April 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Meanjin / Brisbane, So-Called Australia: Arson Attack Against the Commonwealth Games Countdown Clock on South Bank

Meanjin / Brisbane, So-Called Australia: Arson Attack Against the Commonwealth Games Countdown Clock on South Bank

Video: https://vimeo.com/264649892
Yesterday in Meanjin (Brisbane, so called Australia) we watched on social media as the police brutalised and arrested peaceful Stolenwealth Games protestors on the Gold Coast. They used excessive force on young people, people with disabilities, and elders.
The police also tried to claim one young person self harmed while in their custody. Allies are urgently needed at Camp Freedom on the last two days of the Commonwealth Games, to join peaceful protests and protect the camp, which over the last two weeks, has been threatened by Neo Nazis, racists, and the Queensland Police force. Our action is in no way endorsed by Stolenwealth Games organisers and protestors (who have no knowledge of it), but they have our solidarity through this and more practical acts.

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April 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Yogyakarta Infoshop Base (Libera) Needs Your Help : Indonisia

Yogyakarta Infoshop Base (Libera) Needs Your Help : Indonisia

Libera Community Space (Coffee, Books, & Infoshop) needs your help!
Libera Community Space is organized by a group of anarchist-minded people in a horizontal and egalitarian way. We promote issues such as gender & sexual liberation, economic equality, and other socio-ecological issues, be it in forms of writings, arts, or social movement.

We are openly egalitarian and not dogmatically ideological or religious. We are open for participation from all people, regardless of their backgrounds. However, we do not want to get involved with political parties, NGOs, or anything institutional. We are committed in making a true grass-root and self-organized community.


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April 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France: The time has come – Call for massive presence of people at the ZAD!

France: The time has come – Call for massive presence of people at the ZAD!

This week, the State decided to brutally destroy the collective experiment in the ZAD. We are resisting every day – residents, supporters, farmers, neighbors, young people, older people. We do it with our hearts, our bodies, our connections, with all the strengths that have become rooted in the countryside here over 50 years of struggles and accumulated hopes. But the State continues to destroy our houses, farms and other agricultural spaces, and workshops, to trample gardens, to raze everything that is beautiful. We need you here on the ground now!
To all of you who have been here even once, to everyone who could have come here and will be able to come in the future.

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April 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France: … Because we have no choice ! #NDDL

France: … Because we have no choice ! #NDDL

First of all, if you are able to spread the information about what is happening in Notre-Dame-des-Landes within you networks, that would be much appreciated. Help us resist and fight back with any means possible within our reach of means and sensibilities.
Since 3 days the french state is trying to evict the land-occupation of the zad «zone à Défendre» (zone to be defended). Since the abandonment of the project of the airport, a project contested since 50 years. since 10 years, call-outs for occupation had been spread and people came to help the struggle against a mega project that seemed useless and which they tried to impose by different means of repression.
Lots of different interests and reasons brought people to converge in theis area or to express there solidary with what was happening, the different forms and strategies the occupation managed to put in existence. Every blow the occupation had to take by the liberal state, just made it stronger. Everything they destroyed, we managed to rebuild even better and we cared for. A movement with all different components that engaged in the struggle, the citizens, farmers, anarchists, autonomous, or others who took opportunity from the occupation where able to hold back the construction of the airport project and had the determination to withstand the different kinds of attacks and pressures so far. Today, here they came again, this time with an even more oversized army in blue and equipment that made sure we knew we are at war.
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April 11, 2018
by actforfreedom


