World Environment Day 2017 - Connecting with Nature

05 Jun 2017 by Rosa Malango, UN Resident Coordinator | UNDP Resident Representative

Every year, the 5th of June provides us with a great opportunity to reflect on issues concerning the environment. Issues that are increasingly assuming centre stage in our lives due to climate change. … Read more

UNDP’s 2016 Global Human Development Report offers Uganda Opportunity to Reflect on the Social Sector

27 Mar 2017 by Rosa Malango, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative

On March 21st 2017, UNDP launched the 2016 Global Human Development Report (HDR), prepared under the theme: “human development for all”, in Stockholm. … Read more

World Meteorology Day: Understanding clouds and their importance in the climate change era

23 Mar 2017 by Rosa Malango, UN Resident Coordinator | UNDP Resident Representative

  Today is World Meteorology Day. This day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our impact on weather behavior and to improve our understanding of climate. Have you ever been told that when it rains the clouds are crying? Have you ever seen a parent or grandparent store part of the harvest because it looks like we are going to have a long dry season? Have you ever heard someone in your family say the Lake used to be bigger and we used to know when the rain was coming? Have you ever used your cellphone to check the weather or googled the weather before a trip? If you have experienced any of these situations, then you have experienced the evolution and importance of weather forecasting. The commemoration of World Meteorology Day provides us with an opportunity to appreciate how forecasting weather helps communities and nations to manage the risks linked to changes in climate. The global theme this year is, “Understanding the Clouds.” Clouds play a vital role in regulating the earth’s energy balance, climate and weather. Clouds drive the water cycle and the entire climate system. Understanding clouds is essential for forecasting weather conditions, modeling the impacts … Read more

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