Science and Society – Do we have a problem?

Science and Society – Do we have a problem?

RSA Member David Thurley speaks of the growing problem of science denialism in society. He has given this speech...

Meredith Doig

29 June 2015

This is why you will lose your argument

This is why you will lose your argument

So the Great Barrier Reef has not been listed as endangered by UNESCO. And same-sex marriage is high on...

Peter Ellerton

15 June 2015

Climate change kills people – just how bad is that?

Climate change kills people – just how bad is that?

John Broome is an Oxford philosopher and a lead author of the International Panel on Climate Change report.  In...

Meredith Doig

18 November 2013

Ethics in Action

What does it take to be an activist?

Clive Hamilton, now Professor of Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University and previously head of the Australia Institute, writes...

Meredith Doig

16 June 2013


Another ‘astro-turf’ organisation exposed

Great piece of investigative journalism on who's behind the opposition to wind power from Mike Seccombe in the Global...

Meredith Doig

04 October 2012


Conspiracy theorists claim sustainable development is a “stealth takeover by bankers”

Here's yet another example of how conspiracy theorists characterise rational responses to global warming and global inequality as power...

Meredith Doig

21 September 2012