Posts Tagged ‘Panagiotis Argirou’

Vienna: Solidarity event with imprisoned comrades of Korydallos Prison at ABC Festival (Austria)

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

[Vienna] Solidarity event of “Anarchist Black Cross – Solidarity Cell” with imprisoned comrades of Koridallos prison (Athens) @ ABC FESTIVAL VIENNA (20. – 23. April 2017)

“As anarchists, we perceive the need of a multiform anarchist struggle, posing the issue of attack against state and vassalage that is imposed, with every means possible, here and now.”
(from the self presentation text of the ABC Group)

In this event the comrades from “ABC – Solidarity Cell” will talk about the importance of solidarity with anarchist prisoners and the connection of struggles inside and outside the walls.
Further, the talk will contain a deconstruction of the meaning of the ‘anarchist movement’ and the myth of the district of Exarchia.

“(…) we do not consider that the action of our anarchist comrades is finished after imprisonment or repression.” (from the self presentation text of the ABC Group)

During the event there will be the presence of three anarchist prisoners, via Live-Connection, from Koridallos prison:

– Nikos Romanos
– Panagiotis Argyrou – CCF-Metropolitan Violence Cell/FAI-IRF
– Olga Oikonomidou – CCF-Urban Guerrilla Cell/FAI-IRF

They will talk about the following topics:

– The conditions in prisons and the situation of anarchist prisoners in Greece.
– The importance of solidarity assemblies for the anarchist prisoners and the connection of struggles inside and outside the walls.
– The choice and the importance of the armed struggle, the claim of responsibility for direct actions and the particulars of participation in armed organisations, and the importance and consignment of those choices.
– The choice of jail-breaking.
– The position of women in the armed struggle.

It will be also possible to raise questions to the comrades in prison, so the communication will be in both directions.

Some words from anarchist prisoner Panagiotis Argyrou dedicated to the ABC Festival:

There are times when you feel a certain kind of strength inside you.
This may be happening for different reasons each time but undoubtedly it is always a very positive feeling. Such a kind of strength a prisoner may feel when he/she discovers that there are other individuals wanting a touch, a contact, a communication, a conversation with him/her. It is a very strong feeling, a unique one, the feeling of a great strength filling you all over and this is something priceless. This feeling that you are not alone, that there are other comrades wanting to share moments, experiences or whatever, with you, is something so valuable that only freedom itself can compare with it. So let me thank you very much for the opportunity you offer me to have some contact even if it is for so little. I wish that the future brings us more opportunities so that one day we can have the chance to have a live talk outside the walls. A big warm hug,

Panagiotis Argyrou, member of CCF-FAI


ABC Solidarity Cell Website: https://abcsolidaritycell.espivblogs.net
E-Mail: abcsolidaritycell@riseup.net

Nikos Romanos State prison of Korydallos – Mens prison-ward A’, P.C.
18110, Korydallos, Athens

Panagiotis Argyrou State prison of Korydallos – Mens prison-ward A’,
P.C. 18110, Korydallos, Athens

Olga Oikonomidou
State prison of Korydallos – Womens prison, P.C. 18110,
Korydallos, Athens

Other events @ the ABC Festival Vienna you can find here.



Wielandgasse 2-4
1100 Wien

Flyer Eng

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Three trolley buses incinerated in downtown Athens (Greece)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

During the night of Monday December 19th 2016, a group of comrades decided to slightly heat up the urban winter by setting fire to social peace and apathy.

With just 5 liters of flammable material and infinite hatred of all Power, we took to Patission Street, stopped passing trolley buses and torched them after taking down all passengers and drivers.

Three burned trolley buses, one for each pretrial detention imposed on those arrested during clashes of December 6th 2016 in Athens.

Strength to the anarchist prisoner (CCF member) Panagiotis Argirou, who was recently sentenced by the State to 7 more years of captivity, this time for attempted arson on a bus in 2009.

Fire to the machines and the civilization!

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Posted in Direct Action

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : ‘Anarchy has reminiscence’ (Greece)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

[Text for a gathering in memory of Sebastian Oversluij that took place in an anarchist squat in Chile]

One can never be really lost unless oblivion wraps one in her arms.

It’s been three years now that comrade Sebastian Oversluij does not walk anymore through the paths of searching for the wild beauty of anarchist action. It’s been three years now that some of our brothers and sisters there in Chile feel his absence stretching their hearts. It is three years since the bullets of a sneak-security guard of the “Banco Estado” took his life, extinguishing the flame of the anarchist spirit that used to burn inside him.