Posted on
We are writing with the smell of tear gas rising from our fingers. The springtime symphony of birdsong is punctuated by the explosive echo of concussion grenades. Our eyes are watering, less from the gas than the sadness; because our friends’ homes, barns and organic farms are being destroyed. Bulldozers, supported by 2500 riot police, armored vehicles, helicopters and drones, are rampaging through these forests, pastures and wetlands to crush the future we are building here on the to the zad (The zone à defendre).
We are calling on you to take solidarity actions everywhere, it could be holding demos at your local french embassy or consulate, or taking actions against any suitable symbol (corporate or otherwise) of France ! And if you are not too far away, bring your disobedient bodies to join us on the zone. If the French government evicts the zad, it will be like evicting hope.
For fifty years, this unique chequerboard landscape was the site of a relentless struggle against yet another climate wrecking infrastructure – a new airport for the nearby city of Nantes. Farmers and villagers, activists and naturalists, squatters and trade unionists wove an unbreakable ecology of struggle together and three months ago on the 17th of January, the French government announced that the airport project would be abandoned. But this incredible victory, won through a diversity of creative tactics from petitions to direct action, legal challenges to sabotage, had a dark shadow. In the same breath that declared the abandonment, came the announcement that the people occupying these 4000 acres of liberated territory, the 300 of us living and farming in 80 different collectives, would be evicted because we dared not just to be against the airport, but its WORLD as well.
Since that victorious day, the battle has transformed itself and is now no longer about a destructive infrastructure project, but about sharing the territory we inhabit. We stoped this place from being covered in concrete and so it is up to us to take care of its future. The movement therefore maintains that we should have the right to manage the land as a commons (see its declaration The Six Points for the Zad because there will never be an Airport). Today this is the struggle of the zad (zone to defend) of Notre Dame Des Landes.

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April 11, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Avalance Issue 13 April 2018 , Anarchist Correspondence

Avalance Issue 13 April 2018 , Anarchist Correspondence


(pdf in english)

The latest (and last) issue of Avalanche is available now. You can find
the pdf on avalanche.noblogs.org (in english, en français, auf deutsch).
Hugs and kisses to the comrades. We’ll see each other again.
— n°13 —
[Switzerland] On the struggle against Bässlergut and on insurrectionary
[Germany] When concrete deserts become intelligent. Smart control and
the technification of the city
[Tunisia] What are we waiting for? Days and nights of revolt against
[Suisse] A propos de la lutte contre Bässlergut et de pratiques
[Allemagne] Quand les déserts de béton deviennent intelligents.
Surveillance intelligente et technicisation de la ville
[Tunisie] Qu’est-ce qu’on attend ? Des jours et nuits de révolte contre
la misère
[Schweiz] Über den Kampf gegen das Bässlergut und aufständische
[Deutschland] Wenn Betonwüsten intelligent werden. Smarte Kontrolle und
die Technisierung der Stadt
[Tunesien] Worauf warten wir? Tage und Nächte der Revolte gegen die

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Paris, France – Against all forms of power (27/03/2018)

Paris, France – Against all forms of power (27/03/2018)

Rue des Ternes, Paris, night of 27th March. Diplomat’s car set on fire.
We oppose all States and all forms of nationalism, even the ‘oppressed ones’ because they will always be ready to become oppressors. The Turkish (and jihadist) aggression against Afrin is horrible, but this won’t get us marching behind Kurdish nationalist flags (including municipalist-libertarian banners). To nationalism, the collective, all parties (including imaginary, informal or classist ones), we oppose direct action, individual or in small groups.
A thought to the anarchists imprisoned by all the States.
Solidarity with the comrades on trial in Italy following Operation Scripta Manent and with the comrades of the CCF in Greece.
A thought to Cristal and the other person, recently sent to jail following the eviction of the Lejuc wood [in Bure, where people opposing a proposal to bury nuclear waste were chased out by the Gendarmerie on 22nd February]. And we are not forgetting Krème: keep strong, friend!
Friends of… Ernest Coeurderoy

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Madrid, Spain – Estate agency under attack in the Vallekas neighbourhood

Madrid, Spain – Estate agency under attack in the Vallekas neighbourhood

In the night between 27th and 28th February the windows of an estate agency were smashed with hammers on Via Monte Igueldo. A message written in paint was left, reading: ‘war on capitalist speculation’.
The action should be seen within the current context of urban transformation in the neighbourhood of Vallekas carried out by capitalism and the State. Video surveillance, building speculation, police controls, racism, persecution of occupations… all behind the media campaign against ‘drug smugglers’ used as a Trojan horse to legitimize the changes in the neighbourhood that the market and the State consider convenient.
An attack on an estate agency needs no justification. We only hope that the practice of signals and attack on the interests of speculators, businessmen and the State will spread.
Neither mafia nor police!
For anarchy!

