‘Cognitive Liberty’ Archives

Anarchie: zivil oder subversiv?

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

Ich will hier (aus Mangel an Alternativen) eine Diskussion provozieren, über den Begriff „ziviler Anarchismus“ und in Analogie „zivile Anarchisten“. Zivil hier im Sinne, des zivilisierten, also domestizierten Staatsbürgers.

Ich habe einerseits hier ein paar Gedanken festgehalten, sowie das Vorwort der kürzlich von Dark Matter Publications und 325 veröffentlichten Broschüre Anarchy: Civil or Subversive übersetzt.

Keine sozialen Anarchisten, zivile Anarchisten!

Einleitend eine Begriffserklärung. Unter Citoyennisme/Citoyennismus versteht man die Ideologie der Staatsbürger (Citoyens). Definition: 1. Der Glaube, dass Demokratie (Also auch Basis-/Direkte/Radikale,…) dem Kapitalismus entgegenstellt werden kann, 2. die Raffinierung[1] des Staates (oder einer souveränen Struktur), damit diese Politik umgesetzt wird, 3. das Volk, also die Staatsbürger als die aktive Basis der Politik.

Also jene (Staats-)Bürger, die etwas gegen korrupte Politiker haben, aber den Staat eigentlich ganz nice finden oder sich ihm zumindest bedienen. Man kann Phänomene wie die Occupy-Bewegung oder die Indignados darunter fassen. Aber genauso z.b Antifas (die sich freuen, wenn der Staat Naziorganisationen verbietet oder Nazis wegsperrt), (Radikal-)Feministinnen (wenn sie vom Souverän das Recht auf Abtreibung einfordern), oder Antira-Aktivisten (wenn sie vom Souverän das Recht auf Bewegungsfreiheit fordern). (more…)

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"Giroshin Sha" – An anarchist-illegalist cell, formed in Japan in the early 20th century

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Photo from the trial of

Photo from the trial of “Giroshin Sha” cell

“Giroshin Sha” (Guillotine Society) was an anarchist – illegalist cell, formed in Japan in 1922. This cell expropriated banks, in order to finance its activities.

“Giroshin Sha” attempted to execute the general Masataro Fukuda twice, who was in the group which was responsible for the assassination of the most prominent anarchist writer of his time in Japan, Osugi Sakae.

At the first attempt, one of Osugi’s former comrades, Kyutaro Wada, shot Fukuda but he only managed to injure him and at the second attempt, a bomb was placed at his house by Genjirop Muraki and Futura, but unfortunately he was not there.

In 1924, the member of “Giroshin Sha” Tetsu Nakahama (among others) attacked the chairman of Kanedo Co. company and was arrested.

In 1925, Nakahama, along with his comrade and also member of “Giroshin Sha” Daijiro Futura, were executed for “anti – governmental actions”, including a bank robbery in 1923 and planning the execution of Prince Hirohito. Kyutaro Wada was sentenced to life imprisonment and he committed suicide in his cell.

The article’s research was conducted by the imprisoned members of C.C.F.


Translated by Inter Arma

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In Praise of Chaos – Enzo Martucci

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Libertarian communism is also known, particularly in Latin countries, by the name of “anarchist communism.” It is not. On the contrary, the two words are a contradiction in terms.

Communism signifies a social condition in which the means of production and all material goods belong to the mass of the people who identify themselves with the totality or majority of society. Everyone has their goods disposed of according to the way decided by those who govern and whose law all must obey.

Anarchy signifies the absence of government: that is to say, a state of things in which the individual is not held in obedience to anyone, lives as he pleases, and is limited only by the extent of his power. He uses moral and material goods in the particular manner he prefers without having to get the approval of his fellows. (more…)

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'The Disappeared' by V.Q

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Text taken from our pamphlet printed with Dark Matter Publications‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts Against Civil Anarchism.

