Posts Tagged ‘Porto Alegre’

Biblioteca Kaos squat facing eviction – Call for resistance (Brazil)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Via Insurrection News, Sin Banderas – Ni Fronteras:

Biblioteca Kaos (Chaos Library) facing eviction on August 4th 2016
An invitation to resistance

Greetings comrades and friends.
Projects that are built from a position of confrontation and conflict travel through waters of constant change and innovation.
Since the beginning of Biblioteca Kaos, we knew that when you build an occupied space, you choose this possibility.

A few days ago, they arrived at our door with the order to evict the home where we live, and where we run the library, the natural pharmacy and many other activities where we meet and conspire together. The eviction is scheduled for August 4th, with a judicial order authorizing the police to make effective the reintegration of ownership.

This year, two other squats were evicted – Semente and Kuna, others were born, and others resisted the eviction attempts with various strategies. The context is becoming more and more oppressive for squatting, however it also means – as was stated by a comrade from Nadir squat, that squatting represents a threat to the dominant order. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

A contribution to the event of “Biblioteca Kaos”, that takes place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from the anarchist-nihilist, Spyros Mandylas (Greece)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Salute comrades,

I would prefer my interference to be face-to-face, being among us. But my restriction orders don’t allow me to move across the borders of Thessaloniki city. The restriction orders is a tactic that is used frequently by the Greek state and it attempts to keep anarchists as political hostages.

I would like to salute this event by highlighting the importance of events such this, in which there is the participation of people who either they have accomplished armed actions or they have been targeted from the repressive mechanisms of the state with the excuse of the anarchist urban guerilla. Also, it’s important the fact that this event has international characteristics, which proves that solidarity can’t be restricted by the borders.

I would like to mention 2 subjects. The first one is the connection between the “public” and the “illegal” parts of anarchy and the second one is my personal opinion about the way the nihilist tendency -the “third pole” as it’s used to be referred to the last years- should be organized. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Porto Alegre: Arson attack against a Santander bank in solidarity with Monica, Francisco & CCF (Brazil)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.

In response to the call for solidarity with the compas Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar we organized ourselves so that our desire to express solidarity became a fire to reach the companeros who are facing a trial in which they face 44 years in prison, accused of terrorism and particularly an attack on the Basilica of the Pillar in Barcelona.

There are many reasons and motives to attack Santander Bank. For example, besides being representatives of the Spanish state (who have kidnapped our companeros), in this territory they were the administrators of Augustus Pinochet’s money following the military dictatorship in Chile. In the end, these facts are only details that enhance our anger… Any banking institution that tries to hide their genocidal intentions with ‘cultural projects’ or other pseudo-humanist terms are representatives of a system that only inspires our disgust.

Branches of Santander Bank have been attacked twice in recent days in Santiago, Chile and in Buenos Aires. The two attacks were carried out in solidarity with Monica and Francisco. This silent, instinctive coordination of solidarity not only causes a great inconvenience to normal life at different points in the world, but also strengthens our ties, making it clear there are no borders and that we do not need leaders or vertical structures to attack several bars in the same cage.

With this solidarity action for Monica and Francisco, we also send greetings to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire compas and their families who are also facing another trial against them. Their strength inspires us every day to walk looking for the fire to illuminate the darkness.

Down with the prison walls.

Incendiary solidarity with Monica and Francisco

For the proliferation of the groups of attacks. The beauty of solidarity is the complicity.

Long live anarchy!

– via insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Direct Action

Porto Alegre: 23 Agosto 15hs Inferno 2015 / Sacco e Vanzetti (Brasil)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

International Solidarity 23 30 Agost 2015

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Porto Alegre: Faixa em repudio ao genocídio contra xs palestinxs (Brazil)

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Saímos das nossas casas para interromper um pouco com a indiferença normalizadora neste clima nojento de final da copa do mundo. Colocamos uma faixa na Avenida Borges de Medeiros, na mesma hora em que os torcedores caminharem para o ultimo festejo. Um festejo, o lembramos, banhado no sangue dxs assessinadxs, desaparecidxs e torturadxs “da copa”.

Enquanto xs cúmplices dessa desgraça caminham “felizes” pelas ruas, lembramos esses dias como dias de genocídio do “povo” palestino. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist