Posts Tagged ‘International Solidarity’

Medical Malfeasance & Deliberate Indifference: SCI-Mahanoy Are Killing Mumia Abu-Jamal (USA)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

via ABC Brighton:

We are concerned about Mumia’s deteriorating health, as has been witnessed in recent weeks by his visiting doctor, clergy, counselors, teachers, family and friends. Evidence of intensifying Hepatitis C symptoms and possible development of the diabetes that nearly killed him a year ago calls for immediate and appropriate treatment. We, therefore, urge you to:

1. Immediate provision to Mumia of anti-viral treatment to cure his Hepatitis C condition that is, as his doctor testified in court, the persistent cause of worsening skin disease, almost certain liver damage, now extreme weight-gain and hunger, and other diabetic-like conditions.

2. Immediate release of all recent blood test results to Mumia’s attorneys.

3. Vigilant monitoring of Mumia for signs of diabetes, especially of his blood sugar level, since a diabetes attack nearly killed Mumia last Spring of 2015.

Phone: (010) 717 787 2500
Fax: (010) 717 772 8284
E-mail: governor@pa.gov
Pa Department of Corrections, Secretary, John Wetzel
Phone: (010) 717 728 2573, (010) 717 787 2500
E-mail: ra-contactdoc@pa.gov

Phone: (010) 570 773 2158

(You have to be transferred to her secretary, and she refuses to give out the fax number or e-mail for the Superintendent. Not surprising, given that this new superintendent has a very heavy military background.)

Sponsored by: International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, MOVE, Educators for Mumia, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, International Action Center.

Mumia Abu-Jamal Files Suit Over Refusal Of Medical Care


Attorneys for Mumia Abu-Jamal filed an amended lawsuit yesterday to challenge prison medical staff’s denial of necessary medical treatment – denial that nearly killed Abu-Jamal earlier this year. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Montreal: Arson attack at a luxury car dealership in solidarity with imprisoned members of CCF & Revolutionary Struggle (Canada)

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

A car dealership near Côtes-des-Neiges was attacked using incendiary devices causing damage to luxury vehicles in the honor of the courageous imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and of Revolutionary Struggle.

Solidarity means attack.

Long live anarchy.

A thousand years to the Black International

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Posted in Direct Action

Brigada de la Muerte FAI/FRI – Reivindicación de amenaza a párroco de iglesia Los Sacramentinos (Chile)

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

English Translation

Reivindicación de amenaza a párroco de iglesia Los Sacramentinos

La iglesia y sus mutaciones a lo largo de la historia ha logrado prevalecer como símbolo y ejecutante de poder en el mundo, con pequeñas reinversiones han logrado que su moral y divina autoridad sigan siendo legitimas, permaneciendo así como forma de control para la humanidad. La sangre derramada por la inquisición en su época es reemplazada hoy por cánones morales, rutinas de comportamiento que no son más que el reflejo de una sociedad enferma. Heteronormatividad, supremacía del hombre por sobre todo, monarquías, justificación de la explotación humana y animal, vicios como machismo, pedofilia, el poder llevado a la escala más pequeña, la imbecilidad legitimada en más imbecilidad, y por supuesto no podría estar ausente el castigo más “duro” al que se puede someter a un bastardo pederasta: Una vida de oración.

A lo largo de la historia la iglesia siempre ha sido un blanco de ataque para quienes luchan contra el poder. No podemos olvidar como Mateo Morral atentó contra los reyes católicos en el año 1906. Acá en Chile el ataque tampoco ha sido la excepción, en el año 1915 el poder montó una cacería contra compañerxs anarquistas tratando de buscar a los responsables de ataques dinamiteros contra conventos religiosos. La Brigada de la Muerte en la España de 1936 saqueaba iglesias, profanaban tumbas de sacerdotes y asesinaban a los que se mantenían vivos por salvaguardar el fascismo en pequeños pueblos.

En la actualidad en Chile estas acciones han continuado, distintos células insurreccionales han bombardeado iglesias con cargas explosivas e incendiarias. Hasta en protestas han sido blanco de ataques, por ejemplo: La Iglesia de la Gratitud Nacional ubicada en plena Alameda. Su puerta principal fue incendiada por insurrectxs en una manifestación el 25 de agosto del año 2011. Esta nuevamente vio las llamas el 23 de mayo del año 2015 en la conmemoración por la muerte del anarquista Mauricio Morales, y días después, el 28 de mayo -nuevamente en una manifestación- sus puertas fueron alimentadas por el fuego anarquista.