Isn’t it strange how those who most loudly talk about ‘the mass’, ‘the people’, ‘the community’ – who repeat ad nauseam the importance of the social and pour scorn upon the individualists, that these people should begin their project by separating themselves off from their professed acolytes. And that, in their wild vitriol against those anarchists who refuse to submit to their rule, and their group-think, they impose a separateness on us who, in our anonymity and getting-on-with-it-in-our-own-way, are simply some of the people? When we break with the movement and submerge back into the ‘mass’ (whatever that means), the civil anarchists attempt to crush us, to ridicule our thought, our goals, our personal strategies for life, to describe our daily lives, activities and our characters in their arguments – as if they knew us – in order to shoot us down. And in this microcosmic revelation of the social tyranny, we see how this way is no more for liberation than Society’s: it is for conformity and the erasing of the difficult elements – a dystopia. (more…)

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Comrade Andre Dahl Jensen of A-Revolt held in psychiatric ward against his will (Norway)

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Hello comrades. Please find time to check the case of Andre Dahl Jensen, who organize the page A-REVOLT. He has been held in a psychiatric ward without his consent, where he forced into taking drugs and had NO SUPPORT. Herein is attached a copy of his letter written on fb asking for assistance, as well as the link to his FB account..


Greetings my name is Andre Dahl Jensen I was in contact with mindfreedom in 2012, i was temporarily released under forced psychiatry in February 2013, after detention for 5 months. However last month (16th august ) I was committed to forced hospitalization again without and voluntary help/treatment being offered or tried out. (more…)

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Statement by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about being charged with 250 attacks (Greece)

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

This statement was read in the 4th trial of CCF (250 attacks)

Before I speak my mind about the legal objections raised from the side of the lawyers, I want to make something clear. In this trial, there are four different sides. The side of the judges, the lawyers’ side, the side of the accused, who are innocent and our own side, the side of those who took responsibility for our action in the network of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

From the part of the lawyers there was a refined positioning in relation to the submission of objections to the court in previous sessions. The lawyers, among whom is also our personal friend Franciscos Ragkousis, speaking in the language of the law, not only highlighted the contradictions of the trial but they also showed its hypocrisy.

We’re talking about a show that does not even keep up the pretenses of its own democratic scenario. But this farce called a trial, leaves us completely indifferent. Often our attorneys appointed by the court, reach a dead end. As they say themselves, the hostile and absolute way in which we face this trial, blocks them and cancels pieces of legal defense. It cancels the possible presumption of innocence, the pleas and defense lines as well as the legal benefit of any extenuations.

To be accurate, your laws are trash for us. Our view on justice is written on the demolition of the courts of Thessaloniki, on the blasting of the façade of Athens’ Court, on the homes of judges, that we burned … Nothing has changed just because some of us were captured. The captivity in prison did not reduce our decision to fight against laws and institutions, not even one inch.

Then one could reasonably wonder why we appear at trial. The answer is simple. When we were free/wanted our attacks were the way we expressed ourselves and now as we remain captured, our word, even in the court of the enemy, breaks the silence. Silence is not acceptable for an anarchist urban guerrilla.

This does not mean that we will resort to the legal corpses of words in order to talk about ourselves. Reference was made to the jurisdiction of the Court. For us, the court lacks jurisdiction. We do not recognize any white-collar as our natural judge. Only we and our conscience can judge our actions. Nobody else. There was also a plea for the poor composition of judges. But for us, there are no good and bad judges, nor righteous and unrighteous. There are simply judges, officials of the enemy in different shades whose names are targets of the anarchist network of CCF, without exceptions.

The issue of the Joint Statutory and the presence of jurors, was also mentioned. We make clear here that we are anarcho-individualists and nihilists and that we have no appreciation nor respect for the “poor people.” Even more, for law-abiding citizens who sit on the benches of jurors. These “poor” people, who are today humiliated and miserable, are the same who worship their bosses and have the same values with them​​, money and power. They are the people who always whimper but never revolt, questioning but always believing in young leaders/saviors, who always yell but never act. It is high time we break away from dusty revolutionary ideologies – no sheep was saved bleating. Against sheep and shepherds, we are wolves.

As far as the definition of “political crime” is concerned, we don’t seek an evaluation for our actions within the laws and the articles of the penal code. Our actions are defined by ourselves with the way we intervene into the normal course of history in order to derail it. Only through violent derailment of history, is a person able to come across the peaks of his thoughts and actions. We place ourselves far away from the so-called unselfish separation between political and criminal. These terms belong to Power and we don’t use them. There is just the responsibility of saying “this is me and I will continue to wage war by all means necessary”. Theory and action are one. This is the theory of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The unity of theory and action, for the destruction of the system. As for the unselfishness of the motives of our actions, this just a romantic abstraction, unable to measure up with real life. Anarchy is our egoistic demand to ourselves, to take life in our own hands. To define our existence. To hit what is ugly. More than anything it is an existential bet and not a scheme for social salvation. So we are not unselfish and neither do we act in the name of the pitiful people. We are egoist anarchists and we don’t accept extenuations. We have already chosen the weight of our choices and we are not going to lighten our decisions.

