Thursday 31 May 2007

Catalonia is not Spain!

I've just spent a few days in Barcelona ( and arrived back today in the rain! A great welcome home to Wales!)

I thought that most would appreciate this picture of the Catalan Government's main building in Barcelona- the Palau de la Generalitat. As you may know, Catalonia has its own Parliament, and the Catalan people are renowned for their patriotism. There was even graffiti on a bin opposite the main Cathedral building stating 'Catalonia is not Spain!'

The question in relation to Wales is, how far off are we to achieving the aim of creating a legislative Parliament for Wales? If we take Cymru X's text referendum on a Parliament for Wales ( which took place in 2005) as anything to go by, there was nearly unanimous support for more powers for the Assembly. As a result, a campaign for a referendum on a Parliament for Wales should be acheivable before 2011....

Rwyf newydd dreulio cwpwl o ddiwrnode ym Marcelona( nes i gyrraedd adre heddi yn y glaw! Croeso gwych yn ol i Gymru!)

O'n i'n meddwl basa llawer ohonoch yn gwerthfawrogi'r llun yma o adeilad Llywodraeth Catalonia- y Palau de la Generalitat. Fel yr ydych yn gwybod mae'n siwr, mae gan Catalonia Senedd ei hun, ac mae Catalanwyr yn cael eu hadnabod fel pobl gwlad garol iawn. Roedd graffiti hyd yn oed ar y biniau cyferbyn a'r prif Eglwys gyda ' Nid Sbaen yw Catalonia!' arnynt.

Y cwestiwn yng nghyd destun Cymru yw pa mor bell ydym ni o gyflawni'r amcan o greu Senedd Deddfwriaethol yma yng Nghymru?Os ydym yn asesu barn cyhoeddus yn ol refferendwm tecst Cymru X ar Senedd i Gymru ( a ddigwyddodd yn 2005), roedd canran mawr o bobl o blaid Senedd Deddfwriaethol i'r Cynulliad. O ganlyniad, dylai fod refferendwm ar Senedd i Gymru yn amcan credadwy, a hynny cyn 2011....

Sunday 27 May 2007

You'll be glad to know that I won't be blogging for a while!

Just a quick blog to say that I am going away for a few days so I won't be blogging.

The last week has certainly been interesting. I was attending a wedding yesterday when Leighton Andrews came over to me (it was a pure coincidence that both of us were there before the consipracy theories start!) and told me that the Lib Dems had voted in favour of joining a possible Plaid led Government. Nothing surprises me with the Lib Dems.

For the record, last week I voted against the proposal that my party suspend negotiations with Labour, because I thought it was premature to do so at that stage. I think the way things turned out vindicates that position.

Pro rainbow and red - green advocates cannot dismiss different opinions as tribal whilst ruling out the other strategy. The only consideration should be what's best for Wales. Let's see what's on the table when we return from recess.

Have a nice week.

Friday 25 May 2007

Swyddi/ Jobs

Isod mae hysbysebiadau swyddi i weithio gyda mi yng Ngorllewin De Cymru. Os oes diddordeb da chi, cysylltwch a mi.

Below is an advert for jobs available to work with me in South Wales West. If you are interested, please contact me.

Swyddog Cymunedol

Note: The appointee will have to prepare and provide information bilingually and so the ability to speak Welsh is essential for this post.
Noder: Fe fydd yn rhaid i’r person a benodir baratoi a darparu gwybodaeth yn ddwyieithog ac felly mae’r gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.

Mae Plaid Cymru yn chwilio am Swyddog Cymunedol i weithio yn rhan o dîm AC newydd Plaid Cymru, Bethan Jenkins yng Ngorllewin De Cymru. Os oes gennych yr awydd i gyfrannu at y tim newydd hwn, a bod gennych sgiliau er mwyn cyflawnu’r swydd cymunedol i’ch lawn botensial, yna cysylltwch gyda Bethan Jenkins ar am swydd ddisgrifiad a ffurflen gais.

Lleoliad: Swyddfa Plaid Cymru Castell Nedd
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: Dydd Gwener 15fed o Fehefin

Community Officer

Plaid Cymru is looking for a Community Officer to work with the new Plaid Cymru AM for South Wales West, Bethan Jenkins. If you are eager to contribute to this new team, and if you have the skills necessary to achieve your potential, contact Bethan Jenkins on for a job description and an application form.

Location: Plaid Cymru Office in Neath
Closing date: Friday the 15th of June

Swyddog Gweinyddol/ Swyddog Achos

Note: The appointee will have to prepare and provide information bilingually and so the ability to speak Welsh is essential for this post.
Noder: Fe fydd yn rhaid i’r person a benodir baratoi a darparu gwybodaeth yn ddwyieithog ac felly mae’r gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.

Mae Plaid Cymru yn chwilio am Swyddog Gweinyddol / Achos i weithio yn rhan o dim AC newydd Bethan Jenkins yng Ngorllewin De Cymru. Os oes gennych yr awydd i gyfrannu at y tîm newydd hwn, a bod gennych sgiliau gweinyddol er mwyn cyflawnu’r swydd i’ch lawn botensial, yna cysylltwch gyda Bethan Jenkins ar am swydd ddisgrifiad a ffurflen gais.

Lleoliad: Swyddfa Plaid Cymru Castell Nedd
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: Dydd Gwener 15fed o Fehefin

Administrative Officer/Case worker

Plaid Cymru is looking for an AdministraiveOfficer/Case worker to work with the new Plaid Cymru AM for South Wales West, Bethan Jenkins. If you are eager to contribute to this new team, and if you have the skills necessary to achieve your potential, contact Bethan Jenkins on for a job description and an application form.

Location: Plaid Cymru Office in Neath
Closing date: Friday the 15th of June

Swyddog Gwleidyddol/ Wasg

Note: The appointee will have to prepare and provide information bilingually and so the ability to speak Welsh is essential for this post.
Noder: Fe fydd yn rhaid i’r person a benodir baratoi a darparu gwybodaeth yn ddwyieithog ac felly mae’r gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.

Mae Plaid Cymru yn chwilio am Swyddog Gwleidyddol Wasg i weithio gyda tim AC newydd Bethan Jenkins yng Ngorllewin De Cymru. Os oes gennych yr awydd i gyfrannu at y tîm newydd hwn, a bod gennych y sgiliau gwleidyddol priodol er mwyn cyflawnu’r swydd i’ch lawn botensial, yna cysylltwch gyda Bethan Jenkins ar am swydd ddisgrifiad a ffurflen gais.

Lleoliad: Swyddfa Plaid Cymru Castell Nedd/ Cynulliad
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: Dydd Gwener 15fed o Fehefin

Political/ Press Officer

Plaid Cymru is looking for a Political/ Press Officer to work with the new Plaid Cymru AM for South Wales West, Bethan Jenkins. If you are eager to contribute to this new team, and if you have the political skills necessary to achieve your potential, contact Bethan Jenkins on for a job description and an application form.

Location: Plaid Office in Neath/ Assembly
Closing date: Friday the 15th of June

Thursday 24 May 2007

A week is a long time in politics...............