But we, in our turn, as well as many others, we are not willing to let our comrade disappear in the fog of oblivion. We honor our brother just like we honor his choice of passing into action, attacking a bank-a temple of money, emptying the enemy’s wallet, expropriating the minimum that we should get comparing to what authority expropriates from our own lives. The bank robbery carried out by an anarchist always carries inside the seed of refusal. The refusal to submit to a world where you’re restricted to sell your soul to the cruel laws of free market, so that you can live to work and work to consume and consume to fill in your existential gaps with a pile of useless objects.

We know that we are very far away and that our words have to cross an entire ocean to reach you. But we hope you’ll be able to feel the affinity we all feel with all those who discover the ways to keep our brothers close to us at the events, in discussions, in our imagination, but above all in the continuing of spreading the constant anarchist revolt itself.

The members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire- FAI/IRF

Mihalis Nikolopoulos
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Haris Hatzimihelakis
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Panagiotis Argirou
Damiano Bolano

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #44 : ‘Turn up the Heat’ & ‘Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell′ – Feb 2016 (ACN)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Dark Nights #44

1. Turn up the Heat.
2. Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell.
3. ‘Forever Guilty’ – Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF.
4. ‘Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism’ by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)
5. Civitavecchia, Italy: FAI/FRI take responsibility for an explosive attack on the city court.
6. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for two incendiary attacks.
7. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for an explosion at Tax Office.
8. Direct Action Chronology.
9. Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)


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Posted in Library

'Forever Guilty' -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF (Greece)

Friday, February 12th, 2016


The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.

Since September 2009 when I made the leap towards illegal freedom while being wanted, choosing to continue anarchist action through taking part in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until now, it’s been six years. Six years, five of which have run through the concrete time and space and the suffocating reality of captivity. About 1825 days walking endless kilometers in circles under a piece of sky carved with barbed wire thorns. About 1825 days locked before sundown.

Five years away from wandering in the wild streets of anarchist action, away from those beautiful moments where attack shatters regularity. Five years where the appearance of comrades, friendly and loved ones is being reflected in the windows of predetermined visiting hours and days, completing a puzzle of faded portraits of so many people who have a living reason to cross the threshold of the prison hoping in “sometime together again”.

Yet in these five years there has not been a single moment when I looked back doubting whether it was worth it. Because the value and the beauty of anarchist revolt cannot be replaced by the cold mathematics of court sentences.

In these five years of continuous prosecutions, the decades of penalties imposed on me, the courts to add on more decades, more years, more exiled days in this armored Neverland, I still remain proud of my choices and for joining the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and its overall action, which undergoes your trials again and again constantly repeating the same and the same charges :

Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist…


For your own rotten civilization
For the poisoned ideals and values that you represent
For the brutality and horror on which you step building your careers


Because although being captive my heart is wherever anarchist Conspiracies are being concocted against the culture of Power, next to those who burn flatness, next to those who incite in any way the constant anarchist insurrection and next to those who live at the limits through the attack on sovereignty and for that reason


As for the overall action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I’m a living part of it just like it is my own living part. However, this concerns only me and my comrades and in no way am I willing to assist the judicial authorities in their work. But all judges who have actively assisted in the war against Anarchist Insurrection should have in mind that responsibilities never retire and will always go after them.

And I know from history that always throughout the years there are consciousnesses who choose to walk in the trails of anarchist revolt and to arm their desires. To all those comrades who perhaps are already moving in the shadows or perhaps move there in the future, I have to say that if I occasionally feel some moments of freedom it is through the anarchist attacks which remind me that the Constant Anarchist Rebellion is being continued.

So I feel proud that even now, after five years of captivity and multiple more years hanging over me I can still yell through the cracks of your, reinforced with double concrete layers and triple rows of barbed wire, walls:


Panagiotis Argirou
Proud member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF (Greece)

Friday, February 12th, 2016


The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.

Since September 2009 when I made the leap towards illegal freedom while being wanted, choosing to continue anarchist action through taking part in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until now, it’s been six years. Six years, five of which have run through the concrete time and space and the suffocating reality of captivity. About 1825 days walking endless kilometers in circles under a piece of sky carved with barbed wire thorns. About 1825 days locked before sundown.

