Posts Tagged ‘Organization for Revolutionary Self-Defense’

Athens: Armed attacks against Mexican and French Embassies – Communique from the ‘Organisation of Revolutionary Self-Defense’ – ‘Towards a New International Revolutionary Movement’ (Greece)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

From Athens IMC, Actforfreedomnow:

On Sunday 31st of August, a little before dawn, we carried out an armed intervention against the Mexican state, by shooting at the building of its embassy in Athens. On Wednesday 9th of October, at quarter to five a.m. we carried out another armed intervention against the French state, by throwing a hand grenade next to the guard of its embassy in Athens, opposite the Greek parliament. These two aggressive actions of our organization, together with our first armed intervention on the 25th of May 2014 against PASOK, defy in deed the armed domination of the Greek state and at the same time they express the vision of social revolution and of the dissolution of authoritative institutions here and now.

In order to construct a revolutionary movement on sturdy foundations, we must study the defeats of the past. We must focus on the contradictions of past movements and analyze the dynamics of class antagonism today, as a result of a historical evolution. The totalitarian capitalist aggression, which began two and a half decades ago and spreads around the globe, is connected to the fundamental crisis of the socialist movement.

The main contradiction which brought about the demise of the revolutionary wave of the 20th century is statism. Parliamentary democracy, dictatorship of political parties and, at the same time, the repression of workers’ self organization implanted bourgeois authority in the loins of social revolutions, ever since the French revolution. The revolution in Russia was led by a political and technocratic elite. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action