David Rowe, Chanticleer, bitcoin generic,

Cryptoexchanges go mainstream

One of the wise heads of Australian finance, Mike Tilley, is the latest person to throw his considerable influence and personal financial wealth behind a local cryptoexchange.

The S&P data showed a vast majority of top performing funds failed to stay there over the following years.

Most Aussie fundies fell short in 2017: S&P

The bulk of professional stock pickers have once again been unable to beat the market, S&P; Dow Jones Indices' scorecard for the industry shows, in another disappointing year for the industry.

Hayne inquiry targets banker pay

A NAB executive has told the Hayne inquiry how bankers gamed bonus systems to get better outcomes for them than customers. Follow us live here.

The lessons in Tillerson's downfall

Although Rex Tillerson's Cabinet tenure is only now officially over, the former oil tycoon had been a zombie secretary of state for months.

Markets Live: Bank losses hit ASX

The ASX is firmly lower after news of Rex Tillerson's sacking by Donald Trump and as the banks are grilled again by the royal commission.


Geoff Wilson's Future Generation funds aim to help charities but will there be long-term profitability for investors?

Labor pushes SMSFs to risky investments

Retirees will be tempted to buy into risky, high-yielding investments in an effort to replace the income they stand to lose from Labor's proposal to abolish refundable franking credits.

Rex Tillerson, an oil executive with no prior government experience, had been deeply unpopular within the State Department.

Timing of Tillerson's dismissal stunned observers

The abruptness of the dismissal - hours after Tillerson returned from a tour of Africa and on the brink of awaited talks between Trump and the leader of North Korea - surprised foreign policy experts.

Personal Finance

Smith & Nephew is set to benefit from an ageing -
 and growing - world population.

Smith & Nephew a decent two-way bet

Regardless of whether a cost-reduction program can improve profit growth, or activist investors can successfully push for change, Smith & Nephew is set to benefit from an ageing world population.

Labor sends retirees 'back to drawing board'

Do-it-yourself superannuation funds have slammed Labor's proposal to ditch cash refunds for excess dividend imputation credits, arguing that it unfairly singles out self-directed investors.

The Dangers Of DIY Super superannuation nest egg illo Illustration Karl Hilzinger For AFR Portfolio Sally Patten 8th ...

Super reforms mean time for estate plan re-think

The transfer balance cap introduced last July limits the amount that can be moved from the taxable accumulation phase into the tax-free retirement phase, and this extends to death benefit income streams.


Domino's bulls on European tour

When a key executive's margin loans were disclosed to investors (by us, not them), he was squiring a small band of bullish investors around Europe.

What 4 fund managers learnt from their mistakes

The important part of making mistakes is to learn from them. This week, Smart Investor asked four professionals about their memorable mistakes and how they became better investors as a result.