fy mod i wedi bod i'r gym cwpwl o weithie mewn paratoad! Fyddai'n rhoi llun lan ar y blog o'r digwyddiad, ond fydd dim llun o fi yn chwysu lan ma, dyna sy'n sicr!

Yn ol y son mae nifer o ACau eraill yn mynd i'r Derbyniad sydd yng Ngwesty'r Village yn Abertawe, ond sai'n sicr os oes un ohonynt yn rhedeg hefyd..fyddai'n darganfod hynny cyn hir mae'n siwr!

Ar nodyn arall, rwy'n datblygu fy wefan newydd, felly os oes gennych chi syniadau da ar gyfer cynnwys neu edrychiad y wefan plis gadewch i mi wbod. Wrth gwrs, rwyf am greu wefan ddiddorol sydd yn ennyn pobl i'w hail ddefnyddio, ac i gysylltu a mi, felly bydd unrhyw syniadau yn werthfawr iawn i mi....