Sin más, mediante este correo electrónico reivindicamos el envío de una carta a Rafael Cáceres Olave, párroco de la iglesia Los Sacramentinos en los días previos al juicio que enfrentaban lxs anarquistas Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar en España acusadxs de distintas explosiones en iglesias adjudicadas por el Comando Insurreccional Mateo Morral. La carta contenía un mensaje por nuestrxs compañerxs y balas. Elegimos a este sujeto por ser párroco de la iglesia a la que Mónica había sido acusada de atentar en el denominado Caso Bombas en Chile.

El incendio, el ataque, la amenaza contra cualquier representante de la iglesia y el poder esta plenamente justificada. Tenemos las armas y nuestra voluntad para atentar contra ellxs. Sus días de jolgorio han acabado.

Derribando su historia, falsa moral, poder y autoridad…
Nos erigimos y gritamos fuerte:
¡Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar a la kalle!
¡Muerte al estado/capital/iglesia y que viva la anarquía!

Brigada de la Muerte FAI/FRI

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Posted in Direct Action

Porto Alegre: Arson attack against a Santander bank in solidarity with Monica, Francisco & CCF (Brazil)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.

In response to the call for solidarity with the compas Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar we organized ourselves so that our desire to express solidarity became a fire to reach the companeros who are facing a trial in which they face 44 years in prison, accused of terrorism and particularly an attack on the Basilica of the Pillar in Barcelona.

There are many reasons and motives to attack Santander Bank. For example, besides being representatives of the Spanish state (who have kidnapped our companeros), in this territory they were the administrators of Augustus Pinochet’s money following the military dictatorship in Chile. In the end, these facts are only details that enhance our anger… Any banking institution that tries to hide their genocidal intentions with ‘cultural projects’ or other pseudo-humanist terms are representatives of a system that only inspires our disgust.

Branches of Santander Bank have been attacked twice in recent days in Santiago, Chile and in Buenos Aires. The two attacks were carried out in solidarity with Monica and Francisco. This silent, instinctive coordination of solidarity not only causes a great inconvenience to normal life at different points in the world, but also strengthens our ties, making it clear there are no borders and that we do not need leaders or vertical structures to attack several bars in the same cage.

With this solidarity action for Monica and Francisco, we also send greetings to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire compas and their families who are also facing another trial against them. Their strength inspires us every day to walk looking for the fire to illuminate the darkness.

Down with the prison walls.

Incendiary solidarity with Monica and Francisco

For the proliferation of the groups of attacks. The beauty of solidarity is the complicity.

Long live anarchy!

– via insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Direct Action

Santiago: Noise bomb detonated outside highway management company Vespucio Sur building in Santiago by FAI-FRI / Bomba de ruido contra empresa consecionaria de autopistas (Chile)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

English translation via insurrectionnews:

“This silent, instinctive coordination of solidarity not only causes a great inconvenience to normal life at different points in the world, but also strengthens our ties, making it clear there are no borders and that we do not need leaders or vertical structures to attack several bars in the same cage.”
Words from compas in Brazil claiming an arson attack in solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Early on Saturday March 12, we detonated a noise bomb outside the ‘Vespucio Sur’ highway management building in the city of Santiago. We decided to make our objective clear and carry out the action at a time when the area was free of passers-by because we do not consider it desirable to harm people who have nothing to do with the targets of our attacks.

We do not consider the struggle against civilization to be distinct or external to the struggle against all forms of authority. We identified the highway management companies as being important arteries that gives life to the network of domination, facilitating the advancement of civilization and enriching themselves via the imposition of an urbanism that is servile to the interests of power.

Both the present and past history show us that the germ that leads to authority has also developed in communities that existed prior to civilization and has also manifested itself in groups that have remained outside or against civilization. That is why our struggle is essentially ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN. This is why we feel it is important to distance ourselves from the self-proclaimed ‘eco-extremist tendency’ that has defended the indiscriminate attack that is contrary to the idea of being ‘against all authority’ and denounces international solidarity with imprisoned companeros who are related in word and deed to insurrectionary anarchy. Such ideas are neither an ‘evolution’ or ‘more radical’ but are in fact quite the opposite. We have no interest in engaging in virtual polemics with them, we prefer dialogue with our companeros via action.