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Milan, Italy – Flames against the premises of the Democratic Party

Milan, Italy – Flames against the premises of the Democratic Party

Milano - Fiamme contro sede del Partito Democratico Milano - Fiamme contro sede del Partito Democratico Milano - Fiamme contro sede del Partito Democratico

Translated by act for freedom now!
Posted on 01/04/2018
From the local press we learn that on Saturday 31st March at around 3am the entrance of the PD party Stefano Bassi Circle on Via Famagosta 2 was set ablaze causing damage not only to the entrance door but also to the electrical system and tiles.
The press also reported that a few days earlier, still in Milan, a mural dedicated to General Dalla Chiesa was covered in paint and writings in memory of the BR [1980, four Red Brigades] militants killed in Via Fracchia in Genoa.

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Fire in Enedys (26/03/2018) Montreuil, France

Fire in Enedys (26/03/2018) Montreuil, France

Nuclearized society, radioactive waste in the air, the water and the earth. Society of control, intelligent bugs in homes, everything connected, measured, under surveillance.
The will to rebel, the will to destroy, the will for freedom. In the night between 25th and 26th March we set fire to a vehicle of Enedis [France’s national electricity company, a branch of Électricité de France] for the linky [‘intelligent’ electricity meter permanently connected, which allows the provider to know a consumer’s electricity usage in real time], in rue de Paris in Montreuil.
Solidarity with the struggle in Bure against nuclear waste and its world
A few intelligent lighters

Translated  by act for freedom now!
via: Anarhija.info  

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Teramo, Italy – Greetings to anarchist comrade Pierloreto Fallanca (Paska)

Teramo, Italy – Greetings to anarchist comrade Pierloreto Fallanca (Paska)

In the afternoon of Easter Monday some people in solidarity went back outside the prison in Teramo. A couple of large fire crackers fired, chants and some exchanges with prisoners at the windows. Our brother Paska heard and saw us, both that day and last Friday evening. Reciprocal invitations to hold strong and the promise, to Paska and the many prisoners who asked us, that we’ll be back.
Later the carabinieri arrived and put an end to the solidarity greetings but we managed to get away without showing our documents, with the cops saying they had taken some car numbers, with the comrades encouraged by the many shouts against the guards coming from the cells.
We’ll be back.
With blood in our eyes!
Paska’s address:
64100 TERAMO

Posted on 02/04/2018
Translated by act for freedom now!

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Tattoo Circus Helsinki 13.–15. April: Support event for political prisoners! – Finland

Tattoo Circus Helsinki 13.–15. April: Support event for political prisoners! – Finland

Tattoo Circus arrives to Helsinki third time! Annual prisoner support event and -festival was organised first time here in spring 2016. In different European cities Tattoo Circus have been organised already since 2007. Tattoo Circus is not limited to tattoo culture only, but provides a great program related to prison and circus themes which invites everyone to participate. The program this year features circus, tarot workshop, bingo, hairdo workshop, to mention few. There will be music performances and discussions and introductions of situations of political prisoners around the world.
Complete program will be listed in the blog: https://tattoocircushki.noblogs.org/

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April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on The Eviction of #ZAD #NDDL Day 2: #ZADResist! – France

The Eviction of #ZAD #NDDL Day 2: #ZADResist! – France

We are a bit late today, but now we will continue our Live Blog of the ZAD evicion. At 03:22am yesterday morning the cops arrived at the D281 at Ardillières and Bois Rignoux. The evction of the ZAD occupation started. Today the cops continued with the eviction at 04:02am If you want to contribute to our live blog; You can send your pictures, videos, reports and analysis. Go to our submit page: hereClick at the refresh button of your browser to get the latest information. You will find the updates at the bottom of the page.
Published and more news here:  by Enough is Enough.

