Posts Tagged ‘Anti-Psychiatry’

Grupos de Ayuda Mutua domesticados por el estado (Espanya)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Un doble peligro político que, desde el principio, en la Xarxa de Grupos de Apoyo Mutuo de personas psiquiatrizadxs y huídas de la psiquiatría, hemos advertido ha sido ¿cómo evitar que nuestra lucha, nuestra organización, fuese absorbida o cooptada institucionalmente y, al mismo tiempo, evitar también caer en el aislamiento sectario?

La primera vez que lo debatimos fue a raíz de nuestra participación en las Jornadas en Sevilla celebradas el 21 y 22 de Noviembre de 2014 que había organizado la Junta de Andalucía en una experiencia de grupos de apoyo con dirección y apoyo institucional,entonces vimos imprescindible acudir para compartir nuestra experiencia y escuchar lo que se hacía allí en colaboración con las instituciones de salud de la Junta. Consideramos que no podíamos encerrarnos en nuestras posiciones, que debíamos adoptar una postura flexible, permeable, de escucha, pero, al mismo tiempo, firme pues veíamos un interés por parte del Estado (las mal llamadas autonomías son Estado también) en asimilar, desactivándolo en su provecho, la contestación que suponían los GAM (Grupos de Apoyo Mutuo). (more…)

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Acerca de los Grupos de Ayuda Mutua promovidos por la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)

Monday, March 14th, 2016

Durante el año 2015 la Generalitat de Catalunya, a través de su consejería de salud, impulsó un proyecto con el nombre de ‘Activa’t’. Este proyecto como informa la nota de prensa del gobierno catalán trata de convertir a los familiares de personas con trastornos mentales en ‘agentes activos’ en el proceso de atención y recuperación de la ‘enfermedad’. Se trataría de ‘poner a disposición un circuito estructurado que permita el acceso a la información, formación y fomento del empoderamiento, así como el apoyo continuado con acciones coordinadas entre los recursos ya existentes de las diferentes redes que intervienen en la atención a la personas’. Un objetivo muy loable, pero sobre el que queremos reflexionar algunos aspectos que consideramos problemáticos.

En primer lugar, se trata de un proyecto que lanzan las instituciones políticas en un momento en el que los recortes sanitarios se han afianzado en nuestro sistema de salud. Desde 2008 hasta el 2015 se ha invertido mucho menos en materia de salud y eso se ha hecho notar en los recursos disponibles, tanto en lo que se refiere a camas hospitalarias o unidades de atención, como de ratio de profesionales por habitantes. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Marco Camenisch: Psychiatry as a weapon of repression against a radical prisoner – en/gr/de/it/fr (Switzerland)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Marco Camenisch: ROS – psychiatry assumes the power to define the execution of probation and correctional law

The office for probation and corrections services of the cantonal Office for the Execution of Penal Sentences and Justice sabotages all efforts aiming at easing the situation of imprisonment of Marco or to grant parole for him. The office for enforcement 3 (SMV3) uses a clearly political argumentation: As an unbroken anarchist he can not be released from prison, and by drawing up an ROS report (risk-oriented sanctions enforcement), a kind of “Materials Testing Institution”, they acquire new arguments.

For some time the penal system is being aggressively colonized by psychiatry and psychology in Zurich as in prisons elsewhere. The report of the forensic psychiatric department from 31.3.2015, provides a “risk-oriented sanctions enforcement” assessment, a new evaluating development, since the report explicitly uses psychiatric argumentation only and for the first time formulates specific “recommendations”. Urbaniok’s psychiatry distributes contact prohibitions – defines political distancing or rather political renunciation as a requirement for conditional release. The big word is and remains the “crime-promoting ideology”! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity with Rainer Loehnert, who attempted to escape from psychiatric prison (Germany)

Monday, March 9th, 2015

Get away! – An attempt to escape from a place of annihilation

At the end of January, Rainer Loehnert has attempted to escape from a forensic psychiatry unit. Unfortunately his attempt failed and since then he is detained in the isolation unit inside the closed psychiatry. Thus a prison within a prison.

Rainer is 53 years old and he is imprisoned for more than 28 years, currently in a forensic psychiatry unit in Bedburg-Hau, a small town in the north-west of Germany, near the German-Dutch border. But he doesn’t give up the fight for his freedom! Rainer had recently participated in a solidarity hunger-strike for the prisoner’s struggles in Greece. (more info)

And now he has acted according to his own motto: “Anarchy and total liberation is not for free!” (from a letter of Rainer, at the end of January 2015) So he has once again faced up squarely to the ‘white pigs’ and took his life in his own hands. He didn’t want to wait for another humiliating psychological assessment, which certifies at regular intervals his “dangerousness” and “mental illness”. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Campaign In Support Of Kevan Thakrar – Letter by John Bowden

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

From a comrade of ABC Brighton:

The abuse of psychiatry in pathologizing and punishing “difficult” prisoners has a long and disturbing history in the British prison system and is probably the worst example of human rights abuse suffered by some prisoners labelled “challenging” and “unmanageable”.