Our companeros are those who position themselves in their lives and through their actions as enemies of all forms of domination and put into practice their solidarity with companeros who remain dignified and combative even inside the cages of power.

…Companeros like Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who have elevated our insurgent spirits with their serene and defiant attitude before the Spanish courts. The international solidarity will not end once the trial is over!

…Companeros like Javier Recabarren, a young anarchist insurgent who died after being hit by a bus in March 2015.

…Companeros like Sole and Baleno who were found dead in the cells of the Italian state on March 28, 1998.

…Companeros like Jonny Cariqueo, a young anarchist who died from the beatings by police officers who arrested him after the Day of the Young Combatants demonstration on March 29, 2008 in the Pudahel district.

…Companeros like Joaquin Garcia who on March 09 injured Alvaro Corvalan, former chief intelligence officer of the dictatorship with a blow to the face inside the maximum security prison.

…Companeros like the irreducible anarchists of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire who are currently facing trial for their attempted prison escape.

With our companeros we will continue to strengthen our actions and sharpen our ideas.

Following in the footsteps of Severino, Lambros Foundas and Mauricio Morales…to multiply anarchic / anti-authoritarian cells of multifaceted action!

Against all leaders.
Against civilization and all forms of authority.

Cell of Individualists and Anarchic Nihilists for Anti-authoritarian Insurrection

Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front

“Esta coordinación silenciosa, instintiva y solidaria no solo provoca un incomodo en la vida normalizada de distintos puntos del mundo, sino que fortalece nuestros lazos que dejan claro que no existen fronteras, que no necesitamos cabecillas ni estructuras verticales para atacar varias rejas de la misma jaula”.
Palabras de compas de Brasil reivindicando ataque incendiario en solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar

La madrugada del sábado 12 de marzo detonamos una bomba de ruido en las afueras de la empresa concesionaria de la autopista “Vespucio Sur”, ciudad de Santiago. Decidimos actuar en un horario libre de transeuntes para dejar claro nuestro objetivo y porque no consideramos un acto sublime el dañar a personas que no tienen que ver con los objetivos de nuestro ataque.

No concebimos la lucha contra la civilización como algo distinto o externo a la lucha contra toda forma de autoridad. Identificamos a las empresas administradoras de autopistas como una hebra importante del tejido que da vida a la red de la dominación, facilitando el avance de la civilización y enriqueciendose con la imposición de un urbanismo servil a los intereses del poder.

La historia, el pasado y el presente nos muestran que el germen y ejercicio de la autoridad también se ha desarrollado en comunidades que han existido antes de la vida civilizada y tambien se ha manifestado y manifiesta en grupos que se han mantenido fuera o en contra de la civilización. Por eso nuestra lucha es esencialmente ANTIAUTORITARIA. Esto nos obliga a marcar una importante distancia con una autodenominada “tendencia eco-extremista” que ha defendido el ataque indiscriminado, se desmarca de la idea de estar “contra toda autoridad” y reniega de la solidaridad internacional con compañerxs presxs afines en palabra y acción con la anarquía insurreccional. Tales ideas no son para nosostrxs una “evolución” o “algo más radical” sino todo lo contrario. No nos interesa levantar polémicas virtuales con ellxs, preferimos dialogar con nuestrxs compañerxs a través de la acción.

Nuestrxs compañerxs son quienes se posicionan en su vida y en sus actos como enemigxs de toda forma de dominación y ponen en práctica la solidaridad con lxs compañerxs que se mantienen dignxs y en pie de guerra aun estando en las jaulas del poder.

…Compañerxs como Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar, quienes han elevado nuestro espíritu insurrecto con su serena y desafiante actitud ante los tribunales españoles. Que la solidaridad internacional no cese una vez terminado el juicio!

…Compañerxs como Javier Recabarren, pequeño insurrecto afín a la anarquía muerto en marzo de 2015 al ser atropellado por un bus.

…Compañerxs como Sole y Baleno, quien fue encontrado muerto en una celda del Estado Italiano el 28 de marzo de 1998.

…Compañerxs como Jonny Cariqueo, joven anarquista muerto tras las golpizas de policías que lo detuvieron luego de una marcha por el Día del Joven Combatiente el 29 de marzo de 2008 en la comuna de Pudahuel.

…Compañerxs como Joaquín García, quien el 09 de marzo hirió con un golpe en el rostro al ex jefe de inteligencia de la dictadura Álvaro Corvalán en la prisión de máxima seguridad.