As far as the potential risk of human life is concerned, we have said these things before in other trials. The choices of each one of us, define their life. There are options that are hostile and their exponents are targets for us. The acts and thoughts of an anarchist urban guerrilla aim to multiply the risk to the life of the enemies of anarchy and of state officials. It is clear that the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire contributed to the proliferation of this risk and we will continue to do so.

For all these reasons and countless more, do not bother to answer the objections because we are indifferent to them. We reject the hypocrisy of a democratic dialogue and choose to keep our words armed, as our weapons. Always on the opposite side, always on the attack.

The imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI/IRF

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'Fragment: The She-Wolf' by L

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

Originally published in ‘My Own’ #6 by Apio Ludd (November 22, 2012).

The nihilist-anarchist doesn’t have to pretend that she belongs to a History or a Movement but chooses how her life will be in her own way, with the methods that she alone chooses with the close ones around her. She does not make excuses why she organises with an intimate group of 2-3 of her close friends. Her creative output circulates at the level she chooses and provides for, are co-created by those who have decided between them that they’ll be together for some activities or correspondence. She knows alegalism and informality suit her and has no pretence of democracy, mass appeal or mass action. Life provides the space for her thoughtful-actions already. She has become the crowd, and in her she has annulled time and society, she can do anything she likes, if she puts her mind to it and accepts the consequences. No one gets out of life alive. To live or to die, and to hold the life of an enemy in her hands – squeeze the trigger, or not, if she chooses. Her life is her own. She is not a victim but an aggressor. The enemy will live and die at her choosing, not theirs. All is decided by her will, which is hers alone. She has no strategy other than seizing her opportunities, and no tactics but her dignity and determination to succeed against the odds.

With methods suited to each individual, linked through action, rather than identity, she follows her bad passions(1) to hell, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


This is another text towards a collection of writings against civil anarchism, as put forward by Venona Q. and the comrades of Dark Matter Publications. Dedicated to Edizioni Cerbero, Parole Armate, FAI Olga Nucleus and the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

(1) – See Edizioni Cerbero, “Bad Passions – The Rights of the Ego – From an anti-Christian point of view”, http://325.nostate.net/?p=4093

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'Fragment: Violence' by L

Monday, June 24th, 2013

This short text is part of a collection of critical writings in progress concerning “civil anarchism”, as put forth by Venona Q. and Dark Matter publications, which is a response to a statement by the UK Anarchist Federation/Libcom denouncing the non-fatal shooting of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare in Genoa, Italy(1). Two anarchist comrades, Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito are accused of the action, which was claimed by Olga Cell-FAI/FRI. Solidarity to the accused, who are imprisoned in Ferrara, Italy. This fragment is simply a meandering series of thoughts, the results of a notepad and a rainy afternoon, rather than a ‘manifesto’ or the kind of dry political statement that it is in response to.

I. “By having carried out dozens of attacks against targets of the system, with especially destructive material results, we were and will always be precise. We aim specifically against the institutions and the officers of the system, giving special attention to not injure someone who is not a target to us.” CCF

Violence is neither good nor bad.
It is the State’s basis for it’s domination and consent. Any one who breaks this relationship is usually deemed criminal and/or insane. Any acts used in this transgression are usually deemed “unlawful” or further, “terrorism”. (more…)

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Il Delirio di Negazione-Nient-Ismi (Edizioni Cerbero)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013


La continuazione di “L’Abisso Nichilista” e “Il Desiderio Abissale”

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Noi siamo I Demoni della distruzione (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Fede è tornato dalle profondità della Abyss. Ecco il suo nuovo testo con la prefazione della sua affinità, Sara Zappavigna.