Five years away from wandering in the wild streets of anarchist action, away from those beautiful moments where attack shatters regularity. Five years where the appearance of comrades, friendly and loved ones is being reflected in the windows of predetermined visiting hours and days, completing a puzzle of faded portraits of so many people who have a living reason to cross the threshold of the prison hoping in “sometime together again”.

Yet in these five years there has not been a single moment when I looked back doubting whether it was worth it. Because the value and the beauty of anarchist revolt cannot be replaced by the cold mathematics of court sentences.

In these five years of continuous prosecutions, the decades of penalties imposed on me, the courts to add on more decades, more years, more exiled days in this armored Neverland, I still remain proud of my choices and for joining the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and its overall action, which undergoes your trials again and again constantly repeating the same and the same charges :

Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist…


For your own rotten civilization
For the poisoned ideals and values that you represent
For the brutality and horror on which you step building your careers


Because although being captive my heart is wherever anarchist Conspiracies are being concocted against the culture of Power, next to those who burn flatness, next to those who incite in any way the constant anarchist insurrection and next to those who live at the limits through the attack on sovereignty and for that reason


As for the overall action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I’m a living part of it just like it is my own living part. However, this concerns only me and my comrades and in no way am I willing to assist the judicial authorities in their work. But all judges who have actively assisted in the war against Anarchist Insurrection should have in mind that responsibilities never retire and will always go after them.

And I know from history that always throughout the years there are consciousnesses who choose to walk in the trails of anarchist revolt and to arm their desires. To all those comrades who perhaps are already moving in the shadows or perhaps move there in the future, I have to say that if I occasionally feel some moments of freedom it is through the anarchist attacks which remind me that the Constant Anarchist Rebellion is being continued.

So I feel proud that even now, after five years of captivity and multiple more years hanging over me I can still yell through the cracks of your, reinforced with double concrete layers and triple rows of barbed wire, walls:


Panagiotis Argirou
Proud member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Letter by CCF member Panagiotis Argirou on the occasion of the nearing end of the Phoenix Project trial (Greece)

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015


“Only in those moments when our tension for freedom encounters with praxis do we really manage to live anarchy, here and now. Unfortunately the dream we carry in our hearts is too great to avoid the risk of finding ourselves up against the monstrous wall of authority raised in defense of the state and capital. When we really put our life at stake, inevitably we end up confronting the hardness that’s inherent in the struggle: death and prison.”
Nicola Gai; anarchist comrade held prisoner in Italy, who has assumed responsibility for his participation in the attack claimed by Olga Cell of FAI-FRI (the shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, the chief executive of Ansaldo Nucleare)

Shortly before the end of the trial of the 4th consecutive case against the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and against me personally as an anarchist who has assumed responsibility for his participation in the CCF, I’d like to say some things not to the court, but rather to all comrades whose action gave impetus and substance to the Phoenix Project.

For obvious reasons, all imprisoned members of the CCF saluted the comrades of Sole–Baleno Cell (a cell of sympraxis between Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Consciousness Gangs), a gesture which initially cost us our prosecution for incitement [in Greek, moral instigation] to 4 Acts of the Phoenix Project: explosive attack on personal vehicle of the Koridallos prison director in Athens, explosive attack on personal vehicle of a chief warden serving at Nafplion prison, incendiary attack on a hotel unit in Indonesia, and parcel-bomb mailing to a former commander of the antiterrorist police unit in Athens.

The competent authorities realised in hindsight that the accusation of inciting the attack in Indonesia, claimed by Anger Unit/International Conspiracy for Revenge FAI/IRF, would never stand up in court, so the particular charges were dropped even before the stage of court proceedings.

However, as far as the other attacks are concerned, I am offended by the incitement charges brought against me, because as an anarchist I abhor hierarchical relationships of any level; on the other hand, these charges help me understand that domination feels threatened when anarchist guerillas, even from a position of captivity, seek to make their mark and connect with the struggle outside the prison walls by saluting the hostilities waged by their comrades. Domination feels threatened when it realises that the condition of incarceration is not nearly enough to crush the combative energy of anarchist prisoners. This alone is enough for entire indictments for incitement to attacks to be drafted. In no case, however, is it enough to break my morale and my will to connect myself with all comrades holding a combative position. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Incendiary attack by Alexandros Grigoropoulos Cell / FAI in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

via ContraInfo:

In the fiery craters of our inner volcanoes, made with the lava of emotion and the fire of passion, we’ve fed our lust for life… And to Society that wanted to impose its laws and its morals on us, we will firmly respond with our “no,” while all others repeat their cowardly “yes.”(Enzo Martucci)

In the early hours of Friday December 4th [in Lycabettus area in Athens], we approached the house of the high priest of corruption, and former Minister of PASOK party, Kostas Laliotis and placed incendiary devices at his home entrance and his car.