…Compañerxs como lxs irructibles anarquistas de la Conspiración de Células del Feugo, que en estos días enfrentan el juicio por su intento de fuga.

Con nuestrxs compañerxs, seguiremos fortaleciendo nuestro accionar y afilando nuestras ideas.

…En la senda de Severino, Lambros Foundas y Mauricio Morales… ¡A multiplicar las células anárquicas/antiautoritarias de acción multiforme!

Contra todos los jefes.
Contra la civilización y toda forma de autoridad.

Célula de Individualistas y Nihilistas Anárquicxs por la Insurrección Antiautoritaria.

Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Action outside the embassy of Spain in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Greece)

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

On Tuesday evening, March 8th 2016, we went with banners, flyers and sprays outside the Spanish Embassy in Athens (on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, in the Makrygianni district) in a minimum display of solidarity with captive comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who stand trial in Madrid.

The banners read: “All laws are terrorism – Freedom for Mónica and Francisco”; and: “A life of combat – Prisoners to the streets – Freedom for our bodies – Madrid, 8-9-10/3/16”. Walls of the embassy building were tagged with: MONICA Y FRANCISCO LIBRES (“Mónica and Francisco free”). Among the slogans shouted (mostly in Spanish) were the words “Mateo Morral: Presente” – as well as “Javier Recabarren: Presente” in view of the week of actions in Chile in memory of the 11-year-old comrade. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Buenos Aires: Coordinated ATM sabotage in solidarity with Monica and Francisco (Argentina)

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

On Monday, March 7 between 2 and 4 am, on the eve of the trial that intends to bury alive (the prosecution demands 44 years) anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who were remanded more than two years ago, we put out of action several bank ATMs of Santander (Spanish origin) with a hammer, paint and left noise bombs in these branches:

Calle 13-32 La Plata
Boedo 805
Moreno 2300 Capital

We left flyers vindicating our comrades.
With this gesture of solidarity we are with those who face the powerful and their world.
Freedom to Monica and Francisco!
Love and encouragement… long live sabotage!

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Sabotajes coordinados a cajeros automaticos ensolidaridad con Monica y Francisco.
El dìa lunes 7 de marzo entre las 2 y las 4 am en visperas del jucio que pretende enterrar en vida (la fiscalia pide 44años) a los compañeros anarquistas Monica Caballero y Francisico Solar en prision preventiva hace mas de 2 años, dejamos inhabilitados varios cajeros automaticos del banco Santander (de origen Español) a martillazos, con pintura y bomba de ruido en las sucursales:

Calle 13-32 La Plata
Boedo 805
Moreno 2300 Capital

Dejando volantes reivindicando a lxs compañerxs.
Con este gesto nos solidarizamos con aquellos que enfrentan al poder y su mundo.
Libertad a Monica y Francisco!
Cariño y aliento… Viva el sabotaje.

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Posted in Direct Action

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity campaign with the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava (Kurdistan)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

via insurrection news

Since September 2015, Red Aid Belgium have been raising money in support of the International Freedom Battalion. The money is being used to purchase Celox Gauze haemostatic wound dressings that are designed to control major haemorrhage including life-threatening bleeding from arterial injuries. They are simple and effective, stopping major bleeding with three minutes of compression. Without these types of dressings over 60% of those injured with gunshot wounds bleed to death before they are able to be treated.

Since the end of February about € 3,500 has been collected. Donations can still be made via bank transfer: IBAN: BE09 0016 1210 6957 – BIC : GEBA BE BB – Note: “Rojava” or directly online HERE

The call

At the heart of the Middle-East, peoples of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) have risen up against reactionary forces oppressing the region since decades. After setting free Rojava from Daesh, the Rojava inhabitants and the many foreign revolutionaries who came to support them are worrying the American imperialists and NATO as well as the reactionary and fascist regimes from the Middle-East : Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. All of them are now intervening in the region with bombings and interference. By doing so, they are reproducing the same strategies that created many Islamist groups such as the Daesh, Al Qaeda or Al Nusra. These groups are golems who escaped the control of the capitalist countries who gave them birth.

