
Louder, slower! LOUDER, SLOWER!!!! LOUDER, SLOWER!!!!! ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!
*special introductory paragraph!
*Intellectuals Are The Shoeshine Boys Of The Ruling Elite
*Snake Boy
*Burl EP
*Little Baby Buntin'
*Twelve Point Buck
*For Ladies Only
*Short Eyes 7" (with Tom Hazelmyer)
*Uncompromising War On Art Under The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat
*God Hears Pleas Of The Innocent
*The Last Waltz
*Go, Big Red! 7"
If you've ever heard this band, you undoubtedly remember them as "that band with the lead singer who uses that really low silly growl all the time." And, as well you should, as that's their gimmick! And trust you me, no matter what he might be shouting about, tiny skinny little monstermouth Michael Gerald always finds a way to make you laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Okay, he always finds a way to make me laugh. But wait a fair moment, for I've not completed my thought: Killdozer was much more than just a guy with a funny voice; their music was phenomenal, too. Whether careening around in Butthole Surfers-like noise attacks or droning and fuzzing in beautifully tight post-Sabbath earth tones, the frighteningly somber Hobson brothers knew exactly what they were doing. Then, of course, one of the Hobsons quit and the whole concept started to get a bit pointless. Still, although I can't recommend the final LP God Hears Pleas Of The Innocent, I promise that any open-minded lover of loudness will get at least a wee bit of enjoyment out of any other album they recorded, and possibly a couple they didn't. Hah?

Intellectuals Are The Shoeshine Boys Of The Ruling Elite - Bone-Air 1984.
Rating = 7

Totally rudimentary, but no less enjoyable for it. Michael's voice is more of a scratchy redneck yelp than the full-bodied roar it would later become, but it's still about eighteen hundred million times more pleasant than Sheryl Crow's voice, so give him and me and yourself a friggin' break and listen to the LP any old way. You're bound to chuckle at the "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" aura of "Ed Gein" and bust a secondary male sexual organ dancing your life away to the amateurish notes and drum splatters that comprise the remaining seven tracks, one of which is a CCR cover!!!! This is clearly the band's debut record but, ignoring the weak production, there's a whole darn of a lot to enjoy here. It's messy, unschooled, and twangy, but it's still catchy, energetic, and at least kinda weird considering the state of popular music in 1984.

Reader Comments
This is the first Killdozer recording, an EP from 1984 titled "Intellectuals are the Shoeshine Boys of the Ruling Elite," and it honestly...kinda blows. Bassist Michael Gerald's voice is really in the embryonic stages of the gut-rumbling roar it would become on sui generis masterworks like "King of Sex" and "Man Vs. Nature," and in addition to that, he has an unfortunate tendency to garble many of the lyrics up so that you can't exactly understand what he's singing about - and lyrics seem to be an essential part of the Killdozer experience. When you then take into account the powerless production - nothing in the mix has any real punch at all, especially the reverbed drums - the only conclusion is that this is an underwhelming listening experience, if at least unique. No one really sounded much like this in 1984: a true backwoods punk band, with influences from the Birthday Party and '70's classic rock. Later albums developed and expanded this persona, but the band is clearly in its beginning stages here.

There are, however, some winners on the EP. "Parade" features an interesting drum pattern, a catchy chordal bassline, and some great guitar, and the overall interplay makes it a real good one. "Farmer Johnson" has to be one of the most parodically awful songs ever recorded. For starters, there's a really stupid bassline that sounds like it took half a minute to come up. Dan Hobson's drumming could have come out of a "Play In A Day" fakebook, and brother Bill Hobson's shitball hickcore-punk guitar stylings have to be heard to be believed. Add to this mess some moronically offensive lyrics (although the line "Farmer Johnson plants his seed" is really clever and sick in context), and a hideously grating Gerald vocal, complete with retarded orgasm grunts - and it somehow becomes great, precisely because it's so unbelievably terrible. Dig the unexpected and truly pointless hardcore breaks. "Ed Gein" is a hilarious tribute to the infamous serial killer, portraying the legendary nutjob as a guy around town who everyone wants to be like: he always has a woman by his side, he's a ladies' man - and even though we know that Gein always had a woman by his side because he was a severely sociopathic graverobber, the joke never gets old. The chords are also completely bent out of shape while still remaining catchy - a song to really shout along with in a bar after too many cases of Milwaukee's Best (otherwise known as the beer one step above cleaning solvent). "Man of Meat" starts the EP off with a bang, detailing a stereotypical NRA moron's life with the kind of random precision that really lends itself well to the kind of nasty mockery Gerald and Co. were aiming for. It's also a really catchy number with a nice sense of swing - something you don't often get with a punk band.

