Friday 30 March 2007

Burberry workers fight until the bitter end.

I just thought that I should mention the Burberry rally today which I did hope to go to, but couldn't in the end... With good news in Swansea about Amazon, the closure of Burberry is a reminder that manufacturing jobs are still threatened, with more and more companies moving overseas. I worked in the Plaid Rhondda Office with Jill Evans for over a year, and I know that she has supported the campaign wholeheartedly, and worked with the Union in making the campaign a success. I know the area well, and it must be disappointing for Treorci to lose these well needed jobs. It's uncertain whether new industries will open shop in the area, especially as transport links are very poor due to lack of New Labour investment in the road structures. You may argue that there is now a new Rhondda relief road, but that stops at Porth!...

The rally was a success today, and the workers have protested consistently and effectively throughout the campaign. They managed to win some concessions - enhanced redundancy payments, long-service awards, and around £500,000 for workforce re-training.

Protest politics is long from being dead, and if one positive thing can be said from this, it is that the voice of the people shone through in this campaign, and that they made sure that the issue was at the top of the political agenda.

Swyddi Amazon Abertawe/ Swansea Amazon jobs

Fel Ian Titherington, ymgeisydd Plaid Gorllewin Abertawe, rwyf yn croesawu'r swyddi newydd Amazon i Abertawe. Rhaid gwneud yn siwr bod y swyddi yma yn gynnaladwy ac bod yna gefnogaeth clir i'r gweithwyr. Yn ol yr hyn rwy'n deall, mae gan Amazon trac record weddol wan o hybu eu staff i ymuno ag Undeb Llafur. Os ydym am greu ethos gwaith cyfiawn a theg yn Abertawe, rhaid i gwmniau rhoi rhwydd hynt i'w aelodau staff i ymuno ag Undebau Llafur.

Gobeithio yn wir y bydd Amazon yn datblygu eu diwydiant yn y dyfodol yn Abertawe, a hynny trwy ehangu sgiliau'r gweithwyr, ac ennyn pobl i weithio ag i fyw yn yr ardal. Mae Plaid yn cefnogi busnesau lleol yn ein maniffesto, trwy cynnig torri treth treth dethol a thorri cyfraddau busnes. Rydym hefyd yn ymgyrchu i ymrwymo i ganllawiau gwaith yr Undeb Ewropeaidd fel bod cwmniau yn cael ei orfodi i ofalu am eu gweithwyr, a dylai'r Llywodraeth gweithredu cyfreithiau Ewropeaidd i amddiffyn y gweithwyr yn llawer fwy effeithiol a thyn.

Like Ian Titherington, our Swansea West candidate, I welcome the new Amazon jobs for Swansea. Now, the task is to make sure that these jobs are sustainable and that the company provides clear support for workers. From what I understand, Amazon has a somewhat cloudy record of encouraging staff in other plants to join a Trade Union. If we want to create a truly just and fair work environment in Swansea, companies such as Amazon must allow workers to practise their rights by joining Unions.

I do hope that Amazon will develop their company in Swansea, and encourage people to stay in the area to work. Plaid, as highlighted in our manifesto support local businesses, and are pledging to cut corporation tax and business rates. We have also been campaigning to make sure that stronger employment protection laws are implemented in line with EU directives so that workers are supported and protected.

Thursday 29 March 2007

Getting the work/life balance right- Women in the workplace

There is an interesting article in today's Independent about women in the workplace, particularly concentrating on an Equal Opportunities Commission report which was released today. The report's findings indicate that women do not know their rights in the workplace while they are pregnant. Of the 2,000 interviewed, 1 in 4 complained of being treated unfairly when they returned to work.

This is a clear indication of the need for employers and government alike to enforce clear strategies which do not discriminate against pregnant women in the workplace, and introduce policies which assist working mothers. The report acknowledges that many women could be dissuaded from re-entering the world of work if conditions and treatment do not change, and if employers do not address their 'knowledge gap' with regards equal opportunity in the workplace. Of course company profit and sustainability is important, but workers rights must be prioritised.

Another element of this argument is the enhancement of childcare provision. Many companies do not invest in childcare provision for their staff, therefore parents are left to fund increasingly expensive private childcare for their children. I am aware of a number of women who have returned to work after maternity leave, only to be stigmatised by bosses, and alienated by other workers for seeking to create a work/ life balance.

This is one of the many reasons why Plaid are pledging to prioritise childcare issues in the run up to the Assembly election. We are proposing to double the Assembly's childcare budget in a bid to create universal affordable childcare. The provision as it stands is patchy, and often those who seek childcare facilities cannot afford it. I would like to see more investment by companies in childcare provision, and the development of the Equal Opportunities Gender budgeting agenda.This would be a first step in encouraging a work, life balance and in creating genuine equal opportunity in the workplace.

Cymru 3 San Marino 0

Dyma fi yn gem Cymru v San Marino heno ma yn Stadiwm y Mileniwm. Fe wnes i llwyddo i gael noson yn rhydd o ymgyrchu! 3- 0 i Gymru! Roedd tim San Marino yn cwympo dros ei gilydd pobman er mwyn ceisio ennill y bel, ond fe wnaeth o droi mewn i bach o sioe erbyn y diwedd.
Gem da, piti da ni methu ennill mwy o gemau mor hawdd!

Here I am at the Wales v San Marino game tonight at the Millennium Stadium. I managed to get a night free of campaigning! We won 3- 0! San Marino were falling over constantly to try and win penalties but it backfired and it turned it to a bit of a circus by the end! Good game, pity we can't win more games so convincingly!

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Lansiad Maniffesto Plaid Manifesto launch

Rydym wedi lansio ein Maniffesto heddiw. Mae'r prif polisiau 7 4 '07 yn rhan o'r brif ddogfen, yn ogystal a pholisiau newydd eraill fel ymrwymo Plaid at gyflog Cenedlaethol Teg a ffordd newydd o lywodraethu trwy gael nifer o gyfarfodydd cabinet agored,'cynulliadau dinasyddion', a symud mwy o weinidogaethau allan o Gaerdydd i ardaloedd eraill o Gymru.

Polisiau eraill gwerth nodi yw y byddem yn cyflwyno system newydd yn lle TGAU a Safon A- gan gyflwyno system ar ffurf y Bagloriaeth Rhyngwladol. Byddem hefyd yn cyflwyno Awdurdod trafnidiaeth Cenedlaethol, gyda'r bwriad o ail Cenedlaetholi'r system yn yr hir dymor. Mae Deddf Iaith Newydd hefyd ar flaen yr agenda ym Maniffesto Plaid, yn ogystal a chynnig grantiau i bobl i arbed egni yn eu tai. Polisiau newydd, ffres sydd yn mynd i blesio pobl Cymru, dwi'n mawr obeithio!

Os hoffech ddarllen y maniffesto mewn mwy o fanylder, ewch i wefan y blaid.

We launched our Manifesto for the election today. The main 7 4 '07 policies were emphasised again, as well as a plethora of other policies, a main policy being a commitment to a National living wage. We also proposed a new way of governing by having a number of open cabinet meetings, 'citizen assemblies' and the promise to move more Ministeries outside of Cardiff.

Other policies worth noting are that we will replace the GCSE and A Level qualification with a new International Baccalaureate-style qualification. We will also introduce a new National Transport Authority, with a view to re-nationalise the transport system in the long-term. A New Welsh Language Act is also one of our top priorities, as well as energy saving grants for people in their households. These are fresh, new policies that I hope will impress the people of Wales!

If you want to read the Manifesto in detail go to the Plaid website.

Tuesday 27 March 2007


Rwyf newydd dechrau ati i gynllunio tudalen Facebook ( neu FB) ar y we. Rwyf wedi cael llu o ebyst gan ffrindiau yn fy ngwahodd i ymuno, ond oherwydd yr amser rwy'n cymryd i flogio pob dydd, dyw sefydlu safle Facebook ddim wedi bod yn flaenoriaeth yn anffodus! Mae e'n debyg i myspace o ran eich gallu i ymuno a grwpiau gwahanol ac i siarad gyda pobl gwahanol ar y we. Mae'r we yn lle cymdeithasol iawn i fod dyddie ma. Os da chi am fod yn ffrind i mi ar Facebook, a gweld fy lluniau o'r ymgyrch ac yn y blaen, mae angen i chi ymaelodi ar

Tybed a fydd Jane Davidson a Peter Hain yn dechrau safle Facebook cyn hir, neu gofyn i'w swyddogion y wasg i'w wneud?!

I've just got round to getting things going on the website Facebook ( FB). I've had emails from friends inviting me to join for ages, but due to the time that blogging takes up, I've only now set up my page. The site is very similar to myspace in that you can join different groups, and speak to friends online. The web is a very sociable place to be that's for sure! If you want to be my friend on Facebook, and see my wonderful campaigning pictures and discussions, then you will need to register at

I wonder if Jane Davidson and Peter Hain will set up a Facebook site before long, or at least get their press officers to do so?!

Monday 26 March 2007

Plaid Party Political Broadcast 2007 / Darllediad Gwleidyddol Plaid Cymru 2007

Politics of the North of Ireland back on track

News has just broken that there will be a power-sharing deal between Sinn Fein and the DUP in the North of Ireland. This is a momentous occasion for the North of Ireland, and a symbol of a positive future to come. It could have been stale mate again, with direct rule imposed on the North, but Paisley has declared that he is ready to govern alongside Sinn Fein. On Saturday, the DUP executive overwhelmingly endorsed a motion committing their party to support the deal. The party will participate fully in government in May of this year, and state that it will be ' a binding resolution."

The power sharing executive is set to begin on the 8th of May. The way in which the politicians have dealt with this situation is commendable, and I am sure that my family in the North are pleased that the conflict of the past will be replaced with a future of co-operation and trust.

This is an example to us here in Wales that we must take tough decisions to make devolution succeed.

Unofficial election broadcast

Sunday 25 March 2007

Plaid Conference success

Newydd cyrraedd nol i Rhos ar ol bod yn y Gynhadledd yng Nghaernarfon. Wedi blino'n lan i fod yn onest ar ol cwpwl o ddyddie prysur. O'dd y Gynhadledd yn gret, a phawb yn bositif am yr ymgyrch yn arwain at Fai y 3ydd. Roedd sesiynau panel y dydd yn ffordd dda o rhannu syniadau polisi, a wnes i fwynhau y sesiwn iaith a'r drafodaeth bywiog ar rhaglennu S4/C! Roedd nifer o'r sesiynau ymylol yn ddiddorol ac mi roedd e'n dda i allu cwrdd a'r sector iechyd er mwyn dysgu am yr hyn sydd yn flaenoriaethau polisi iddynt hwy cyn yr etholiad.
Roedd stynt chep Eaglestone o gyflwyno cytundeb i Plaid yn sioe werth ei weld i ddweud y lleiaf, a poster mawr newydd Plaid at yr ymgyrch yn symbol o ddiffyg syniadaeth Eaglestone a'i ffrindiau yn y Blaid Lafur Prydeinig.
Mae ochr cymdeithasol y Gynhadledd wastad yn dda, yn enwedig tro ma 'da sesiwn canu cor Plaid yn y Black Boi yng Nghaernarfon, wedi ei arwain gan yr ymgeisydd llawn cymeriad, Allan Pritchard o Islwyn!!
Nawr rwy nol i'r ymgyrchu ar lawr gwlad ar ol fy 'top up' o gyffro o Gynhadledd y Blaid!

I've just got back to Rhos from Caernarfon. I'm shattered to be honest, after a couple of busy days. The Conference was great, and all members were positive about the imminent Assembly election on May the 3rd. The panel sessions at Conference were a great way of sharing policy ideas, and I enjoyed the somewhat exciting discussion regarding S4/C programmes during my stint on the Welsh language panel. Some of the fringe meetings were good, and a chance to meet health professionals, and learn about the issues that they are promoting in their individual manifesto's was also beneficial.
Eaglestone's cheap stunt of turning up at Conference with the contract was a show worth seeing, that's for sure, and Plaid's new billboard a symbol of Eaglestone and co's lack of ideas and desperation!
The social side of Conference is always good, especially as this time we had a Plaid choir at the Black Boi in Caernarfon led by the enigmatic Islwyn candidate, Allan Pritchard!
It's back to the campaigning now that I've had my top-up of Plaid excitement at Conference!

