The first trimester: 1 - 12 weeks pregnant

Love your pregnant body.
Love your pregnant body. 

Week one to week 12
The first trimester is a period of major development for your foetus and of profound physical and emotional changes for you.

You may realise that you are pregnant straight away, however many women will not realise they are pregnant until at least week four or five. This is one of the reasons why women are encouraged to plan for pregnancy.

During the first trimester of your pregnancy, your body is undergoing dramatic changes. Physically you may experience some of the following symptoms during the first trimester:

As your body begins working overtime developing the foetus, you will most likely be exhausted during the first trimester. You should take plenty of time out to rest during this period. If you feel like having a sleep during the day, try to do so. If you are in a relationship, make sure your partner helps around the house or if necessary, employ a cleaner or ignore some housework for a while.

Pregnancy and birth
Pregnancy and birth 

While we have all heard about morning sickness it is often not until you are pregnant that you realise you can be nauseous at any time of the day during pregnancy.

If you experience only slight nausea, you may find that snacking regularly on biscuits and cheese may help to alleviate the symptoms. If you have severe nausea and vomiting however, consult your doctor as you may be nutritionally at risk.

Micturition (Urinary frequency)
You may begin to experience frequency of urination early in your pregnancy (as early as one week after conception). With an increase in progesterone levels and secretion of hCG, the blood supply to the pelvic area increases, resulting in bladder irritation. As the uterus grows, it exerts increasing pressure on the bladder, resulting in the need to pass urine more often.

Breast changes
Breast changes can begin quite early in pregnancy with increasing levels of oestrogen and progesterone. You may notice nipples become darker, and the breasts feel larger, heavier and quite sore to touch. Wearing a comfortable bra can help alleviate some of the discomfort.

Research your options
Start researching the childbirth options that are available to you during this trimester. You will need to talk to your doctor and other mothers about the type of birth you want. You may also want to do some reading to bring yourself up to speed with the options available to you. A visit to the Essential Baby birth choices page will provide you with information about all your options. 

Antenatal care
Throughout your pregnancy you will have regular check ups, or "antenatal visits" with your doctor or specialist. These visits will generally take place every month until 28 weeks, then fortnightly to 36 weeks and then weekly for the last month. If you have any complications, the regularity of visits will be increased. You should take advantage of your visits by asking as many questions as possible. If necessary, take the questions written on a sheet of paper to ensure that you get the answers you need.

 When you are pregnant, there are some basic precautions that you should take to ensure both your baby's and your health. Familiarise yourself with these precautions and speak with your doctor if you have any additional questions or concerns about how to rectify any problems that you see in your immediate work, home or social environment. The may include:


If you are a smoker or live with a smoker it's time to quit. If you need help call the Quit helpline (13 QUIT).

It is recommended that you avoid alcohol during the first trimester of your pregnancy. Obviously, by avoiding alcohol throughout your pregnancy, your baby will not be at risk as a result of alcohol. Often, women are advised that the occasional glass of wine is safe but the best option for your own peace of mind is to talk to your specialist to find out what is recommended for you.

Recreational drugs
Stop all recreational drugs immediately. If you find it difficult to stop, talk to your doctor, who can help you quit.

Prescribed medications
Check with your doctor as soon as you fall pregnant to find out whether prescribed medications are safe.

Rubella virus (German measles)
In Australia, most girls are vaccinated against the rubella virus as teenagers. However the antibodies can lose their efficiency over time, so it is good to check your immunity prior to falling pregnant.

If you have been in contact with anyone who has, or who is suspected of having, German Measles, you should contact your doctor for testing straight away. Rubella can cause serious defects in your baby including deafness, blindness and heart disease particularly if it is caught in the first three months of pregnancy.

The biggest rule throughout your pregnancy is to ensure that you maintain a healthy, balanced diet. You should keep in mind at all times that your baby is getting all of his/her nutrients from you!

If you are unsure about your diet, or want some help, ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician. Get into the habit of checking packaging and labels and become aware of what you are eating. Familiarise yourself with the following;

Quick food safety checklist

  • Ensure all meats, poultry and fish are thoroughly cooked
  • Ensure meat is thoroughly defrosted prior to cooking ·Do not allow raw meat or eggs to come into contact with other foods
  • Eat only pasteurised dairy products
  • Avoid soft cheese (such as brie and camembert) and processed deli-meats
  • If you are a heavy coffee drinker reduce your caffeine intake

Caffeine affects iron absorption and so it is recommended that pregnant women limit caffeine intake.

The recommendation for pregnant women is to avoid caffeine if possible, but if you can't get by without that morning cup of coffee, then limit intake to one cup per day. Caffeine is found in coffee, chocolate and tea. Herbal teas make an ideal substitute for tea and coffee.

The Tannin found in tea interferes with iron absorption and so should also be limited. (Most herbal teas do not contain tannin but check packaging to be sure).

Listeriosis is a bacterial disease commonly associated with ingestion of contaminated milk, soft cheeses, contaminated vegetables and ready to eat meats such as deli-meats and pate. Pregnant women may have no apparent infection but there can be risk of foetal infection.

