Local business owners in Sanniquellie, Nimba County have benefited from business development skills from the BOSS community empowerment project funded by UNDP.
With funding from GEF, the new 600-metre breakwater has reduced the vulnerability of thousands of families that live by the sea in Buchanan.
UNDP and Liberia's Revenue Authority (LRA) have commissioned two large baggage scanners at the Roberts International Airport.
Twenty-five magistrates from Margibi, Rivercess and Grand Bassa countiescompleted a five-day intensive training in different topics.
The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission dedicates a new forensic digital lab (funded by UNDP), and operation and reports rooms (funded by USAID).
Liberian youth kept the peace during the elections.
The Liberian Leader Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, cut the ribbon to the Montserrado County Service Centre in Bentol.

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