The other half of the EP doesn't make much of an impression at all. "Dead Folks" is just annoying, with the kind of stiff, stop-start drumming that makes Nick Mason look like a virtuoso, and a dumb repeated line about "going to the last roundup" that just doesn't involve the listener at all. The uneventful, just plain dull cover of CCR's "Run Through The Jungle" doesn't do the original any justice, and "Pile Driver" has funny revenge lyrics, but uninvolving music. "A Man's Gotta Be A Man..." is, however, an affecting statement about entropy that, due to Gerald's ridiculous growl, is also funny as well as somewhat heartfelt.

Overall, this is the kind of EP that people with interests in country and punk should like, if not necessarily adore, and, while it is not essential by any means, paints a colorful picture of a band just beginning to hit its stride.

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Snake Boy - Touch And Go 1985
Rating = 9

Took me forever to finally get into it, but it was worth the wait. This is a young hyper splotch of poorly-recorded thumpadelic noise rock, much like the Butthole Surfers' Psychic...Powerless...Another Man's Sac, but sillier. The drummer's all over the place, trying out stiff non-4/4 rhythms just to see what works (in the end, of course, it all does), and the guitar and bass are battling each other for melodic lead in a pre-Cows Cows-esque fashion. In words that are similar yet slightly differing from those I just penned, this is Killdozer at their least predictable, throwing out all kinds of pop, rock, noise, grunge, ugly violin bits, hypnotic repetitive jams, and lo-fi anthemic grandeur in a fun and haphazard fashion that they would soon abandon in favor of a strict adherence to heavy slow numbness (albeit catchy and entertaining heavy slow numbness).

By the by, you'll probably enjoy Michael's lyrics. Alternating between the wide-eyed innocent glee of "Going To The Beach," the bitter cynicism of "Live Your Life Like You Don't Exist," and the warped dark humor of "Burning House," they present a rather startling thesis on the state of the human mind, torn as it is between memories of youthful hope and awareness of adulterated sickness permeating through every core of our being or some crap. And the melodies are a gas too, once you figure out how they're supposed to go!

Reader Comments
Its "Cinnamon girl" which does it for me and believe it or not, I have an astute ability for knowing whats good, as my mom always used to say, Stephen jr, you have an astute ability for knowing whats good. Its almost as funny as a guy who reviews reviews, adds comments and gives them a rating. If Killdozer released an album of covers at Christmas, they would sell binloads.

Comment: A dam fine album, in my humble opinion. "Don't Cry" is a mini "30 seconds over Tokyo" (Ya think)

My rating is the play in the summer months along with Kyuss, at your next barbebcue of 9's
Wow, only one comment for this great album!? Well I guess that's why I'm chiming in.

To me this is one of those albums that won't jump out and grab you at first listen (I think Mark even mentioned something along those lines too) but the more you listen you start to notice more and more stuff, with the exception of maybe "River", which I thought was good right away, along with some other songs that feature great basslines, like "Burning House".

But this thing has been out of print for I don't know how long, so who knows who has the chance to really hear it now? That might be why there are hardly any comments for it too. Touch and Go should really take a cue from Dischord records and re release some of this stuff.
Great Album, not sure if it is as deserving of a 10 as Uncompromising war, but it is a lot 'weirder', and definitely shines the same light as Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac...

This album reminds me of Jesus Lizard at their best, LISTEN TO THAT GUITAR BREAK ON BURNING HOUSES. Tales of rural terror, done fucking right in every way. Killdozer shits originality and drinks 200 proof melody.

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Burl EP - Touch And Go 1986.
Rating = 9

Stronger production automatically makes this a more powerful record than the two before it, but the quality of the songs should also be noted. Whichever side you start on, you automatically begin your listen with a laugh (the first line of "Hottentot" is something like "Young girl didn't realize/she should not criticize/something of enormous size!" and "Hamburger Martyr" begins with the classic "FfffffffffffffffUCK YOU!"), then you notice that the melodies are catchier 'n' all heck, particularly in the Garbage-esque mood groover "Cranberries" and the phenomenally-arranged harmonics-driven "Slackjaw" (possibly the best music they ever recorded), and finally you realize that Killdozer might be one of the finest rock and roll outfits you've ever run across, silly growly voice or no. "One For The People" is uneventful enough to knock it down to a 9 out of 10, but the other five tear!

Say, speaking of Garbage, did I mention that Butch Vig was Killdozer's producer? How's that for yesterday's newspaper bringing home the bacon?

Reader Comments
"One For The People" uneventful? Au-contraire mon frere. Slow & sludgy & beautiful. The lyrics (I believe written by someone else?) have been burnt into my brain for eternity.

"From bottle to bottle, he keeps swimming. He's going nowhere; nothing can pull him down!" Powerful stuff.

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Little Baby Buntin' - Touch And Go 1987.
Rating = 8

Stylistically, this is much more similar to Snake Boy than Burl, making me wonder if perhaps I'm mistaken in assuming that the EP came out in '86, but let's let that sleeping dog lie for a few moments while we discuss a good record that's sitting in my arms at this moment right here now!

See, most folks have never heard of Killdozer because most folks rely on the radio to keep them posted on all the "new music" out there, when, of course, most radio stations are run by ClearChannel, which is just a marketing firm that wouldn't know a creative band if it came up and bit them in the living room. See, here's the deal. John Consumer doesn't really care all that much about music; it's just something to play in the background during a sexy American date or interesting beer event. Thus, if John hears a song with a semi-catchy chorus there on the ClearChannel, and if John has enough money in his wallet (which he usually does because, unlike genuine music lovers, he's bothered to get a degree and a real job), he goes out and buys the band's crappy CD. And so the band ends up selling a phenomenal amount of records on the strength of one half-assed "catchy" chorus. You'll see this over and over again. Crappy bands become household names because ClearChannel and their friends at the record labels push them and push them and push them until John Consumer (his actual GIVEN name!) buys their CD. And this is why most mainstream music sucks ass. John Consumer (again, his actual GIVEN name!) hasn't the time or patience to try to understand complex new music, and why should he? He doesn't give a crap about music!

So it's up to us, the "counterculture," to seek out genuinely creative rock and roll bands and buy all their albums so they don't break up. You're too late to save Killdozer, but that's not my issue. If you're a music fan, buy this album! It's funny, loud, rockin', heavy (Michael loves to play that bass heavy), catchy, AND original. And don't fear; they toss together a number of different influences but pop is definitely one of them. Never would Killdozer play a raging slab of racket without a hook. It's not always the finest hook in the world ("3/4" Drill Bit" and "Never Gave Me A Kiss" are pretty weak), but it's at least always a genuine attempt to create something new, may God dammit. Which reminds me - I'm not a Dave Matthews fan, but I give him a good deal of credit for releasing two singles ("What Would You Say" and "Satellite") that feature guitar lines that I have never heard before in all of my times. That's really a rare thing in popular music, so try to appreciate it when you hear it, even if you can't stand Dave's whiny little nose voice.

Reader Comments
For some reason, I got into (another) Killdozer phase the other day. And whenever I get into a Killdozer phase, I immediately think of Mark Prindle. Which is strange, because whenever I think of gay sex, I also think of Mark Prindle too. I'm almost certain that Michael Gerald would approve of that little joke.

So lets take away all of the Clear Channel anger for a moment and take a look at this fine piece of work. Speaking of hostility, "Little Baby Buntin'" has quite a bit of anger in the form of shotgun blasts ("The Rub"), eye gouging ("Hi There"), and castration ("The Puppy"). Yes it seems that Killdozer really wants you to believe that they're a trio of inbred dumbfucks. While that image may work for, say a band like Nashville Pussy, it doesn't seem to stick to the 'dozer. Their references, their arrangements, hell, even their choice of covers, points to a typical Midwestern mentality: I'm smart enough to let you believe that I'm dumber than you. "Little Baby Buntin'" is an incredible piece of dumb Midwestern grunge. I use the term "grunge" because there never was a band like Killdozer that truly epitomized the word and managed to kill off the moniker at the same time.

