Posts Tagged ‘Mexico’

In permanent struggle against the State and its control: Down with the law on internal security! (Mexico)

Sunday, July 22nd, 2018

Technology always aims at control
Against the State itself

The approval of the Law on internal security (LSI) in Mexico is a symptom of the need for global capitalism to renew its power sources and to expand its economic progress, to the advantage of class society and its anthropocentric vision of the world. In regard to the repression of expressions that oppose or don’t support global domination, which goes along with expropriation and seizing of lands, winds and waters and the exploitation of ‘energy resources’ and human and animal bodies, the State is working on changes in important laws in order to attain its goals. Even if LSI is a dormant expression on a juridical level of industrial technological progress through totalitarianism and militarization of the country and of its established activity against forms of resistance, as the army is actually deployed in social or other missions in almost all instances of political and economic tension in Mexico, historical examples where this practice emerges abound:

— 1968, the historical massacre of Tlatelolco, where thousands of students were killed

— Hunt for guerrilla fighters and communists in the 1960s, when practices of torture were consolidated

— Militarization and armed conflict in Chiapas in the 1990s against the indigenous and Zapatist insurrection

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Posted in Social Control

Misanthropic Wild Tendencies: Other expressions of authoritarianism and sacred thought

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Given the recent proliferation of eco-extremism and some opinions expressed in the broadcast media related to this tendency, the need arises for this text. Without pretending to engage in a dialogue, we will clarify a few things that seem essential to us.

For several years now, various individuals from different parts of the American continent (especially from the territory dominated by the Mexican State) close to the positions and struggles against civilization, gave shape to a trend that they called “eco-extremism”.

What is eco-extremism? Although there are subtle differences between those who are placed under that concept, we can more or less talk about a consensus among them, since they see the whole of humanity as their enemy; that humanity and it’s civilization is incompatible with Wild Nature.

They understand that the war against civilization is indiscriminate, so any person would represent an enemy. Since humanity is the problem, anyone can be the target, regardless of gender, economic condition, age, etc. The forms of attack of these groups are inspired by the most diverse experiences, so they do not mind picking up the “teachings”(I) of religious fanatics such as ISIS or political parties that wager for national liberation, as their indiscriminate methods serve them. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Public Statement from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) Mexico

Thursday, July 5th, 2018

Against all power and its multiple “worlds”, for the reconstitution of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) Mexico.

– A public response to the vomit-inducing anarcho-populist manifesto.

“We must remember our past experiences, not to imitate them but to go much further”

Imprisoned compañerxs of the CCF-Greece

Sometimes it is convenient to allow time to process the facts. It has been 20 days since the anarcho-chairmen of Mexico issued their “manifesto” of support for Peje* (Translation note: nickname of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President-elect of the Mexican State), inspired by the supposed ‘opportunity’ for the anarcho-communists “to push the Morenista (Translation note: A term used to describe opportunism, betrayal and lack of political ideology) project to the left” and made public its list of the “30 personalities committed to popular sovereignty” elected to form the national coordination of a “Popular Class Front”.

We expected to have read or heard some critiques of this text from various libertarian positions, however time has passed and a complicit silence has accompanied the manifesto.

The signatories of the text writing under the pseudonym “Some Organized Libertarians” shamelessly call to build Popular Power from below and towards the left via the electoral route to later implant the “Libertarian Communism in the noses of the Empire”.

Certainly, there are few “libertarian” groups that have publicly affirmed such a euphoric anarcho-populist discourse and such a cynical defense of neo-platformist principles and their popular-power formula. However, there is not a single “organized anarchism” publication in Mexico that has not alluded to the fatigue of the “People” and their defense, in the same way that they claim to be “from below and to the left” with singular joy. So it is not surprising that this opportunistic discourse has supposed “anarchist” promoters and defenders.

Apparently either this proposal has not had a great impact among the other anarcho-chair groups or they have decided to remain “on the sidelines” until “things set” and thus avoid “steps without sandals”. But we are clear about their pretensions. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens: Armed attacks against Mexican and French Embassies – Communique from the ‘Organisation of Revolutionary Self-Defense’ – ‘Towards a New International Revolutionary Movement’ (Greece)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

From Athens IMC, Actforfreedomnow:

On Sunday 31st of August, a little before dawn, we carried out an armed intervention against the Mexican state, by shooting at the building of its embassy in Athens. On Wednesday 9th of October, at quarter to five a.m. we carried out another armed intervention against the French state, by throwing a hand grenade next to the guard of its embassy in Athens, opposite the Greek parliament. These two aggressive actions of our organization, together with our first armed intervention on the 25th of May 2014 against PASOK, defy in deed the armed domination of the Greek state and at the same time they express the vision of social revolution and of the dissolution of authoritative institutions here and now.

In order to construct a revolutionary movement on sturdy foundations, we must study the defeats of the past. We must focus on the contradictions of past movements and analyze the dynamics of class antagonism today, as a result of a historical evolution. The totalitarian capitalist aggression, which began two and a half decades ago and spreads around the globe, is connected to the fundamental crisis of the socialist movement.

The main contradiction which brought about the demise of the revolutionary wave of the 20th century is statism. Parliamentary democracy, dictatorship of political parties and, at the same time, the repression of workers’ self organization implanted bourgeois authority in the loins of social revolutions, ever since the French revolution. The revolution in Russia was led by a political and technocratic elite. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Mexico City: Explosive Attack Against the Heroic Military Academy by Ocotl Anarchist Group / FAI (Mexico)

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

On the night of November 2nd in Mexico, we decided to take action against Gate 1 of the Heroic Military Academy with a homemade explosive device in order to begin a campaign of imaginative sabotage against all instances of the State to demand the release of anarchist prisoners in Me$$ico and around the world and to invite individuals and collectives to participate in this upcoming Black November.

For the fall of all regimes!
For the release of all human and non-human animals!
To burn all the instances of the State-Capital!
Freedom for Luis Fernando Barcenas!
While there is misery there will be rebellion.

Ocotl Anarchist Group / FAI

PS: Today is the day when witches come out to make mischief.

via Coordinadora Estudiantil Anarquista, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Removing the Trash’ by L (UK)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

‘Eliminando la spazzatura’ da L [it]

‘A quitar la basura’ por L [es]

“There are so many stupidities, lies, fakes that it is almost impossible to respond in the rhythm indicated… lies after lies and a rhythm of vertiginous updating.
Millimeter by millimeter it is necessary to remove this trash… without discussion, without half-tints and without space for dialogue. Since always we were quite critical of the anarchist pages that began to publish ITS and its derivations… it was to give them space in view of the “novelty”, to feed egos and messianic delusions that today we have to pay dearly.”

From comrades in Chile

The eco-fascist and nihilist-right groupscule ITS Mexico, which originated from individualist and anti-technology ideas and which has begun attacking and threatening anarchists in Mexico and elsewhere, has established itself as an irrationalist authoritarian tendency, carrying out reactionary and repressive actions designed to inflict injuries and deaths against random individuals in the name of their religious concept, Wild Nature. In their exhortations to this sacred ideal, their militants have built a Church of ideological purity, repenting of their anarchy and gathering unto themselves an ultra-moralistic and sycophantic internet choir of shit-talkers, fakes and show-offs. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Fernando Castillo (Mexico)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

[EN] To read and share:

This letter from our imprisoned comrade is a call for solidarity and support to raise an autonomous library inside prison…


[PT] Para ler e compartilhar:

Essa carta de nosso kompa encarcerado é um chamado por solidariedade e apoio para construir uma biblioteca autonoma dentro da prisão…



Fernando Barcenas Castillo
Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte: Calle Jaime Nuno no. 155,
Colonia Guadalupe Chalma, Cuautepec Barrio Bajo, C.P. 07210, Ciudad de México, Mexico


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Posted in Prison Struggle

About ITS and Virtual Threats

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

Sulle ITS e minacce virtuali” [it]

Translated from La Rebellion de las Palabras

“The Old World is dead and the new one takes time to appear. In this chiaroscuro appear all the monsters … “
Antonio Gramsci

This is neither intended to be a retort nor an attempt to disarm any discourse, nor a criticism. It is a response to a series of threats received by email and I think this has made these people definitely touch the bottom and they cannot become more ridiculous.

There have been several critical texts and reflections from different parts of the world that have been raised in recent months against ITS in Mexico and in general against the tendency that calls themselves “eco-extremists”. We can read the contributions of insurrectionary anarchist groups in Mexico, as well as critiques of other comrades like Eat, in Indonesia, criticism made by one of the people who runs the blog ‘It’s Going Down!’ in North America, or the two texts published from the United Kingdom, titled “Eco-extremism and the Indiscriminate Attack – The Church of ITS Mexico” and “Darko Mathers was not an Eco-Fascist“. It was quite obvious that from that the “eco-extremist” tendency would be answered. After all, in recent years, the dialectic between different groups of direct action against domination (whether they consider themselves anarchists or not) has been constant, taking advantage of the actions to establish a fruitful dialogue that sharpens theory and practice, improving the blows of those people who were punctual and strategic or as an already unavoidable part of their lives, had opted to attack here and now. And of course, the replicas of the ITR (Individualities Tending toward the Ridiculous) did not wait, although I have to say that they were even more disappointing than we would have imagined at first (and that my expectations were difficult to overcome). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