They say a week is a long time in politics. After my short experience as an AM, I think I'd say an hour is a long time in Welsh politics, especially if you assess this in terms of last night's Lib dem drama!

You all know where I stand on the issue of coalition (the Western Mail highlights this, but its news is unfortunately very out of date today), but I am perplexed by the Lib dems. Totally perplexed. They suspended talks with Labour to pursue talks with Plaid and the Tories. Negotiations took place, with Mike German seemingly either oblivious to opposition in his own party, or in denial of that opposition so as to pursue his dream of being a Cabinet Minister( again).

The Lib dems have some serious issues to address- leadership being its main priority. I must say, having seen how the Lib dems have acted, a Rainbow coalition would have been far from stable from the outset. I don't think Peter Black could stomach giving Mike German a Ministerial position, which is one of the reasons, (or the only reason?) why I believe that they are in this mess right now.

One thing is sure, we have to work through these next few days to get a deal. I don't believe that suspending talks with Labour was wise tactially for us, but that is neither here nor there at this point.

We must talk with Labour at this crucial stage, and re-ignite the red- green option. We will have to encourage Labour to play ball now. Whether they will co-operate with us is another issue altogether.


Wythnos yn hir men gwleidyddiaeth..............................

Mae nhw yn dweud bod wythnos yn amser hir mewn gwleidyddiaeth. Yn fy mhrofiad byr fel AC, buaswn yn dweud fod awr yn ddigon hir yng ngwleidyddiaeth Cymru, yn enwedig pan yn aseseu yn nhermau drama'r Democratiad Rhyddfrydol neithiwr!

Rydych i gyd yn gwybod lle rwyf yn sefyll ar glymbaid enfys (mae'r Western Mail yn tanlinellu hyn, newyddion braidd yn hen heddiw), ond ni allaf ddeall y Lib Dems. Wedi gohirio trafodaethau gyda Llafur, i ymroddi i drafodaethau gyda Plaid a'r Toriaid, doedd Mike German ddim yn cydnabod y gwrthwynebiad yn ei blaid, efallai i ganlyn y freuddwyd o fod yn Weinidog, eto.Mae rhaid i'r Dem Rhydd wynebu rhai problemau mawr, gan flaenoriaethu arweinyddiaeth.

O weld sut maent yn ymddwyn, ni fyddai clymblaid enfys wedi bod yn sefydog iawn o'r cychwyn. Dwi ddim yn credu fod gan Peter Black y stumog i roi Gweinidogaeth ar blat i Mike German. Un o'r rhesymau maent yn y fath lanast.Yn sicr, yn y dyddiau i ddod rhaid gweithio yn galed i gael cytundeb. Nid oedd gohirio trafodaethau gyd Llafur yn symudiad tactegol ar ein rhan, ond dydi hyn o ddim gwahaniaeth rwan.

Rhaid i ni drafod gyda Llafur ar yr adeg yma, ac ail-danio'r ddewis Plaid-Llafur. Rhaid ysgogi Llafur i chwarae'r gem rwan. Ond, a fydd y blaid yna yn cydweithio?

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Decision on coalition

I today issued a joint statement with other Plaid AMs opposing the formation of a coalition government between Plaid and the Tories. We suspended talks with Labour which I do not believe should have been suspended at this stage. Obviously, a vote will now be taken at both National Exec and National Council level, and I will respect the decisions made during such discussions, and abide by the decision of those democratic processes.

I am sure many of you would agree with my stance, others of you would not. My principles shape my politics, and therefore this is reflected in the way that I voted. I'd rather be honest than shy away from taking decisions like this- which are hard to make as you may understand.

Glyn Davies, a well know advocake of the Rainbow coalition ( or triple alliance) is still complementary of the ' Group of Four' who earlier said on his blog-

'Those 4 Plaid girls have got real b***s. I might not like it - but I'm really impressed'.

Anyway, here is the statement-

Leanne Wood AM said:

"It is with regret that we do not agree with the decision made in our group meeting today. We respectfully disagree.

"We fought this election on a platform to deliver a proper Parliament for our nation. A deal with the Conservatives would undermine the chance of delivering that goal."

Helen Mary Jones AM added:

"There is a clash of values and principles between Plaid and the Conservatives. That is why we believe an arrangement between us would be unsustainable in the long-run and not deliver the stable government for which we all strive.

"We have thought long and hard about making a public statement. But, we think it is now right that we seek to convince our members to oppose what we believe would be a mistaken decision."


Heddiw fe ymunais gyda ACau Plaid eraill mewn datgan ein gwrthwynebiad i ffurfio clymblaid rhwng Plaid a'r Toriaid. Rydym wedi crogiannu trafodaethau gyda Llafur a ddylai fod wedi parhau, yn yr adeg yma. Cyn hir, bydd pleidlais ar lefel y Bwrdd Gwaith Cenedlaethol a'r Cyngor Cenedlaethol, a byddaf yn parchu unrhyw benderfyniad o'r trafodaethau, a derbyn canlyniad y broses democrataidd.Rwyf yn sicr y bydd llawer ohonoch yn cytuno a'm safiad, a rhai ddim. Mae fy egwyddorau yn llunio fy ngwleidyddiaeth, a mae hyn wedi adlewyrchu yn y ffordd a bleidleisiais. Buasai'n well gen i fod yn wir i'n egwyddorau na rhedeg o benderfyniad anodd.

Mae Glyn Davies hyd yn oed, sydd yn cefnogi'r glymblaid enfys, wedi ffeindio'r egni i rhoi clod i'r 'Grwp o 4' am ein safiad. Dywedodd ar ei blog:

'Those 4 Plaid girls have got real b***s. I might not like it - but I'm really impressed'.

Dyma'r datganiad ta beth:

Dywedodd Leanne Wood AC:

"It is with regret that we do not agree with the decision made in our group meeting today. We respectfully disagree.

"We fought this election on a platform to deliver a proper Parliament for our nation. A deal with the Conservatives would undermine the chance of delivering that goal."

Ychwanegodd Helen Mary Jones AC:

"There is a clash of values and principles between Plaid and the Conservatives. That is why we believe an arrangement between us would be unsustainable in the long-run and not deliver the stable government for which we all strive."We have thought long and hard about making a public statement. But, we think it is now right that we seek to convince our members to oppose what we believe would be a mistaken decision."

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Mars for meat eaters

To take my mind off the coalition talks I started to look through Hansard for ideas for campaigns, and came across this. I am aghast at the fact that I may no longer be able to eat Mars bars and Snickers( aka Marathon bars to us 80's children)

I am distraught. At a time when I most need that extra energy boost, it is taken away from me( I'll stick to Green and Blacks then, obviously)

I'm now off to our delayed group meeting. I will report back here, no doubt

Mr David Drew
Mark Durkan
Mr Andrew Dismore
Peter Bottomley
Mr Mike Weir
Lynne Jones
* 17

Michael Jabez Foster
Mrs Joan Humble
That this House is appalled at the decision taken by Masterfoods to begin using animal rennet to produce the whey required for making the ingredients included in chocolate, rather than the vegetarian alternative; notes that this means that vegetarians can no longer eat Mars Bars, Snickers, Maltesers and Milky Way; recognises that this is purely a cost-cutting exercise and clearly discriminates against vegetarians; and asks the company to reconsider its decision as a matter of urgency.