As has rightly been said, the responsibilities of those who have served in administration centres of the capitalist machine can neither be forgotten nor retire.

Kostas Laliotis has been one of the most corrupt politicians following the metapolitefsi [transitional period after the fall of the Greek military junta]; his name and trajectory are linked to greed, deception, scheming, interwoven interests and arrogance, all of which are basic and integral characteristics of puppets staffing the political personnel of capitalist domination.

Maggots like Kostas Laliotis and his likes should be beaten or shot; they should see their houses burn, and live their miserable and crappy life in fear.

The fires of anarchist insurgency that lit at the house of a powerful former state official of the establishment was a contribution to the call for a Black December, which is spreading inside and outside the prisons all over the world, creating a multifaceted insurrectionary anarchist front that, having informal coordination, the acceptance of multiformity and the lasting anarchist insurgency as tools, crystallises the prospect of a generalised anarchist offensive against the world of Power.

Our captive comrades Nikos Romanos and Panagiotis Argirou have put an idea on the table of anarchist dialectics. They have proposed an idea relating to a theme any of us could set at the edge of a month of coordinated actions – actions originating from the entire spectrum of anarchist practices, from public gestures to guerrilla actions.

It is a proposal that opted to set the seven years since the assassination of comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos as a theme, so as to test an experimentation of an informal coordination of multiform anarchist action in practice.

Those who have the appropriate analytical tools understand that it is a proposal concerning any anarchist individuality or collectivity that’s not clinging to theoretical patterns or immersed in apathy and reformism.

This is also why the kneelers of petty politics and professional search of disagreements do not lose the opportunity to shoot the arrows of their slanderous criticism once again.

But, as much as the “official” anarchist circles of cafes and gossip want to engage in mudslinging and slander, they cannot hide their discontent with the fact that the apathy which permanently pervades them is revealed in the clearest way.

Now, leaving aside those skilled in political speculation, let us talk about the essence of this proposal.

We believe anarchy must pose a real threat to the State, and to do this, anarchy needs to stay away from vanguards, leaderships, press offices, away from the logics of political cleansing and expulsions.

Informal organising doesn’t need to arise from agreements in charters and proclaimed positions one has to embrace. In our anarchy, every individual and every group can contribute to a theme, a campaign, a strategy by synchronising and coordinating their action, irrespective of whether they share common political backgrounds.

To evolve spontaneity, which often prevails in the anarchist milieu, does not mean anarchy has to turn into a party; all that is needed for the feasibility of a formulation of strategies and actions chosen to be put in motion is a will to act and communicate with other comrades.

For we love the kind of anarchy that travels through the streets of fire, occupies space and time in the metropolises, and creates strongholds for the diffusion of anarchist theory and practice. The kind of anarchy that blows up the pillars of normality, robs our lost time, and throws the morals of this world into fire.

This kind of anarchy does not fit in the hypocritical respectabilities of this society, nor does it make concessions on its discourse or practices to be pleasing to the social majority.

Surely there’s so much to say, but what comes first is intensifying our attacks, thickening the chaotic paths of liberatory struggle.

We will be back soon

Guerrilla signals to the FAI cells who have actively supported Black December in Greece, Chile, Spain, and those currently preparing their attacks; to the comrades of the Anarchist Insurgent Movement (M.I.A.) from Brazil; to all arsonists and rioters who set fire to the symbols of domination.

Strength and solidarity to all anarchist comrades inside and outside the prisons who support Black December with texts, translations, posters, flyers, graffiti and banners that complete the mosaic of multiform anarchist action.

A hug full of affection to our brothers and sisters who are locked up in prisons in Spain, Chile, Switzerland, Italy, Mexico, Germany, the US, and elsewhere; to Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Marco Camenisch, Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Juan Aliste, Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Flores, Guillermo Durán, Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán, Thomas Meyer-Falk, Ignacio Muñoz, Tamara Sol, Michael Kimble, and all other captive comrades whom we have unwittingly forgotten to mention.

For a Black December

For the upsurge of anarchist insurgency

Freedom for those in prison cells

Alexandros Grigoropoulos Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF)

Source: Athens IMC

translated by Black International

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Posted in Direct Action

Incendiary attack by Sebastián Oversluij Cell / FAI in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

via ContraInfo:

Within the context of the call for a Black December action campaign, we organised and carried out a deed of direct action.

We reached the outside of a cop’s house in the district of Zografou, who’s a serving special guard at the Golden Dawn offices, and we set fire to his personal vehicle.

Such actions can easily be diffused and reproduced by comrades, and also contribute to creating a climate of fear and insecurity among the cowardly servants of legal order.

We don’t wait until repression comes knocking on our door; we locate the houses of uniformed bastards within the metropolis, and pay them a visit so as to attack them by all means.

Strength and solidarity to all our comrades around the world who intensify the Black December campaign with their actions, making informal coordination of multiform anarchist action a reality.

We organise anarchist cells of direct action!

For the anarchist offensive against the world of Power!

For a Black December!

Solidarity with anarchist prisoners and all comrades wanted by authorities!

With our dead brothers and sisters present in every moment of attack against domination!

Sebastián Oversluij Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF)

Source: Athens IMC

translated by Panagiotis Argirou, CCF member imprisoned in Greece

in Spanish, German

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Posted in Direct Action

'For a new combative position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December' by Nikos Romanos & Panagiotis Argirou of CCF (Greece)

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

Full coverage of Black December via Contra-Info on this #tag.

Also read: International call for a Black December.

I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god.

I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves but crush me, and those I love, under the weight of their frightful cooperation or their idiotic inertia.

I hate, yes, I hate them, for I sense it, I do not bow before the officer’s braid, the mayor’s sash, the capitalist’s gold, moralities or religions; for a long time I have known that all of this is just baubles that can be broken like glass.

Joseph Albert (Libertad)

There are times in history when the randomness of some events can cause dynamic variables, able to almost entirely paralyse the social space-time.

It was Saturday night, on 06/12/2008, when the culmination of a conflict between two worlds took place in just a few moments. On one hand, the youthful, enthusiastic, spontaneous and impetuous insurrectionary violence; on the other hand, the official state institutional organ that, legitimately, claims the monopoly on violence through repression.

No, it was not about an innocent kid and a paranoid cop found in the wrong place at the wrong time, but a rebellious young comrade who attacked a patrol car, in an area where clashes with the forces of repression were common, and a cop who patrolled the same area and, out of a personal perception about the honour and reputation of the police, decided to confront the troublemakers on his own. It was a conflict between two opposing forces: on one Insurgency, on the other Power, with the main protagonists of this conflict each representing their own sides.

The murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the cop Epameinondas Korkoneas, and the large-scale riots that ensued, caused a powerful, high-tension social electroshock, because the image of “social peace” was shattered and the existence of these two opposing worlds was made visible, in the most manifest way, triggering situations from which there was no easy return, at least not without a creation and manifestation of events whose momentum nobody could any longer pretend they did not notice, they did not see, they did not hear, they did not take into account. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

1/7/14: End of the massive prisoners hunger strike (Greece)

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

End of the massive hunger strike in Greek prisons

After 8 days of hunger strike the prisoners in Greece decided to end it and continue the mobilization with other means.

At the end of the hunger strike around 4500 prisoners were participating.

Our comrades Michalis Nikolopoulos,, Panagiotis Argirou and Nikolas Romanos are good in their health and out of hospital!!!!

May health and chaos be within you!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

29/6/14: Seventh day of the prisoners hunger strike (Greece)

Monday, June 30th, 2014

Dozens of inmates went to the hospital. More specifically, 2 inmates from Corfu prison, some inmates from Amfisa prison and the rest of them from Koridallos prison. They were going to the hospital and most of them were sent back after being given an injection of dextrose!

Comrades Panagiotis Argirou, Michalis Nikolopoulos and Nikos Romanos remains in the hospital after having a fight for not taking intravenous fluids and dextrose!

Here is a video from the prisoners of A wing of Koridallos deciding to refuse the night lockdown for one hour with force!


May health and chaos be within you!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Panagiotis Argirou (Greece)

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

As has been known, in the first days of January 2013, I suffered a serious head injury after an accident. What followed were two successive head surgeries and a three-month stay in various hospitals. Of course, for some time now, I have escaped danger and I’m on the mend, awaiting a final restoration surgery on the skull. Now I am back among my comrades and my brothers and sister of the CCF, which in itself makes me feel better.

I gradually get some insight into the interest expressed during my hospitalization, and I feel the need to thank all those who stood by me in various different ways, from donating blood (which was much needed), to fundraising for covering medical expenses.

I have a special place in my heart, however, for the comrades of the International Conspiracy for Revenge-FAI/IRF who burned a private vehicle in Indonesia, and for the compas of the Insurrectionary Anti-authoritarian Cell-FAI/FRI who targeted with incendiary devices the building of Chile’s national association of penitentiary functionaries and previously attacked facilities belonging to the Chilean Gendarmerie, because of the great honour they have done me by giving my name in the direct action cells that claimed responsibility for these anarchist attacks against domination. Brothers and sisters, you should know you’re in my thoughts and that these actions have moved me deeply. May the fire of Insurgence and Anarchy always keep your hearts warm, and your hands armed against the enemies of freedom.

Finally, I would like to thank all those direct action groups in Greece and abroad who were interested in my condition and wished me a good recovery.

I am happy to see that all this time the project of FAI/IRF remains dynamic and active. I’d like to hope that, in the future, its intensity will grow enormously, and its diffusion will cause fear among the rulers globally.


Panagiotis Argirou
Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago: Communique for the incendiary attack against the National Association of Prison Guards ($hile)

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

Who believed that May would pass without direct action?
With fire we responded again.

Recalling the warrior Mauricio Morales and showing solidarity with the comrades imprisoned in Temuco, we set fire to the entrance of the National Association of Prison Guards, located at Santa Monica steps in downtown Cumming Street of the city of Santiago, on Sunday May 12. With this we add a new action to those which have already been claimed by other groups in “alternative medias” but silenced by the “official release”.

We said in our previous attack on a property of Gendarmerie of Chile in January this year, we will not let the torturers be tranquil in their dens. The criticism of the authoritarian system and prison facilities cannot be separated from the direct attack on those who try to break the will of our rebel imprisoned comrades. Prison guards have decided voluntarily to live as enemies of freedom and are active contributors to domination, in exchange for shares of power that materialize in confinement and to humiliate our prisoners and their families.

In April, the anti-authoritarian comrade Ariadna Torres was punished in the Women’s Prison of Temuco for insulting a judge and the jailers who seized a letter from the companion to the outside.
We sent a copy of this email again to the jailers of Chile so that they know that our anarchist comrades, anti-authoritarians and revolutionary prisoners in Chile are not for the authorities little games, and for every attack the answer will come back with fire, explosions and shrapnel.

We ask comrades of action why there has been a decline in violent activity against the enemy? One thing is the excitement of the street-fighting, but in May there has been fewer direct attacks and planned bombings, arson and sabotage against the wealthy, and also their system of misery. That the anti-authoritarian attacks are sustained over time and not by a police story, depends on us. That the option for revolutionary violence and its connection with the anti-authoritarian struggle (and its various forms of being implemented) be not just a youth fashion, depends on us. Boosting and multiplying the direct actions in quantity and quality depends only on our will.

In May, we remember those comrades murdered by the State in Chicago in 1886; to Daniel Menco, young man killed in 1999; to young Rodrigo Cisternas, worker killed by police in Chile in 2007 after being crushed by a police vehicle with a backhoe; to the compa Henry prisoner since May of last year in Bolivia [currently on house arrest]; and Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, prisoners in Italy, imprisoned for a year accused of the shot to the leg of a boss of a scientific nuclear company.

Regards to the clandestine comrades and prisoners worldwide.


Insurrectional Anti-authoritarian Cell Panagiotis Argyrou, affinity of the FAI/FRI. Chile

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Incendiary attack against Swift Mail (Greece)

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

On Sunday, 10th March an anarchist guerilla group placed an incendiary device at the entrance of the offices of Swift Mail express courier’s company in Pagrati, Athens. This is the shop where the company’s owner wife Reklitou Fotini works. Based on her detailed statement in 2010, the cops were able to mobilize their forces and arrest the comrades of CCF, who on that day sent a mail bomb to the embassy of Mexico using Swift Mail.

The anarcho-nihilist guerilla group “Untouched Revenge Cell, FAI-IRF” claimed responsibility for the act by publishing a communiqué. The comrades dedicated the attack to the imprisoned anarchist guerillas in Greece, Italy, Russia, Holland, Mexico, Indonesia and Belarus.

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