“ITS, or the rhetoric of decay” (Joint statement of insurrectional groups in Mexican territory)

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

ITS o la retorica di decomposizione” [it]

From the website La Rebellion de las Palabras, critique of the excremental choir calling themselves “Eco-Extremist Mafia” – aiming at the eco-fascist and nihilist-right groupscule Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS), written by anarchist-insurrectionalist groups, CCF-Mexico, anonymous others in the territory of the Mexican State:

(Joint Pronouncement)

“The Tiger, in its unconquered gait, accumulates the memory and the traces of the road travelled, to stubbornly reaffirm it; unrestricted freedom that does not assure food but which a priori omits any possibility of degenerating into a herd or of assenting to grazing. Indomitable and irreducible, it confronts the most tenacious enemies. To do this it wields its instincts, taking advantage of its portentous night vision, its prodigious smell and its finely tuned ear. In its right attack: it disfigures, tears, kills and dies, to be reborn indomitable and fierce. Nothing escapes this becoming and it is exposed to the most daring hunters and the most tenacious tamers, veterinarians and circuses, taverns and altars, customs and laws, systems of thought and political institutions. Everything is shaken, torn or eliminated in this movement of which only the imagination can disern a principle but of which nothing and no one is able to decipher its objectives and its end. (…) Anarchism, conceived not as an inescapable realization but as a permanent tension embodied in an open configuration of thought and action, is also a tiger, indomitable and fierce, affected from end to end by this capricious walk into freedom.” – Gustavo Rodríguez

“Everything that we can identify as negative elements within our “space “, is also the responsibility of each of us to contribute to eliminate them. Bureaucracy, hegemony, informal hierarchies, intrigues, false friendships and false ‘comrades’ stabbing our backs have existed since the dawn of the so-called anarchist movement, because they are an intrinsic part of the human factor and our contradictions that constantly arise and are in conflict with each other. All these pathologies are due to attitudes that do not properly belong to a particular anarchist tendency but are present in all, and as long as they are not treated for what they really are, we will find them in front of us again and again.” – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Metropolitan Violence Cell

To the comrades in the Mexican region and the world, to the incendiaries and refractories of the planet, to the internationalists committed to a new coordination of anarchic informality:

Exactly 5 years and seven months ago we signed a “joint statement” at the request of a comrade for whom we feel great affection and respect. That text was entitled “2nd Joint Statement of the Anarchist Insurrectional and Eco-Anarchist Groups”. It was an unquestionably necessary writing given the context in which it was written and so we clarified it from the first lines: (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

“Sad” by Eat (Indonesia)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

‘Triste’ – crítica del compañero Eat a la tendencia eco-extremista y al grupo ITS en México” [es]

It is sad to see “them” resorting to such incoherent, deluded, and even ahistorical if not unfactual analysis of contemporary anarchism and its various movements, successes and failures. It is even more sadder that the critique was poorly written. If the FAI never accomplished anything as the critique said, it is because FAI ideas were and are always to be put on trial of practice and its diverse variants. There is no monopoly of narrow individualism in the FAI as far as I comprehend it, as it is just an idea to encourage anarchists to attack with informal and antiorganisationalist forms (even this also is always within a context), because “it” [FAI] doesn’t believe in the binary logic that this critique does. While the critique seemed, at first, to try to dismiss a binary vision of the world it falls on the same mistakes when it doesn’t even know nor understand how they or their moralistic-triumphant-over-others-methods originated and empowered.

While I was in full support of ITS in attacking technocrats, NGOs, and its effort in deconstructing the western anarchist moralistic-christian tendency, they too fall to the same logic as their so “ideological enemies of gringo” anarchism. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

“Eco-extremism and the indiscriminate attack – The Church of ITS Mexico” by L (UK)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Éco-extrémisme et attaque indiscriminée – l’Église d’ITS Mexique” [fr]

Eco-extremismo y el ataque indiscriminado – La Iglesia de ITS México” [es]

Eco-estremismo e l’attacco indiscriminato – La Chiesa di ITS Messico” [it]

“And Severino Di Giovanni’s actions were never violent for the sake of it. They were never indiscriminate or striking at anything at all in order to create a tension that would favour power and it’s politics of consolidation. They were always guided by a precise revolutionary reasoning: to strike the centres of power with punitive actions that find their justification in the State’s violence, and which were aimed at pushing the mass towards a revolutionary objective. Di Giovanni always took account of the situation of the mass, even though he was often accused of not having done so” JW & AMB
Anarchism and Violence
Severino Di Giovanni in Argentina by Osvaldo Bayer
Elephant Editions

I don’t represent any organisation or group, I am writing this from my personal perspective, as nihilist-anarchist of an anti-civilisation insurrectional tendency. I have carried out direct action in defense of the Earth, so the state and society would probably view me as an “Eco-Extremist”, although I’m unconcerned with this term as it’s become a sect-like ideology of the Church. I haven’t written before about the Church of ITS Mexico or the idiot pseudo-nihilist(s) in Italy because over the last few years they clearly became reactionary and more akin to far-right ‘black’ groupscules.

