Posts Tagged ‘Panagiotis Argyrou’

Athens: Armed attacks against Mexican and French Embassies – Communique from the ‘Organisation of Revolutionary Self-Defense’ – ‘Towards a New International Revolutionary Movement’ (Greece)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

From Athens IMC, Actforfreedomnow:

On Sunday 31st of August, a little before dawn, we carried out an armed intervention against the Mexican state, by shooting at the building of its embassy in Athens. On Wednesday 9th of October, at quarter to five a.m. we carried out another armed intervention against the French state, by throwing a hand grenade next to the guard of its embassy in Athens, opposite the Greek parliament. These two aggressive actions of our organization, together with our first armed intervention on the 25th of May 2014 against PASOK, defy in deed the armed domination of the Greek state and at the same time they express the vision of social revolution and of the dissolution of authoritative institutions here and now.

In order to construct a revolutionary movement on sturdy foundations, we must study the defeats of the past. We must focus on the contradictions of past movements and analyze the dynamics of class antagonism today, as a result of a historical evolution. The totalitarian capitalist aggression, which began two and a half decades ago and spreads around the globe, is connected to the fundamental crisis of the socialist movement.

The main contradiction which brought about the demise of the revolutionary wave of the 20th century is statism. Parliamentary democracy, dictatorship of political parties and, at the same time, the repression of workers’ self organization implanted bourgeois authority in the loins of social revolutions, ever since the French revolution. The revolution in Russia was led by a political and technocratic elite. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Insurrection Cannot Be Negotiated’ – Text by Panagiotis Argyrou, imprisoned member of CCF/FAI (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Time is the illness of reality. In prison, time seems to poison the atmosphere. The air thickens as though it is flooded with lead filings and each and every day our lungs are infested with this oxygen so toxic that it weighs on us again and again, more so with each passing day.

You feel so burdened that at some point you begin to think that every step you take, removes a day from your life; each step and a day less, each step and a day less…

During these almost 6 years and a half of my imprisonment, I always felt like I was killing so many days while moving endlessly back and forth in courtrooms. I have seen the despicable ritual of trials taking place in the name of Democracy too many times repeatedly and every single time I walked away with packs of decades of sentences on my back.

However, it is not only the harsh sentences imposed on me by all this bureaucratic barbarity which has been grinding lives in the millstone of justice that bothers me the most, but also the arrogant and self-righteous style of the judges that execute our freedom while maintaining the illusion of representing something special. (more…)

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‘An answer to the call for solidarity to the ones held in custody in Hamburg’ by Panagiotis Argyrou, imprisoned member of CCF/FAI-IRF (Greece)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

‘Eine Antwort auf den Aufruf zur Solidarität mit den Gefangenen in Hamburg’ von Panagiotis Argyrou, inhaftiertes Mitglied der Verschwörung der Feuerzellen /FAI-IRF [de]

A response to the call for solidarity to the ones held in custody in Hamburg

During the exile of captivity few are the things that can make you smile, offer a warm thought or a pleasant feeling. I can, however, say with some certainty that these days of July when Hamburg surrendered to the chaos of riots during the G20 summit, the clashes with the police, the burning barricades, the store looting, the vandalisms and burnings of sovereignty targets, my thoughts were boosted, a great deal of “thank you-s” as well as vivid emotions overwhelmed me, and a smile lit up my face.

I’ll be honest, however. Although from an early stage a large part of insurrectionary anarchism aspired at setting a high target, something that had become clear already since the call for a militant campaign of informal organization months before the summit; and although there was a large number of public texts and claims of responsibility responding to this call (some comrades were kind enough to even mention the heritage of Black December), I wasn’t that sure that the days in question would indeed involve such great momentum. And this due to the fact that the difficulties entailed weren’t unknown to me—the adversities and the challenges that would have to be confronted by the people who would want to organize and accomplish such an ambitious riot plan. (more…)

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Political statement of Panagiotis Argyrou for the trial for the escape attempt in 2015 (Greece)

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

Political statement of Panagiotis Argyrou for the trial for the escape attempt

Looking back…

We’re given our life only once, like a unique chance. It’s never going to exist again, at least in this autonomous form. And what do we do with it instead of living it? What do we do? We drag it from place to place, killing it…” (Hronis Missios)

The courts have a unit of their own to count life and freedom by; a unit that uses types and algorithms of the legal language to say what’s fair or unfair, right or wrong, normal or in decline. And in this process where lives and freedoms are being put in the balance of the law, you’re sometimes given the chance to look back; you feel guilty or you don’t. It’s an important moment because whatever you say might pour some more cement around you, it might increase the amount of those moments where the door opens up and closes, perhaps it makes your ear get used even more to the sound of the key turning into the door’s slot, enough to make you think you’ve always been hearing this sound, that there was no morning or evening you didn’t hear this sound at a certain pre-arranged time.

So here we are… For five and a half years I‘ve been hearing that key. Five and a half years that my eyes crash onto the walls. Five and a half years with two sentences (37 and 19 years) and another two coming. And now here in this trial one more. This will be the fifth trial in a row where I wait “to see what will happen to me” or for “my laughter to turn to crying“. And it is again the moment to put a mirror in front of the past and my choices and look back. So I look…


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Message from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF for June 11th (Greece)

Saturday, June 11th, 2016

“For June 11th, international day of solidarity and action for the anarchist prisoners throughout the world”

Prison has the terrifying ability to leave its own indelible imprints on the bodies and minds of its residents.

Imprints of sorrow, frustration, violence, asphyxia, enforcement. Doors that keep locking and unlocking everyday at the same time with exactly the same awful sound in a monotonous rhythm of a murderous routine that drips its poison of immobility and vanity slowly and painfully.

A brief description about the distillation of sepsis that is being produced by incarceration is enough to become understandable of the hate we feel towards prisons.

That’s why every time a prison break succeeds, every time that a penal officer is being paid an uninvited visit, every time that a prison director or police sergeant pays the price of his despicable choices, our hearts fill with a unique feeling of enjoyment and pleasure. Because revenge for the captivity can’t help but to find its incarnation over the constant assaults against the prison’s representatives. (more…)

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Disciplinary sanctions against members of the CCF in Korydallos prison (Greece)

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

A few days ago the prosecutor V. Marsioni punished CCF comrade Giorgos Nikolopoulos with one year of disciplinary measures after ‘finding’ prohibited items during raids and searches of comrade’s cells.

The same prosecutor also punished CCF comrades Michalis Nikolopoulos and Panagiotis Argyrou.

via Anarchist Black Cross Anarchist Solidarity Cell, translated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras and Insurrection News

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Text of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for the Court of Appeal (Greece)

Monday, April 25th, 2016

On the 20th of April starts the second grade trial not only for the C.C.F. Case and some of its actions, but also for some other different cases of anarchists accused for actions of revolutionary violence. All these cases were attached to each other in a single trial, in order to serve many different and parallel judiciary manipulations against all those accused.

Regarding ourselves, we make it clear that towards the legal processes of this court, as well as any of its issues, we are completely indifferent. But even if the legal dimension is not one of our concerns, we’re interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to defend once more the action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, to convert one more court-trial into an arena where anarchy stands against the enemies of freedom. A chance to confront again the technocrat servants of Justice and show that they are responsible for the misery that their existence carries.

The starting point of the state’s repression, the raid and invasion at the house in Halandri on 23/09/2009 and the arrest of Haris Hadzimihelakis – a member of the Conspiracy as well as that of others related to the case or not, and the barrage of persecutions that followed was a strong surprise for an important part of anarchy. It is a fact that a great shadow of fear spread causing a generalized numbness which contributed to the halting of the aggressive polymorphy that occurred during the period 2008-2009, as direct action decreased steeply.

At the upcoming trial inside the courtroom, a section of the history of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, which the state seeks to punish through the dead letters of the pages of the penal code which constitutes the peak of repression against the anarchist prisoners, will live again.

The dozens of arson attacks against state and capitalist targets, the bombings of politicians’ homes, the arrest warrants, captivity, illegality, the upgraded explosive devices in courts, prisons, banks, homes of fascists and other enemies of the revolutionary cause, are our own subversive experience as it proceeded through the Conspiracy, and we will defend it as such.

By defending politically our actions, we want to make it clear that we remain impenitent for our choices and actions through the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and we aim to abolish the mapping of our history with the laws and the “wooden” language of the judges and instead impart to it its real characteristics, those of the decision of an anarchist group to arm themselves and carry out attacks against the system and its servants.

The fact that after so many years in prison we continue consistently supporting anarchy, the urban guerrilla and the option of all-out attack against the existent is our way to remain deniers of this society and its civilization.

Seven years later therefore, we don’t regret anything. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is more than a simple tool. It’s part of our own life and we’re never going to renounce it.

Because if time could turn back we would still walk the same path, because the fire of anarchist revolt still burns in our hearts.

Today more than ever there is a need to coordinate our passion to destroy the authoritative structures that surround us and to throw ourselves into a battle seeking freedom through thousands of acts that tries to disrupt the normality of the social machine.

The nuclei of the Informal Anarchist Federation, anonymous comrades who disturb the peace of the capitalist metropoles with their attacks, the polymorphous anarchist action trimming the function of sovereignty, the Black December project, the Insurrectionary Association of Theory and Action, is nothing but pieces of a mosaic of actions that build again an anarchy that is a real danger for power and its civilization.

Let’s turn these plans into an everyday war against the state and let’s venture into the ceaseless battle for the resurgence of the constant anarchist insurrection.

The bet is still open…

Everything continues…

The members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

Damianos Bolano
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Michalis Nikolopoulos
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Panagiotis Argyros
Harris Hatzimichelakis

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text written by the comrade on hunger strike Panagiotis Argyrou (Greece)

Friday, March 27th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

Today, 24/3, I am on the 23rd day of hunger strike until death, along with my other comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou, in order for the mother of my comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the wife of the latter to be released, who have been in custody for three weeks, under the completely ridiculous and groundless allegations of participation in our organization.

On Tuesday, 17/3, after having suffered a fainting episode, I was rushed to the hospital of Korydallos prison, from where I was directly discharged to an outside hospital because of the poor state of my health. I was transferred to Atticon hospital by ambulance, where, after my persistent refusal to receive serum, the doctors signed my discharge papers and I was returned to the prison’s hospital. After a judge’s order for mandatory hospitalization, I was transferred again on the same day to Atticon, where I am being hospitalized until today. I have to stress out that the judge’s order that was apparently issued by the persecution authorities of Korydallos prison, includes my forced feeding in case I lose my senses or after my refusal to accept treatment with serum, in order to force doctors to bypass my decision to continue the hunger strike until death and to submit me to the torture of forced feeding. Doctors, to their credit, have respected my choice so far and have not attempted to execute the judge’s order.

I ABSOLUTELY CLARIFY, with full awareness and by taking the full responsibility that I will continue my hunger strike until death, until our demand is satisfied. I release the doctors of Attico hospital from any responsibility for whatever happens to me and I consider fully responsible for any bad outcome of my health, the moral instigators of the imprisonment of our relatives and also their political superiors (SY.RIZ.A government, Ministry of Justice), who wash their hands like Pontius Pilate, looking away from the hunger strike until death that is taking place.

Things are on their path. We will either win or the leftist government will count the first dead hunger strikers in Europe after at least 40 years.

Solidarity with all hunger strikers since 02/03, who demand:

a) The abolition of 187/187A

b) The abolition of the hood-law

c) The abolition of the legal context concerning the taking and utilizing DNA samples by the persecuting authorities

d) The abolition of type C prisons

e) The release of the heavily injured Savas Ksiros

Defeat is to give up

Real death is to surrender

Dignity until the end

Panagiotis Argyrou

Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

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Update on the comrades – hunger strikers Panagiotis Argyrou and Fivos Harisis (Greece)

Friday, March 27th, 2015

According to a medical report published online, the comrades on hunger strike Panagiotis Argyrou and Fivos Harisis who are hospitalized at Atticon hospital in Athens, have lost 16.8% of their initial body weight and show low blood sugar indications and a high indication of uric acid.

We remind you that both comrades have suffered metabolic acidosis, which makes their health condition particularly critical.

Inter Arma

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Comrade-hunger striker Panagiotis Argyrou in critical condition (Greece)

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

The comrade suffered metabolic acidosis and the situation is very critical, which means that due to the lack of electrolytes there is the immediate threat of him having a cardiac arrest!

No comrade is alone!

Strength to the hunger strikers!

Victory to their struggle!

– InterArma

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Comrade Panagiotis Argyrou transferred to hospital (Greece)

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

Update: Panagiotis was not transferred to the prison hospital, he was transferred to another hospital, out of prison.

Comrade Panagiotis Argyrou of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell was today (15th day on hunger strike) transferred to the hospital after a fainting shock. Panagiotis stayed in the hospital as a precaution. We don’t know when he’s going to be coming out yet.

International solidarity to the imprisoned fighters

War to the end

Update on the comrade Panagiotis Argyrou

In the morning, yesterday (17/3), comrade Panagiotis Argyrou (hunger striker since 2/3 – member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire), suffered a fainting episode. He was transferred to “St. Paul” prison hospital, where after being diagnosed with low sugar, his hospitalization in a hospital outside prison was deemed necessary thus he was transferred with an ambulance escorted by cops to “Attico” hospital. There, the comrade refused serum administration, told the doctors that he is on hunger strike and then the doctors threatened him that they would seek a judge’s order in order for the comrade to be subjected to compulsory feeding. Comrade held a negative attitude, leaving no room for discussion and negotiation to suppress his hunger strike. Thus, the hospital “Attico” refused hospitalization, and he was moved back to the hospital of Korydallos prison. There, finding that comrade Panagiotis had very low sugar and there was a risk of him suffering a hypoglycemic shock, it was requested for him to be transferred again to a hospital outside prison. At this time, we do not know to which hospital he has moved. There will be a newer update when this becomes known.

Strength to comrade Panagiotis Argyrou who is in discomfort while being on hunger strike for 16 days.

Strength to the hunger strikers – members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire that are on hunger strike since 02/03, demanding the release of the mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and of the girlfriend of the latter.

Immediate and unconditional satisfaction of the demands of the hunger strikers.

People in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire


Translated by: Inter Arma

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CCF Escape case: “DE PROFUNDIS” – a communiqué from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


We had no intention of contributing to the continuing of the public downfall and inner cannibalism that broadened with skillful architecturing by the police, journalists and the miserable interview given by Xiros[1]. But misery reigns…

i) Once a snitch… always a traitor

What is more infuriating than the snitch of 17th November[2] talking about morality… He who, in his preliminary statements in 2002 (they are published on internet) was whining and begging the cops to go easy on him, as a return for his cooperation with persecution authorities.

What is more challenging than the snitch being presented as the critic of the “movement”. He who, until this day, hasn’t even apologized to his former comrades for the life-long sentences he “offered” them with his unbiased confessions to the counter-terrorism agency (without them even so much as slapping him).

What is more contradictory than the ridiculous aspiring petty leader asking for the collective procedures and diversity to be respected. In his raving where he was impersonating the reincarnation of Karaiskakis[3], he was exhibiting an authority complex that was testing the nerves of the comrades, who were putting up with him and helping him to escape for an entire year, with huge patience and by risking their life and freedom from the cops. (more…)

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Korydallos Prisons: 'Communique of War' by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

Friday, January 9th, 2015

“First I shot him in the mouth to stop him talking crap;
then I shot him in the arm to stop him writing crap”

Jacques Mesrine on the kidnapping of a French journalist

The dirty war and the vulgarity of the journalists in regards to the case of the attempted escape of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire has no end. Targeting comrade Angeliki, emotionally blackmailing her parents, and spreading vile lies about her alleged relationship as a girlfriend of the one who has been arrested.

Angeliki is a friend of rebellion, anarchy, freedom.

If there were more people like Angeliki, struggle and anarchy would be the only possible reality.


SOLIDARITY AND POWER by any means possible to comrade Angeliki and to all those wanted in connection to the same case.

The Cells will always stand by you…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell
Panagiotis Argyrou
Giorgos Polydoros
Olga Ekonomidou
Gerasimos Tsakalos
Christos Tsakalos
Haris Hatzimixelakis
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Mihalis Nikolopoulos
Damiano Bolano

From Asirmatista

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Για την προσπάθεια άξιζε…” – Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς / "Valio La Pena Intentarlo…" – Conspiracion de Celulas del Fuego / "E' Valsa La Pena Di Tentarlo…" – Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco / “It was worth a try…” – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece)

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

We will not give away a single word that would unlock information for the enemy. Escaping from prison is the only aim and purpose of a captive anarchist urban guerrilla. The word “escape” holds the concentrated sense of freedom which blows up the walls of prison that locked our lives. We, the captive anarchists of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, have never forgotten this word even if though most have forgotten us. The judges have condemned us to live for years as human shadows inside the locked buildings, but they have never been able to lock up our unruly desires.

Every night in the wanderings of our minds we escape into a world without prisons, armed guards and locked souls. And even if every morning the guard’s key brings us back to the concrete reality of prison, we know that at some point our day will come and we will dream of our anarchy with open eyes. The sound of the lock as it closes forges our hatred for prison. Every failure, every arrest, every mistake makes us even more stubborn. If we fall three times, we will rise four.

There is no victory or defeat, there is only struggle. We know that the anarchist urban guerrilla and the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is a battle against all odds. In this battle weapons, explosives, hideouts, cars, money, may be lost but all of them can be found again. What is not lost are the comrades who made us feel that our day would come and we would say “goodbye” to prison without return. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

27/6/14: Fifth day of the massive prisoners hunger strike (Greece)

Saturday, June 28th, 2014

Two more jails joined the struggle, the prison of Corinth with 50 inmates and the prison of island Kw.

At the prison of Corfu 40 more inmates joined the struggle after taking courage from a demonstration that took place outside of the prison.

At Koridallos prison, Athens, more than 20 prisoners have been transferred to the hospital yesterday (27/6/14) and today morning (28/6/14) our comrades-members of CCF Panagiotis Argirou and Michalis Nikolopoulos are in the hospital also!

Due to the voting of the law about Type-C prisons on Wednesday 3/7/14 we have
decided to make the struggle toughest, so in the next few days a lot of people will go to the hospital!

Yesterday night (27/6/14), the inmates of Koridallos prison delayed with force the night lockdown of the prison for 1 hour to demonstrate that the last days that a lot of inmates are going to the medical facility of the prison and the hospital. There is no medical personnel to take care of them!!

Also it was an answer to the fact that the prison staff went on strike preventing the inmates having visits with lawyers and their family while the inmates are in hunger strike!

The struggle continues…
… until victory!!!!

May health and chaos be within you all!!!!

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