The enemies of the people have great difficulty ending the struggle for liberation that peoples of Rojava started to set, even by using their usual weapons : deadly bombings, shelling civilians, mass detentions of revolutionary militants, permanent attacks against the people’s guerrillas and capitalist hagglings. This struggle is going on in Rojava, in Kurdistan and in the whole Middle-East, as the armed women of Rojava are now the worst nightmare of the Islamists. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

La Cisterna: Reivindicación de ataque incendiario/explosivo contra Banco Santander (Chile)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

Reivindicación de ataque incendiario/explosivo contra Banco Santander. La Cisterna. Chile, 2016.

A lxs insurrectxs, a lxs revolucionarxs, a compañerxs afines y cómplices: asumimos la absoluta responsabilidad del ataque destructivo llevado a cabo durante la madrugada del día jueves 25 de febrero de 2016 con un artefacto incendiario/explosivo contra la sucursal del Banco Santander ubicada en Avenida José Miguel Carrera casi esquina Avenida Fernández Albano.

Con una mezcla incendiaria compuesta por napalm y bencina dentro de un bidón plástico, y adosados a él cinco cartuchos de gas butano-propano, todo detonado gracias a un doble sistema de relojería configurado para manejar el tiempo necesario que nos permitió retirarnos del lugar y entorno sin contratiempos ni sorpresas pese a ser una noche particularmente asediada por contingentes policiales bajo la burda estrategia del control preventivo masivo. Ante éste contexto, caracterizadxs y decididxs logramos nuevamente avanzar y ridiculizar sus medidas represivas concretando así la destrucción anteriormente planificada.

Saliendo al paso del aparecido subrogante de turno, jamás hemos pretendido iniciar o contribuir a un debate “democrático” ni dictatorial ni popular eso deben tenerlo más que claro, la historia así lo ha demostrado y nuestro presente aporta y nutre la continuidad de la guerra contra el Estado-Capital. Transitando en éste permanente conflicto hemos decidido responder al llamado solidario con Francisco Solar y Mónica Caballero, prisionerxs en España desde el año 2013 y prontos a iniciar el juicio en su contra que ansía la sepultura de lxs compañerxs con varias décadas de cárcel. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo (Chile)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

Con la simple y clara intención de hacer prevalecer la memoria combativa a un año de la caída de Javier Recabarren hacemos el llamado a agitar por su memoria, desatando las ideas y prácticas que nos mueven invitando a avanzar en un continuo de lucha junto a nuestros/as muertos/as.

Quizás muchos no saben quien fue Javier, para ellos/as y para quien se interese aportaremos un poco con su vida. Javier tenía 11 años, pese a ser pequeño era parte de la lucha por la liberación animal y participaba abiertamente en instancias anárquicas/antiautoritarias.

Javier al igual que muchos/as era parte de la lucha callejera, esa que había dejado como legado un 2011 (y siguientes años) de fuego en las calles, de constantes focos de disturbios que surgían al calor de las marchas a las que los/as anarquistas se sumaban para aprovechar la instancia para propagar la revuelta y el ataque descontrolado contra cada símbolo de dominio y las policías en todas su modalidades. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

El Dios que han creado es un Dictador Eterno – Solidaridad con Mónica y Francisco (Spain)

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Video informativo y agitativo en solidaridad con lxs compañerxs Francisco Solar y Monica Caballero en prisión desde el 13 de Noviembre del 2013 en las cárceles Españolas. El 8,9 y 10 de Marzo del 2016 enfrentaran un juicio donde se le solicita 44 años de prisión a cada uno: Solidaridad Anárquica Insurrecta e internacionalista con lxs compañerxs Francisco y Monica!

Update: English translation below. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

22-28 Feb: International week of action against the eviction of the autonomous social center La Solidaria in Montevideo (Uruguay)

Monday, February 15th, 2016

La Solidaria is an autonomous social center that opened it’s doors in 2012. The building was occupied in order to serve as a tool to help practice our own autonomy and the development of the social struggle. Near the end of October last year we received a letter of eviction urging us to abandon the building. Just as it had happened in 2013 it’ll be difficult for them to beat us.
We have defended and we shall defend this place, not just as a physical building, but as headquarters to codes and principles opossed to the relationships set by the State and Capital. It’s used to power another type of relationships based on solidarity, self-management, horizontality and direct action. We consider ourselves to be part of the social conflict, part of a bigger project to transform our current reality. To end this world run by money and create one based on freedom and solidarity.
The press is already running errands to the State and the speculators who bought the house, they’re preparing the terrain for the eviction. We find the project in crucial moments, throughout the last week of February the final decisions will be made about the eviction. It is for this reason that we call for a week of actions in cooperation with this space, a week of solidarity against the eviction of La Solidaria.