It has been some years since the Church of ITS Mexico said something like that ‘the FAI doesn’t represent us’, that the ‘CCF doesn’t represent us’… Well I can’t recall anything like that being said by CCF or FAI or anyone else in the first place, so why is the ITS Church still issuing sermons about it now and why have they not embarked on a one-way trip far away from the black anarchy they proclaim is irrelevant and gone off into the nihilising abyss like they said they would, leaving all us anarchist nuns alone? (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

There’s Nothing Anarchist about Eco-Fascism: A Condemnation of ITS

Saturday, May 13th, 2017

“When horror knocks at your door, it’s difficult to hide from. All that can be done is to breathe, gather strength, and face it…. I shared news of the woman found in University City. From the first moment, I was angered and protested the criminalization of the victim. The next morning I woke up to the horror and pain that she was my relative.”
– Statement from the family of Lesvy Rivera to Mexican society

“[W]e take responsibility for the homicide of another human in University City on May 3rd….Much has emerged about that damned thing leaning lifeless on a payphone… ‘that she suffered from alcoholism, that she wasn’t a student, this and that.’ But what does it matter? She’s just another mass, just another damned human who deserved death.”
– 29th Statement of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS)

Some things shouldn’t have to be said, but as is too often the case in this disaster of a world, that which should be most obvious often gets subsumed to the exigencies of politics, ideologies, money, emotion, or internet clicks. The purpose of this piece is to condemn the recent acts of eco-extremists in Mexico and those who cheer them on from abroad.

This critique does not aspire to alter the behavior of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), Individualities Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), Wild Reaction (RS), Indiscriminate Group Tending Toward the Wild (GITS), Eco-extremist Mafia, or whatever they will change their name to tomorrow. Like any other deluded, sociopathic tyrant, these individuals have declared themselves above reproach, critique, reason, or accountability. They have appointed themselves judge, jury, and executioner; the guardians and enforcers of Truth using a romanticized past to justify their actions. As absolutist authoritarians, they have constructed a theoretical framework that, while ever-shifting and inconsistent, somehow always ends with a justification for why they get to hold a knife to the throats of all of humankind. In short, they think and act like the State. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Explosive Attack Against EXXON (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

After midnight…

IN RESPONSE to the call for action in solidarity with the anarchists of the Aachen case, on April 16, 2017, at approximately 01:30AM we placed an explosive device that detonated at the facilities of the oil company EXXON in Mexico City, located at North 59, Vallejo Industrial Colony.

EXXON is an oil and chemical corporation based in Texas, USA which constitutes in itself a complete criminal, murderous, genocidal, ecocidal state. It’s long and devastating history has spared no bloodshed with death, torture and exploitation wherever it’s tentacles reach. And then, when the cries of the massacres they cause are silent, they dig the graves with exactly the same machines they use to suck the sweat of the Earth and human beings.

But now it is their turn. Take our offering of hatred and rage! …Because nobody is untouchable! Because we are not intimidated by the heavy silence that you have imposed on your crimes based on fear and violence, and we are not intimidated by the premiere of your Secretary of State… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Bomb attack against a bank in solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Germany (Mexico)

Monday, April 24th, 2017

Responding to the international call for actions in solidarity with the compañerxs accused of robbery in Aachen, Germany, we placed an explosive device with a little more than one kilo of black powder at a Citibanamex branch located on Eje 10 [in Mexico City] at 2:30am on April 20.

We repeated the action carried out a couple months ago by compañerxs from the Night Cats and Evil Sorcerers Incendiary Cell. Upon seeing they’d rebuilt the branch after the compas’ attack, we decided to help them redecorate it. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen, Germany (Mexico)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen

Reasons to fight, we have plenty. We have taken into account the need to act directly against Capital, every time we find more reasons to continue fighting. A few weeks ago for example some comrades were accused of armed robbery in Aachen, Germany; and understanding the bureaucratic process of the ‘legitimate justice’ of the bourgeoisie, they were deprived of freedom. We must not forget, as has already been mentioned in these spaces of diffusion, that expropriation is a just, direct action and part of the history of every revolutionary movement. Emphasizing the slogan: “What crime is it to expropriate or set fire to a bank compared to founding it?” (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action