I dynnu fy meddwl oddi ar y trafodaethau clymbliad nes i ddechrau edrych trwy Hansard am ymgyrchoedd o werth-dim ond i ffeindio'r cynnig yma. Rwyf yn ddigalon am y ffaith na fyddaf yn gallu bwyta Mars bars a Snickers ( aka Marathon i ni blant yr 80au) eto.

Mae hwn yn peri problem mawr wrth gwrs. Ar yr adeg lle rwyf angen tamad bach o egni , mae'r siawns hynny yn cael ei dynnu i ffwrdd!( nai gario mlan bwyta Green and Blacks te, yn amlwg)

Rwyf nawr yn mynd i gyfarfod ein grwp ni. Fyddai'n adrodd nol fan hyn, mae'n siwr.

Monday 21 May 2007

Rhodri Morgan's sudden obsession with opinion polls

Later tonight, Rhodri Morgan will say this at the private members Athenaeum Club in Pall Mall:
'What do the public of Wales want now? Do they want a Labour-led administration or do they want a Plaid Cymru-led administration? Answers on a postcard please."

This after saying yesterday that there should be a public opinion poll on who should be the First Minister of Wales.

Suddenly, Rhodri wants to put everything to public opinion, just to be sure. If you want to be pedantic about arguing for public scrutiny on a regular basis, why was there not such a plan when discussing the reconfiguration of the Health Service in Wales before the election?

Come on Rhodri, your stronger than that. Make a decision for yourself!


Rhodri Morgan yn darganfod esgus defnyddiol mewn barn cyhoeddus

Yn hwyrach heno, bydd Rhodri Morgan yn dweud hyn i Glwb Aelodau Preifat Athenaeum yn Pall Mall:

'What do the public of Wales want now? Do they want a Labour-led administration or do they want a Plaid Cymru-led administration? Answers on a postcard please."

Mae hyn ar ol datgan ddoe y dylai yna fod arolwg barn cyhoeddus ar pwy y dylai Prif Weinidog Cymru nesaf fod. Yn sydyn iawn, mae Rhodri eisiau mesur bob dim yn erbyn barn cyhoeddus, er mwyn bod yn hollol sicr.

Os wyt ti am fod yn hollol gywir am ddadlau o blaid craffiad cyhoeddus rheolaidd, pam nad oedd cynllyn tebyg pan yn trafod ad-drefnu'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd yng Nghymru cyn yr etholiad?

C'mon Rhodri, ti'n gryfach na hyn. Gwna benderfyniad dy hun!

What can I blog about apart from coalitions?!

I must admit that I'm finding it hard to blog at the moment. Its mainly due to the fact that I want to blog about different issues of the day, but then this is overtaken by constant thoughts on the negotiations that are taking place between the political parties this week- a very important week if anyone is to make a decision on who will govern Wales for the next 4 years. I would very much like to put it to the back of my mind, but its impossible given the weight placed upon us as AM's, and us as Plaid members, to finalise agreements by the end of the week.

Some other blogs have noted that I am of course stating the obvious when discussing the fact that any decision must go through Plaid's proper channels. I understand their comments, but I am merely stating that all is not black and white- that a Rainbow coalition is not inevitable at this stage.

Of course, Plaid members are not being silenced on this issue as Alun Cairns suggests on his blog, but I do believe that members are, like myself, thinking all options through clearly, and are cautious to make statements that could jeopordise the progression or stability of any said agreement. I have received many emails in the last few days- some from constituents, some from party members, both for and against the idea of a Rainbow coalition. These messages do little to help me in making a firm decision, but are effective in assessing public perception to what could be an entirely new form of politics here in Wales.

In my opinion, the pressure is on Rhodri Morgan to either cut a good deal with Plaid or face the end of his political career in opposition( and does he really want a seat in opposition to be his lasting legacy??) The question is, does he master enough authority within his own group to be able to deliver any deal with Plaid?

We are the party constantly criticised for having negative thoughts of the Tories due to our 80's Thatcher hang ups, but it would be enlightening if commentators could highlight the fact that many Labour AM's must equally get over their blinkered view of Plaid, so that they too can embrace the consensual politics of 21st century Wales.

A deal with the Lib dems and Labour is dead in the water as far as I can gather from speaking to the likes of Peter Black. Therefore, Rhodri Morgan must come up trumps with Plaid in the next few days, or other options will have to be explored.


Pynciau heblaw clymbleidiau?

Mae hi yn anodd iawn blogio ar y funud. Rwyf eisiau gwneud sylwadau ar faterion y diwrnod, ond wedyn yn dechrau meddwl am y trafodaethau rhyngbleidiol a fydd yn rhedeg drwy'r wythnos - wythnos hynod o bwysig, yn terfynu gyda phenderfyniad ar bwy fydd yn llywodraethu Cymru am y bedair mlynedd nesaf. Mi fuaswn yn hoffi gallu meddwl am rywbeth gwahanol, ond mae'n amhosib gwneud hyn gyda'r pwysau arnom fel ACau ac aelodau Plaid, i ffurfio cytundeb erbyn diwedd yr wythnos.

Mae rhai blogiau eraill wedi nodi fy mod yn mynegi yr hyn sydd yn amlwg pan yn trafod yr angen i unrhyw benderfyniad gael ei wneud drwy gyfundrefn ffurfiol y Blaid. Rwyf yn cydnabod eu barn, ond mae'n wir nad yw clymblaid Enfys yn anochel. Nid yw'n wir, fel mae Alun Cairns yn awgrymu ar ei flog, fod aelodau Plaid yn cael eu distewi ar y mater, ond mae aelodau, gan gynnwys fy hunan, yn meddwl dros y dewisiadau, ac rydm yn ofalus am fynegi barn a allai beryglu sefydlogrwydd trafodaethau.

Rwyf wedi derbyn nifer o e-byst yn ddiweddar - gan etholwyr ac aelodau'r Blaid, o blaid ac yn erbyn clymblaid Enfys. Dydi rhain ddim yn gynorthwyol i fy mhroses o wneud penderfyniad, ond yn ddefnyddiol i asesu dehongliad cyhoeddus o beth all fod yn fath newydd o wleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru.

Yn fy marn i, mae'r pwysau ar Rhodri Morgan i lunio cytundeb foddhaol gyda Plaid, neu gwynebu diwedd ei alwedigaeth wleidyddol fel gwrthbleidydd (ai dyma beth mae o eisiau fel ei gymynrodd??). Yr unig gwestiwn yw, a oes ganddo ddigon o ddylanwad yn ei grwp i arwain at gytundeb gyda Plaid?

Ni yw'r blaid sydd wedi cael ein cyhuddo o hel meddyliau negatif am y Toriaid, yn sgil trychinebau Thatcher yn yr 80au, ond mi fydd yn oleuol os y bydd rhai gohebwyr yn tanlinellu'r ffaith fod rhaid i lawer o ACau Llafur wynebu eu rhagdybiaethau hwy am y Blaid, fel ein bod yn gallu symud tuag at wleidyddiaeth cyd-weithredol newydd i Gymru yr 21ain ganrif.

Mae cytundeb rhwng y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol a Llafur yn farw ar ei draed yn ol pobl fel Peter Black. Felly, mae'n rhaid i Rhodri Morgan wneud cynnig da i Plaid yn y dyddiau nesaf, neu mi fydd dewisiadau eraill yn cael eu ystyried.

Friday 18 May 2007

Jumping to conclusions

The media and the blogs alike are getting so excited about the idea of a Rainbow coalition that it's almost embarrassing to read. Please still remember that anything passed from Plaid's end has to go through the Assembly group, the National Executive, and a National Council meeting. It's not just a matter of the media playing up the Rainbow Coalition, or Mike German ruling out a deal with Labour, ( although even from May the 4th we saw quite clearly that a Lib-Lab pact was on very precarious ground) but its about how any deal, contract, coalition etc must go through these channels before anything is final.

This might be stating the obvious, but I am aware that the media, and the blogosphere alike are both quite powerful means of communication, and play a key role in influencing opinion. We shouldn't get the wrong idea about what is happening.

So yes, its great to see media and blogging interest in this issue, but bear in mind that it's far from over yet. People may be talking up the Rainbow coalition now, but its another question entirely as to whether or not anyone will find the 'treasure'.

Canlyniadau camarweiniol?

Mae'r cyfryngau traddodiadol a'r blogiau i gyd yncyffroi gymaint am y syniad o glymblaid enfys ei fodyn peri cywilydd ar eu rhan! A wnewch chi gofio bodrhaid i unrhyw symudiad o ochr Plaid yn gorfod cael eigyflwyno i'r grwp Cynulliad, y Bwrdd GwaithGenedlaethol a chyfarfod o'r Cyngor Genedlaethol.Mae'r anhawster yn un mwy na' cyfryngau yn pwysleisioclymblaid enfys, a Mike German yn gwrthod ystyried cytundeb gyda Llafur (er i ni wel bod cytundeb Lib-Labar dir ansefydlog ers Mai 4ydd) ond mae i wneud gydasut y byddai unrhyw fath o glymblaid neu cytundeb yngorfod cael eu trafod gan y cyrff yma cyn unrhywbenderfyniad.

Efallai fy mod yn mynegi yr hyn sydd yn amlwg, ond mae'r cyfryngau a'r blogosffer yn ddwy foddeitha pwers o gysylltu, a'n chwarae rhan allweddol yndylanwadu'r cyhoedd a'u barn. Felly rhaid i ni beidio a chael camsyniadau am yr hyn sydd yn digwydd. Mae ynwych gweld y diddordeb yn a mater hwn, ond dydi pethauddim drosodd eto! Mae pobl yn trafod clymblaid enfysnawr, ond a fydd unrhywun yn darganfod y 'trysor'?

Thursday 17 May 2007

Texas Radio Band and me!

Newydd gwylio'r sioe cerddoriaeth Bandit ar S4C digidol, a daeth fideo newydd Texas Radio Band arno. Syndod mawr i glywed swn fy fiola ar y trac! Nes i anghofio'n llwyr mod i wedi recordio can efo'r band tua blwyddyn yn ol bellach, mewn stiwdio yng Nghaerdydd.( dyna beth mae ymgyrch etholiad yn gwneud i'ch ymenydd, bobl! Methu cofio un dydd i'r llall, wir.)

Mae cwpwl o'n ffrindiau yn y band, ac oherwydd o'n i arfer bod mewn band fy hun( Gilespi) rwy'n credu odd rhyw fath o syniad da nhw mod i'n gallu ware yn ok! ( Mae Grav yn caru ni, na gyd sy'n bwysig)

Y fideo oedd sengl newydd y band, ac yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid i chi ei brynnu yn awr i glywed alaw swynol fy fiola!....

I've just been watching Bandit ( a Welsh language music show ) on S4C digital, and Texas Radio Band's new video came on. I was shocked to hear the sound of my very own fiola playing on the track! I had totally forgotten that I'd recorded the track last year, I believe at a studio in Cardiff(That's what an election campaign does to one's brain, friends! You can't remember a thing from one day to the next!)
A few of my friends are in the band, and probably because I used to be in a band myself ( Gilespi) I think that they had some faith in the fact that I could play the Viola to an ok ish standard!( Grav loves us so that's all that matters)

Well, the video was of the band's new single, and obviously you must now buy the track to hear the sweet sound of my viola playing....!

Leakages in Labour / Llacrwydd Llafur

Perhaps it’s just me, but does anyone else think that its ever so convenient that today, when there has been a leak to the press regarding Rhodri Morgan’s stability pact and its content, Huw Lewis AM miraculously has an opposing response in today’s Western Mail? You are free to make up your own mind, but this particular paragraph is quite telling:

‘Details of a so-called Labour Minority Government Partnership (or Confidence and Supply) Agreement with X (meaning the Liberal Democrats or Plaid Cymru) have been leaked to the Western Mail, together with critical comments from Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney AM Huw Lewis and circulated to Labour AMs’.

It doesn’t necessarily matter how it reached Martin Shipton’s desk, but it is interesting, yet again, how the most vocal Unionist within the Labour group, Huw Lewis is responding. He is of course vehemently opposed to any deal with Plaid, ( or as he calls us- ‘The Nationalists’- somehow trying to make it a dirty word) and he is doing his utmost to ruin any chances of a Plaid-Labour deal as a consequence.

The contract isn’t very detailed, at least in terms of what policies the two parties prioritise to successfully form an agreement, but it does set out the relationship between the parties.
Nevertheless, Huw Lewis is quick off the mark to attack the document:

My main objection to this kind of deal is that if affords power with no responsibility- by failing to tie X into a formal coalition…..’

Failing to tie X into a formal coalition? Surely it was the Labour group that ruled this out after a long meeting last week? If they had wanted to approach other parties with a coalition option, (or if their dealings with the Lib dems had succeeded), then this would have been totally feasible. But the Lib dems have all but refused a coalition with Labour, which leaves Labour with no option but to pursue this ‘contract’ option.

Huw Lewis goes on to say:

‘In addition, the role of the Labour Party Group AMs from the party of government will be restricted and become utterly toothless’.

I think Huw Lewis is living in a different time zone if he thinks that a minority Labour Government, who chooses to govern without some sort of consensus from another party will be any less restricted and toothless!

It is very worrying that he is so willing to talk out against Rhodri Morgan at this very important stage in the discussions. Surely a united front is what Labour needs now, or will a Leadership challenge be upon us earlier than we think?


Efallai mai dim ond fi sydd yn meddwl hyn, ond oes unrhywun arall wedi sylw ei bod mor gyfleus mai heddiw, pan mae’r cyfryngau wedi cael gafael ar stori am gytuneb sefydlogrwydd Rhodri Morgan a’i gynnwys, yw’r diwrnod pan, yn wyrthiol, mae Huw Lewis AC wedi gwrthwynebu’r holl syniad yn y Western Mail? Mi gewch chi benderfynu eich hunain, ond mae’r dyfyniad yma yn datgelu cryn dipyn:

Details of a so-called Labour Minority Government Partnership (or Confidence and Supply) Agreement with X (meaning the Liberal Democrats or Plaid Cymru) have been leaked to the Western Mail, together with critical comments from Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney AM Huw Lewis and circulated to Labour AMs’.

