Marcela Moscovciuc is one of over 70 young people from both banks of the Nistru River who were awarded European grants in the framework of the EU funded "Support to confidence building measures" Programme, implemented by UNDP Moldova.
If a decade ago biofuel production in Moldova was an unknown sphere, today, thanks to the expertise and financial support of the European Union, it is a growing sector with great prospects.
The Carmanova House of Culture is one of over 80 infrastructural projects renovated in the framework of the EU-funded “Support to confidence building measures Programme”, implemented by the UNDP Moldova.
I am happy to see more and more women getting involved in internal affairs and defence and I would like to see more of them involved in conflict resolution.
More than 120 people, in the vast majority school and university students, visited for the first time the organization and learned first-hand about the work of the United Nations agencies and projects in Moldova.
The newly established SALW Commission aims to coordinate and monitor all national efforts related to SALW control.
A group of researchers from both riverbanks assessed the sustainable development potential of small towns from the Nistru River valley.

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of people live below 4.3 USD per day


of people are unemployed


of Parliamentary seats held by women


of primary energy supply is from fossil fuels

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