
Gewapende vreugde - Alfredo M. Bonanno

Alfredo M. Bonanno

De meest beruchte tekst van de Italiaanse opstandsanarchist Alfredo Bonanno, Gewapende vreugde uit 1977, is een oproep tot militante, speelse actie. Het boek werd verboden in Italië en na publicatie vernietigd.

The Last Conflict

The Last Conflict

The Last Conflict, a 2006 science-fiction novel set in the 1970s by SPGB member Pieter Lawrence in which an astronomical event leads in the direction of production-for-use.

The Capitalist System - Mikhail Bakunin

This pamphlet is an excerpt from “The Knouto-Germanic Empire and the Social Revolution” and included in “The Complete Works of Michael Bakunin” under the title “Fragment.” Parts of the text were originally translated into English by G.P. Maximoff for his anthology of Bakunin’s writings, with missing paragraphs translated by Jeff Stein from the Spanish edition, Diego Abad de Santillan, trans. (Buenos Aires 1926) vol. III, pp. 181–196.

Interhelpo, kiel faktoro de la evoluo- Petro Kropotkin

Interhelpo estas verko de Petro Kropotkin, originale verkita en la angla kaj eldonita en 1902, esperantlingve eldonita de SAT kaj Impeto en 1996, en kiu li respondas al la tezoj de la sociaj darvinistoj, emfazante la gravecon de la interhelpa meĥanismo, apud la natura selektado, kadre de la teorio pri evoluismo.

Tradukis J. Lépeix kaj Valo.

Ours to master and to own: workers' control from the commune to the present

Workers control demonstration in Argentina

A detailed account and analysis of instances of the working class taking control of production from the late 19th century onwards, by Dario Azzellini and Immanuel Ness.

Anarchism in Korea: independence, transnationalism, and the question of national development, 1919-1984

Korean anarchists, early 20th century

A regional and transnational history of anarchism in Korea by Dongyoun Hwang. This book provides a history of anarchism in Korea and challenges conventional views of Korean anarchism as merely part of nationalist ideology, situating the study within a wider East Asian regional context.

Dormant Seeds of 1848- John Hewetson

John Hewetson's analysis of the important lessons of the uprisings that threatened the rulers of Europe in 1848.

From A Hundred Years of Revolution: 1848 And After, edited by George Woodcock (Porcupine Press, London, 1948)

1848 The Year of Revolutions- George Woodcock

George Woodcock charts the events of the revolutionary wave that swept Europe in 1848. Assessing their political characters, their accomplishments and defeats.

Fascists are the Tools of the State: Peter Gelderloos

An essay published in 2007 about the relationship of Fascism (in broad strokes, nationalistic movement terms) and the State.