Thursday 22 March 2007

Cynhadledd Plaid Conference

Rwyf yn mynd i Gaernarfon heno, felly fydda ddim yn gallu blogio tan dydd sul yn anffodus heblaw bod e-cafe rhywle yn agos i'r Galeri yng Nghaernarfon. Rwy'n edrych mlan i'r Gynhadledd gan fydd e'n rhoi hwb ychwanegol i ni ddod nol i'n hardaloedd i ymgyrchu hyd yn oed yn galetach yn arwain at yr etholiad ym mis Mai.

Mae gig heno gyda Brigyn yn y dre a sesiwn trafod ffilm Al Gore ar yr amgylchedd. Rwyf ar banel 'O blaid y Gymraeg' ar brif lawr y Gynhadledd ar y dydd sadwrn yn trafod ein rhwymedigaeth i Ddeddf Iaith Newydd, a statws swyddogol i'r iaith. Mi fydd hi'n drafodaeth ddiddorol, yn sicr.
Mae Cymru X a cwpwl o syniadau cyffroes ar gyfer y Gynhadledd hefyd. Byddech yn darganfod mwy am hynny cyn hir.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos.

I'm off to Caernarfon tonight for our Spring Conference so I don't think I'll be able to blog until sunday unless there's an internet cafe somewhere close to the Galeri in Caernarfon. I'm looking forward to this Conference, if only to come back here with the energy and drive needed to carry on with the positive local campaigning in the run up to the Assembly election.

There is a gig tonight with the band Brigyn in Caernarfon, followed by question and answer session on Al Gore's film on friday. I am taking part in a panel discussion on the Welsh Language at Conference- discussing Plaid's commitment to a New Welsh Language Act, and equal status for the language. I'm sure it will be an interesting debate.
Cymru X have a couple of suprises up our sleaves as well, but you'll find out about them at a later date.

Enjoy the weekend.

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Swansea says No to Stock Transfer

I've just heard the result for the stock transfer vote in Swansea. Of the 56% council tenant turnout, 71% voted against stock transfer in the city. All Council's are in a tricky situation with regards stock transfer, due to the fact that many lack the necessary funds to upgrade and develop stock. Nevertheless, this vote today is a clear sign that transfer is not the favoured way forward for Swansea tenants. Plaid Cymru does not endorse the Labour Government at Westminster's social housing policy, and this vote today reflects our opposition loud and clear. The Labour Government must now re-think it's strategy. Public housing should be funded through the public sector.

It seems that the Lib-dem Council's bias 'yes' campaign to stock transfer has actually backfired on itself in this case, encouraging people to question the Council's motives. Other vigorous 'yes' campaigns which have been celebrity endorsed by the likes of Lucy Owen and Roy Noble were successful in Rhondda Cynon Taff, ( not to mention the fact that RCT Council sent letters to ALL Council staff urging them to vote yes) but not so in Swansea where the no campaign was very strong. Let's hope that this vote opens up a sensible and well thought out discussion on the future of social housing in Wales.

Ymgyrch Addysg Gymraeg/ Welsh Education campaign

Dyma datganiad y mae myfyrwyr dros Gymru wedi rhyddhau i'r wasg heddiw ynghylch ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Addysg Gymraeg ar y 22 o Fawrth. Yn dilyn adroddiad Cyngor Ewrop bod diffyg adnoddau addysg gymraeg o hyd er bod y galw yn cynyddu, mae ymgyrch myfyrwyr sydd yn awyddus i astudio drwy'r gymraeg tra yn y Brifysgol yn bwysicach fyth. Mae'n gadarnhaol i weld bod Bangor, Caerdydd ac Athrofa Caerdydd yn ymuno ag Aberystwyth yn yr ymgyrch yn awr, gan bod e'n dangos undod barn ymysg myfyrwyr, a'r ffaith bod Llywodraeth y Cynulliad yn rhy araf yn ymateb i ofynion y myfyrwyr. Fe wrthodwyd y cynllun o ddatblygu Coleg Ffederal gan y Llywodraeth Llafur, ac felly mae'n siwr y bydd llawer mwy o brotestiadau i ddilyn. Mae dechrau gyda gorchmynion i Brifysgolion o ran cyfleuon addysg gymraeg yn gadarnhaol, ac yn rhoi'r pwylais ar gyfrifoldeb y Prifysgolion led led Cymru i chwarae rhan allweddol mewn hybu addysg gymraeg.

Here is a press release issued from students in Wales today regarding a National Welsh Medium Education Day, set to take place on the 22nd of March. Following the European Council's report that there is still a lack of Welsh Medium education in our education structures despite a growth in demand, those students who wish to study through the medium of Welsh but cannot do so have shown today the strength of their campaign. It's great to see that Bangor, Cardiff and UWIC have joined forces alongside Aberystwyth in this campaign as it shows a united front, and highlights the Labour Government's inability to react sufficiently to the demand for more Welsh Medium Higher Education courses through the medium of Welsh.

This campaign is important as the students are targeting their individual Institutions with a list of issues that affect them. This puts pressure on the Institutions to act, and to react to the students' demands. The Labour Government in the Assembly refused to embrace the concept of a Welsh Federal College recently following a report analysis, therefore I am sure there will be many more protests in future calling for the development of Welsh medium education.

Diwrnod Cenedlaethol Addysg Gymraeg

Ar Ddydd Iau, Mawrth 22ain, bydd myfyrwyr ar draws Cymru yn cynnal Diwrnod Cenedlaethol Addysg Gymraeg. Mae myfyrwyr o Brifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Prifysgol Cymru Bangor ac Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd wedi llunio rhestr o gwynion ynghylch eu sefydliadau hwy a'r problemau yn genedlaethol gan nad oes sylw digonol yn cael ei roi i'r diffyg anhygoel hyn o ran y Gymraeg.

Penderfynodd y myfyrwyr uno yn eu galwad oherwydd fod y sefyllfa'n wael iawn ar draws Cymru ac oherwydd teimlant nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn dangos digon o ewyllys i gynllunio Addysg Gymraeg o fewn ein Prifysgolion ar draws Cymru. Wedi adroddiad Arad ar ddyfodol Addysg Gymraeg, dywed y Prifysgolion fod llawer mwy o gydweithio ar fin digwydd ond mae'r myfyrwyr yn pryderi am hyn.

Medd Siôn Owain Edwards (Athrofa Caerdydd):

"Dyw'r strategaeth newydd ddim gosod pwysau ar Brifysgolion i ddarparu Addysg Gymraeg, yn enwedig yng Nghaerdydd a'r Athrofa lle nad oes braidd dim dysgu drwy'r Gymraeg, ond yn eironig dyna lle mae'r mwyafrif o fyfyrwyr Cymraeg."

Medd Menna Machreth (Aberystwyth):

"Rhaid pwysleisio hefyd nad oes cynydd ariannol wedi bod at Addysg Uwch cyfrwng Cymraeg ers Adroddiad Arad sydd eto yn dangos diffyg ymrwymiad Jane Davidson a'i Llywodraeth tuag at greu strwythur Addysg Gymraeg sy'n gynaliadwy o fewn i'n Prifysgolion."

Yn ystod y dydd, fe fydd nifer o fyfyrwyr yn gofyn i'w darlithwyr am ddarlith trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

"Ein hawl ni yw cael Addysg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, ond ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cael ein hamddifadu o rywbeth mor sylfaenol a hynny," meddai Gerallt Roberts (Bangor).

Yn ogystal fe fydd y myfyrwyr yn cynnal amrywiol weithgareddau yn eu gwahanol leoliadau i ddathlu ac hyrwyddo Diwrnod Cenedlaethol Addysg Gymraeg yr ydynt yn ei sefydlu.

Cwynion Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Cymru

· Er bod dros 1300 o fyfyrwyr sy'n gallu siarad Cymraeg yn astudio yn Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd, mae'r wefan yn Saesneg, Corëeg a Tseinieg yn unig. Ymhellach nid oes prosbectws ar gael yn Gymraeg.

· Mae Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth yn parhau i ddiddymu modiwlau cyfrwng Cymraeg.

· Yn y strwythur newydd o gydweithio rhwng Prifysgolion i ddatblygu Addysg Gymraeg, nid oes unrhyw orfodaeth ar unrhyw Brifysgol i gynyddu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg.

· Nid yw Prifysgol Caerdydd yn barod i ddatgan faint o fyfyrwyr Cymraeg sy'n astudio yn eu Prifysgol oherwydd nid ydynt wedi datblygu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg a allent gynnig i'r myfyrwyr hyn, darpariaeth sy'n hawl iddynt.

· Dim ond 25% o fodiwl sy'n gorfod cael ei ddysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg fel ei bod yn derbyn premiwm ar gyfer modiwl cyfrwng Cymraeg. Hysbysebir myfyrwyr yn gamarweiniol wedyn mai modiwl cyfrwng Cymraeg ydyw, pan mewn gwirionedd dim ond ychydig o diwtorials y bydd myfyrwyr yn ei dderbyn yn yr iaith honno.

· Defnydd amheus o ystadegau er diben ffugio cyraeddiadau Jane Davidson ynghylch faint o fyfyrwyr sy'n astudio'n Gymraeg.

· Fe fydd darlithwyr cyfrwng Cymraeg yn gadael ei swyddi o bryd i'w gilydd ond does dim polisi gan Brifysgolion fel Bangor i sicrhau fod rhywun yn cymryd eu lle i ddysgu'n Gymraeg.

· O ystyried ystadegau am y nifer o blant sy'n derbyn eu haddysg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg mewn ysgolion (15.2% ffigurau Rhieni Dros Addysg Gymraeg), does dim digon o arian yn cael ei glustnodi gyda chynllunio hir dymor i sicrhau darpariaeth ar gyfer y to sy'n dod drwy'r ysgolion yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. 0.5% o gyllideb Addysg Uwch sy'n cael ei roi i Addysg Gymraeg, ond mae angen buddsoddi'n sylweddol er mwyn sicrhau cynllun hir dymor. Mae sustem ariannu Addysg Uwch yn dueddol i weithio yn erbyn Addysg Gymraeg.

· Mae'r dystiolaeth am fethiant i ddilyn Addysg Gymraeg o'n hysgolion drwyddo i'n Prifysgolion yn fwy amlwg nag erioed. Mae'r diffyg dilyniant yn effeithio ar ddatblygiad naturiol y chwyldro a ddigwyddodd yn ysgolion Cymru ac mae adroddiad diweddar Cyngor Ewrop yn profi fod y Cynulliad wedi colli'r cyfle i weithredu dro ar ôl tro. Cred myfyrwyr fod angen gwneud rhywbeth nawr i sicrhau dyfodol i Addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg.


National Welsh Education Day

On Thursday March 22nd, students across Wales will hold National Welsh Education Day. Students from the University of Wales Aberystwyth, UWIC, University of Wales Bangor and the University of Cardiff have joined together to list all the difficulties and problems facing the Welsh language within Higher Education Institutions because the issue needs attention on a national level.

The students decided to unite because the situation is unsatisfactory across Wales and as a result of the Government's lack of will to seriously plan Welsh Education within our Universities in Wales. Following Arad's report on the ways forward for Welsh Education, the Universities say there will be much more collaboration between Universities, but students are worried about this:

Siôn Owain Edwards (UWIC) said:

"The new strategy doesn't enforce any University to provide Welsh Education especially in places like UWIC and Cardiff University where there is near to nothing in the medium of Welsh, where ironically most Welsh Students choose to continue their studies."
Menna Machreth (Aberystwyth) said:

"It has to be stressed that there hasn't been any increase in investment since the Arad Report which again shows Jane Davidson and her Government's lack of commitment towards creating a structure which will sustain and develop Welsh Education within our Universities."

"It's our right to receive our education through the medium of Welsh, but at the moment this right is denied from us," said Gerallt Roberts (Bangor).

Students will be holding various activities throughout the day in their various locations.

Welsh Medium Students’ Complaints

· Welsh medium modules are often cancelled at the beginning of term, although students have registered for them because of the lack of students. This will always be a problem for Welsh medium modules because Universities look at income per head.

· In the new structure of collaboration between Universities to develop Welsh Education, they are not forced to increase their provision but the whole strategy depends on Universities planning more Welsh Education out of their own will.

· Cardiff University are not prepared to say how many Welsh medium students are registered at their University because they do not have sufficient Welsh medium provision to offer to those students.

· Although there are 1300 students who speak Welsh study at University of Wales Institute Cardiff, their website is only in English, Korean, and Chinese. Further their prospectus is not available in Welsh.