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, especially, the role of prison system-hired psychiatrists in assisting in the suppression of rebellious prisoners became an established one and often an unlawful one too such as when administering tranquillizing drugs by force purely to assist guards in subduing “troublemakers”. The practice became known as the “liquid cosh”. For particularly determined prisoner “troublemakers” the spectre of maximum-security psychiatric hospitals such as Broadmoor and Rampton could quite easily become a reality and often did when psychiatrists were recruited to apply the necessary pathological labels and facilitate the “nutting-off”, or sectioning under the mental health act, of sane but “difficult” prisoners, Rampton, especially, acquired a notorious reputation for it’s brutal and inhuman treatment of prisoners, administered by prison officer “nurses” and punitive-minded psychiatrists, and was considered amongst long-term prisoners as the worst and most deadly weapon of all in the prison system’s armourer of control and punishment. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Barcelona: Graffiti and info about anti-psychiatric hospitals (Catalunya)

Monday, December 8th, 2014

In the last week a few graffitis appeared in two psychiatric hospitals in the area of Barcelona…


PDF: http://network23.org/gam/files/2014/07/INGRESOS-FORZOSOS.pdf

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Spanish translation of "Reclaim Your Mind : Manifesto"

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Comrades, from somewhere on the Spanish state I send to you the link to a
PDF of a Spanish translation of the text “Reclaim Your Mind : Manifesto”,
uploaded to your server.

Greetings and hugs.

In solidarity,
La Rebelión de las Palabras.


+ COVER: http://vozcomoarma.noblogs.org/files/2014/03/Portada1.pdf
+ BODY: http://vozcomoarma.noblogs.org/files/2014/03/Cuerpo1.pdf

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Posted in Library

War on Kids – You do not have a Personality Disorder…

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Download this text: PDF

Your counsellors, teachers, parents, doctors, and other cops have told you that your personality is wrong and that you are not functioning properly. We think they are wrong and that they and the world system are the ones that are not functioning properly.

School is an abusive, boring prison designed to break your spirit and keep you in ignorance. If you are bored and disruptive at school, it’s because the teachers are boring, the subject matter is dull and school is a cage. They only teach you what the government wants you to know. There’s loads of interesting stuff to learn, but you probably won’t learn it at school. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Christos Politis : Days of War (Greece)

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

From Viva la Anarquía! (May 31, 2011), via This Is Our Job:

On December 4, 2010, Christos Politis and a number of other comrades were arrested during a massive counterterrorist operation covering the Athens metropolitan area. Three weeks ago, Politis was conditionally released on charges pending trial. The following was written during his time in Grevena prison.


“Medication! Come get your medication. Bring your water.” The orderly reminds us of our daily date with apathy. He has a bunch of little packets in his hand, and each one has a name. While you can accuse the prison administration for lacking even the most basic items, you certainly can’t say the same about the dosage that always arrives on time. Akineton, Hipnosedon, Largactil, Lexotanil, Seroquel, Effexor, Remeron. And if you still haven’t calmed down, two tablets of Alobertin will make you stupid for months. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty, Prison Struggle

Reclaim Your Mind : Manifesto – An Urgent Message for all those who have or are in danger of being labelled mentally ill

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Download: PDF zine version by Dark Matter Publications.

+ Spanish translation: Cover & Contents.

Urgent message for all those who have or are in danger of being labelled mentally ill

Selling cures for the problems they created
It is well known that depression has been on a steady rise in the past few decades. This increase apparently isn’t about to stop since the World Health Organization (WHO) recently predicted that, by 2020, depression would be the second most prevalent health problem in the world, just below heart disease, and offered as an explanation that this was due to a previous underestimation of the number of people suffering from this “illness”. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty, Library

Letter from John Bowden, UK social prisoner, about prison psychological repression (UK)

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

The use by the prison system of in-house psychologists to medicalise the personality of “difficult” prisoners and prolong their imprisonment has become wide-spread and institutionalised. Historically the involvement and collusion of prison-hired doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists in the ill-treatment and repression of prisoners has a long and infamous tradition. In the 1960s and 1970s compliant prison psychiatrists frequently and unlawfully assisted prison staff to control and subdue “unmanageable” prisoners by forcefully administering psychotropic drugs in a practice known as the “liquid cosh”. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty, Prison Struggle

CARI-PGG send Explosive Packets for 2 Prison Directors (Mexico)

Friday, March 11th, 2011


“During the week of the 22nd to the 27th of February this year [2011], we sent two explosive packets to the directors of two penitentiaries; to the director of the Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte and to the director of Centro Varonil de Readaptación Psicosocial (CEVAREPSI), both of which are prisons in Mexico City, as we know it this action was completely covered up and censured. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Comacchio, Ferrara: TSO [compulsory psychiatric treatment] and Teargas (Italy)

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

This communiqué, written by anarchists from Ferrara (northern Italy), exposes an appalling episode that occurred in Comacchio, a town in the province of Ferrara. Apparently just a provincial story, but one that reminds us of the unacceptable conditions imposed by this murderous system, a story that concerns all of us.

Psychiatry makes recourse to more and more terrible means to take away the freedom of those whom it considers deviant according to its biased vision of ‘normality’.

On May 28 2010, in a lively town in the province of Ferrara, where a reactionary rightwing mayor has just been elected, a 34-year-old man was subjected to the hideous activity of psychiatric doctors and of their best mates in uniform (police and carabinieri-paramilitary police).

It all started when police were alerted that a man had entered a church and started swearing during the mass. Eventually the man went outside a bar, where he exhibited some martial arts postures. This is what the local press reported, as it depicted the man as ‘a public danger, someone to be scared of’. (more…)

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