Youth Co:Lab will drive social innovation and entrepreneurship to address the unemployment challenges faced by young people in the region
The study, Business+ Philippines, provides valuable insights on the level of inclusiveness among Philippine companies today. (Photo: Philippine Board of Investments)
On United Nations Day, the UN in the Philippines launched the Filipino Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) video.
The report is the first of its kind in the Philippines on how businesses are aligning their core business processes, activities, and initiatives with the SDGs.
Poverty, rapid urbanization, poor land use, ecosystems decline and other risk factors will amplify the impacts of climate change.
Australia-UNDP boost support for social enterprises in the Philippines through an innovative partnership for social impact investing.
Tacloban City, Typhoon Haiyan's ground zero, is now rising from the devastation after four years.

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When we began our work five decades ago, one in three people worldwide lived in poverty. Now? Just one in eight. Let’s finish the job.

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104.5 million (2017)



Poverty rate

US$ 9,400

GNI per capita


Human Dev. Index

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