· Welsh Medium lecturers may leave institutions but some Universities like Bangor who depend on those lecturers to provide Welsh Medium modules, do not ensure that there is a replacement to carry on teaching in Welsh.

· Only 25% of a module has to be taught in Welsh for it to be considered as Welsh Medium and as a result receive the Welsh medium premium. It is then advertised as a Welsh medium module when in fact only one or two tutorials are taught in Welsh.

· Dubious use of statistics in order to give a misleading account of reaching targets of the number of students studying through the medium of Welsh.

· Considering the number of children educated in Welsh in schools (15.2% figures from Parents for Welsh Education), there isn't enough money invested towards long term planning of Welsh Education to ensure a provision for the students coming through from the schools in years to come. 0.5% of the Higher Education budget is given towards Welsh Medium teaching, so the Assembly must ivest much more money to ensure sustainable planning. The financing system within Higher Education works against Welsh Education.

· The failure of following Welsh Education through schools and into University is now more evident than ever. The discontinuation is affecting the natural development of the quiet revolution of Welsh Medium Education that has happened in schools across Wales and the European Council report proves that the Assembly have missed the boat time a time again. Students believe that action is needed now to ensure the future of Welsh Medium Education.

Heroin deaths in Swansea at all time high

Having read a letter in today's Evening Post regarding the recent heroin deaths in Swansea and the subsequent critique by the reader of the Government's drugs policy in Wales, this can only confirm that Plaid's recent announcement to prescribe heroin to long term drug users, pending the results of a pilot in England, is a necessary, and long-awaited intervention to the debate on how to deal with the growing drugs problem. The RSA (a highly distinguished body) published a report recently calling for a change in the current drug policy, including the prescribing of heroin. The Labour party in the form of Martin Eaglestone's uneccessary negative remarks on this issue are therefore a reminder of their readiness to jump on the bandwagon of scare-mongering voters, and highlights their inability to address the issues surrounding the large scale drugs problem in Wales.


10:30 - 21 March 2007

The 16 deaths and 50 near-fatal heroin overdoses in Swansea since September should quite rightly ring alarm bells. However Ben Evans's report (Post, March 14) and the associated editorial fail to adequately address the problem.Even worse, the articles simply reproduce and endorse the central strand of today's failing drugs policy - namely the belief that prohibition works. Quite clearly it does not; if it did we would not have the problem.

.....A more serious approach is needed if we want to stop the deaths. There is a correlation between deprivation, unemployment, dead-end jobs and heavy drug use. Social policy should be directed at changing this.

In the short term, however, heroin users who want to drop the habit should be able to quickly access alternative medical prescriptions such as Methadone and Subotex, and there should be many more support agencies available to help people through the process of breaking the addiction.Incidentally, Narcotics Anonymous is only one such service; there are many other services available in the Swansea area.

Martin Chapman
Bay View Terrace,

Tuesday 20 March 2007

'I can't believe it!'

I haven't mentioned Peter Hain in a while so I thought I'd return to the Neath MP for another blog. Supposedly, Victor Meldrew has come out in support of Peter Hain's Deputy Leadership campaign on Hain's new sparkling website. He must be a long-term Labour supporter, and confident that this declaration will not ruin his career as would surely be the case for other clebs who might consider supporting pro-trident Hain.

I guess he won't be approaching Katherine Jenkins for support after annoying her previsouly by placing a picture of himself with her on a leaflet without her consent...tut.

Does this now mean that Gordon Brown will need celebrity backing for his Leadership campaign? He might decide to stay clear of approaching any Scottish celebrities such as Sean Connery and the like, as this will do nothing for his 'British' credentials.I am sure that Tony Blair's name will not be on the 'famous' supporters list, either!

A youtube message from Aileen Campbell SNP

Monday 19 March 2007

Julie Morgan- 'slave labour'?

This may be the one time that I agree with a Labour politician...When I saw the article in the Western Mail today regarding Julie Morgan's advert for an intern in her office, and Tory AM Jonathan Morgan's opportunistic comments, I found that I identified with Julie Morgan's argument.

Jonathan Morgan effectively compared hiring a student as an intern to slavery, which is bizarre, and a cheap shot at criticising the Labour Party of Cardiff North in this hotly contested Assembly election seat. The advert says quite plainly that Julie Morgan is looking for a 'volunteer intern', and not a constituency case worker, therefore I see no problem with this at all. Expenses and meals are included, and would attract students studying politics. ( if they wanted to work with Labour, that is!)

It's got to be a positive thing for an MP or an AM to offer the chance for students to work with them on a voluntary basis while studying, so that they get to grips with the workings of Parliament or the Assembly. It will also enhance a student's CV, and provide an opportunity for a student that others would very much appreciate. Many schemes from various different companies and organisations are offered to students on a voluntary basis. Such a scheme was provided by Aberystwyth University's Politics department, encouraging students to work for a period of time at the National Assembly. Those student were not paid, but they benefited from the scheme, and took part in seminars the following year to talk about their experiences and it's benefits.

Jonathan Morgan's comment was uncalled for. Naturally, students shouldn't be taken for granted or treated as slaves. If they do take on intern roles, they shouldn't merely be doing small or menial tasks. They should be pushed so that they return to academia more experienced, and much more aware of the challenges of the world of work.

Saturday 17 March 2007

Cymru- Gwlad y gân

Llongyfarchiadau i dim rygbi Cymru heddi. Canlyniad gwych!..... Piti am y gystadleuaeth a ddilynodd y gem, sef yr 'Eurovision Song Contest', rownd Prydeinig. Roedd y safon yn wael iawn, a'r enillwyr Scooch, just yn swndo'n od efo'i can am awyrennau! Tybed, tasa Can i Gymru, neu ennillwyr Codi Canu yn medru rhoi ennillydd ymlaen ar rhan Cymru i'r gystadleuaeth Ewropeaidd, byddai'r safon yn well?........... Yn sicr!

A big congratulations to the Welsh rugby team for winning today. Brilliant result!... Which is more than I can say for the competition that followed- the British round of the Eurovision Song Contest. The standard was atrocious, and the winning band Scooch were just odd, singing about air hostesses and the like! I wonder if 'Can i Gymru ( Song for Wales), or the winners of Codi Canu could enter a contestant for the Eurovision Song Contest, would the standard be better?...Definitely!

