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Media release


Free online legal information is currently available to all Victorians affected by floods.

The Bushfire Legal Help website www.bushfirelegalhelp.org.au has recently been updated to include legal information factsheets about:

  • storms, floods, and getting your insurance paid
  • getting a personal hardship grant to cover your temporary living expenses and re-establishment
  • getting a personal hardship grant to cover your expenses in an emergency
  • how to contact services that can help.

Information is available over the phone - call Victoria Legal Aid on 1800 113 432 to get information about your legal issues and options for ongoing assistance.

The Bushfire Legal Help website www.bushfirelegalhelp.org.au provides free legal factsheets covering the most common areas of legal concern to people affected by bushfires and other natural disasters. These factsheets can assist with issues such as insurance and mortgage problems, and replacing lost or destroyed documents.

Bushfire Legal Help was established to provide free legal support to Victorians affected by the 2009 bushfires and was a collaboration between Victoria Legal Aid, the Federation of Community Legal Centres, the Law Institute of Victoria, Victoria Law Foundation, the Public Interest Law Clearing House and the Victorian Bar.

Further information contact Kerry O’Shea on koshea@liv.asn.au or 0401 107103.