Dollars and Pets: The lowdown on kitty litter

It’s a subject we’d rather not think about, much less deal with, but if you’ve got to scoop, know your options

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When it comes to cat boxes and kitty litter, there are a variety of options. Explore your choices, then pick the one that works best for you and your cat.

In our last column we explored various products and processes to dispose of dog waste and now we’ll share what we know about our feline friends and waste disposal options.

Litter Boxes

New Pet Pal LogoFirst, you’ll need to decide on the litter box that works best for you, your cat and your space.

Beyond the basic litter pan, there are litter boxes that have a “roof” overhead to help contain odor and give your kitty some privacy, and others that are hidden within a cabinet or planter to blend in with furniture. To make life even easier, you can invest in self-cleaning/automatic litter boxes.

Basic litter boxes start around $4 and can go up to $200 for the self-washing kind.

Some cats are very particular about the type of litter box they use, so you may need to experiment if you’re having litter box issues. For example, if you have multiple cats in a household, some cats may not use a covered litter box.

Litter box liners

If you choose to use a liner, you’ll need to decide which type of liners will work best for the litter box. Liners are available in various sizes and materials, and are sold in singles up to a 40 count.

When choosing the correct liner for your pet, you may want to consider these options:

  • Scented versus unscented
  • Drawstring versus elastic bands to hold liner in place
  • Tear resistant
  • Biodegradable
  • Dust free
  • Natural litter versus clay litter

Single litter box liners can be found for less than $1 and multi pack liners can go up to $19 depending on factors like tear resistance and ability to adhere to the tray or box.


There are so many litters on the market you might be wondering, how to choose. We have listed the most common types and their general prices. Whichever type you use, be sure to fill the box 3 to 4 inches deep to ensure that the litter can capture the waste before it sinks to the bottom, which creates odor and makes cleaning more difficult.


Clumping litters are probably the most popular. They are designed so that waste can be removed easily from the box without having to empty the whole box. They usually come in two formulas, clay and silica. Both limit tracking of litter around the house.

Prices and sizes for clumping litter come in a wide range of sizes, from 10 pounds to around 40 pounds; prices range from $7 to $40.


Pine litter is made of sanitized pine lumber. Its pros include binding well to waste, non-tracking and biodegradable. Natural litters such as pine, recycled newspaper, wheat and corn also are more dust-free than clay-based litters, which is better for you and your cat.

The downside is that pine is not as absorbent as clay litter, so more frequent litter box cleaning is necessary.

Pine litter comes in a variety of sized bags ranging from 10 to 40 pounds, and costs $6 to $16.

Recycled newspaper

Recycled newspaper litter comes in two forms, pellets and fluffy, and most are biodegradable.

Make sure the one you choose is de-inked, as some newspaper ink can be toxic. The cost is reasonable and the litter lasts a long time. A 25-pound bag costs on average $15.

Wheat and corn

Wheat and corn litter is available in a pellets formula and can form scoopable clumps, but it is not as effective as clay, silica or newspaper. This formula is environmentally friendly and easy to dispose of as it can go in the compost pile if the feces have been removed. It averages from $7 to $28 a bag and is available in 7- to 40-pound bags.

Litter scoops

Besides the basic scoop, there are now all-in-one systems with an attached waste bin and trap door, as well as scoops that have their own separate disposal pail, to lessen trips to the garbage, while keeping odors at bay. When purchasing a conventional scooper, here are a few factors to consider:

  • Short handle versus long handle
  • Small holes versus big holes
  • Shallow versus deep scoop pan
  • Wide versus narrow scoop pan
  • Plastic versus metal

Basic scoopers start around $2 and can go up to $18 for the ones with bells and whistles.

Disposing of cat waste

The most common form of disposal is an outdoor garbage can. It’s recommended to double-bag the waste and tie well to prevent odor and bacteria from leaking, plus provide an extra barrier if the bag should break.

Although it may seem convenient, do not flush cat litter down the toilet. California enacted a law in 2006 requiring kitty litter to contain a warning label advising cat owners not to dump their pet’s waste into toilets or storm drains.

Members of the cat family have a parasite in their feces that can live for months or years in the soil and can be carried long distances in water, which can then harm Hawaiian monk seals and California sea otters.

Some cat litter is biodegradable and can be used as mulch or garden fertilizer — litter made of paper, wood, corn or wheat. A bonus is that the smell may prevent other animals from feeding on your plants. Just remember, do not use any type of litter around vegetables or any edibles.

Hopefully these options can make the task of cat waste disposal a more pleasant, clean, convenient and dust-free experience for your whole household.

Nicole Forsyth is president and CEO of RedRover, an organization that focuses on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. She writes Dollars and Pets for the Bay Area News Group. Send questions to

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