Posts Tagged ‘Repression’

Update on the trial of comrades Sven and Natasha (UK)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

Sven and Natasha had a short court hearing at Winchester on Wednesday 8th November. After a long time of ongoing negotiations in the background, their legal teams were able to meet with the prosecution and settle on a deal for both defendants that they were relatively satisfied with. They agreed to a non-cooperative plea deal which involved admissions of guilt about their own activities within the ‘conspiracy‘.

They did not relate to any other people. As a result, Sven and Natasha both entered guilty pleas for ‘conspiracy to blackmail’, and were bailed to await sentencing.

This now means that there will be no trial or any further hearings, with exception of sentencing, a date for which is still due to be decided.

(We expect it to be mid December or the start of January)

Thanks everyone for the ongoing support, we’ll keep you all posted as soon as there will be any development.

Unfortunately the website is down because of some server issue beyond our control, but it is being fixed and will be live again by the end of the week, hopefully.

From freesvenandnatasha.org


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Statement of anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma – Start of the “Script Manent” trial (Italy)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017


To the Court of Turin

Today, as well as for all the future hearings of this trial that sees me accused along with my brothers, sisters, but above all anarchist comrades, I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in a courtroom of this tribunal.

I have never gone to the courtrooms where my funeral was being prepared in the past and I will not do so now!

I am anarchist, individualist, anti-authoritarian and above all I am for the insurrection, which has as one of its primary goals that of destroying places of death like this one and the prisons.

I will not be part of the spectacle set up by a judge who, suffering from hunger cramps, has put himself the payroll of a State that I do not recognize, being a citizen of the world in flight from its borders; I will not be there to listen to his delusions nor wait for the end to hear someone judge me “guilty or innocent.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Originally published in Vetriolo, anarchist journal, number 1 / Autumn 2017 (this text is also online here).

Note from Insurrection News: This English version of Alfredo’s text was translated by us from the French language translation by the comrades from Attaque.

Note from Vetriolo: Alfredo wrote this text of salutation for the number zero edition of Vetriolo, in November-December 2016. This letter, as is well known, was blocked by the prison censorship. Now we can publish it. We recall that in recent months the censorship has increased a lot, a tightening vise obviously ordered by the Prosecutor Sparagna, and not just the simple zeal of the prison guards. Apparently there are definite orders about what can and cannot be sent or received (Vetriolo, for example, was not received by anybody) [comrades imprisoned for Operation Scripta Manent]. To protest the censorship,
Alfredo went on a hunger strike from May 3 to 13.

Break the isolation!


With charges that could lead to 30 years of prison time hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles, the need to communicate projects and reflections may seem absurd. Under the influence of censorship, which modifies all that I write and say, the fact that I am continuing imperturbably to communicate and write reflections that inevitably lend themselves to repression, may seem stupid and insane. It is stupidity and madness that I cannot do without, to feel alive and active.

One choice, back against the wall: continue the fight. Continue with all means at my disposal.

The inspiration for writing this article was given to me by the inquisitor Sparagna, who during his ‘monologue-interrogation’, maintained, with barely concealed embarrassment, that he would have broken us [the 22 comrades under investigation from Operation Scripta Manent] by isolation, thanks to the ‘scorched earth’ that the anarchist movement would have made around us in Italy.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

About “Operation Érebo” – Agitations and anarchic reflections (Bra$il)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Translated by Tormentas de Fogo.


“Operation Érebo” the earth moves.

Agitations and anarchic reflections the wind blows.”

At dawn on October 25, 2017 the weather darkened for the anarchists of Porto Alegre. The Civil Police with the so called “Operation Érebo [Erebus]” launched raids and assaults televised by the local media and transmitted by the speakers of the system in maximum volume.

From this police reaction, from the show and media scrape, and from the agitation in the anarchist orbit a thousand and one needs, urgencies, ideas, impulses and feelings have crossed us. From this reflection was born this will to communicate. We point our determination against the enemy and we strengthen our pace with those who live anarchy in its positions and practices.

Our natural tendency to chaos.

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Posted in Social Control

Declaration of the Solidarity Assembly for Anarchist Prisoner of War Konstantinos Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

On the morning of October 28, 2017, comrade Konstantinos ‘Dinos’ Yagtzoglou was captured by the anti-terrorist police. The arrest order, issued by Special Prosecutor E. Nikopoulos, was based on accusations of belonging to a terrorist organization and attempted murder for the letter bomb attack against former-Prime Minister Papadimos. The accusations are based on a mixture of genetic material that was allegedly collected and stored from objects following clashes with law enforcement during a demonstration in 2011, in which the comrade was arrested. This mixture, supposedly related to the explosive attack, is alleged to have been found by the police in the remains of the letter bomb, along with the DNA of Papadimos. The charges against the comrade, combined with the material allegedly found in his possession during his arrest have led to him being prosecuted under the ‘anti-terrorism law’ (187A).

