Posts Tagged ‘Rote Flora’

Hamburg: Transnational Gathering for NoG20 Prisoners Support at Rote Flora (Germany)

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Transnational Gathering for G20 Prisoners Support from November 3rd until November the 5th, 2017, at the Rote Flora in Hamburg.

The campaign “UNITED WE STAND” is a loose network of different people and groups to support the ones who face repression after the G20 summit in Hamburg. Our focus is to support them during prison and trial.

We invite in particular those who have comrades, friends and relatives in jail because of the G20 summit – to get to know us, exchange experiences, come together, develop ideas and strategies and to learn from each other. We want to gain more power together to handle repression.

During the gathering, we want to develop future action strategies, it’s not a wrap-up.

The schedule

Friday: arriving, food and get to know each other
Saturday: breakfast, actual situation of prisoners and trial, we
would like to discuss the following topics


Sunday: demonstration the the jail in Hamburg-Billwerder with a manifestation with greetings, music and encouragement.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the weekend, please tell us
with the application.

Please write us if you come as soon as possible, thereby we can support
you with your expenses and to find a place to stay.

See you in November “UNITED WE STAND”

application: international.gathering [at] riseup [dot] net
sleeping: unterschlupf [at] riseup [dot] net

via enoughisenough14.org

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Columbus, Ohio: Antifa arson communique for Rote Flora solidarity – 2013 (USA)

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

325 receives and transmits:

“this is just to say that back on the [winter] solstice of 2013, i lit a newspaper stand on fire in solidarity with the rota flora squat being attacked by the fascist pig-state. i approached by bicycle and used a lighter to start the fire right at the front corner of the front lawn of the ohio state house (broad and high) in columbusx ohio united disney states of north american continent landia. i made sure to leave the lighter in the flaming shit-newspapers so it would make a minor explosion of the rage i felt as i rode furiously away on my bicycle. i did get caught and fought with everything to show those fucks a terrible time. it ended with 2 days in jail after a forced tranquilization shot in the ass surrounded by neo-nazi pigs (about 6 white officers) in the back of a paddywagon. i woke up in jail with a huge black eye but after kick-ass legal defense, i served a year non-reporting-probation for ‘criminal mischief’. i am pleased to see this link http://rt.com/news/hamburg-rote-flora-clashes-635/ at what happened the day i was released! solidaridad in full-hearted rage and love for free safe spaces – when they bring shields we show them fire; when they bring riot-cops, we bring the r][I][ot!”

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Posted in Direct Action

Nazis threaten to destroy Rote Flora, Hamburg. Antifascists call for mobilization – 15th November (Germany)

Friday, October 31st, 2014

From squat.net:

After the Nazis’ show of force last Sunday in Cologne, largely tolerated by the police’s repression of antifascists’ counter-demonstration, the Nazis and their football hooligans are planning “a revolution” on November 9 in Berlin, and attacks against Rote Flora autonomous social center in Hamburg during another demonstration on November 15. They plan similar demo in Wuppertal this weekend.

On November 9 in Berlin, Nazis plan to gather in front of the Reichstag to start “a revolution” for white Europe. They choose this date because it’s the commemoration of the Kristallnacht, the pogroms against Jews in Austria and Germany on the night of 9/10 in November 1938. The terror inflicted on the Jewish population by the SA paramilitary assisted by the local population marked the beginning of the state’s policy of exterminating the Jewish population of Europe. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Brief Report about Revolutionary May 1st (Germany)

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

The weekend of the 1st of May 2011 has seen several moments of refusal of the existent igniting into flames of rage.

In the city of Hamburg, a demonstration was called against the gentrification of some former popular districts (such as around the former squatted houses in the Hafenstraße, St. Pauli district), the commercialization of the city and the threatening eviction of the squatted social center „Rote Flora“, existing outside legality since 1989. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy