Posts Tagged ‘Videos’

Antifa demo in Poznan (Poland)

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

This is short video from antifascist protest in Poznan, clashes with fascists.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

KLF 01 01 2017 WTF FOUND VHS [not available on mobile devices – VIEW ON PC/MAC/LINUX]

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Anarchist Call for G20 – Come to Hamburg (Germany)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017


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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago: Action 3 years after the death in combat of compañero Sebastián Oversluij (Chile)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Sebastián Oversluij, we demand your memory in every direct action.* This December 11 is already 3 years since your death in combat, with fire we remember every fallen compañerx.

Freedom for the PDI case compañerxs, Tamara Sol and all other compas who have been kidnapped and imprisoned by the Police State.

Fire to the prisons!
We do not forget, we do not forgive!
The struggle continues, stronger than ever!

*Barricades, banners, pamphlets and attacks with Molotovs against the police in memory of Sebastián ‘Angry’ Oversluij and for the political prisoners outside UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). There were also clashes outside Campus Juan Gómez Millas (University of Chile). 07.12.2016

via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Documentary about murdered anarchist comrade Salvador Olmos Garcia (Mexico)

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

This is a documentary made by two travelers from Belarus, Ukraine, about a Mexican anarchist Salvador Olmos Garcia who was murdered by the police in his home town.

Lang: Spanish
Subs: Russian and English

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Posted in Social Control

Anarquía aquí y ahora: por la insurrección sin líderes ni dirigentes

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Quienes en la lucha por la Liberación humana, animal y de la Tierra asumimos una actitud de confrontación contra el poder en todas sus formas, no queremos sentarnos a mirar cómo pasan las cosas frente a nuestros ojos sino que empujar los acontecimientos hacia la ruptura con el orden la dominación.

Proyectarnos en ofensiva contra toda autoridad nos lleva a buscar organizarnos con otrxs compañerxs para irrumpir en la realidad sacando hacia afuera nuestros deseos de destruir al Estado, el capital, el poder, sus símbolos y representantes.

Aquí compartimos un folleto y un video elaborados para la difusión de propuestas de organización informal para la acción insurreccional contra el poder.

Posted in Autonomy

Ates Hücreleri Komplosu– 'Proje Phoenix' –FAI/IRF (Kara Enternasyonal)

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

“Biz burada, şu an herşeyin başladığı yerdeyiz.”

Proje ‘Phoenix’ Somut eylemin Atlantis’ine giden yolu işaret eden gizli kalmış haritanın açılmasıdır. Interzone’nun yanan şehirlerinin ötesinde varolmuş bilinmeyen ve kaybolmuş kıtadır. Kesintisiz otonom saldırının anarşist ilkeleri, Enternasyonalizm, Devrimci Dayanışma, eylem, diyalog, fikir ve örgütlü gayri-resmiyetle (enformel) yaratılmıştır. Dünya genelinde çeşitli doğrudan eylem gruplarının birbiri ardına gelen saldırılari tecritin sessizliğini kesintiye uğratıyor ve tekno endüstriyel sistemin hapishane toplumuna karşı karşı-saldırıya geçiyor.

….Phoenix kendi küllerinden doğdu ve korkakların sessizliğini alaya almaya, Prometheus ateşini ezeli isyancılara sunmaya geldi…..

…Sizinle konuşacak bir kelimemiz dahi yok çünkü herşeyi ateş açıklayacak…..

“Eski gruplar aktive oldu, Otoritenin ve uzantılarının kabuslarına hayat verme sözüyle yeni gruplar oluşturuldu,”

FAI- Komando Mauricio Morales

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Posted in Library

Video: PROYECTO FÉNIX – Σχέδιο Φοίνικας (traducido al español)

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

PROYECTO FÉNIX – Σχέδιο Φοίνικας (traducido al español) from La Salute e in Voi on Vimeo.

“El Regreso de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego desde las Cenizas”

El “Proyecto Fénix” nace como un gesto solidario dedicado a Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai, del “Núcleo Olga FAI/FRI” que asumió la responsabilidad del ataque armado contra Roberto Adinolfi, empresario nuclear de “Ansaldo Nucleare”, y además como una iniciativa internacional de ataque, comenzando en Grecia con la colocación de un artefacto explosivo contra la Directora de la Prisión de Korydallos.

La expansión de las acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto se desarrolla a lo largo y ancho de distintos territorios donde la práctica insurreccional pasa de la teoría a la acción, en absoluta consecuencia con las palabras de quienes se declaran en Guerra contra toda Autoridad y el Poder. A su vez, es un incandescente foco revolucionario que insta al diálogo y al debate entre distintos individuxs organizadxs de manera informal y difusa que dan forma al ataque permanente y minoritario.

La práctica del internacionalismo anárquico es uno de los cimientos del proyecto, es el momento donde el ataque autónomo encuentra un campo en común que une, nutre y potencia distintas realidades y tensiones, apuntando y calibrando en su alma la persiste confrontación contra lo existente. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project 'Phoenix' (Black International)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.

Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

“We are here, where everything starts now.”

The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.

The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.

The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign Let’s destroy repression. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…




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Posted in Library

'Surrounded by the Islamic State' – Documentary about the struggle against ISIS/Daesh (Kurdistan)

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Filmed in Sinjar, December 2014

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Posted in Autonomy

The Story of a Bank Robbery – About the case of Giannis Dimitrakis (Greece)

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

via instinto salvaje

PDF: The Story of a Bank Robbery – About Giannis Dimitrakis (Into Rebellion / EE)

Anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis was arrested heavily wounded after a robbery at a branch of the National Bank in the center of Athens, on January 16th, 2006. Giannis was released in 2012.

Counter-info site Instinto Salvaje re-released the solidarity video for Dimitrakis, with French and Spanish versions. The video showcases the media-terror spectacle that rises whenever the system of order is threatened. We post this video in our library archive. Capitalists are the thieves and terrorists.

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Posted in Library

‘This is an insurrection of the masses of the people’ (UK)

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

In the video above, Darcus Howe, writer and broadcaster, names the 2011 UK riots an ‘insurrection of the masses of the people’ on the BBC. In this important turn in the discourse on the 2011 riots, Darcus Howe also links these events with those in Port of Spain Trinidad, Syria and other parts of the world. As shown in the link below he refers to the violence as the ‘nature of the historical moment’. Darcus Howe, as part of the Mangrove Nine, was acquitted decades ago of trumped up, racially motivated charges of “rioting”. The BBC will not repeat this video. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy, Social Control