Maybe Mark's anger is because we need a band like Killdozer around today just like we did back in 1987. In this age of Clear Channel, "compassionate" conservatism, and Middle East occupation, a nice slab of loud, obscene and irreverent rock played at a snails pace would really hit the spot right now. If you agree, be prepared to fork over some additional $$ for the "Little Baby Buntin'/Twelve Point Buck" cd as the package is out of print and sought after by disconnected people who need a reason to smile.
"Cyst" could be THE most underrated song in the Killdozer canon... what a fuckin' ripper!

stumbled upon yr site while doing a bit of research on the hobson bros/gerard trio and dug yr site. just passing on hellos.

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* Twelve Point Buck - Touch And Go 1989 *
Rating = 10

This is the ultimate Killdozer experience. Low, slow, heavy, crystal clear but distorteder than a waste dump, and POWERFUL. Crank it up loud enough and it might just constitute a religious experience - much like taking a poop in a church bathroom. In fact, the first Killdozer track I ever heard is on here; it's called "Man Vs. Nature" and it still floors me every time.

By the way, art lovers, the prestigious buck portrait on the cover is indicative of what you'll find inside. Unlike the messy artwork/songs from the past records, these numbers are tight slabs of pop grunge metal, designed to smash your head in the dirt while getting stuck in your head for about sixty years longer than any old Kyuss ditty could dream of doing, if ditties can dream. Oh, if ditties could dream....... "Pig Foot And Beer" is a little pig-ugly, but the rest of 'em are excellent, and full of colorful accompaniment (horns, accordion, samples, a pug making funny noises). "New Pants And Shirt" is, in fact, beautiful - if you believe in concepts so soporific.

Reader Comments
1989's novelty album of the year and one of the heaviest albums of that year too. Wanna know what Butch Vig was doing before he moved to a higher tax bracket? Well, he was producing these guys, honing his skills, and treating their work with the same care as he would with ladies man Billy "Overdub" Corgan.

I'm with Prindle on "Man vs Nature" as it perfectly verbalizes the genius of Irwin Allen movies while still maintaining that wink just in case somebody smarter than you decides to tear into everything that's wrong with "The Towering Inferno." Michael Gerald's rants on this one struck a nerve so deep that, to this day, I still quote from it ("sometimes I feel like a motherless child that needs a bottle of beer"). Practically everyone that I've ever played this album for has laughed and felt a need to drink Old Milwaukee. My wife included, but she stuck to a high end lager. (Anders)
Dear Mr Prindle,


How the bloody hell can a self-styled music critic that actually likes the 'Dozer give Snakeboy a bigger rating than the stupendous fucking monolithic landmark one of the best records ever and in my all-time top ten and better than anyting the Buttholes did (that's saying something)


I ain't joking! Every song on this record is an absolute winner, so much so that any humanitarian U2 sucker would run away shitting their pants in fear.

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For Ladies Only - Touch And Go 1990.
Rating = 8

The funniest record they ever made. And how? All covers! All covers translated into Killdozer-ese (slow, low, and all those other adjectives I typed in a few minutes ago) and cranked out in HI-larious fashion. Deep Purple, Bad Company, Elvis, Steve Miller, James Gang, Don McLean, and two other artists who shall remain nameless until I remember who they are - all ripped to shreds in one swell foop of the merciless wing of Dillkozer.

And see, it's not just a joke - it's obvious that they really like these songs or they wouldn't have taken the time to learn them. And they do such a great job! Michael doesn't forget the "whoo-whoo!"s or "ooooooh, lord!"s in "Take The Money And Run," nor does he forget to scream every verse of "Good Lovin' Gone Bad" at the top of his lungs and vocal range, just as Paul Rodgers had done way back in '75 - I mean, crap, if they're talented enough to make "American Pie" sound like it isn't a total piece of horseshit, they deserve the key to the city. Some city. I don't care which one.


Reader Comments (Anders)
Dear Mr Prindle.

I'm a big fan of what I call 'The massacre'. I think the 'punk' era bands may have started it...y'know, where the irreverent young lads 'massacre' some old r'n'r standards. The Sex Pistols massacre of Substitute (The Who) was my favourite.

Until I heard Killdozer's fantastic complete massacre of 'Good Lovin' Gone Bad'!!!!!! I hate that song, but I don't give a shit! Then, on the other side was a stupendous massacre of 'One Tin Soldier'....HOLY SHEEP SHIT!!!! I hadn't heard that song for decades.

Hail to the Dozer,

P.S I saw them in 1994 in Aussieland and I seem to recall that I had what y'd call a 'bad day' and got completely drunk (someone said I went on stage and saluted Mr Gerard...couln't tell ya) and I couldn't remember their version of 'Folsom Prison Blues'....arrrrgghhh!

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Short Eyes 7" (with Tom Hazelmyer) - Amphetamine Reptile 1990
Rating = 7

This must've been a tour for the ages; apparently in 1990 while Dan Hobson was on paternity leave having a baby come out of his penis, Killdozer played a fistful of shows with AmRep founder/Halo of Flies legend Tom Hazelmyer filling in for him! Did he learn all the Killdozer classics? Were any Halo of Flies songs rearranged to fit the Killdozer aesthetic? Or did they instead decide to focus on cover tunes? If only there were some way we could find the answers to these questions -- some sort of "Internet" that would allow f

During a break in their whirlwind tour of parts unknown, Killdozer (with Tom Hazelmyer) entered the studio to record the bizarre bluesy bendy watery concoction "Short Eyes" and worried wiggly harmonics stomper "Her Mother's Sorrow." Although not the most instantly hooky songs in the Killdozer catalog, both are full of interesting musical/noisy ideas and hilarious lyrics. For example, the former features the couplet "There's two sorts of folks that populate this land/Let me shake off my dick and go wash my hands," while the latter offers "I'd give my left nut just to get a glimpse of her sweet womanhood once more" and "I'd drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to beat off on her shadow." Talk about NSFW!

Craig "Skeeter" McMurtry
Co-host, Skeeter & Testicle in the Morning
NSFW 101.8 FM
Where Our Motto Is "Talk About NSFW!"

And We Can't Get On The Air Because "Our Call Letters Start With An N!"

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Uncompromising War On Art Under The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat - Touch And Go 1993.
Rating = 8

Actually, conceptually speaking, this is probably the most hilarious album they ever released. See, it's their COMMUNIST album. The liner notes describe, with references, the Marxist meaning of every song (whether or not the concept actually applies to the lyrics) and the whole product just reeks of good humor. The guitar Hobson has departed, but the new guy understands what they were going for on the last couple, and keeps his lines tight (if predictable). It has a couple of throwaways but, as a whole, it's a welcome comeback from a sorely-missed (by me, anyway) pop combo. "Peach Pie" might be the slowest love ballad in history, "Knuckles The Dog" is the greatest children's song since "Puff The Magic Marijuana Leaf," and "The Pig Was Cool" continues the For Ladies Only '70s worship in stunning form.

Plus, it's exciting to think about how, as ridiculous and entertaining as it seems today, there's still no way in hell this record could have been released thirty years earlier. "Weird World," as the Weirdos might name a song.

Reader Comments
The greatest recording done by ANYONE in the 90's.
A change, Michael Gerald sounds almost chirpy on this, "Final Market" "Knuckles the Dog" and what they do to the Jesse Colter classic, "Hot n Nasty" these are gold. Sure there's more than your fair share of slow stuff (think, the almost too slow to listen to "Peach Pie" this song makes Weens "The Pod" sound like a HOUSE record) and it ends in what is a dirge fest, but the guitar playing, by one comrade Paul Zagoras, who just plays solos over the top of everything is worth waiting around for. Especially "Enemy of the People" (you can't trust a man from Arkansas) So, basically, with Killdozer, the general rule of thumb is, songs about smoking hoon, eating burgers and being run over by trains are good (like Afroman, except they do songs about smoking hoon, eating burgers and CHASING PUSSY) and even though Snakeboy has better songs, better production, less dirge and this is one Hobson down, it's still my favourite Killdozer.