On the same day, a comrade from Konstantinos’s circle of friends was arrested. It is a constant tactic of the anti-terrorist unit to target people from an arrested person’s family or circle of friends as a form of intimidation, and as an attempt to politically and physically isolate detainees. On October 29, Dinos was brought before the investigating judge for a continuation of the detention order, and was warned that he only had 3 days to prepare for his hearing. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dmitry Buchenkov, anarchist and last Bolotnaya square defendant, goes into exile (Russia)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Last Bolotnaya Square Defendant Flees Russia

November 9, 2017

In an interview with Current Time TV, Bolotnaya Square defendant Dmitry Buchenkov said he has left Russia for a European Union country.

He said he has applied for political asylum in this country. Buchenkov failed to say exactly where he had gone.

“I’m calm about the fact I won’t be returning to the motherland soon. I won’t say leaving was easy. Psychologically, of course, I didn’t want to leave,” he noted. “The regime and the entire justice system forced me to take this step.”

He added he was currently not in touch with relatives.

When asked how he managed to cross the Russian border, the Bolotnaya Square defendant said he was “neither the first nor the last person to do it in such circumstances.” (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Poster for Anti-Fenix Timeline (Czech Republic)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Hello dear comrades,

In addition to the “3 years of lack of evidence” pamphlet, we made a timeline A2 poster “Repressions in so-called Czech republic”. Please spread that <3 ... Please have a look and download for printing and spreading here: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2017/11/10/repressions-in-so-called-czech-republic-timeline-a2-poster/

Have a good day!

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Posted in Library

“When anarchy disturbs” Library Kaos statement about the prosecution against anarchists – Porto Alegre (Bra$il)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

via A_N_A

translated by tormentasdefogo

There are many things to say, but we will start with the most urgent. In the 25 of October began an anti-anarchist persecution against FAG [Gaucho Anarchist Federation] Parhesia institute, Pandorga squat and some individuals who had their spaces and houses raided by cops. If not all, probably a good part of the anarchist diversity was reached and several of them spoke firmly from their agreement against repression. And this is a fresh air that strengthens every one who feels sedition. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

PDF: The Fenix verdict – Defendants acquitted (Czech Republic)

Monday, October 30th, 2017

3 years of lack of evidence – 3 years that fucked up our lives

The Fenix case uproar, consists of a lot of accusations of many crimes, ranging from the one of so-called “promotion of terrorism” to the one of preparation of terrorist attacks. These are the ones that were most discussed at the latest Municipal Court Hearing in Prague. During their verdict, the judge acquitted all the five defendants of the Fenix 1 case. Is it a victory? Why this decision isn’t final? Followed article is a translation of a month old overview over the court hearings and some analyses of our situation and experience, originally written in Czech language.

This long court hearing was about five anarchists, three of them accused of plotting a terrorist attack on a train carrying military paraphernalia. Two of them were accused of knowing about such plans and not having stopped the presumed authors. Two of these five people were also accused of preparing an attack with Molotov cocktails on police cars during the eviction of the Cibulka squat. Basically, according to the deployed police agents, there are in total five people and three different crimes involved. (And all this is just for Fenix 1, because some of these people are facing further accusations in the context of Fenix 2). (more…)

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Posted in Library

Athens: Solidarity with the arrested comrade Kostantino Y. (Greece)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

Grecia – Arrestado un anarquista acusado de pertenecer a la CCF y de haber participado en el ataque contra el ex-primer ministro Papademos [es]

According to info via Athens IMC, comrade Kostantino Y. has been arrested and is suspected by the security forces of being involved in the letter-bomb attack against technocrat ex-prime minister and IMF employee Loukas Papadimos which took place in May 2017. The attack led to deep wounds to Papadimos and injuries to two other people accompanying him inside the vehicle he was in. Papadimos was hospitalised for a month.

The hostage comrade was inflicted an injury to his leg early Saturday morning during his violent kidnapping by the counter-terror unit. Apparently Kostantino is going to be charged with many felonies. Today he will be taken to the investigating judge where there will be a concentration in solidarity at the court.

This repressive action by state forces won’t go unanswered and comrades in the struggle internationally should be aware of this latest move.

Corporate media reported from the police that Kostantino had been under surveillance for two weeks before being caught carrying eight forged ID cards, two guns, ammunition, an explosive device rigged with a timer and gunpowder in three hold-alls, a plastic garbage bag and a fanny pack. The police spread in the media also that the comrade was clearing out a safe house rented in a false identity. The police suspect him of links to Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and implicated him in several unsolved letter-bomb actions including the attack against German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. It doesn’t matter if Kostantino Y. is guilty or innocent of the charges, no comrade is left alone!

Solidarity to Kostantino G: 29/10 19:00 Polytechnic Athens

Day / Time: 29/10/2017 at 7 pm


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Posted in Social Control

(Brasil) Texto de compas sobre la reciente razzia anti-anarquista

Friday, October 27th, 2017

Text from Anarchist Comrades About the Recent Anti-Anarchist Raids in Porto Alegre‘ (EN)

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, recibido por correo electrónico]

¡Hola compas!

Escribimos para dar noticias de las tormentas que asolan nuestras casas…

Esta mañana a partir de las 6hs una operación policial (Operación Erebo) fue desencadenada contra espacios, ocupaciones y viviendas de individualidades anarquistas. Dicen ellos y sus porta voces (medios de comunicación) que es sólo el comienzo con 30 investigadx y que siguirán las búsquedas…

Confabularon de acuerdo con su manera de ver mundo una organización criminal “cuadrilla del mal” articulada para atacar el poder y sus estructuras.

Los ataques ocurridos (incendios) son verídicos (…) Somos lo que somos y en eso no vamos a retroceder: Somos anarquistas, amamos a libertad y sí, despreciamos a todos los valores e instituciones que componen esta máquina de guerra que se llama capitalismo, civilización.

Que se extienda la noticia y se manifieste la solidaridad.

¡Viva la anarquía!



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Posted in Social Control

On the raids against anarchist spaces in Brazil and on the internationalization of the anarchic offensive against repression in the Southern Cone (Chile)

Friday, October 27th, 2017

Chile / Brazil: Solidarity Is Action

As has been reported in some media and blogs, at dawn on October 25th in Brazil the civil police of Rio Grande do Sul invaded anarchist spaces and homes in the context of an investigation into attacks on banks, police stations, car dealerships and headquarters of political parties carried out by anarchists over the last four years in Porto Alegre.

All of this occurred on the eve of the 8th Annual Anarchist Book Fair in Porto Alegre, that was scheduled to begin on the 27th of October but has now been cancelled until further notice in light of the events that have taken place.

The police have named this new repressive coup against anarchists ‘Operation Erebo’. In Greek mythology, Erebus (blackness) was a primordial god of darkness and shadow. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Against Operation Erebo (Brazil)

Thursday, October 26th, 2017


Police started the so called “OPERATION ÉREBO” aiming to prosecute anarchists in Porto Alegre city, south region of the territory under domain of bra$silian state. This operation is an attempt to arrest anarchists that supposedly took part in informal activities since 2013.

About this case, we don’t have nothing to say but the necessary:


It doesn’t matter if they are “guilty” or “innocent”, much less if they were “right” or “wrong”. Morality is the language of trials. We fight against laws, because its oppressive nature exists only for maintaining “order and progress”, both responsible for human misery. We stand against prisons and therefore we do not cooperate to fill this human warehouse. So we strongly support the 10 anarchists prosecuted by the state’s genocidal machine.


As always, the media takes advantage from this recent episode to form its spectacle. The news tries to paint anarchists as part of one single group as a way to give deputy Paulo César Jardim and his dogs from the Civil Police some credits. The moment of the rotten nation we live in is very fragile and therefore it is clear for us that media has only political interests which we despise.


Neither one nor a thousand police operations will be capable to, as they say, “demobilize” our fight for freedom. Anarchy rises from the gaps of authority and technological domain, and that is why the powerful won’t stop us. Our passion for freedom is stronger than every cell.


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Posted in Social Control

Police Raid Anarchist Residences & Spaces on the Eve of the Anarchist Book Fair in Porto Alegre (Brazil)

Thursday, October 26th, 2017

This morning (October 25th) the civil police in Rio Grande de Sul executed several search warrants on residences and collective spaces in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre (RS) to collect materials for investigation. Police allege that the addresses are linked to a group that would have carried out attacks on vehicles, political party headquarters, police stations, banks and car dealerships. The action was violent and the police assaulted the people who live in these spaces and took some of them to the police station.

There were a total of 10 search and seizure orders, where anarchist material (posters, books, banners, etc), fantasy masks, spray cans and other common objects, including plastic bottles filled with plastic bags were seized and reported as being molotov cocktails. Not even police officers are so ignorant as to think that once can make molotov cocktails with plastic bottles and without a flammable liquid. In fact these bottles were going to be used as ecological bricks for bio-construction. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Santiago Maldonado Presente! (Argentina)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

The murder of Santiago Maldonado has triggered a series of actions in Argentina. Santiago disappeared on August 1st, kidnapped by the gendarmerie, and on October 20th, it was confirmed that a dead body found in the Chubut river belonged to our compañero Santiago Maldonado. We hope that the guilty will suffer the worst possible vengeance.

Death to the murderous state, Santiago presente!

Today like last night we continue in the streets – SANTIAGO PRESENTE!


Sad are the hours that we are living. On October 20th, Sergio Maldonado (brother of Santiago) confirmed what we were all so afraid of. The body planted by the gendarmerie in the Chubut river is the compañero Santiago Maldonado.

The gendarmerie are responsible. The State is responsible. Because it was them who took him from the rebel territory of Cushamen on the first of August. (more…)

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