Efallai nad yw’n bwysig sut y glaniodd hwn ar ddesg Martin Shipton, ond mae yn ddiddorol iawn mai’r Undebwr mwyaf brwd o fewn y gwp Llafur, Huw Lewis, yn ymateb. Wrth gwrs, mae’n gwrthwynebu cytuneb gyda Plaid yn danbaid (neu, fel mae o yn ein galw, “The Nationalists” – fel rhyw air budur), ac o ganlyniad yn ceisio’i orau glas i chwalu unrhyw gyfle am gytundeb Plaid–Llafur.

Nid yw geiriad y cytundeb yn fanwl iawn, yn nhermau blaenoriaethu polisiau i ffurfio cytundeb o leiaf, ond mae o yn gosod y berthynas rhwng y pleidiau ar dir cadarn.

Er hyn, mae Huw Lewis yn chwim i ymuno a’r ffrae dros y ddogfen:

‘My main objection to this kind of deal is that if affords power with no responsibility- by failing to tie X into a formal coalition…..’

Methu clymu X i glymblaid ffurfiol? Ai nid y grwp Llafur a benderfynodd gwrthod y dewisiad hwn mewn cyfarfod hir yr wythnos ddiwethaf? Os oedden am fynd i ddrysau’r pleidiau eraill gyda’r dewisiad o glymblaid (neu os oedd y trafodaethau gyda’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol wedi dwyn ffrwyth), mi fuasai hyn wedi bod yn hollol ddichonadwy. Ond gyda’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol wedi bron a gwrthod clymblaid gyda Llafur, dilyn y ‘gytundeb’ yw’r unig ddewis iddynt.

Mae Huw Lewis yn ychwanegu:

In addition, the role of the Labour Party Group AMs from the party of government will be restricted and become utterly toothless’.

Rhaid bod Huw Lewis yn byw ar blaned arall os yw’n credu y bydd llywodraeth leiafrif Llafur, sydd yn dewis llywodraethu heb unrhyw gytundeb gyda plaid arall, yn fwy weithredol a phwerus!
Mae’n achos o bryder ei fod mor barod i leisio’i barn yn erbyn Rhodri Morgan, yn enwedig mewn amser mor pwysig yn y trafodaethau. Ai nid ychydig o unoliaeth mae Llafur angen nawr, neu a fydd her i arweinyddiaeth Rhodri Morgan yn gynt yn hytrach na hwyrach?

Wednesday 16 May 2007

SNP decision while Wales plays the waiting game.

English to follow below

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i'r SNP heddiw am sefydlu Llywodraeth yn yr Alban. Er ei fod yn lywodraeth lleiafrifol, rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y fedrir yr SNP cyflwyno newidiadau radical i wleidyddiaeth yr Alban. Wrth gwrs, mae hyn yn dibynnu ar ewyllys da cefnogaeth y pleidiau eraill, ond mi fydd yn ddiddorol iawn dilyn hynt a helynt y Senedd yn yr Alban.

Dros y ffin yma yng Nghymru, mae'r trafodaethau dal yn digwydd. Mae'r wasg yn erfyn am stori mae arna i ofn. Mi oedd 3 camera BBC yn ein cyfarfod grwp y bore ma! Roedd darllediad y BBC tamaid bach yn cam arweiniol hefyd, gan honi heddiw bod y Glymblaid Enfys yn edrych yn fwy o bosibiliad. Y ffaith yw nad yw'r glymblaid hwn ar lefel uwch neu llai na'r trafodaethau am yr opsiynau eraill ar hyn o bryd.

Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gael y penderfyniad, beth bynnag yw hwnnw, gan fod pethau yn ddi-symud braidd nes bod Llywodraeth yn cael ei ffurfio. Fel dywedodd Dafydd Ellis Thomas yr wythnos hwn, dyw'r sefyllfa ddim yn 'creisis', na chwaith yn 'stalemate' fel a dywedodd Nick Speed yn ei darn ar newyddion HTV heno. Mae hwn yn benderfyniad mor bwysig i bob Plaid fel na fedrwn rhuthro mewn i dim heb pwyso a mesur pob opsiwn yn glir, ond byddech yn falch o wybod mod i wedi dod i benderfyniad. Er nad wyf am ei rhannu yma eto wrth gwrs!

Am y tro, fe a i ati i agor pentwr o ohebiaeth rwyf wedi derbyn ers Mai y 3ydd!


A big congratulations to the SNP for announcing today that they will form a Government in Scotland. Even though it shall be a minority Government, I hope that the SNP can succeed in introducing radical changes that will benefit Scotland. Of course this depends somewhat on the good will and support of the opposition parties, but it will be very interesting to watch how the political scene develops in Scotland.

Over the border here in Wales, negotiations are still taking place. I fear that the press are by now desperate for a story. There were 3 BBC cameras at our group meeting today! I thought that their news coverage was a little bit misleading tonight as well, as it suggested that a Rainbow coalition was now much more likely than it was previously. The fact of the matter is that this option still holds the same ground as the other options on the table, and that's how it should be reported.

I am looking forward to the day when a decision will finally be made, whatever the outcome is, as I can foresee that things will be pretty slow moving at the Assembly until a Government is formed. As Dafydd Ellis Thomas said earlier this week, the situation is not a 'crisis' or a 'stalemate' for that matter, as Nick Speed suggested tonight on HTV Wales. This is such an important decision for Plaid that we can't just make quick decisions for the future at any cost. We have to weigh up each option clearly. You will be pleased to know that I have made up my mind, but I won't be airing it here for the time being.

For now, I will return to opening the huge bundle of post that I have had on my desk since May the 3rd!

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Quiz New Statesman Tony Blair

How Blair are you?

Dwi ddim yn Blairite gyda sgor fel hwn, diolch byth!

I'm not a Blairite with a score like this, thank goodness!

Monday 14 May 2007

Deddf Iaith a'r Ceidwadwyr

Hat tip i Guerilla Welsh Fare am y syniad tu ol i'r blog yma. Yn ei blog, mae'n son am y ffaith nad yw'r Toriaid, a oedd gynt yn weithredol dros yr iaith Gymraeg, sef Lisa Francis a Glyn Davies wedi cael eu ail ethol, ac yn awgrymu na fydd y grwp Toriaid newydd yn rhoi'r iaith ar flaen yr agenda gwleidyddol.

Roedd y gwleidyddion uchod yn fwy na rhannol gyfrifol am apel y Toriaid i Genedlaetholwyr adain de, ac am symud blaenoriaethau'r Blaid i ffwrdd o agenda canol y ffordd, cyffyrddus, i'r tasg o 'Gymreigio'r' Toriaid yng Nghymru. Yn sicr, roedd eu gwaith wedi dwyn ffrwyth i raddau helaeth, yn enwedig o ysytyried eu rol o fewn Cymdeithas yr Iaith- eu cefnogaeth i adolygiad o'r Ddeddf Iaith bresenol, a datblygiad addysg Gymraeg. Ond, y cwestiwn mawr yw- a fydd yr adain yma o fewn y Blaid yn parhau nawr bod Lisa Francis a Glyn Davies ill dau ymhell o goridorau pwer Bae Caerdydd, yntau a fydd agenda'r Blaid yn cael ei domiwnyddu gan Cameron o'r swyddfeydd Toriaid yn Llundain?

Felly mi fydd y misoedd nesaf yn gyfnod ddiddorol iawn o ran deall blaenoriathau polisi y grwp Toriaid newydd. Mi fydd yn gyfnod diddorol i aelodau Cymdeithas yr Iaith hefyd, wrth iddynt baratoi eu gwaith o lobio Aelodau Cynulliad i gyflwyno Deddf Iaith Newydd yn rhan o bwerau newydd y Cynulliad, yn ogystal a strategaeth y grwp pwyso wrth fynd at eu gwaith.

Rhaid peidio anghofio chwaith bod natur y Blaid Lafur wedi newid yn awr hefyd. Os fydd ras arweinyddol o fewn y Blaid Lafur yn y misoedd/ blwyddyn nesaf, byddech yn siwr o weld ymgeiswyr o adain Undebol y Blaid hynny, ac o adain mwy Cenedlaetholgar y Blaid Lafur ( Andrew Davies vs Carwyn Jones, tybed?)
Efallai y bydd y ddadl ieithyddol yn rhan ganolog o'r ras hynny. Pwy a wyr?

Dyfodol i chwith y Blaid Lafur o dan Brown?

Mae'r blog hwn yn adlewyrchu fy marn ( yn syml, felly!) ar ras yr arweinyddiaeth o fewn y Blaid Lafur, sydd wedi cychwyn ers i Tony Blair datgan ei fod yn gadael 10 Stryd Downing ( na, doedd dim deigryn yn fy llygaid, mae arna i ofn!)

Yn ol Brown, mae ef nawr am wrando ar y bobl, am adfer ffydd y bobl mewn gwleidyddiaeth democrataidd, ac am gael gwared o'r 'spin' sydd wedi llygru'r Blaid Lafur. Rhaid dweud, ar ol i mi wylio'r Sunday Edition, rwy'n sinigaidd fyth am Gordon Brown a'r honiadau uchod.

Gofynnwyd i Hilary Benn ar y rhaglen ( sy'n ceisio am safle'r Dirprwy Arweinydd) pam yn gwmws nad oedd Gordon Brown wedi llwyddo i wrando, ac i weithio yn erbyn yr awyrgylch o spin tra roedd e'n gweithio i Tony Blair dros y 10 mlynedd diwethaf? Nid oedd Hilary Benn am ateb y cwestiwn, gan rhoi rhyw ateb di-eglur am y ffaith nad oedd Gordon Brown yn arweinydd ar y pryd, ac felly nid oedd yn medru llywio digwyddiadau na threfniant o fewn y Blaid Lafur.

I mi, mae hwn yn rhesymeg hurt i rhoi am anallu Brown i weithredu yn effeithiol. Roedd Gordon Brown yn Ganghellor, yn chwarae rol blaenllaw o fewn tim Tony Blair, ( boed iddyn nhw fod yn hapus gyda hyn ai peidio!) gan weithio ar ddiwygiadau allweddol megis annibynniaeth Banc Lloegr, pensiynau, canoli'r gwasanaeth cyhoeddus- mae'r rhestr yn mynd yn ei flaen. Ydy e wir yn dderbyniol i Benn bwysleisio nad oedd Brown yn eiddo ar ddigon o bwer i wneud gwahaniaeth clir yn ystod y cyfnod pwysig hwn, o ysytyried pa mor agos oedd o i Tony Blair?

Yn ogystal a hyn felly, rhaid cofio bod Llafur yn BLAID gwleidyddiol (er ei fod yn hawdd anghofio o ystyried natur arweinyddol Llywyddol Tony Blair). Buasai gan Gordon Brown yr un gallu, fel unrhyw aelod arall o'r Blaid, i gyflwyno mesurau gerbron cyfarfodydd, Cynadleddau y Blaid hwnnw i newid strwythurau'r Blaid er gwell. Fe fethodd i wneud hynny.

Felly nawr, maddeuwch i mi am fod yn sinigaidd llwyr, ac am beidio dangos owns o gyffro yn fy nghorff am y ffaith bod Gordon Brown yn debygol o ddod i rym. Yn barod mae ef wedi ail datgan polisiau o greu tai eco, ac wedi defnyddio 'spin' yn hollol glir er mwyn hybu ei delwedd newydd o Gordon 'y dyn cyfeillgar' yn hytrach na'r dyn cadaran gyda'r 'clunking fist'.

I orffen, yr hyn sydd eto yn chwerthynllyd am y Brown newydd yma yw'r ffaith i ASau Llafur megis Paul Flynn dweud yn gyhoeddus bod Gordon Brown yn arweinydd fydd yn tynnu'r Blaid yn ol i gredodau 'Llafur hen'- y blaid egwyddorol gynt. Mae hyn oll yng ngolau'r sefyllfa fod Michael Meacher neu Mc Donnell yn bygwth sefyll yn erbyn Brown fel ymgeiswyr o 'chwith' y Blaid Lafur! ....Esboniwch hynny i mi, plis!

Ar ddiwedd y dydd, mae Gordon Brown wedi bod yno drwy hynt a helynt Llafur Newydd. Does dim byd a fedra newid hynny. Yn weledol felly, efallai bod ganddynt yr angen i ymddangos fel bod Llafur Newydd yn farw o dan Brown, ond o ystyried bygythiad David Cameron i'w pleidleisiau dosbarth canol, rwy'n sicr o ddweud nad oes gan Brown a'i dim yr un rheswm etholiadol dros llwyr ymrhyddhau o gysgod Blair......

Sunday 13 May 2007

Talks about Talks...

I've noted how other Welsh bloggers are tackling the issue of coalition deals of late- from reading Matt Withers's column today on a possible Plaid-Labour deal, Glyn Davies who favours a minority Labour Government until a Rainbow coalition takes over, Chanticleer on Lib dem internal wranglings, and Blamerbell, who suggests that a Parliament for Wales should not be a deal breaker due to its inevitability as written within the Government of Wales Act.

What underlines the arguments in the blogs are the red-line issues for each political party- where we are ready to co-operate and sacrifice on policy proposals or political viewpoints, and where we are adamant to remain head-strong and refuse to compromise. The problem with this is that undoubtedly red line issues will differ from member to member, from area to area, and they will also differ with regards to a party's approach to an opposing political party.

It is of course fair enough to say that for us, a New Welsh language Act would be a red line issue as one of many, but I don't think that it would be enough on it's own merit to justify, for example, a rainbow coalition for the next four years. Glyn Davies mentions my 'misguided socialism', but does not outline any clear reasoning for encouraging me to embrace the concept of a rainbow coalition further than that of creating an 'alternative' to Labour in Wales. What is the long term gain of such an outcome for Wales?