Comment: Stunning! and slightly pointless. And everything you said in your special introduction, plus more.

My rating is the, how could anybody not like "Grandma Smith Said a Curious Thing" of 10's

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God Hears Pleas Of The Innocent - Touch And Go 1995.
Rating = 6

Oof. It was time to quit, alright. The voice is the same, the riffs are still heavy, but man where are the MELODIES? There's NOTHING to sink your teeth into on this one! It might as well be Louder Than Love! Just sludgey generic plod-grunge riff after pudgey peneric cloaewkf, without even any funny lyrics to break up the mediocrity. Still, it's not a complete waste of time because you gots to love them vocals. Just really weak for Mr. Killdozer is all.

"The Nobbies" is pretty great though, thanks to our old friend, Larry Repetition.

Reader Comments
Damn, doesn't the mighty Killdozer deserve at least one follow-up? Anyway, I like this one best after Intellectuals/Snakeboy... What a muthafletchin' unholy pair of bookends on a meaningless, but noisy, career.. I'll admit, Albini's production goes a long way toward my enjoyment of this one over things like "Buntin" and "12 Point Buck" (horns on a Killdozer record?!?!?). Nonetheless, the tunes are here too (and in greater supply than "Buck" which sounds like one long song on a concept album). I know, I know.... a band's final album seldom eludes the shaft in critics' corner - but give this one a chance.... Yeeeearrrgh, they CALL ME THE BUZZZZZZAEEEEERD. 9. (Mike Pflieger)
i liked this album. i thought the musicianship was very good, and many catchy bass hooks keep this album a worthy effort. i especially like "porky's dad".. that is a badass bass riff.

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The Last Waltz - Man's Ruin 1997.
Rating = 7

Although I have no way to verify whether he had his head up my ass or not, the sullen alternative record store dude told me that this was a recording of Killdozer's last show ever. If so, it certainly sounds as fun as any other Killdozer concert -- I saw them on the Uncompromising War On Art tour and laughed my ear off the whole time, what with that dinky short skinny singer standing on a box and growling into the mike during the tunes, talking in a normal tone of voice between songs. And the fun comes through in hearts! He's a very, very witty man with a great deadpan delivery that makes this CD a lot more fun than even your basic Killdoza experience. Only prob is a heavy reliance on God Hears Pleas tunes. More older stuff and this woulda kicked the ass. Either way, it's great to finally have recorded documentation of their ass-draggingly slow version of "Sweet Home Alabama," as well as their slightly disappointing but pleasing enough rendition of "When The Levee Breaks," one of the greatest songs Led Zeppelin ever recorded.

One last note -- I can't help but notice that there's not a SINGLE Hobson in the band anymore. How could Michael Gerald go on tour with no Hobsons? What an arise!

Reader Comments (Feral Fenderson)
hell yeah!!

i've been converted for quite some time...

i noticed you didn't have their killdozer '85 record on there.... have you heard it? have you heard OF it?

i could probably tape it for you along with a few songs from the _god's favorite dog_ compilation.... did you ever hear their cover of emf's _unbelievable_?

well, ponder this, and send me an email. (Mike Pflieger)
saw killdozer in albuquerque at golden west saloon... a decent show. the funniest part was when mike gerald was introducing "the nobbies" and asked whether anyone ever heard a sea chanty.... after no response, he repeated his question.l my friend Bart yelled back "there's no water here!" and mike shrugged and that was that... they played it anyway and it was pretty good. i got real drunk on irish whiskey that night. mike gerald seemed in a foul mood. there were no hobsons... but the band was pretty good anyway... but not the same as the good ol' days at O'Kayz Corral in Madison, WI.
Killdozer were quite possibly the Greatest Rock Band Who Never Made it Big. Which is also maybe why they were so great. Anyhow, Michael should give up the lawyer lark (odd occupation considering his lyrics) and get back to the real business of writing songs.

