Paris, France: #Fight4Afrin – Arson Attack Against the Personal Cars of MIT Agent Ayşe Barış by the Şehit Avesta Xabûr Team


13.03.18: reports that an action was carried out against the cars belonging to Ayşe Barış, who works in the Turkish consulate for the AKP-MHP regime, by the Şehit Avesta Xabûr Team. They made a statement regarding the policy of the AKP-MHP regime against Kurds in the Diaspora:

“The AKP-MHP fascism tries to institutionalize itself and wipe out the Kurdish people and the Kurdish youth. As a result, they have recently begun their invasion attempt in Afrin. Erdogan and his gangs are aiming their bombs at us for both our physical extermination and a massacre”.

The Şehit Avesta Xabûr Team, who make it clear that the massacre and extinction policy is going nowhere, added the following:

“On the other hand, the patriotic Kurdish youth in Afrin, and everywhere else, are resisting Turkish colonialism. In this context we have selected the cars of Ayşe Barış who works as an MIT agent in Paris. This person works for the consulate and arranges meetings and organizations. We as the Şehit Avesta Xabûr Team have chosen them and set fire to two of their cars as part of the Serî Hilde (Rise Up) offensive. People carrying out massacres will drown in the hatred of the Kurdish youth”.

Link to video HERE

(via Nûçe Ciwan, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Arson Attack, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Erdogan Terrorist, France, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, Fuck MIT, Kurdish Struggle, Paris, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Şehit Avesta Xabûr Team

Berlin, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Arson Attack Against a ThyssenKrupp Vehicle


13.03.18: We are off to join the silent majority in this broken country to scream outrage.

For days there have been calls to militantly campaign for the revolution in Kurdistan side by side with fighting groups worldwide, showing solidarity and willingness to attack.

In our eyes, this is not a passive reaction to an offensive by Turkey and its allies, but a continuous consequence of recent years, in which here in Germany, but also worldwide, the ideas of the Kurdish movement have met with fascination and massive resonance of solidarity.

Afrin reveals the full force of the cruelty and materiality of German warfare on the basis of fascist nationalist annihilation ideologies, which Erdogan rhetorically adorns, while the German State does not need to be instructed in this field. It is not surprising that in this country no one articulates publicly that Germany is in a state of war and that Turkey can pass on the names of those who are being persecuted here.

All the more encouraging, the chronicle of the last weeks full of solidarity actions and research, about the connections between German corporations and repressive authorities and the Turkish State. For this we have learned of a new blog, which has published a lot of research which will hopefully give people some good ideas:

Yesterday we found a ThyssenKrupp car, a company that was held in high esteem by Hitler and without whose steel most likely no state in the world could wage war and whose partners celebrate the misery of war with champagne. We torched it.

Will will always remain enemies of these wretched societies.

Form gangs, become active!

We send love and strength to the regions of Kurdistan!

Hold on!

(via Chronik, translated by Insurrection News)


Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Arson Attack, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, Kurdistan, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Soltau, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Molotov Attack Against Military Vehicles by Anti-Militarist Group Sehid Efrin Polat


13.03.18: Armed with Molotov cocktails, we attacked and burned some vehicles from the German army (Bundeswehr) in Soltau last night. The trucks were parked on a NATO-wire-secured site in the Soltau industrial area, Carl-Benz-Strasse. We acted in solidarity with the fighting revolutionaries in Afrin.

The police press claims today, the attacked vehicles were only two ordinary trucks and speak of a fire that caused damage of 10,000 €. In fact, they try to cover up that repeatedly vehicles of the Bundeswehr are parked on this site for repair.

The fascist Turkish army also uses hundreds of vehicles from former Bundeswehr stocks in its criminal extermination war against the resistant population of Afrin. Many of the German Leopard tanks but also most of the transport trucks produced by Mercedes, among others, were in use by the German troops for years before they were handed over to Turkey. Since the 90s, it is common practice to sell already used war equipment at a cheap price to Turkey or to hand it over as a gift.

The old anti-militarist motto, “What is burning here, can no longer do any harm elsewhere” applies in particular to arms deliveries to Turkey. It is not unlikely that even the vehicles that are currently being used will end up in the hands of the Turkish occupation army and will be used against our comrades in Kurdistan. With our action we wanted to undertake a direct intervention in the German-Turkish war machine and prove that resolute anti-militarist actions are feasible in 2018 as well. Necessary than ever they are anyway.

We welcome the ongoing militant campaign fight4afrin and are pleased to see that many others are also thinking these days, where and how we can sabotage and attack the war of the rulers and refer to the anti-militaristic research blog. We continue to call for attacking German militarism here.

We dedicate our action to Sehid Efrin Polat. S. Efrin Polat has already heroically fought in the war against the fascist IS and was injured several times. He then went to the war in Afrin to defend the revolution in Rojava. He got into heavy fighting in the village of Qizilbas on the northern front of Afrin and was trapped by the enemy. He fought his way to the last cartridge, saying goodbye to his friends over the radio, and performing a self-sacrifice action in which he fired his grenades at his body.

His struggle lives on in ours.
Sehid Namirin! – The fallen are immortal!

Anti-Militarist Group Sehid Efrin Polat

(via #Fight4Afrin)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Anti-Militarism, Anti-Militarist Group Sehid Efrin Polat, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Efrin Polat, Fuck The Bundeswehr, Germany, Kurdistan, Molotov Attack, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Uncategorized

Bogota, Colombia: Riots around Universidad Pedagogica Blockade the Financial District for Four Hours

Received on 14.03.18:

On Tuesday, March 6th, in Bogota, Colombia, two explosions burst during the quiet of the lessons. In between the fully painted walls of this eternally leftist university, located in the middle of a financial district, the students playing on the sports field turn their heads in all directions. The sound of chattering suddenly vanishes. It is 10:30AM and the gatekeepers put their backpacks on and immediately leave the scene. Rapidly, a small group of hooded people meets the crowd, without talking. In a kind of dancing manner, without much useless noises, the students peacefully leave the playground and the encapuchadxs progressively take their place. It is quickly possible to count as many
as 50 of them, now facing the stone benches.

On the benches, a crowd interested students gather. We can hear some of them express their disagreement “it’s gonna be bad”, but they leave the spot as fast as they can. Oh the field, it is easy to see at least 3 different groups. The hoods are made from black clothing, their bodies are completely covered, even their shoes with large socks. Some of them
are completely dressed with black plastic bags. Despite the first explosions, they don’t seem to hurry. Some of them throw what seem to be little metallic balls on the wall, which explodes in an incredible BOOM. You’ve just met papas bombas, a tradition here in Colombia.

They ask the audience to be silent and begin to explain the purpose of all this. Two anarchist individuals shout their words at the benches from behind their hoods, before a feminist does the same. A trans woman in the audience then speaks too, after asking to interrupt an anarchist’s speech. She says that what is going to happen is very good,
but the struggle also takes place in our day-to-day life, that for women, gays and lesbians, and trans, we have to fight against all aspects of oppression. The encapuchadxs and the audience applaud loudly. During the speeches, several encapuchadxs distribute leaflets with political content, including anarchism and feminism (with calls for the March 8th march). Then it is the time for the FARC dissidents to talk. The FARC, the well known 50 years old Colombian guerilla group, finalized a peace agreement with the Colombian state a couple of years ago. Some of the encapuchadxs we can see, well marked with their black and yellow armbands, are dissidents from this group. But as soon as they
start to talk, a loud siren sounds and they abort their speech, which made us smile as anti-authoritarian individuals. The students and the encapuchadxs then take their places at the gates of the university. Lots of people mask their faces and gather rocks and empty bottles. The ESMAD, the anti-riot police, can be seen through the bars of the university, slowly deploying around the university, as the encapuchadxs go out, their hands full of papas bombas. The confrontation begins, the cops respond to the powerful bombs with tear gas and rubber bullets.

Some of the encapuchadxs go out of the buildings to attack either Vivienda, a large Colombian bank, or a big Renault shop. Renault is a big French car manufacturer. Seeing their windows shattering, we had thoughts for comrades imprisoned in France since the recent social movements [1]. Some rebels also break billboards around the university,
and spray paint some anarchist graffitis (Rabia y solidaridad (A) ; ¡Arriba el tropel! ; Tombos = bastardos ; (A)-K Anarchistas al Kombate).

As more and more cops arrive, they try to come closer to the gates of the university, but could never really surround the campus. Two or more police trucks with water cannons were seen too, throwing gas canisters inside the university. Inside the gates, people light little fires to inhale the fumes and heal the effects of the gas. They also breathe
rosemary branches for the same reasons. Others throw molotov cocktails or papas bombas at the trucks. Outside it is complete chaos. The cops are physically blocking a huge crowd of spectators who seem to be very friendly with the savage students who fight the police, shouting to warn them when the truck or police motocycles are coming.

An important fact to notice is that in Colombia, the police is not allowed to enter universities, and even stranger, they seem to respect this rule. This is probably the reason why the riot could last for hours without any of both sides being really able to move forward.

A sad event though occured at the end of the riot. A loud explosion could be heared and 3 or 4 students were severely injured, probably by an artisanal explosive device (papas bombas). It seem that some of them have lost either an eye or a hand. They were sent to the hospitals. We strongly express our solidarity with these injured comrades.