April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on “It Will Burn Forever”: From Appalachia to la ZAD

“It Will Burn Forever”: From Appalachia to la ZAD

The following is a statement of solidarity from the Three Sisters anti-pipeline camp in Appalachia with the ZAD (Zone to Defend), located in France. Over the last two days, the ZAD has faced brutal police raids by the French State in an attempt to clear the stateless territory. In response, thousands of people have fought back to defend their homes and farmlands. For more information on resistance to the raid and for background on the ZAD, go here.
Today, thousands of French police met fierce resistance in their attempt to evict the ZAD. From the forests of Appalachia, we are watching.
As momentum has built to stop the ACP, we have drawn much inspiration and strength in our struggles against infrastructure from near and far. Be it the indigenous struggles for autonomy and dignity at Standing Rock or the struggles against the airport and its world at Notre Dame des Landes. While we recognize these struggles for Tierra y Libertad extend back hundreds of years, across every continent, the ZAD at Notre Dame des Landes has represented a particularly resilient and uncompromising point of conflict against the state and capital. We have watched with tearful eyes and clenched fists as the forces of order once again attempt to dismantle the Zone.
As the snow falls in the foothills and mountains where we stand in occupied Monacan and Tutelo territory, we see the first signs of life after a long winter. As the seasons change, we are reminded that the only thing that makes their property lines real is that there is someone there to enforce them. We celebrate your resistance, our hearts beat with you. Even in Buckingham County, we know that tout le monde déteste la police.

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April 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on ZAD Battles Thousands of Police During Attempted Eviction of Autonomous Zone in France

ZAD Battles Thousands of Police During Attempted Eviction of Autonomous Zone in France

Police began the eviction by telling journalists attempting to cover their attack on the ZAD not to interfere and to join a designated “press space” where they would be approved to publish certain photos and videos by authorities.
The police assault against anti-capitalists occupying the land started at 3 a.m. local time on April 8. The police attacked the ZAD-NDDL and destroyed the southern and northern barricades, entering the area. One of the watchtowers went up in flames as police advanced.
Pitched battles immediately began between police and anti-capitalist protesters across the groves and within the forests. Hundreds of black-clad Zadistes (or ZAD land defenders)  wearing gas masks fought thousands of police in total darkness throughout the night, using barricades, molotov cocktails, slingshots, and even lasers.

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April 9, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on TARGETED EVICTIONS BEGIN MONDAY 9th APRIL: Zad for ever ,France


On February 10th, a few weeks after the airport project was dropped,
dozens of thousands of people converged again to Notre-Dame-des-Landes
to root the future of the zad. Since then, the assembly of uses(*)
has laid the foundations of this project through the beginning of a
dialogue with government representatives. During this transition phase,
a first global collective convention has been proposed by the movement
to take the fields and dwellings in charge. But the government still
threaten to evict some of these dwellings. An operation mobilizing
Thousands (2500 according to the press) of policemen and women are announced for Monday 9th April.
We denounce the double-dealing of the government which announced it wants   a
« peaceful and reasonable » evolution of the situation while planning an
eviction operation which is moreover illegal. We can’t accept that
inhabitants who preserved the bocage will be evicted tomorrow. We
can’t accept that dwellings and spaces of activities which have
nurtured the experience of the zad and are necessary to its future will
be destroyed by a new police operation. We invite those who support the
avenir of the zad to organize accordingly!
*In case of evictions of habitations, we call for different types of
answers on several geographical scales.*
On the zad and around :

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April 9, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Another Day, Another Broken Door: The Tower’s Statement on Recent Events – Hamilton, Canada

Another Day, Another Broken Door: The Tower’s Statement on Recent Events – Hamilton, Canada

received : on 9.4.18

Early Friday morning, Hamilton police raided a home associated with some of those involved with organizing The Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair. The door was kicked in, a flash grenade was thrown into the house, and a full swat team entered. With their assault rifles drawn, the swat team proceeded to pull everyone out of bed some of whom were naked, and with one exception, put everyone in handcuffs. Three people were detained and
one person arrested. Cedar, a member of The Tower Collective and our cherished friend, was arrested, taken away, and currently remains in custody.

