CPD is one of Australia’s leading independent policy institutes. We develop long-term policies to promote shared prosperity and sustainable wellbeing.


CPD’s core model is threefold: to createconnect, and convince.

Your support enables us to develop evidence-based, non-partisan solutions for seemingly intractable problems. Like what we do? Please consider donating to sustain our work.

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Our Programs

Sustainable Economy

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Effective Government

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Intergenerational Wellbeing

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Our Impact

Directors’ Duties and Climate Risks

When CPD set out on this work in early 2016, we began with the premise that performance and leadership on sustainability-related risks in the Australian corporate sector were lagging – but that the time...

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Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration

Established in August 2015, the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) is a ‘second track’ process pursuing more effective, durable and dignified approaches to forced migration in the Asia-Pacific. It has fast become a leading...


Public Forum: Building a Sustainable Economy | PAST EVENT

On 29 November, CPD hosted the final event in our special 10th anniversary series – a public forum in Sydney tomorrow on the theme ‘Building a sustainable economy.’

John Menadue Oration by Marty Natalegawa | PAST EVENT

Thanks to all of you who made it to CPD's inaugural John Menadue Oration on November 2 in Melbourne. For all of you who missed it, there is an audio recording of the full oration.


24 October 2017
“CPD is doing important work to position Australia for the long term. They have a clever model and an exciting team. I’m honoured to join their Board”
Sam Mostyn
Non-Executive Director & CPD Board Member
24 August 2017
"Policy institutes can convince governments and businesses to take a longer term view. They should have a clear understanding of the challenges ahead, and bring unusual suspects together to secure outcomes consistent with Australian values. CPD delivers onboth counts."
Janet Holmes à Court AC
Australian businesswoman
24 August 2017
"CPD brings the highest quality intellectual rigour to its work drawing on the expertise of Fellows with experience in a range of sectors and applying that to issues of high importance and complexity, to Australia and the region."
Kirsty Allen
Program Manager: Sidney Myer Fund & The Myer Foundation
24 August 2017
"What the public needs is a sufficient fact base and organisations that argue persuasively on behalf of the many, not just a few. I commend CPD’s commitment to fairness, wellbeing and sustainability and its contribution to research in the public rather than sectional interest"
The Hon Fred Chaney AO
Former Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia

News and Media

Terry Moran: Australians want bold government, not shrinking violets

Australians are fed up with policymakers in this country, says new attitude research, and they have a right to be according to one of the nation’s top former public servants.

Indonesia and Australia can nurture democracy together

Can democracy deliver? This is the question being asked in all corners of the globe. As one who has traversed Indonesia's transformative democratic journey – it is today the world's third-largest democracy – the reply can only be resoundingly affirmative: yes. More importantly, democracy must deliver.