Noi siamo I Demoni della distruzione

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Black & Green Forum + Food Not Bombs Tour (Philippines)

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013


[Black and Green Forum]
Third World Studies Center, Lower Ground Floor, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Palma Hall, University of the Philippines-Diliman
Thursday, 7 March 2013, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


12:30pm – 1:00pm = Registration

1:00pm – 1:05pm = Welcome Remarks; Maria Ela L. Atienza Director; Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines- Diliman

1:05pm – 1:10pm = Introduction of the Speakers; Arnisson Andrei Ortega; PhD Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines- Diliman
1:10pm – 1:25pm = Bas Umali (Philippines); Local Autonomous Network/Mobile Anarchist School Project/Indokumentado Production

1:25pm – 1:45pm = Keith Mc Henry (US); Co-founder of Food not Bombs

1:45pm – 2:00pm = Bert Peeters (Belgium); Permaculture Designer/Consultant of Cabiokid Foundation

2:00pm – 2:20pm = Takuro Higuchi (Japan); Author
“Creative Space- Art and Spatial Resistance in Asia”

2:20pm – 2:55pm = Open forum

2:55pm – 3:00pm = Synthesis; Dr. Filomin C. Gutierrez, PhD (TBC) Associate Professor Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy-University of the Philippines-Diliman

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'The Key Code of Order' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Friday, August 17th, 2012

‘The definition of “trajectory” is indivisible in a modular fraction in the course of time, along a border composed between time course and time commencing in the passage from the limit that gives a boundary to practicability.’


‘The digression is the border fathomed in search of a structural form that becomes and extends its foundations between a time limit and a limitative term of a limbo in a prophesized temporality.’


‘The identifying structure now stays at the “centre” of a fatal ceremony, it is now visible in a perceptive manner, it expresses the clarifying signs in the essence of a representation of a symbolic representation in the immanence of the approaching prophecy.’


‘The leaning produced in an analogy between “reached-out” in the pretension and a “hanging” at the officious liturgical ceremony prepares the simulation of the leadership role in a concealment of the preparatory acts.’


‘The disposition of the events is the directing in a translation of an inclined deduction in reversibility between Abnegation and Invocation.’


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'The Two Faces of Silence' by Maurizio de mone (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Another contribution concerning Cells of Redemption and its depersonalizing nature. Dedicated to myself and to my affinity comrade Federico Del Buono.

Maurizio de mone


Nothingness as Experience of oneself – Nothingness as Escape from oneself.

‘The ego, therefore, exists. But does it exist in the way it appears to me? No, because it appears to me in a way that involves the conformation of my senses and intellect, i.e. in a way that does not reflect reality in itself. My appearance is nothing but a sign, not a copy of reality.
The awareness of my ego is made by my appearance.
It makes me aware of an ego that is not my real ego. (more…)

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'The Depersonalization of the Individual – The crack on a line-margin' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Federico Buono


“The crack on a line-margin”

‘The redemptive void
Takes life away from those who dare
In a dazzling recidivist excess
Of a white and luminous death
Now overhears
In individual fatigue
That Cerberus who watches over
At the doors of your personal Inferno.’
From ‘the Fatigue’, Maurizio De mone

In the cold and dark cells of redemption and systematic rehabilitation, one enters an ostensive world, where perception is nullified on the threshold and in the margin, delineated by the parameters of an impeding segregation.
The non-belonging plunges the understanding of the acts like something receptive in a prostrating transience.
Transience transfuses the emotional drives in search of a representative belonging.
Representation dilutes the time of showing oneself and appearing under the guise of induced sub-concatenation of the relation producing depersonalization. (more…)

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Max Stirner: His Life and His Work by John Henry Mackay (Zine Library)

Monday, July 16th, 2012

From Zine Library:

Max Stirner (1806-1856) was the philosopher of conscious egoism. His book Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum (published in English in 1907 as The Ego and His Own) is the fundamental work of that philosophy and the philosophical basis of individualist anarchism. The German poet and anarchist writer John Henry Mackay (1864-1933) carefully researched Stirner’s life and published his biography in 1897, with a third, definitive edition in 1914. Hubert Kennedy’s translation is the first in English.

Introduction: The Story of My Work, 1889-1914
1. Early Youth 1806-1826
2. Student and Teaching Years, 1826-1844
3. “The Free” at Hippel’s: In the Fifth Decade of the Century
4. Max Stirner, 1840-1845
5. Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum, 1845
6. The Final Decade, 1845-1856
Appendix: Max Stirner, Stations of His Life’s Journey

PDF: Max Stirner: His Life and His Work by John Henry Mackay

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