About me

A cartoon on Australia's refugee policy debate in the process of being drawn

I am an Australian cartoonist who first started drawing cartoons for the alternative press in the mid-1980s, under the pen name Hinze.

I worked as a freelance cartoonist and illustrator for many years, including at The Sun-Herald in Sydney following the marvelous Jenny Coopes, before joining The Canberra Times as a staff artist in 2008 when local cartooning legend Geoff Pryor retired.

My cartoons have appeared in range of publications, including The Labour Studies Briefing, The Republican, The Northern Rivers Echo, The Diplomat, The New Doctor, OverlandArena, and various trade union newspapers, including Common Cause, Hard Hat, The Queensland Nurse and The AEU News.

In 2015 I was fortunate to be gonged ‘Cartoonist of the Year’ by my peers in the Australian Cartoonists Association, as well as by those more serious types in the Australian Political Studies Association. I also received a Walkley Award for a cartoon about Charlie Hebdo.

I drew my last cartoon on paper in 2011. These days I draw everything on a computer screen.

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