After this riot, which was the second one in less than one month at this university, we can read in the newspapers that all politicians from right to left call to cease those protests and to change the law to make it possible for the cops to enter universities. The whole campus was shut down for one week to conduct investigations. Despite this classical conservative backlash, some voices, even from workers union at the
university, have expressed their solidarity with the events and with those injured.

In Colombia, the anarchist offensive movement is alive and well, and the will to express radical ideas in radical ways is definitely palpable.

For anarchy. For chaos.

        some anarchists

[1] Specifically, we talk about the prisoners of the anti-labour law movement of 2016, some of them still in jail, and some people in prison after the eviction of the Bois Lejuc, an occupied zone in struggle against a big project to bury nuclear waste in eastern France.

Posted in ACAB, Anarchistas al Kombate, Bogota, Colombia, Direct Action, FARC Dissidents, Feminist Struggle, Fuck The Police, International Solidarity, Riots, Street Clashes, Student Struggle, Transgender Struggle

Berlin, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Commerzbank Branch Attacked


In solidarity with the Kurds fighting in Afrin, last night we broke the windows of the Commerzbank branch at Tierpark in Lichtenburg with rocks. In addition a message was painted on the facade (the bank removed it).

The Commerzbank finances, among other things, the production of the Leopard 2 tank and other weapons with which the Turkish army massacres the Kurdish movement. And so, the terror against one of the strongest feminist struggles of our time is explicity supported. The responsibility of the Lichtenberg branch can not be dismissed. There is no quiet hinterland for the profiteers.

Every say is a day of women’s struggle – solidarity with women in resistance. Bring the war to the streets of Europe.

(via Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Vandalism, Women's Struggle

Hamburg, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Attack Against a Supermarket that Sponsored a Grey Wolves Event



During the night of the 11th to 12th of March we attacked the Adese Market in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg near the Wilhelmsburg train station. The supermart sponsored the Grey Wolves event in Wilhemsburg last week. This action is a signal against the attack of the Turkish State and its militia against the free canton of Afrin.

We join the campaign ‘fight4afrin’ in response to the call from autonomous groups for militant and creative actions.

Autonomous Group

(via Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, Hamburg, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Vandalism

In Memory of Lambros Foundas, Killed by the Cops on 10.03.2010 in Athens (Eng/Esp)


In life thunder

Charged with

genuine anguish for the choices, the tomorrow, the comrades, the struggle.

With sharp thoughts, forged in the bowels of personal labour and the movement.

With decisive acts, firm, flaming.

You showed with your life that the way of the revolutionary is to say little, to act with rage and devotion. With rage and conscience.

In your memory fists tighten…

Tears become weapons…

And the old Case becomes more imperative.

And in death a wolf


breath was enough for you, one decision and the iron will.

With the weapon in your hand and freedom in your eyes you chased your dreams to the end.

As you lived, this is how you left. Wild and free.

When revolutionaries die

they are not lost

They ride a star and draw courses of freedom in the indefinite.

They draw with their blood what each one of us dreams but is afraid to dare.

They are fireflies in the darkness of inertia.

They are the fire, the struggle, the street.

Lets all take the fire from their fire…

lets not forget – lets act.

Honour to anarchist

Lambros Foundas

The struggle continues.

(via Act For Freedom Now!)


En memoria de Lambros Foundas, asesinado por la policía el 3/3/2010 en Atenas.

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Actforfreedom]

En la vida trueno

Acusado de genuina angustia por las elecciones, el mañana, lXs
compañerXs, la lucha.

Con pensamientos agudos, forjado en las entrañas del trabajo personal y el movimiento.

Con actos decisivos, firmes, en llamas.

Demostraste con tu vida que el camino del revolucionario es decir poco, actuar con furia y devoción. Con rabia y conciencia.

En tu memoria, apretamos los puños …

Las lágrimas se convierten en armas …

Y el viejo caso se vuelve más imperativo.

Y en la muerte un lobo

Uno la respiración fue suficiente para ti, una decisión y la voluntad de hierro.

Con el arma en tu mano y la libertad en tus ojos perseguiste tus sueños hasta el final.

Como vivías, así es como te fuiste.

Salvaje y libre.

Cuando lxs revolucionarixs mueren no están perdidxs

Montan una estrella y dibujan cursos de libertad en lo indefinido.

Dibujan con su sangre lo que cada unx de nosotrxs sueña pero tiene miedo de atreverse.

Son luciérnagas en la oscuridad de la inercia.

Ellxs son el fuego, la lucha, la calle.

Permite que todxs saquen el fuego de su fuego …

no lo olvidemos, actuemos.

Honor al anarquista

Lambros Foundas

La lucha continúa.

Posted in Act For Freedom Now!, Athens, Combative Memory, Greece, International Solidarity, Lambros Foundas, Poetry, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras