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Tim McCoy Award 2013 calls for nominations

16 October 2013

Nominations are now open for the 2013 Tim McCoy Award, which recognises the work of individuals, groups or organisations within the community law or legal aid movement.

The Award will be presented at the 26th Anniversary Tim McCoy Memorial Dinner on 8 November 2013, at which Justice Jennifer Coate will be guest speaker.

Nominations for the Award are due by 5pm 1 November 2013 and should address at least one of the following Award criteria:

  • Outstanding achievement in advocacy of human rights and justice for socially disadvantaged people and communities in Victoria.
  • Achievement in undertaking a range of law reform and or community legal education activities over an extended period or a single significant law reform or community legal education initiative that protects and promotes human rights and justice for socially disadvantaged people and communities in Victoria,
  • Outstanding contribution above the call of duty in protecting and promoting human rights and justice for people and communities in Victoria.

For more information:

The Tim McCoy Award 2013 (including nomination details)

26th Anniversary Tim McCoy Memorial Dinner 2013 (including booking details)

Read and watch video about Tim McCoy and the background of the Award, including past winners and guest speakers.

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