Australian golf legend Greg Norman gets PM Malcolm Turnbull out of rough with US President Donald Trump

Mark Riley | The West Australian
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull met with Donald Trump ion the oval office this morning to discuss key economic and security issues.

If there is one thing Donald Trump likes almost as much as money, it’s golf. He likes it so much he’s tried to buy it. Or at least a big slice of it, accumulating an impressive portfolio of Trump courses around the world.

Many of these lush layouts have been designed by one particular golfing great who has become a regular playing partner of the US President — the Great White Shark himself, Greg Norman.

Norman might never have won a US Masters but he’s proved over the past couple of weeks that he has mastered the art of leveraging a relationship with the leader of the free world to his own country’s advantage.

When Norman was called up to the tee to help prise Australia free of Donald Trump’s crippling steel and aluminium tariffs, the Shark didn’t choke.

As a foundation member of the American Australian Business Council, Norman co-signed a letter to Trump emphasising the deep economic and military ties between our countries.

“We respectfully request that your economic team consider the historic trade surpluses, our $1.29 trillion two-way trade between the United States and Australia and our critical defence relationship before taking any action that might have demonstrable negative impact on the mutually beneficial American-Australian bilateral relationship,” the letter said.

The Prime Minister said there would be no economic benefit to anyone the tariffs were imposed

The argument was persuasive, but in the President’s eyes so was the appearance of the Shark’s signature at the bottom of it.

There’s little doubt another golf fanatic, Australia’s ambassador to the US Joe Hockey, had something to do with that. It was Hockey who approached Norman after Trump’s election victory to get the incoming president’s mobile number so Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull could congratulate him. The Shark happily obliged.

And Norman was there again, beaming in the front row, as Trump led Turnbull into the White House’s grand East Room two weeks ago for their joint news conference.

Trump soon singled him out from the sea of faces in front of him, his eyes lighting up as he acknowledged his golfing buddy.

In the game of international diplomacy, you use every connection, every argument, every ounce of influence you’ve got.

And in avoiding this trade war, Norman was quite literally our Trump card.

Call it fairway diplomacy. And it worked. Yesterday, Trump signalled Australia would get a special deal on tariffs.

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But the Shark’s role was just one piece in a carefully orchestrated campaign. Turnbull, deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop and Trade Minister Steve Ciobo have pulled off a seriously impressive victory here. It’s one that could easily have gone the other way if they had taken Labor’s advice and traded threats over trade.

Turnbull has pressed Australia’s case persistently but politely since getting the initial nod from Trump at the G20 in Hamburg last July that we would head the list of exempt countries when he pulled the tariff trigger.

Trump has made clear that his chief targets are those trading nations with whom the US has been running a trade deficit, typified by one of his many tweets this week: “From Bush 1 to present, our Country has lost more than 55,000 factories, 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs and accumulated Trade Deficits of more than 12 Trillion Dollars. Last year we had a Trade Deficit of almost 800 Billion Dollars. Bad Policies & Leadership. Must WIN again!”

As the letter signed by Norman and others pointed out, Australia is not one of those countries.

It’s a point Turnbull made with a mischievous smile during the celebrated “trilateral” meeting with Trump and Japanese leader Shinzo Abe in November on the sidelines of the ASEAN meeting in Manila.

As the cameras flashed during their staged photo opportunity, Trump again decried the imbalance he sees in America’s international trading relationships.

“We have deficits with almost everybody. Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially,” Trump said, before Turnbull interrupted: “Except us.”

“You’re the only one. If I check it, I’ll probably find out that it’s not true,” Trump said.

“Oh no,” insisted Turnbull with a smile. “It’s real. It’s real Donald.”

Turnbull emphasised that point again with the eyes of the world upon him at that East Room news conference last month: “You know since the US-Australia free trade agreement came in force in 2005, two-way trade has grown by over 50 per cent. The United States does have a trade surplus with Australia of $25 billion. It’s your third largest trade surplus with us.”

Trump nodded as if to say “message received”.

Behind the scenes during that visit, Ciobo was meeting senior officials, including US trade representative Robert Lighthizer, and Hockey was continuing to work his contacts in the White House and State Department to press our case.

It was timely that Bishop found herself in New York this week for the signing of the UN agreement on the Timor Sea oilfields. That gave her the opportunity to push our claims further in face-to-face meetings with US officials and a phone conversation with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

All the while Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, shadow treasurer Chris Bowen and shadow trade spokesman Jason Clare were demanding Turnbull be more forceful, pick up the phone and demand Trump exempt Australia and if he didn’t, threaten retribution in a tit-for-tat trade war.

Turnbull held his ground, and thank goodness he did.

It was the right thing to do. This is a significant win. It is evidence of what a grown-up Government can do when it is unencumbered by the diversions of citizenship dramas and philandering deputy prime ministers.

“Megaphone diplomacy is rarely effective,” Turnbull said on Thursday.

But sometimes fairway diplomacy is, particularly if you don’t choke.

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