News & Analysis

Call to Action: Justice for Colten & Tina

Call to Action: Justice for Colten & Tina

From subMediaThousands of people are taking action after “Canada’s” criminal justice system acquitted two men of second degree murder charges in the separate cases of two Indigenous youth – Colten Bushie and Tina Fontaine. This has so far ...
March 15th: Demo Against Police Brutality

March 15th: Demo Against Police Brutality

From subMedia The C.O.B.P. has been inviting all citizens to participate in demonstrations aiming to express anger towards the fact that the Quebec Police corps feeds off of repression, profiling and brutality. Each year, we issue several claims ...
IGD Bloc Party: Our Neighbors to the North

IGD Bloc Party: Our Neighbors to the North

From It's Going Down Intro from the IGD Bloc Party column: In an effort to broaden our coverage of prisons across the borders to both the North and South of us, we’ve brought in some comrades from so-called ...
MTL Counter-info #3 (Summer 2017) and #4 (Fall 2017)

MTL Counter-info #3 (Summer 2017) and #4 (Fall 2017)

MTL Counter-info's publication will now be released on a seasonal basis. For distribution at schools, workplaces, coffee shops, barricades, events, and demonstrations! [For reading] [For printing, 11”x17”] [For reading] [For printing, 11”x17”] ...
Vigil and Day of Action: Wednesday the 28th of February 2018, in Solidarity With Freddy Stoneypoint, Mi’kmaq Sovereignty, and the Struggle Against Fossil Fuels

Vigil and Day of Action: Wednesday the 28th of February 2018, in Solidarity With Freddy Stoneypoint, Mi’kmaq Sovereignty...

From Ni Québec, ni Canada The 28th of February is the next court appearance of Freddy Stoneypoint at the Palais of (In)justice of Percé. The legal bozos of perpetuated genocide will evaluate if the evidence gathered by the ...
Announcing Resistance is Fertile 2018!

Announcing Resistance is Fertile 2018!

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Over the past year, there has been something of a resurgence in anarchist activity in Ottawa, a vibrant community has begun to form, and it feels like the conditions are right for rapid ...
Communiqué Following the Latest La Presse Article on Montreal Counter-Info

Communiqué Following the Latest La Presse Article on Montreal Counter-Info

From MTL Counter-Info Montreal Counter-Information is an autonomous platform that receives anonymous submissions as well as texts spreading anarchist ideas of different tendencies. We do not condemn anything that is published on this site. We are not the ...
"Canada" Demands Justice for Colten

“Canada” Demands Justice for Colten

From subMedia Last week, white Canadian farmer Gerald Stanley was found not guilty of murder against Colten Boushie, a 22-year old indigenous man, who was trespassing on Stanley’s farm. People all across Canada responded by hosting vigils and ...
Treaty Camp Update

Treaty Camp Update

 From subMedia Mi’kmaqs have been blocking a fracked gas storage project by Alton Gas that would pollute the Shubenacadie river. Alton Gas project manager and ex-RCMP agent, Rob Turner, showed up to the camp to put up ...
Demo Against The Police Of Maniwaki (and all other)

Demo Against The Police Of Maniwaki (and all other)

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Gathering at Place Émilie-Gamelin, tonight (February 1) at 19h With every bullet, we are reminded that the police are murderers. Yesterday, they once again opened fire on someone – an 18 year old ...

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