Friday 16 March 2007

Bridgend student raises money for South African conservation trip

Gweler y blog hwn, Mae myfyriwr o Benybont yn casglu arian er mwyn mynd ar drip gwarchodaeth i Dde Affrig. Fe wnaeth hi gerdded 20 milltir o Groes Cwrlwys yng Nghaerdydd i McArthur Glen ym Mhenybont yn ddiweddar er mwyn cynilo mwy o arian i'r achos o achub llewod yn Ne Affrig. Mae Cerys Lloyd a'i chwaer yn teithio i De Affrig ar Gorffennaf y 29. Pob lwc iddynt!

Please see this blog- A student from Bridgend is raising money in order to go on a conservation trip to South Africa this summer. She recently walked 20 miles from Culverhouse Cross to Mc Arthur Glen in Bridgend to raise funds for the trip so as to help the cause of saving white lions in the reserve in South Africa. Cerys Lloyd and her sister are travelling to the area on the 29th of July. Good luck!

Thursday 15 March 2007

London centric Question Time

Here is a letter that I have just written on the Have your Say BBC Question Time site. Basically, Leanne Wood Plaid AM was supposed to be on Question Time tonight, and today she was told that she would be replaced regardless of the fact that her name has been on the website as taking part all week. There are no Plaid politicians on the panel IN WALES. I find this totally unacceptable. Would they do the same thing to the SNP in Scotland? I don't think that they would even consider it. This is censorship on behalf of the BBC.
Please write to complain!


I would like to place a complaint against Question Time for pulling Leanne Wood AM from the line up for tonight's show. The show will take place in Wales, yet there is no representation from Plaid Cymru- the main opposition party here in Wales. This is totally unacceptable.

In shows that take place in other parts of Britain, smaller parties, and a cross section of opinion has been represented, yet when the show is in Wales this evening, a large percentage of opinion shall in fact be ignored due to the fact that you have neglected to include Plaid representation on the panel.

I will not be watching tonight's show in protest. Leanne Wood is a hard working, campaigning AM, who has appeared on the show previously. The fact that there are no Plaid Cymru politicians on a show in Wales in the run up to May’s Assembly election is outrageous.


Bethan Jenknis

Gordon Brown/ Trident

Mae yna erthygl difyr yn y New Statesman heddiw am Trident a'r theoriau y tu ol i rhesymau Gordon Brown dros gefnogi'r polisi i'w hadnewyddu.

There is a good article in the New Statesman today about Trident and the conspiracy theories behind Gordon Brown's decision to support the policy.

Conscientious Swansea Councillors

I blogged previously about the ins and outs of Swansea Council- that Lib dem Rob Speht left the ruling group to be able to vote with his 'conscience'. Previous to that, in January this year, an email by Independent Councillor Ioan Richards to group members was leaked to the press, highlighting his eagerness to create 'trench warfare' during meetings in reaction to Tory members' defects from the ruling group, which led to Lib Dem and Independent allies losing key positions, and accompanying salary perks.

At the time, Ioan Richard was in line to become the next Mayor of Swansea. Nevertheless it seems that his support has faltered,( whether this has anything to do with his 'trench warfare' email, I do not know) and Lib Dem Councillor Waller was instead recently elected. Labour Leader David Phillips and Tory Rene Kinzett both blocked Richard's accession to Mayor, but the reasoning for this was merely 'a clash of personalities' according to the man himself.

From the article in the Evening Post on this issue, it seems that Mayor Chris Holley was dismayed by the vote, who interestingly, returns to this obsession with 'conscience' amongst Swansea Councillors:

'Current Lord Mayor, Councillor Holley, said that a number of councillors had given assurances to support Councillor Richard and had not followed that through.

He said: "I think they need to look at their consciences and ask themselves if they have done the right thing."

Coun Rob Speht voted with his conscience on this occasion, that is certain, but I wonder what will happen next in the world of Swansea Council politics.....

Wednesday 14 March 2007

More links between Universities and businesses

There's an interesting article in the Independent today about the growing links between Universities and businesses, and tailoring University courses to meet the demand of the workforce. This is especially effective when courses are provided to up skill employers, who take part -time courses while continuing with their job. From the article, it seems that the schemes piloted are successful with companies such as Perkins engines, the AA and Parcel Force, who are working alongside Coventry University to up skill middle management in leadership and communications skills.

When I was a member of the Graham Review, ( a WAG review group) which looked in to the fee regime for part-time students, and the development of part-time study in Wales, this was one issue which was raised on a regular basis by University representatives and students. They commented on how the eduction system is changing and becoming far more flexible. They also acknowledged that a larger percentage of people are opting to study part-time as opposed to full time, quelling the myth of the 18 year old University student. It's interesting to note that they are also accessing part-time study in Wales for many different reasons. Perhaps they are up skilling to put their name forward for promotion within current employment, they are young mothers who wish to re-enter education, or those who wish to study due to enjoyment. The list is endless.

Nevertheless, regardless of the growth in part-time study in Wales, our review group found it hard communicating with the business world in Wales. I am mindful not to judge, but we didn't get a response to our questionnaire from CBI, and they also did not respond to a meeting request. Other businesses were interested, but generally our response rates were low from small businesses.

If the course pilots between Universities and businesses are successful in Coventry, perhaps this will show the way for future links in Wales. Certainly, the full implementation of the Graham Review would be welcomed, which recognises the need for closer communication, and course development between business and Universities- not only to up skill and educate people, but to develop the Welsh economy so that 'skills gaps' will be a thing of the past in the workplace, and so that there is a clear connection between education and employment.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Digwyddiad Gym Gym UWIC Welsh Society event 19/3/07

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y noson cwis, ebostiwch neu ewch i'r safle myspace
For more information on the evening, email or go to their myspace site

Jane Davidson's leadership bid

OK, so Lady Jane ( aka Jane Davidson AM) has come out against trident. Although I think that it is double standards for Rhodri Morgan to refuse point blank to discuss Iraq because it's a 'Westminster issue', while Davidson has blatantly commented as such, I don't want to get in to the nitty gritty of that argument here.

What is much more interesting to me is how some AM's in the Labour party are starting to position themselves for a leadership position after Rhodri Morgan steps down- probably in 2009. ' He's standing down mid-term', I hear you cry! Doesn't this remind you of somebody else? Of course! Tony Blair!

Andrew Davies, (charisma personified) has already shown signs of positioning himself for the leadership in his recent hard line attacks on Plaid Cymru regarding the prospect of the military base in St Athan, and last weekend's outburst in the Western Mail's letters page that the 'success' of the Welsh economy would be jeopardised under a Plaid Government ( more negativity and false accusations there!)

Jane Davidson's attempt at positioning herself is much more subtle, as she seeks to portray herself as a strong minded, independent woman who is willing to challenge Westminster rule. This latest declaration in opposition to trident must have been well thought out and timed to perfection in order to make an impression on Labour supporters who are mostly opposed to nuclear arms. This declaration could also have been an attempt to gather support amongst trade union members, as rumour has it that our Jane is not the most popular AM amongst the comrades!

I shall be keeping a close eye on future actions both on Andrew Davies and Jane Davidson's behalf especially after the election in May, when Rhodri Morgan could well be forced to stand down if results prove disastrous for Labour.

The debate on top-up fees should be returning to the Assembly soon, and whether or not Wales should embrace the concept of introducing such fees. I wonder whether Jane Davidson, as opposed to being pushed kicking and screaming in to opposing such fees in 2005, will declare outright opposition to a preposterous Labour Westminster policy with a leadership contest in mind. We'll see....
Update- since writing this blog I have been informed of Jane Davidson's new myspace website. When I said she was campaigning subtly for the leadership, I now take all that back! She is no doubt inspired by my site ( !), or influenced by her 18 year old daughter's interests, and friends in Radyr comp! ( see comments listing)
You arrive at the introductory page to the sound of The Clash and information that she would like to meet the left wing Venezualan President Chavez.... is she trying too hard to be radical and young a la Gordon Brown and his Arctic Monkey's comment? You decide.

Monday 12 March 2007

PM Leadership contest?

Charles Clarke in today's Independent has confirmed rumours that he is eager for David Milliband to stand against Gordon Brown in a bid to become the next PM. The policy website that was launched last month by Clarke and Alan Milburn to debate the future of the party was seen as an attempt to gather support for an alternative candidate for the leadership, and to dismiss the idea that Gordon Brown will simply walk in to No.10 uncontested.

Clarke said that Miliband would be a good candidate and a good prime minister:

'Unlike [the Tory leader] David Cameron, he's got good ministerial experience in a tough, spending department.'

Notably he did not agree to endorse Gordon Brown as the next PM, by stating that "I'll take that decision when we have a leadership election".

If Labour members have any political sense they will opt for a leadership contest, and I would hazard a guess that Miliband would be a stronger contestant against Cameron in terms of offering something new to the party, appealing to a wider section of society( or at least attempting to do so), would not be so intrinsically associated with Tony Blair, and would give the 'young' Cameron a run for his money.

In my opinion, opposition parties would be more fearful of a Miliband leadership, (especially the Tories) as Brown's popularity is currently plummeting in the polls. One thing is certain, Brown is no doubt very annoyed that the attempted coup d'etat last summer failed. Things could have been very different by now...

Sunday 11 March 2007

Lansiad Tu Chwich Launch 21/3/07

Lansiad Tu Chwith - Egni Canolfan Gelfyddydol y Chapter - Caerdydd -

Nos Fercher, 21ain o Fawrth. 7:30 ymlaen! Dawnsio! Barddoniaeth! Trafodaeth! Cerddoriaeth! Gwin! Yng nghwmni: Rhys Iorwerth, Llyr Gwyn Lewis, Owain Wilkins, Ceri Elen Morris ,Cai Tomos

DJ Geraint Criddle

Launch of Tu Chwith-Welsh language magazine on the arts, culture and current affairs.

Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff.

Wednesday the 21st of March. 7.30pm onwards. Dancing! Poetry! Discussion!

Music! Wine!

In the company of: Rhys Iorwerth, Llyr Gwyn Lewis, Owain Wilkins, Ceri Elen Morris, Cai Tomos

DJ Geraint Criddle

Friday 9 March 2007

EFA Women's day petition for equality of pay

The EFAy( European Free Alliance Youth) have launched a petition to mark Woman’s Day 2007. The petition calls for equality of pay between men and women in Europe, taking into consideration the fact that on average women earn 15% less than men for every hour worked.

The full text of the petition can be found on the website, and the petition can be signed by following the link:

Noson Cymru Palestina Evening 12/3/07

Lib dem negative campaigning- Are you 'lovin' it'?

I bet McDonald's are happy with the free advertising the Lib dems are giving them today with an attack on political parties' 'happy meal' policies. Personally I'm tired of seeing ugly yellow M signs plastered around our towns, and I've heard enough about the problems surrounding the fatty foods of the capitalist company which is McDonald's, without Kirsty Williams using the company's lingo as a political point scoring exercise!

To say that Plaid's free lap top for school children is a reflection of our 'obsession with freebies' is unacceptable. The policy has been well thought out. It is researched based, centering on successes in other European countries, including a recent trial in Wolverhampton which has been hugely popular amongst school children. The purpose of the proposal is to up skill young people, to make learning more interesting, and to offer new technological opportunities to all in society. The policy has been costed, and will be rolled out across the sector.

Kirsty Williams's comments that there are 'no substance' to opposition party policies are also unfounded. She fails to remark that Plaid have a comprehensive list of policies which include doubling the childcare budget, setting targets to cut C02 emissions, first time buyer grants and introducing a Welsh Language Act, to name but a few. If these are not substantial policies, I am lost for words.

Incidentally, Peter Black AM has said previously that he wants to concentrate on the positives of the election campaign for the Lib dems, attacking Plaid's ' Kick Labour in to touch' billboard campaign. But surely this announcement today is a sign of Lib dem negative campaigning?

......The Lib dems want to develop healthier school meals. Let's hope that there's not a McDonald's in sight, then!

CND Cymru

Datganiad i'r Wasg CND Cymru yn erbyn cynlluniau'r Llywodraeth Llafur i ddatblygu Trident...

CND Cymru's press release on the Labour Government's plans to renew Trident.....

Cnd Cymru
campaign for nuclear disarmament
yr ymgyrch dros ddiarfogi niwclear

press release
March 9th 2007

Voices in Wales call for Nuclear Weapons Plans to be Scrapped

CND Cymru has today released a statement signed by musicians, poets, writers, church leaders and a selection of elected representatives from Wales calling on Members of Parliament and voters to ‘choose peace and justice, not nuclear weapons and war.’

The statement comes just a few days before Parliament is to vote on Government proposals to replace Trident, Britain’s nuclear weapons system (March 14th).

Members of CND Cymru will be joining others from all over Britain at the House of Commons when they Lobby their MPs on the day of the debate. A recent poll revealed that 59% of the British public do not want the government to replace Trident (see notes 1&2).


‘Parliament is about to vote on replacing Trident – Britain’s nuclear weapons system. These are Weapons of Mass Destruction which can kill hundreds of millions of people. They cannot protect us from today’s security threats such as terrorism and climate change.

Almost 60% of the British public say they don’t want Trident replaced. A decision to replace it would make the world a more dangerous place and reinforce the hypocrisy of our government which invaded Iraq on the basis of lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction – but now plans to build its own new nuclear weapons.

If Britain says it needs nuclear weapons for its security, other countries are likely to follow suit. To replace Trident, when we face no nuclear threat, could start a nuclear arms race.
The £76 billion cost to replace and maintain Trident would be better spent on health care, education, alleviating global poverty or tackling the problems of climate change.
Let’s choose peace and justice, not nuclear weapons and war.

Join us in calling on the government – No Trident Replacement!’

Signatories: The Most Reverend Dr Barry C Morgan The Archbishop of Wales Musicians Charlotte Grieg, Super Furry Animals, Scritti Politti, Lost Prophets, Rhys Mwyn, Goldie lookin chain. Writers and Artists John Williams, Niall Griffiths, Owen Sheers, Nigel Jenkins, Robert Minhinnick, Lloyd Jones, Harry Holland Elected Representatives Martin Caton MP, Dai Davies MP, Jill Evans MEP, Paul Flynn MP, Nia Griffith MP, Dafydd Iwan, Bethan Maeve Jenkins (Cymru X), Ieuan Wyn Jones AM, Dai Lloyd AM, Elfyn Llwyd MP, John Marek AM, Adam Price MP, Janet Ryder AM, Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas AM, Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM, Hywel Williams MP, Leanne Wood AM.

ends Information: 1. An ICM poll from June 2006 showed that 81% of the British public believes that any decision on Trident replacement should be made by Parliament, not the Prime Minister alone. Click here for a full copy of the poll.
2. According to a July 2006 ICM poll, 59% of the British public opposes a replacement of Trident when presented with a cost of at least £25 billion.
4. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is one of Europe’s biggest single-issue peace campaigns, with over 35,000 members in Britain. CND campaigns for the abolition of all nuclear weapons everywhere.
5. The ‘Not in Our Name’ campaign launched against Trident Replacement on February 15th 2007 includes Glenys Kinnock MEP, Rt. Rev. Rowan Williams, and Professor Ken Booth (Aberystwyth).
6. The above list of signatories only refers to those who have signed this statement and is most certainly not a definitive list of elected representatives and others who support the CND Cymru stance on Trident Replacement.

Datganiad yn Gymraeg:

‘Mae’r Senedd ar fin pledleisio I adnewyddu ,Trident – system arfau niwclear Prydain. Mae’r rhain yn arfau dieflig sydd a’r gallu I ladd canoedd o filiynau o bobl. Maen’t hefyd yn ddiwerth I’n hamddiffyn yn erbyn bygythiadau difrifol sydd yn ein hwynebu fel terfysgaeth a newid hinsawdd.

Bydd y penderfyniad I adnewyddu Trident yn sicr yn arwain I greu byd mwy peryglus a dyrus, Bydd y penderfyniad yn brawf pellach o ragrith ein llywodraeth, yn goresgyn Iraq oherwydd y ffeithiau celwyddog am eu h’arfau dieflig hwy – dim ond I aftgynerthu ein arfau niwclear dieflig ein hunain!

Os ydi Prydain yn datgan fod arfau niwclear yn hanfodol I amddiffyn ein hunain, mae’n naturiol I wledydd eraill weithredu yn gyffelyb. Mae na berygl go iawn I’n penderfyniad ni I adnewyddu Trident, pan nad ydym yn wynebu bygythiad niwclear, arwain I ras arfau niwclear o’r newydd.
Mae na angen enfawr I’r £76 biliwn o gost (amcangyfrif) I adnewyddu a chynnal Trident, gael ei wario yn hytrach ar y gwasanaeth iechyd, addysg ein plant, goresgyn tlodi drwy’r byd a wynebu y sialens o newid hinsawdd.

Gadewch I ni ddewis heddwch a chyfiawnder yn hytrach nag arfau niwclear a rhyfel.’

Election in North of Ireland- gains for DUP and Sinn Fein

Below you can see some of the results for the election in the North of Ireland, and the predictions of Irish Republican News....

So far, Sinn Fein have been positive about their gains, and are announcing their eagerness to work alongside the DUP and Ian Paisley. This could be a long few weeks leading up to March the 26th deadline as Paisley reacted yesterday saying that 'there would be no power-sharing unless Sinn Fein "repents" and "turn from their evil ways", while Gerry Adams reacted to the election by saying that ' those who voted did so to see Northern Ireland's institutions working'. It shall be an interesting few weeks for politicians of the North, that is certain!

So far, 72 of the 108 seats have been filled.

The breakdown is as follows:

First preference result: Final seats prediction:

DUP: 30.1% (25.7% in 2003) 33-38 seats (30 seats in 2003)

SF: 26.2% (23.5% in 2003) 27-29 seats (24 seats in 2003)

SDLP: 15.2% (17.0% in 2003) 14-18 seats (18 seats in 2003)

UUP: 14.9% (22.7% in 2003) 14-18 seats (27 seats in 2003)

All.: 5.2% (3.7% in 2003) 5-7 seats (6 seats in 2003)

Ind: 3.2% (2.8% in 2003) 0-2 seats (1 seats in 2003)

Green: 1.7% (0.3% in 2003) 0-1 seats (0 seats in 2003)

UKUP: 1.5% (0.8% in 2003) 0-1 seats (1 seats in 2003)

PUP: 0.6% (1.2% in 2003) 1 seats (1 seats in 2003)
Update of final result:
Final result:
DUP 36 (+6)
SF 28 (+4)
UUP 18 (-9)
SDLP 16 (-2)
All. 7 (+1)
Gre. 1 (+1)
Ind. 1