Every hit reaffirms our way and make us stronger! To the threats of eviction: More resistance! More action! Solidarity knows no boundaries. Keep their hands out of our social centers!

Assembly of the autonomous social center La Solidaria.



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Posted in Autonomy

6 February 2015 : Solidarity without limits – Action day against Fortress Europe!

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

On the 6th of February plenty of right-wing populists, neofascist movements and parties will come together in different places around Europe to take to the streets for their reactionary idea of superior “people” and “nations”. On the one hand we don’t want to accept this and therefore we call you to counter them firmly together taking a stand for political solidarity! On the other hand we want to proclaim this day Europe-wide as a day of action against Fortress Europe!

The conditions in many places all over the world become more unstable with capitalism widening the gap between the poor and the rich. The neo-liberal structural changes of the 70’s and 80’s forced many areas of the global south into deep poverty and debts. After the period of colonialism those changes had once again created dependency from the “western world”. These politics bring exploitation and poverty as well as destruction of the basis of existence. Today neo-colonianism shows itself in it’s diverse forms: land grabbing, seizure of natural resources and raw materials, weaponry exports and free trade agreements, wars under the cover of “interventions to protect the human rights”, support of dictators and authoritarian regimes. One of the consequences is the death of many people not just at the European borders, but also in their home countries. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Solidarity actions against French consulate and VINCI owned companies (Australia)

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Disruption of VINCI and French Consulate

To the defenders of the ZAD,
Solidarity from anarchists in so-called ‘Melbourne, Australia’- the never-ceded indigenous land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, stolen and occupied by the genocidal settler-colonial state.

In response to recent threats of violent eviction by the French State, actions were taken at several locations in Melbourne, the city built on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, in colonised Australia. The actions targetted the French consulate and offices of companies of the VINCI corporate-family linked to the proposed destruction of land at the Zone-A-Defendre.

The French consulate was attacked with paint and its locks were stuffed and glued.
The Offices of Menard-Bachy and Fressynet (both companies owned by VINCI), had their windows broken and slogans in support of the ZAD painted on the facade.

The Melbourne office of Electrix (a company owned by VINCI) was redecorated with a number of slogans celebrating resistance to VINCI’s plans.

For information see http://zad.nadir.org

(photos and text)



(or clearnet links ):



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Posted in Direct Action

Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits

Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Life has deserted the soulless labyrinth of man’s daily doings. So seemingly ecumenical, so apparently volatile, she is not so cheap. Attempts to encounter her by the slaves of democracy remain just that. The apparent choices in the shop windows of capital come down to one: you can inhabit the swamp with the frogs, wallow in the global quagmire of participation and help spread the mud till even your dreams become grey. Or you can go. Take flight with the vagabonds of the spirit, let the glow of freedom ignite your passions, kindle your spirit, illuminate your mind. Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.

Here rebellion ceases to be an abstract choice, it becomes necessity.

Once roles and identities are discarded and the confines of patience and hope deserted, humiliation gives way to anger. No longer mere outsiders in this world of swindles and conjuring tricks, we become its sworn enemies. We burn all the maps. Freedom becomes our only compass and there is no turning back.

The struggle becomes reality, and this reality is not the same for all. It is conditioned by concrete structures, the various forms that the enemy gives itself to exploit and extract profit and submission. The apparent freedom enjoyed in the ‘comfort zones’ of capital contrast sharply with peripheral areas in old-fashioned material poverty.

There is no blueprint for struggle, and rebels and freedom fighters make their own decisions, working things out as they go along.

The vast treasure of anarchist ideas and action past and present belongs to us all and is there for the taking – critically, of course.

The guard dogs of the State do not look on passively. By arresting, sending to trial, torturing and imprisoning, they try to break the revolutionary’s activity as a whole, not just their physical person. This it does this by keeping them away from this activity for as long as possible. To defend one’s freedom with every means, with the coherence and correctness that the revolutionary him/herself must decide is therefore not a choice but a necessity towards one’s project, the other comrades involved in it, and the exploited and oppressed who from this project might (or might not) find their own freedom.

And when the enemy succeeds in taking the rebels hostage, locking them up, framing them as terrorists and enemies of the people, there are comrades everywhere for whom solidarity is a fundamental, inextricable part of the totality of the struggle.

J. W.

via actforfree

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty