Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) provides news feeds for current emergency information and warnings.

What is an RSS or news feed?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, and is a way to subscribe to content on websites and then automatically retrieve and read the latest updates all in one place.

How do I subscribe to a feed?

1. Click on the link for the RSS feed you want.

2. Copy the URL of the page that is displayed and paste it into your feed reader. Alternatively, if your browser has an inbuilt feed reader, just follow the instructions.

Important note: Some third party readers will not refresh as frequently as is required for live updates. It is recommended that if your reader cannot be set to update at least every 5 minutes that you check the respective web pages for the most up-to-date version.

What feeds are available from SES?

SES provides an individual feed for each region as well as an all-region feed.

All regions RSS feed

Melbourne Metropolitan (Central) RSS feed

Gippsland (East) RSS feed

Grampians (Mid West) RSS feed

Hume (North East) RSS feed

Loddon Mallee (North West) RSS feed

Barwon South West (South West) RSS feed

Further information

Many browsers - including IE, Firefox and Opera - have inbuilt feed readers. (Chrome used to, but no longer does.)

View the Open Directory Project RSS page for a list of feed reader services (classified by browsers, programs etc).