Canary Mission


Exposing hatred and anti-Semitism on college campuses and beyond. If you're racist, the world should know.

Joined March 2015


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Feb 28

    Introducing TWO great new ways to fight Anti-Semitism on campus: CANARY MISSION CANADA - CANARY MISSION PROFESSORS -

  2. 25 minutes ago

    attendee and SJP activist Sarah Zeidat is part of the Palestinian Youth Movement, whose motto is: “Our liberation… will be gained with the path that was written with the blood of our martyrs."

  3. 1 hour ago

    . contributor David Feiner was literally happy about the killing in Charlottesville

  4. 2 hours ago

    Asraa Hassan has a scary aspiration: “I told my mom I'd like to be a shaheda [martyr] in Falasteen [Palestine]"

  5. 3 hours ago

    Remember the hothead who threatened to murder Bassem Eid at the University of Chicago? He recently spoke at the SJP National Conference.

  6. 4 hours ago

    SJP activist Hani Alhasan came to learn anti-Israel propaganda at the SJP National Conference

  7. Retweeted
    Feb 26

    has put a mirror in front of the face of the anti-Israeli movement. They didn't like the image that the mirror showed. And they certainly didn't like the wide exposure of that image. (BTW I suppose those screenshots also constitute "smear tactic" by me?)

    Show this thread
  8. 5 hours ago

    Former SJP prez promoted burning the American and Israeli flags

  9. 6 hours ago

    Former Students for Justice in Palestine member at Noor Milbes

  10. 7 hours ago

    Elizabeth Moore promoted the use of young children as political props to demonize

  11. 8 hours ago
  12. 9 hours ago

    National Students for Justice in Palestine Conference EXPOSED by

  13. 10 hours ago

    . endorsing Hamas now. Keep going guys, you are doing great. S/O to for finding this.

  14. 11 hours ago

    Yacoub Kureh opposes the U.S. State Dept's definition of anti-Semitic b/c according to it, he is.

  15. Retweeted
    Feb 27

    I'm in shock! Antisemitic preacher w/ videos calling to blow up Jews to pieces is on twitter & verified, while which merely translates death threats against Jews by US university students, is suspended. is not a safe environment for Jews!

  16. Retweeted
    Feb 27

    You should all know about the great people at . They screenshot and archive social media posts by anti-Israel and Islamist activists in colleges in the US. This makes it difficult for the guy who posts “Kill the Jews” to find a job when he graduates. Good.

  17. Retweeted
    Feb 27

    If needed evidence that suspending was wrong, here is praise for it from a leader of an antisemitic group that disrupted an Auschwitz commemoration event, a shabbat LGBTQ event and attacked queer Jews at a parade. More:

  18. Retweeted
    Feb 27
    Replying to

    Seriously? So when a person publicly posts that they think the "Jews are our dogs" and posts their words with a screen capture, this is bullying? Allow me to suggest that saying "Jews are our dogs" is the bullying and it should be reported. You're very confused.

  19. Retweeted
    Feb 26
    Replying to and

    Its so ironic, the people who post this stuff get off, while Canary Mission gets banned for calling attention to those tweets.

  20. Retweeted
    Feb 27

    Pro-ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah students on US campuses can communicate freely in Arabic on , but which translates the hate into English to expose extremist students gets suspended. , your action encourages Islamists to communicates freely on here!

  21. Retweeted
    Feb 27

    TO - = anti-hate, org identifying, exposing racist hate against people and . They don't create hate. reposts racist threats to warn the public. Please Reinstate!


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