
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Inclusive Governance Portfolio works in four key programme areas; Access to Justice; Civic Engagement and Accountability; Parliamentary Development; and Women's Participation and Empowerment.                                                                                                                  In addition, the portfolio also facilitates monitoring and implementation support to a regional HIV programme.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Our Projects

Virtual Zomdu video conferencing facility

The Virtual Zomdu project is an effort to facilitate close interactions between Bhutanese parliamentarians and their constituentsmore

Access to Justice

The Access to Justice project promotes greater public awareness on legal rights and improves access to formal and informal justice. This is achieved by enhancing awareness on the country's legal framework and individual's rights; strategic planning and coordination on policy research and monitoring the administration of justice for women, poor and the disadvantaged groups.

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Civic Engagement and Accountability

By enabling participation at all levels, the Civic Engagement and Accountability project ensures that citizens, civil society and media contribute to decision-making, consultative policy-making by using innovative ICT based services and platforms as well as strong feedback and information sharing mechanisms. Women and youth are a particular focus. Civic education is a key area of work, with the Election Commission of Bhutan and civil society actors. 

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Parliamentary Development

The programme helps strengthen the parliament’s research capacity for policy analysis and dialogue, including further developing parliamentarian oversight roles and responsibilities.

Effective outreach through the internet, videoconferencing and consultative processes within the Parliament, public participation in the decision-making processes is enhanced. The project uses UNDP’s global network of expertise to work with parliaments and ensure that the parliament benefits from innovative thinking. 

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Women’s Participation and Empowerment

UNDP works with partners to build knowledge on gender issues, and specifically to ensure gender-sensitive policies. A particular priority is increasing women’s representation in decision-making, within the Parliament and local government, but also in the civil service. The government’s knowledge and capacity to successfully implement gender response planning, budgeting and auditing is also supported through the programme.

Due to the emerging need to strengthen measures to prevent gender based violence, coordination of efforts by Government and civil society in this area are a priority. UNDP also supports the implementation of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act and access of survivors to support and legal remedies.

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Multi-Country South Asia Global Fund HIV Programme

Supported through a Multi-Country South Asia Global HIV Fund, the programme operates under the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub. Since 2011, the programme has been running in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The programme aims to reduce the impacts and vulnerability of HIV positive men who have sex with men and transgender people through Community Systems Strengthening. 

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