However, what is of interest to me is this- If there is a different Government in Westminster to the National Assembly (for example, there could be a Rainbow Coalition in Wales, and a Labour Government in Westminster) how will Hain's veto play out with regards to passing new powers, will a referendum on a Parliament for Wales be off the cards, and could this mean more effective scrutiny of a Labour Westminster Government? It is far from clear how this would pan out.

In my humble opinion, the talks about talks must now develop in to talks about Government here in Wales. We should be discussing our aims and objectives as parties, and whether or not working together is a viable option. It could all culminate with the impossibility of any deal between us due to ideological and practical differences. Until we reach the point where we know when we would be prepared to work with other parties, and under what auspices, we will not be sure of how best to go ahead with forming any style of working Government here in Wales.

Friday 11 May 2007

ACau Rhanbarthol i'r Blaid Lafur....

Rwyf wedi bwriadu blogio ar y mater o'r Blaid Lafur yn ennill seddi ar y rhestr, ond dyw'r amser ddim wedi caniatau hynny i ddigwydd ers Mai y 3ydd, yn anffodus!

Beth sydd o ddiddordeb i mi nawr bod yr etholiad ar ben yw'r ffaith bod gan y Blaid Lafur 2 sedd ar y rhestr yng Nghanolbarth Cymru- Alun Davies yn un ohonynt. Mi oeddwn i ar y rhaglen Dau o'r Bae gydag o y bore ma, pan ddywedodd ei fod yn erbyn system PR o ethol Aelodau, ac hynny er gwaetha'r ffaith ei fod o wedi elwa o'r system ansefydlog hwn. Dros y blynyddoedd mae'r Blaid Lafur, yn enwedig Peter Hain, wedi tynnu cryn sylw i'r ffaith bod ACau rhanbarthol rhywsut yn israddiol i aelodau etholaethol. Dywediad enwocaf Carl Seargeant AC hyd yn oed yw 'As the directly elected AM for...'

Felly, ble mae hwn yn gadael y Blaid Lafur yn awr? Bydden nhw'n parhau i feirniadu'r system, yntau fydd Alun Davies a'i debyg yn rhoi stop i'r cwynion fel ACau rhanbarthol? Wedi'r cyfan, y Blaid Lafur sydd wedi siapio'r system i geisio siwtio dibenion eu hun h.y mae nhw wedi creu system dau lefel yn bwrpasol er mwyn parhau ag hegemoni'r Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru. Mae hwn yn wir eto wrth iddynt stopio ymgeiswyr rhag sefyll ar y rhestr ac yn lleol cyn etholiad diwethaf y Cynulliad ( a dyna pam nad yw Glyn Davies gyda ni yn y Senedd!)

Yr ateb syml i hwn byddai cyflwyno amcanion Comisiwn Richard o Senedd deddfwriaethol llawn i Gymru, ehangu'r seddi i 80, a chyflwyno system bleidleisio STV, sydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon. Byddai cyflwyno amcanion o'r fath yn gam ymlaen bositif i Gymru. Dylai unrhyw drafodaeth rhyngddom ni a phleidiau gwleidyddol eraill yn y broses o greu Llywodraeth ym Mae Caerdydd cymryd y ffactorau yma oll mewn i ystyriaeth heb os.

Thursday 10 May 2007

Calling all young people

So, young people of Wales, put your money where your mouth is, and get involved in politics! I for one do not want to enter the elections in 2011 ( if I re-stand anywhere!) with young people claiming that politicians don't listen to them, and that their opinions are worthless.
I want to help rectify the situation, and get young people involved in decision-making for young people. BUT I will need help. I can't do it all myself. ( I know that Funky Dragon exists, but this won't compromise that at all)

So, I want to test the waters here on the blog to see what we can do, who wants to do it, and how we go about it. Ideally, I'd like to get a cross party team of people with different interests and talents so that we can get the ball rolling.

If you are interested either email me or comment on this site and we can go from there.....

By the way, I think that 'young people' should be loosely classed as those under 30 years of age. Like our youth movement, Cymru X, you can be a member if you are under 30 years old..... If you have a problem with this, just say!

Wednesday 9 May 2007

First day at the Senedd

I'm finally getting settled in at the Assembly. I've been allocated my office, I've been given a mass of information on everything from wages, to staffing information, to research questions. It's a lot to take in today but I'm sure I'll get used to it. We had a group meeting this morning, and the BBC were like paparazzi outside filming the meeting. ( trying, no doubt to pick up any clues to their coalition story)

I've since done a few interviews for the press, followed by attening the first plenary session( I didn't have to vote, so I couldn't 'do a Gibbons'!). It was very exciting to sit in the Senedd with the other AM's, although I am told that you can hear everything everyone says in private conversation due to the acoustics of the place, so I kept quiet- naturally!

Fair play to Jane Hutt, she was the only Labour AM to congratulate all Plaid AM's in turn. The session wasn't very long, but Dafydd Ellis Thomas was re-elected Presiding Officer, and Rosemary Butler as Deputy. Let's hope they both get on better than Dafydd Ellis Thomas and John Marek!

Until we know who will govern at the Assembly, things will be quiet here I predict. It will give me enough time to plan, and to settle in properly...I hope!

Monday 7 May 2007

Coming back down to earth....

My blogging has reached the Western Mail, and today they feature my musings leading up to the election, and the result. I think that it's something that new AM's should definitely embrace, so that people can read about our work and experiences as newly elected representatives. I am aware that some people are dubious of blogging, or nervous that their views will be misinterpreted, but I think that it's important to air our opinions and to discuss issues that are raised at the National Assembly.

I have slept a few days away since the election, but hope to get back on track tomorrow. I have to sort out an office, staff, strategies for the next four years. All very exciting stuff. I am still a little shocked by the whole affair, but I'm sure I'll come down to earth soon.

My family's been very supportive, and my cousins in Belfast, family in Watford have all kept a keen eye on the election! Although my uncle is New Labour through and through I think he's secretly pleased of my success as a Penparcau boy at heart!!

In the next few weeks I will be assessing what the key priorities for me, Plaid, and the National Assembly will be. Feel free to add to the discussion!

Saturday 5 May 2007

Celebration time for Plaid

Just popping by to say a belated thank you to all who voted for Plaid in this election, and to all activists who have worked so hard to make key gains for the party. An excellent result of 15 seats for Plaid, and a majority for the SNP in Scotland.

It was a long day yesterday but at about 4pm we were told that we had 2 seats on the list in South Wales West.

Had a lovely evening celebrating. Although I am now extremely tired!

Now it's back to the graft again. No complacency for Plaid at all!

For now, enjoy the sunshine!

Friday 4 May 2007

still waiting for regional result but great night for Neath

Excuse the tiredness......

It's 10.38am and we still haven't had the South Wales West regional vote. It's looking tight, and I hope that we can clinch the 2nd regional seat.

Very tired, and annoyed that we had to leave without a clear result today.

