Global Policy Centre on Resilient Ecosystems and Desertification

 Photo: UNDP Bangladesh

The Nairobi-based Global Policy Centre on Resilient Ecosystems and Desertification (GC-RED) is one of UNDP’s six Global Policy Centres. Building on the work of the former Drylands Development Centre (DDC), GC-RED is responsible for advancing global thinking and knowledge sharing on inclusive and sustainable development in drylands and other fragile ecosystems.  It works to explore solutions in two major areas:

  1. Sustainable management of renewable natural capital for optimal livelihoods support and jobs creation, with a particular focus on the poorest and most vulnerable communities; and
  2. Social and ecological resilience in drylands and other fragile ecosystems.

We combine critical policy analysis and institutional capacity building with concrete programmatic interventions on the ground. More >


What we do

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net)

BES-Net is a capacity building "network of networks that promotes dialogue on biodiversity and ecosystem management among science, policy and practice. more 

Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI)

PEI is a joint programme of UNDP and UNEP, supporting country-led efforts to integrate poverty-environment objectives into national development frameworks. more 

Integrated Drylands Development Programme (IDDP)

IDDP is an initiative to support sustainable and inclusive development in drylands, including the implementation of the UNCCD as the UNDP focal point to the convention. more 

Resilience Policy Support

GC-RED undertakes and supports applied research and analysis and compiles evidence on socio-ecological resilience, using various tools such as Community-Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA) methodology. more 

Sustainable Land Management and Restoration: An SDG Accelerator

Drawing on decades of experiences and expertise, GC-RED supports programme countries in scaling up their SLM and ecosystem restoration efforts and achieving SDG 15: Life on Land. more 

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