If he needs a new website let me know – I’ll set one up for free!
yes, Mark has this one least a lot righter than his Helios Creed reviews...Killdozer do truly rule the earth, and the fact that they have never received any props (well, besides the ending credits of 'Old School' having 'Good Lovin' Gone Bad'), can only be a ploy of the Yankee Imperialist scumbags who run the industry...
re: Feral Fenderson's reader comment

Killdozer '85 was an album by a different Killdozer, who changed their name to Sharkey's Machine and did a pretty good album on Shimmy Disc, I believe it was.
It's hard to believe we just FELL into it but the last tour my crappy band ever did started off with a week opening for Killdozer on the West Coast just prior to their breakup (which makes me think this was about '96?? Fuck if I remember...).

They were amazing. Incredible. Wonderful. And, darn it, the sweetest and most supportive guys I ever had the honor of sharing a stage with. They watched our show every night and said positive things but would always end with a wink and a nudge and a "watch this" and proceed to burn the entire place to the ground with controlled power and grace.

I gave up music shortly after and have been happy ever since.

Thanks for the website and the personal writing -- nicely done.

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Go, Big Red! 7" - ismist 1996
Rating = 8

For their final studio single, Wisconsin's Killdozer decided to re-record their contribution to Touch & Go's 1986 God's Favorite Dog compilation and cover a Hank Williams song. Results boded well! "Sonnet '96" rings true with its plodding, upset 5/4 riff, and "I Saw The Light" promises honesty with its bouncy country/western fun gruff messy slidey guitar hoedown. I don't know where the title Go, Big Red! comes from though; it doesn't appear anywhere on the record or sleeve.

But lesbiaaanest (let's be honest); you're not here because you care about Killdozer's final studio single. You're here because you heard there's a hot new Killdozer tribute double-CD in the stores today thanks to Minneapolis' ismist Recordings in conjunction with Wisconsin's Crustacean Records. Well, take it from me: if you like Killdozer, you'll love hearing their hits "brought to life" through the ear, nose and throat of specialists like:

- AmRep founder and Halo Of Flies frontman Tom Hazelmeyer!
- One-time Columbia recording artists Season To Risk!
- The J.J. Paradise Players Club! (featuring former members of Unsane, Kill Van Kull and Glazed Baby!)
- Chicago punk blues duo Cash Money! (featuring John Humphrey from God And Texas!)
- Chicago hard rockers Mount Shasta! (featuring John Forbes from one of my favorite old Atlanta local bands, Dirt!)
- Nebraskan garage punk trio Red Max!
- NYC punk-metal trio Kung Pao!
- Iowan noise-rock monsters Scrid!
- Maryland brutal metal pounders Meatjack!
- Wisconsin electronic/noise rockers IfIHadAHiFi!
- Wichita, KS's own Ninja School!
- Crustacean Records artists The Skintones!
- Rocket Fuel Is The Key, who had an album out on Thirsty Ear over a decade ago!
- A band called "Gorch Fock"!
...and many, many more!!!

But that's not all! You'll also get two rare Killdozer tracks -- a remix of "King Of Sex" and a For Ladies Only-style cover of The Trammps' "Disco Inferno"!

But that's not all! You also get a CD cover! So don't delay -- visit today and buy yourself a copy today! Don't delay -- order today! Also, today!

Oh, I forgot to tell you the name of it! It's We Will Bury You: A Tribute To Killdozer!

Say, while we're on the topic of you buying things, have you ever heard stand-up comedy? I know, it's great isn't it? Especially in the hands of such masters of the form as Maria "Funny Voices" Bamford, Lewis "Mature Fuckin' Political Comic" Black, Doug "Mark Prindle, But On A Stage" Stanhope, John "Even His Voice Is Hilarious" Bowman, and Marc "His Second Album Is Hilarious; Skip His First One Though" Maron! That's why you need to visit Stand Up! Records today and buy some stand-up comedy to take to a comedy club and play really loud through a boombox while another comedian is on stage!

Better yet, click on the link below and buy thousands of dollars of goods and services at so I can 'score' a percentage of your payment!

Isn't it incredible how irritating a mere punctuation symbol can become when somebody uses it over and over and over and over again!


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Just came across this site on my perennial Killdozer lovein, nice to see posters from NZ (what great fuckin' taste, go bro) and New Paltz. My favourite places outside NYC.

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I know these reviews were terrible - this is a very old page. Nevertheless, buy some Killdozer CDs by clicking here

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