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New book: The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action: The Judeo-Christian Tradition (Praeger Books, ABC/CLIO). Google books edition.

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Kopel blogging for the Washington Post's "Volokh Conspiracy"

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Kopel's Law & Liberty News. Twice-daily web newspaper collecting articles from Kopel and those whom he follows on Twitter.


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New: Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights and Policy. Law school textbook and treatise. (Oct. 2017: Aspen Pubs., 2d edition). With Nicholas J. Johnson, George S. Mocsary, and Michael P. O'Shea. Publisher webpage. Supplement online chapters from the 1st edition, free to the public: Chapter 12 – Social Science. Chapter 13 – International Law. Chapter 14 – Comparative Law.

New: The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action: The Judeo-Christian Tradition (Praeger Books, ABC/CLIO). Google books edition. Book inteview on "Devil's Advocate," CPT 12 Denver, 15 minutes.

Rules for State Legislators: Jerry Kopel's Guide (2015). With Jerry Kopel.

The Truth about Gun Control (Encounter Books, 2013). Who is sovereign in the United States? Is it the people themselves, or is it an elite determined to rule citizens who are seen as incapable of making choices about their own lives? This is the central question in the American gun-control debate. Animated video featuring a section of the book. 4 minutes. Reprinted in Saving the Republic: The Fate of Freedom in the Age of the Administrative State. Roger Kimbal, ed. (Encounter Books, Jan. 23, 2018).

A Conspiracy Against Obamacare: The Volokh Conspiracy and the Affordable Care Act (Palgrave MacMillan). The legal scholars who fought and defeated the unconstitutional power grab.

More books by Kopel.

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Jerry Kopel

JerryKopel.com. My father's essays on Colorado and national politics, based on his 22 years of service as a Colorado State Representative.

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Colorado Inside Out, Mar. 2, 2018. Oklahoma baseball coach fired for disrespecting Colorado. Colo. House of Representatives debate on expelling Rep. Steve Lebsock. Denver Mayor Hancock's mistreatment of woman on his security staff. Postgame: Bill to replace Columbus Day with Election Day as a state holiday.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Dec. 6, 2017. Bill to ban bump stocks and some gunsmithing. Kopel starts at 2:31:28.

Short articles

The First "Assault Weapon": Banning Guns Based on "Style" Rather than Function. Reason.com. Mar. 5, 2018.

The History of the 'Assault Weapon' Hoax. Part 1: The Crime that Started it All. A 1989 shooting at a Cal. schoolyard began the national "assault weapon" issue. It was a consequence of law enforcement failure. Reason.com. Mar. 2, 2018.

Arming teachers can protect kids. (N.Y.) Daily News. Feb. 28, 2018. with Laura Carno.

The Anglo-American Office of Sheriff. Americans' right to elect their Sheriffs comes from ancient English legal tradition. Reason. Feb. 13, 2018.

Can Governments Ban Gun Stores? Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case. Reason. Feb. 9, 2018.

Congress should use constitutional power to force states to honor gun rights. Why national right to carry reciprocity is a proper exercise of congressional power. The Hill. Dec. 31, 2017. With Joseph Greenlee.

The American Indian foundation of American gun culture. Washington Post. Nov. 21, 2017.

Mass shootings in gun-free nations. Washington Post. Nov. 9, 2017.

What if there were serious gun controls? The Hill. Nov. 8, 2017. With Joseph Greenlee.

Are There Really More Mass Shootings Than Days in the Year? Wall Street Journal. Oct. 8, 2017.

Some older articles on school safety:

Want to stop mass shootings? Let's get more guns in the right hands. Especially, FASTER training for teachers. The Hill. June 18, 2017. With Joseph G.S. Greenlee.

Good guys with guns: Former Interpol chief Ron Noble on the Westgate Mall mass shooting. Washington Post. May 16, 2016.

Guns on university campuses: The Colorado experience. Washington Post. April 20, 2015.

Pretend "Gun-free" School Zones: A Deadly Legal Fiction. 42 Connecticut Law Review 515 (2009).

Only press itself can stop copycats. Killers, suicides thrive on publicity given those who perpetrated earlier crimes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 23, 2006.

A Principal and his Gun. How Vice Principal Joel Myrick used his handgun to stop the school shooter in Pearl, Mississippi. By Wayne Laugesen. Boulder Weekly, Oct. 1999.

In the Media

Trump's 'Take the Guns First. Remark Sparks Due-Process Debate. Bloomberg News. Mar. 2, 2018. by Greg Stohr.

If the Government Takes Gun Research Seriously, What Should It Study? New York Times. Mar. 2, 2018.

NRA members on Trump's plans for gun control: 'Every word of it was a betrayal'. The Guardian. Mar. 1, 2018. by Lois Beckett. (Headline quote is Kopel's).

For the Democrats running for governor in Colorado, gun bans take center stage. Colorado Independent. Mar. 1, 2018. by Corey Hutchins.

These Groups Make the NRA Look Like a Bastion of Moderation—And They Could Determine the Current Gun Debate. Daily Beast. Mar. 1, 2018. by Jackie Kucinich & Sam Stein.

Dick’s Sporting Goods joins chorus for gun control, stops selling assault-style rifles. Washington Post. Feb. 28, 2018. by Todd C. Frankel, Abha Bhattarai & Rachel Siegel.

Bump Stocks and the Bill of Rights. Firearms News. Feb. 25, 2018. by Vin Suprynowicz.

Thomas, conservatives impatient at Supreme Court's inaction on 2nd Amendment. CNN. Feb. 23, 2018. by Ariane de Vogue.

'Teachers with guns' bill fails in Colorado. Durango Herald. Feb. 22, 2018. by Joey Bunch.

Trump vows progress will be made on regulatory ban of bump stocks. (Toronto) Globe and Mail. Feb. 20, 2018. by Adrian Morrow.

Gun Rights Expand in Era of Mass Shootings. Wall Street Journal. Feb. 19, 2018. by Nicole Hong.

Sessions' 'Anglo-American. comments, and the danger of the liberal Trump outrage machine. Kansas City Star. Feb. 13, 2018. by Aaron Blake (Washington Post).

Jeff Sessions spoke of the ‘Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement.’ Here’s what that means. Washington Post. Feb. 12, 2018. by Marwa Eltagouri.

Sessions invokes 'Anglo-American heritage' of sheriff's office. CNN. Feb. 12, 2018. by Maegan Vazquez.

US guns used in a majority of crimes in Mexico, Center for American Progress says. AZCentral.com. Feb. 6, 2018. by Rafael Carranza.

Denver says yes to bump stocks ban less than four months after Las Vegas shooting. Denver Post. Jan. 22, 2018. by John Aguilar.

Sessions Unleashes the Hounds on Pro-Pot States. With billions of dollars and the will of the voters at stake, critics say this is one flip-flop Trump can't afford. The American Conservative. Jan. 5, 2018. by Kelly Beaucar Vlahos.

Sessions takes aim on marijuana enforcement. Newburgh Gazette (Illinois). Jan. 5, 2018, by Dwayne Harmon.

America’s rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15. NBC News. Dec. 27, 2017. By Jon Schuppe.

Television, Radio, Podcasts  

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 2, 2018. Full episode. Oklahoma baseball coach fired for disrespecting Colorado. Colo. House of Representatives debate on expelling Rep. Steve Lebsock. Denver Mayor Hancock's mistreatment of woman on his security staff. Postgame: Bill to replace Columbus Day with Election Day as a state holiday.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 23, 2018. Full episode. Russian meddling in U.S. and Colorado. Parkland murders happened because FBI and Sheriff ignored lessons of Columbine. How Independence Institute is helping train armed teachers in Colorado. Colorado legislature refuses to fix roads, so Chamber of Commerce wants a tax increase. Postgame: Governor's race, with Dem battle between teacher's union and reformers.

Stefan Tubbs Show (Craig Silverman guest hosting). Feb. 22, 2018. Guns, legal history, and philosophy. Kopel starts at 28:21.

TEDx Mile High. Understanding Guns. Panel with Kimberly Corban, Jay Breitlow, and Coni Sanders. Feb. 21, 2018.

Предъявлены доказательства вмешательства России в выборы президента США. Radio Liberty. Indictment of 13 Russians for U.S. election meddling. Feb. 17, 2018.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 16, 2018. Full episode. Denver housing czar resigns. Federal judges says that "Raise the Bucks" rules to make initiatives much more difficult violates one-man-one-vote. Sen. Gardner gets marijuana policy assurances, lifts freeze on DOJ nominees. AG Cynthia Coffman will go through caucus system in Gov race. Postgame: Sex harassment charges vs. Sen. Baumgardner.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 9, 2018. Full episode. New Denver Manager of Public Safety. Dick Lamm endorses Mike Johnston for Governor. Joint Budget Committee questions funding for questionable behavior of Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Governor considers clemency grant for marijuana prisoners. Postgame: Sexual controversies at State Capitol.

Japan's low gun crime rate. The Briefing. Monocle 24. London. Jan. 10, 2018. Begins at 18:30.

Guns and Mass Shootings. Free Thoughts Podcast on Libertarianism.org. 51 minute interview of Kopel by Trevor Burrus. Jan. 5, 2018.

Devil's Advocate with Jon Caldara. Dec. 22, 2017. Interstate right to cary reciprocity. Why bump stocks should be more stringently regulated.

British Gun Control in Colonial America. America's Fabric radio program. 1030 KVOI AM, Tucson, Ariz. Dec. 2017. Charles Heller reads Kopel's article The American Revolution against British Gun Control.

The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment today. Guns, Politics and Freedom radio show. Dec. 10, 2017. Kopel starts at 11:00.

How to regulate (not ban) bump stocks. Interstate carry reciprocity. Cato Daily Podcast. Dec. 8, 2017.

Colorado Inside Out: 25 Years. Oct. 27, 2017. Hour-long documentary about Colorado's longest-running public affairs television program.

FarenHype 9/11. This 2004 documentary unmasks the lies in the Michael Moore and Harvey Weinstein movie Farenheit 9/11. Now available on the Web.

Colorado Inside Out. June 30, 2017. Time machine episode, set in 1917. Kopel plays Democratic Senator "Honest John" Shafroth. Introductions. Passing of Buffalo Bill Cody. US enters the Great War. Denver Mayor Robert Speer's building program. Postgame: Russian revolution.

Latest Monographs & Journal articles

The Right to Arms in Nineteenth Century Colorado. 95 Denver University Law Review (forthcoming 2018).

Firearms Law of Vietnam. Full translation of Vietnamese arms statute, plus Vietnamess text, and historical background. Independence Institute Issue Paper no. 5-2017. By Tien Thuy Dinh.

Restoring the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Cato Handbook for Policymakers (8th ed. 2017). With Trevor Burrus and Robert A. Levy.

The Federal Circuits' Second Amendment Doctrines. 61 St. Louis University Law Journal 193 (2017). With Joseph G.S. Greenlee.

Licensed Handgun Carry for Young Adults Serving in the Armed Forces. Independence Institute, Issue Paper no. 1-2016.

The First Century of Right to Arms Litigation. 14 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 127 (2016).

Lyman Trumbull: Author of the Thirteenth Amendment, Author of the Civil Rights Act, and the First Second Amendment Lawyer. 47 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 1117 (2016).

Background Checks for Firearms Sales and Loans: Law, History, and Policy. 53 Harvard Journal on Legislation 303 (2015).

The Costs and Consequences of Gun Control. Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 784 (Dec. 1, 2015).

Book review of "This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible." 35 Cato Journal 443 (2015).

Reforming Mental Health Law to Protect Public Safety and Help the Severely Mentally Ill. 58 Howard Law Journal 715 (2015). With Clayton Cramer.

The History of Firearms Magazines and of Magazine Prohibition. 88 Albany Law Review 849 (2015).

The Posse Comitatus and the Office of Sheriff: Armed Citizens Summoned to the Aid of Law Enforcement. 104 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 671 (2015).

In the Courts and Congress

Teixeira v. Alameda County, no 17-982. U.S. Supreme Court, Feb. 9, 2018. Amicus brief on behalf of Cato Institute, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Owner, Independence Institute, Millennial Policy. Argues that county's ban on all new gun stores violates the Second Amendment. Address circuit court doctrine, and the history of the British arms embargo on the American colonies.

RMGO v. Hickenlooper (Colo. App. 2018). Amicus brief on behalf of Colorado Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association; Sheriffs Chad Day (Yuma County), Steve Reams (Weld), Shannon K. Byerly (Custer), and Sam Zordel (Prowers); and the Independendece Institute. Why Colorado's magazine ban endangers public safety.

Duncan v. Becerra. 9th Circuit, Jan. 8, 2017. Amicus brief urges affirmance of district court decision against confiscation of standard capacity magazines. Addresses standard of review, and empirical evidence. On behalf of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, Independence Institute, and Millenial Policy Center. Co-authored with Joseph G.S. Greenlee.

Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club v. Small, No. 15, 2017 (Del. Dec. 7, 2017). Cited in opinion striking down prohibition on defensive arms carry in state forests and parks.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Dec. 6, 2017. Written testimony on: Bill to ban bump stocks and some gunsmithing. S 1916; Fix NICS Act, S. 2135; Bill to allow indefinite delays in background checks, S. 1923; interstate carry reciprocity, S. 446. Video of testimony (Kopel starts at 2:31:28). Written responses to Questions for the Record for Sen. Grassley.

Kolbe v. Hogan. Amicus brief in support of cert. petition, in challenge to Maryland ban on common firearms and magazines. Amici are the National Sheriffs' Association, Cato Institute, Second Amendment Foundation, and Independence Institute. Attorneys are David Kopel, Randy Barnett, Joseph Greenlee, Ilya Shapiro. Aug. 21, 2017.

Teixeira v. Alameda County, California (9th Cir., en banc). Jan. 31, 2017. Amicus brief on county ban on all new gun stores. Historical evidence from the American Revolution shows that the British bans on firearms commerce led the Americans to take up arms.

Sheriffs brief in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Jan. 16, 2015. The website for the Colorado Sheriffs' federal civil rights lawsuit against the 2013 Bloomberg anti-gun bills is here.


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