Those who weren’t arrested were forced to wait outside for close to five
hours, while cops “searched” the home. Similar to the fascists who
attacked The Tower last month, the police thoroughly trashed the space
and even messed with the bookshelves. All three floors of the house were
ripped apart and many things were damaged, including a collection of
framed feminist postcards that were broken into several pieces and
thrown into the bathroom toilet. Police are misogynist pigs, plain and
simple, without exception. A long list of items were seized, including
all electronics (phones, computers, cameras, external hard-drives etc.),
books, posters, zines, and a pretty random assortment of documents
(academic journal articles, translated texts from a book project, hand
written notes, event programs, pamphlets etc.).

In terms of the arrest, Cedar is facing conspiracy charges in relation
to the so-called “Locke St. Riot”. We have no desire to engage with the
politics of innocence. The concept of innocence and its flipside
criminality obscure more than illuminate – no one is innocent and the
most “criminal” amongst us run the economy and government. Beyond that,
these notions perpetuate the logic of a colonial legal system rooted in
white supremacy. That said, it is worth noting that conspiracy charges
are notoriously dubious and flimsy, and have a legacy of being used as a
tool of political persecution. They are an act of desperation intended
to cast a wide net and scare people. Such charges are *not* a matter of
engaging in a particular activity, but rather a matter of possibly
encouraging a particular activity.

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April 8, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Florence, Italy – Leaflet given out in Florence, March 2018, on rampant fascism and bad memory

Florence, Italy – Leaflet given out in Florence, March 2018, on rampant fascism and bad memory

Leaflet given out in March 2018, on rampant fascism and bad memory, which we’ve seen the umpteenth miserable results of with the murders* in Macerata and Florence
Translated by act for freedom now!
*Macerata, February 2018: 28-year-old Luca Traini goes on a shooting spree targeting migrants and wounding a number of them.
Florence, March 2018: 54-year-old Idy Diene, from Senegal, is shot dead by racist Roberto Pirrone, who declared he wanted to shoot the first black person he bumped into that day.
In solidarity with Ghespe, who remains in prison, and in complicity with those who decide to pass to action
‘Whether the mask is labelled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.’
Simone Weil

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April 8, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Grenoble, France: Frontex Conference Disrupted at the University of Grenoble

Grenoble, France: Frontex Conference Disrupted at the University of Grenoble

On Thursday, March 22nd, about 150 people gathered in front of the IMAG building at the University of Grenoble. Inside the building a conference was being held by the various players involved in the militarization of the borders: Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency), Euromed Police (Euro-Mediterranean Police Cooperation), Europol, etc. The conference slogan was ‘From Frontex to Frontex, Towards the Establishment of a New European Coast Guard Corps’. The President of the Euromed Police and the Director of Legal Affairs for Frontex were both present. Slogans, a media table and leafleting were on the agenda for the afternoon.

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April 8, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Cinema & Bar at GARE Squat, Kallidromiou 74, Exarchia – Athens , Greece

Cinema & Bar at GARE Squat, Kallidromiou 74, Exarchia – Athens , Greece

Cinema & Bar at GARE
“The Exterminating Angel”
by Loui Bunuel (1962)
A surrealist, sarcastic and provocative movie…about the bonds of the bourgeoisie.
There will be a bar running at the same time by the collective Μπαροικέ.
This Saturday 7/4 at 22.30 in GARE Squat, Kallidromiou 74, Exarchia