Symptoms of Listeriosis include fever, aches and pains, intense headache, nausea and vomiting. During pregnancy you should take particular care to ensure all meats are thoroughly cooked, vegetables thoroughly washed and that you eat only pasteurised dairy products. An unborn child affected by Listeriosis may be still born and the bacteria can cause recurrent miscarriage. Check with your doctor or dietitian if you want more information.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that can cause serious effects to your unborn child including brain damage and blindness. The infection can be found in raw meats, cat and dog faeces and contaminated soil. If you have pets or have any concerns at all about Toxoplasmosis, discuss them with your doctor.

Some guidelines for avoiding Toxoplasmosis include:

  • Don't eat raw or undercooked meat.
  • Don't handle cat litter or do any gardening in soil where cats have defecated.
  • Wear gloves when gardening.
  • Be strict about washing hands after patting animals.

Botulism is a rare but severe form of blood poisoning caused by improperly canned or preserved food such as cured ham or pork. Botulism causes progressive degeneration of the nervous system and muscular paralysis.

Salmonella infection is most often traced to eggs and chicken meat. It's advisable to avoid foods that contain raw egg and always cook chicken and eggs well. Wherever possible, purchase free range eggs and chicken. Symptoms of headache, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fever and shivering develop approximately 12 - 24 hours after infection and last for 2-3 days.

Work related hazards
If you plan to work throughout your pregnancy then it is essential that you take the time to assess your workplace and the activities that you are involved in daily to determine if there are any potential hazards.

If you have concerns about your job or your environment, discuss them with your doctor. If your work environment is not suitable, or if your work activities pose a risk, then your employer should transfer you to an alternative job while you are pregnant.

Contact the Federal Department of Workplace Relations and Small Business on (02) 6243 7742 for answers to any questions about work safety during pregnancy or talk to your doctor.

Quick workplace safety check

  • Are you exposed to chemicals or gases?
  • Do you work closely with animals?
  • Does your work involve excessive (or risky) physical activity?
  • Are you exposed to infectious diseases?
  • Are you exposed to toxic waste?
  • Are you exposed to ionising radiation?
  • Are you exposed to high levels of cigarette smoke?

If you answer yes to any of these or recognise other concerns with your work environment then discuss changing your work environment with your employer for the duration of your pregnancy.

Do not become overheated for long periods
Overheating your body can be dangerous to your baby, particularly in the first trimester. In particular hot spa baths and saunas can cause fetal abnormalities.

Generally, travelling does not cause a concern throughout most of your pregnancy. The main things to keep in mind are;

  • Pregnancy can increase your sensitivity to motion sickness
  • If travelling by plane, you should not travel after your seventh month
  • If travelling long distances in a car or train take along something to drink and try to take breaks and move around regularly - try not to get cramped into one position for a long time
  • If you are travelling internationally, speak with your doctor about required immunisations and what impact they can have on your unborn baby

Also, read food hazards to ensure you are familiar with potentially dangerous foods and drink bottled water.

Any vaccinations that use live viruses are avoided during pregnancy, including Rubella, measles, mumps and yellow fever. It is vital that you make your doctor aware that you are pregnant prior to having any immunisations. Immunisations are required for travel to some countries, and these should be discussed fully with your doctor prior to finalising any travel plans.

Discuss your pregnancy with other pregnant Essential Baby members.

Find out what changes are happening to your body and see how your baby is developing each week of your pregnancy: Weekly guide to pregnancy.

Don't know your due date? Essential Baby's Due Date Calculator will help you determine when your baby is due.

Am I pregnant? Some women may feel pregnant soon after conception, while others may not experience any symptoms for some time into their pregnancy. Everybody is different, and you may suspect you are pregnant based a range of symptoms. Find out common pregnancy symptoms here.

Who can I talk to? Join a pregnancy buddy group in the Essential Baby Forums. Get support from other mums-to-be due in the same month as you, and seek advice from mums-to-be who are ahead of you in their pregnancies. Join a pregnancy buddy group.

The First Trimester

4 weeks pregnant
5 weeks pregnant
6 weeks pregnant
7 weeks pregnant
8 weeks pregnant
9 weeks pregnant
10 weeks pregnant
11 weeks pregnant
12 weeks pregnant

The Second Trimester

13 weeks pregnant
14 weeks pregnant
15 weeks pregnant
16 weeks pregnant
17 weeks pregnant
18 weeks pregnant
19 weeks pregnant
20 weeks pregnant
21 weeks pregnant
22 weeks pregnant
23 weeks pregnant
24 weeks pregnant
25 weeks pregnant
26 weeks pregnant
27 weeks pregnant

The Third Trimester

28 weeks pregnant
29 weeks pregnant
30 weeks pregnant
31 weeks pregnant
32 weeks pregnant
33 weeks pregnant
34 weeks pregnant
35 weeks pregnant
36 weeks pregnant
37 weeks pregnant
38 weeks pregnant
39 weeks pregnant
40 weeks pregnant