Neath was an exceptional result, and is definitely winnable in 2011. Well done Alun Llewelyn, you made Labour very scared. Hain looked much more orange than usual, and was trying to comfort Gwenda when she thought she had lost.

Disappointing about Swansea West, but across the region we don't look too bad. Aberavon at constituency level was heartening in second place, but Gibbons has a huge majority to try and hack in to!!!

No television to find out results until early hours of the morning when the Afan Lido put on the televisions in the gym. Bizarre hour of candidates sitting watching Huw Edwards on the screens...and sleeping on cross trainers and running machines!

BNP walking around in matcho crowds all night, while I tried to avoid catching their attention. Communists got in to a bit of a cerfuffle with them. I couldn't even think of looking at Nick Griffin. Very disconcerting that the BNP have picked up votes, that's for sure.

I am getting ready to go out for today and face the world. Our count is at Port Talbot Civic Hall at 2pm. We will learn there how we have done on the regional list.

All in all, Plaid has done exceptionally well. Not the Labour meltdown that we had hoped for, but room for development for Plaid for 2011. Helen Mary winning Llanelli was an election high for me, and my friend Aileen Campbell getting in on the list for the SNP.

See more pictures on my facebook page of the evening.

Thursday 3 May 2007

I'm off to the count...enjoy the results.....

Well I can't say I've taken part in the 'live blogging' activity that's going to happen tonight, but I've posted a few blogs today that should give some sort of taster as to how the day has gone, and the election for Plaid in general terms. I don't want to get nostalgic just yet!

I'm off over to the count very soon so I won't be able to read the wealth of Welsh political blogs this evening. It is a very good idea I must say. I will probably pass any information that I might get to blamerbell, but I don't know why I should either, because I bet he didn't vote Plaid twice!

Oh well, enjoy the evening, the results, the pro-plus to stay awake, and Huw Edwards's take on the election from Cardiff Bay. I'll be over at the Afan Lido in Aberavon all evening at the Neath and Aberavon count.

Fingers crossed it'll be a good night for Plaid!

Nos da!

Good Evening voters!

I've considered that it's not wise to predict seats, especially as we have no inclination at all of how things are really going! It's also due to the fact that I don't want to appear a) over confident b) too sceptical- these are extremes of feelings as you are no doubt aware, but it's hard to grasp a happy medium at a time like this- when winning the most seats possible is all we can think about as Plaid candidates! I will give you some insight in to what I am thinking nevertheless.....

I would like to think that we will pick up seats in this election due to the enormous amount of work that we have put in to strategy, work on ground level, and campaigning. Whether this happens in the North, Mid and West, or the South Wales Valleys is another question in itself.

Obviously, whatever happens we will learn from this campaign, and develop for the future, but I would especially like to see Helen Mary Jones win Llanelli. She is an excellent politician. If she loses tonight, she will be greatly missed from the Plaid Assembly team.

It would also be a spirit lifting exercise for us to possibly win back one of the South Wales seats that we won in1999. Islwyn, Rhondda and Caerphilly are ripe for the taking, with first class candidates. It would give us the boost in the Valleys that we need to broaden Plaid's appeal.

To be realistic for a moment, I'm not sure if we will pick up some Valleys seats which are still largely Labour dominated. Case in point could be Merthyr Tydfil, and my reasoning being that there are so many Independent candidates that they will inevitably split their votes against Huw Lewis. I hope that I am wrong of course, and that Plaid will save the day in order to rid Merthyr of the Unionist, Penarth boy that is Huw Lewis!

Rhodri Glyn Thomas is a cert to win in Camarthen East, not that this is newsworthy. What is worth keeping a look out for nevertheless is Plaid's Chair, John Dixon, who is standing in Camarthen West. He's rumoured to be well on the way to a win tonight. Arfon, as a new constituency is also one to look out for, and I hope that the experienced Alun Ffred will win by a long shot.

Elin Jones has run a superb campaign in Ceredigion, with excellent activists on hand( and staff!). I was present at Simon Thomas's count in the last Westminster election, and I can honestly say from that experience alone - a political party cannot take anything for granted.

On the issue of Independent candidates, I will keep an eye on whether or not Marek retains his seat in Wrexham, and Ron Davies's influence on Caerphilly ( which I happen to think is minimal). Trish Law will retain Blaenau Gwent, there is no doubt about it.

I haven't mentioned all of the constituencies for the election. I'll leave other bloggers to predict, or give thoughts on the rest!

In the meantime, I've been to some of the polling stations today here in Neath at the quieter times, but there is indication that the percentage of those voting is up. This might be something to do with the weather, or if we are more positive, it could be to do with a renewed interest in Welsh politics- or a thirst to oust Labour once and for all....

We'll soon find out... ......

New Statesman blog

My blog for the New Statesman is now online if you fancy reading it. Might make a difference as to how you vote...never know....

Mae fy mlog ar gyfer y New Statesman arlein nawr os da chi am ei ddarllen...falle bydd e'n neud gwahaniaeth i sut da chi'n pleidleisio. Chi byth yn gwybod..

Election day -Early morning start....

Just arrived back fom distributing ' Good Morning, vote Plaid twice' cards in Swansea West. I didn't mind getting up early as it was a lovely morning, and I wasn't sleeping too well anyway! I have a distinct feeling that the Lib dems and Labour were out as well. ( although Labour were probably just targeting their own voters- can't have taken long then!!..)

Excellent Plaid advert on the front of the Evening Post today as well. The party centrally has really sharpened it's act. Let's hope we can continue this momentum after the election, especially if there is a snap General election, and Council elections around the corner! They've really worked hard at HQ, I have to say.

I'm going to get ready to go out and vote now, then to help out in Neath, where Ted Jones the Plaid blogger thinks that we are in the running to win. I must say we've had an excellent response on the streets in Neath, but I couldn't possibly call it one way or the other. We've worked solidly on the campaign for over a year, and it would be great if Alun Llewelyn could beat Gwenda 'out of her depth at the Assembly' Thomas.

I would also love to predict a Plaid win for Aberavon, as our candidate Linet Purcell is exceptional. She is forward-thinking, keen, is able to communicate Plaid's message effectively, and can win over new supporters in a matter of minutes with the excitement and pleasure that she shows in taking part in the campaign. There is no comparison between her and a dull Brian Gibbons. Support on the streets here have also been very very good.

I'll try and blog later on as well, and give some thoughts on the whole election and how it's gone.

I'm also keeping a keen eye on the Scottish elections, and have already made sure that I have text alerts for Clydesdale and Cumbernauld, where two of my SNP friends are standing. It should be a very eventful night in Scotland, that's for sure! Let's hope we can emulate that here in Wales!

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Make a difference! Vote Plaid tomorrow!

All I can say is- I've knocked on as many doors as possible, I've walked all the streets of South Wales West that I could physically reach, I've leafleted, argued, discussed, contemplated and it's finally come to an end!

I've thoroughly enjoyed the campaign. It's been a great experience, and the Plaid team in South Wales West has worked so hard to make this campaign a success. Thank you to everyone who has helped Plaid during this important campaign.

I can only hope now for a Plaid Government on Friday morning. The ideal wake up call!

Don't forget- vote Plaid twice tomorrow!