Posts Tagged ‘International Solidarity’

Berlin: Attack against Securitas in the context of the Global Anarchist Urban Guerrilla (Germany)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Bon Soir!

On the evening of the 28th of February, six Securitas (private security company) vehicles were torched at Anhalter railway station. Securitas have been gaurding the entry to the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg, Berlin for two years, forcing the remaining refugees to a jail-like existence. Through constant displays and harassment of the residents, their number has been constantly reduced – many have disappeared in jail, have been deported or have a house ban.

If we were able to identify more deeply with society’s slaves we would now complain that ‘guarding’ costs millions of euros for taxpayers. But no. Then we would have to complain about the bad working conditions in the security sector. On the contrary we are working on the destruction of the bridges of this society, which are still being preserved via the security sector in order to integrate even the partly autonomous milieus with reluctant practice. (more…)

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Genoa: Sabotage of a mobile phone mast (Italy)

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

2 February 2017

“GENOVA: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in Staglieno area. Against this existent which kills, physically and psychologically, our lives, the only way to stop it is violent action, direct action. SOLIDARITY TO ANARCHIST PRISONERS IN THE WORLD. ANARCHY MEANS ATTACK.”

via cna-italia, anarhija

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Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo 2017 (Chile)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

“Kon todo el amor subversivo al pekeño hermoso niño rebelde Javier Rekabarren… Vegano/Anarko/Antijaulas, inmensamente conciente de sus inkontenibles deseos de libertad… Te llevamos en los corazones indómitos pekeño hermano!!!”.
Marcelo Villarroel, Prisionero Libertario. 05/11/2015.

La memoria, un arma en la guerra contra el Poder.

Asumidxs hasta la muerte como enemigxs del Estado, asumidxs hasta las últimas como enemigxs del poder y toda representación de autoridad.

Lanzamos una vez más un llamado abierto de agitación y propaganda a 2 años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Javier Recabarren, quien falleciera el 18 de marzo del año 2015 tras ser atropellado por un bus del transantiago en Santiago, Chile.

Nuestra intención es clara, prevalecer la memoria de un compañero que con apenas 11 de años de edad comenzaba a cimentar su camino en la lucha antiespecista y antiautoritaria conociendo sus ideas a través de la propaganda. Acudiendo a actividades, ferias del libro y manifestaciones; y sin dudarlo, pasó a la acción armando barricadas, atacando a las policías, encapuchándose, para darle vida al desborde desde el anonimato. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago: Incendiary attack against an electricity box on the IIRSA Project freeway (Chile)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

In South America and Chile, the IIRSA (Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America) is advancing, and as individuals at war with civilization and power we do not sit idly by.

In the city of Santiago, one of its points of intervention is the cement mega-structure “Acceso Sur” (Access South), which starts the freeway that facilitates the transportation of goods from the center to the south of the country. This construction violently intervenes in the everyday landscape of the surrounding populations.

In the week of agitation against the IIRSA we illuminated the night with insurgent fire by burning an electricity box on that disgusting highway, demonstrating that power and its mega-projects remain vulnerable. (more…)

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Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen, Germany (Mexico)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen

Reasons to fight, we have plenty. We have taken into account the need to act directly against Capital, every time we find more reasons to continue fighting. A few weeks ago for example some comrades were accused of armed robbery in Aachen, Germany; and understanding the bureaucratic process of the ‘legitimate justice’ of the bourgeoisie, they were deprived of freedom. We must not forget, as has already been mentioned in these spaces of diffusion, that expropriation is a just, direct action and part of the history of every revolutionary movement. Emphasizing the slogan: “What crime is it to expropriate or set fire to a bank compared to founding it?” (more…)

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Berlin: Let smoke signals speak… French diplomatic vehicle torched by ‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’- FAI (Germany)

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Armed with an incendiary device, we rode through the streets of Berlin on a frosty night looking for a target for which we could say that we are fighting the struggles of our unknown comrades against the CIGÉO nuclear dump in the woods of Bure, in the ZAD and against the French state of emergency as a whole and express our solidarity.
We also support other anarchist interventions on the continent of Europe, such as Revolutionary Struggle in Greece.

So we torched a diplomatic vehicle of the French Embassy at the Willmanndamm in Schöneberg last night, with which we would like to greet the prisoner Damien Camélio, as well as Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou who were recently arrested in Athens, for whose freedom all states must be combated, and for who we will continue to act diligently.

This is also a call to use the G20 in Hamburg to coordinate our theory and praxis in order to reach a continuing anarchist offensive in all areas beyond the July meeting.

The French piece of shit who wants to represent his regime at the G20 in Hamburg is of course just as welcome as any other power. We advise the diplomats of Berlin to hide in gated communities.

‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’ – FAI

Berlin 06-02-2017

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94
in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year
bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Dublin: Soli-demo for imprisoned hungerstrike comrade Umut Firat at Turkish Embassy (Ireland)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

UPDATE: Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Ended His Hunger Strike With Victory


On Wednesday the 1st of February there was a solidarity vigil for Umut Firat in Dublin, Ireland. Anarchists and supporters of Umut’s hunger strike gather outside the Turkish Embassy. Turkish embassy staff came out to mock the protesters. Embassy staff called the police to have get the protesters to remove a banner that was tied to the fence of the embassy. The banner said FREE UMUT FIRAT! SOLIDARITY FROM IRELAND. The police stayed on till the vigil was over.

Umut has been on hunger strike for 53 days now. He has been locked up in prison for the last 23 years. He is on hunger strike because of the statues of emergency the Turkish state has imposed since the attempted coup d’etat in July, and against the harsh prison conditions imposed by the state because it.

Since the statues of emergency Umut as well as all political prisoners held in Turkey have had prison conditioned worsened some have been put into isolation, others have been forced into cramped cells, there are forced strip searches, visiting times have been reduced and some prisoners not allowed visits at all. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Financial Campaign to aid political prisoners in Greece

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

The state through repressive mechanisms (cops, jail guards) and judicial power (prosecutors, judges) aims at the physical and psychological extermination of our political prisoners.

Prisoners and comrades however, are in a daily struggle between “special” conditions of detention, vindictive transfers, visiting denials, intimidation and persecution of relatives and friendly contacts and relatives, isolations, deprivation of rights like exit permit from prison, intent proceedings and indictments for statements of regret, self-censorship and capitulation. The ideas however are not imprisoned and solidarity is not penalized by any terror law. We build bridges to continue our common struggle by whatever means available. We support the imprisoned comrades both politically and morally through the promotion of their speech and the practical questioning of state power. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Vienna: Anarchist Black Cross Solidarity Festival – 20-23 April (Austria)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

4th ABC solidarity festival from 20th- 23rd of April in Vienna at the Ernst-Kirchweger-Haus (EKH).

First bands announced:



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Soli-Poster for imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Den Haag: ATM machines demolished in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Netherlands)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Last night we demolished 9 ATM machines in Den Haag, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen, Germany. Their court case is set to begin on January 23rd 2017, and will take around 26 days spread over a 5 months.

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

We want them free! Love, rage and solidarity!
Destroy all banks! Fire to the prisons!

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Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou arrested in Attica, Lil’ Lambros-Viktoras held hostage, thirst and hunger strike by RS imprisoned fighters (Greece)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

Update: According to Athens Indymedia a new order was issued by the prosecutor on 08.01.16 terminating the detention of Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas, the 6 year old son of Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, and awarding temporary custody of the child to his grandmother. The child has already left the hospital with his relatives. Comrades Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Konstantina Athansopoulou have ended their hunger and thirst strike. A decision on final custody of the child will take place in six months time.

International solidarity is our weapon

According to Greek media, the comrade Pola Roupa, member of Revolutionary Struggle, has been arrested at a home in the Attica region. Pola is the partner of Revolutionary Struggle member and political prisoner Nikos Maziotis and was one of the most wanted fugitives in Greece. According to media reports Pola was at the house with her young child and a 25 year old woman when police raided. The 25 year old woman was also arrested. There are unconfirmed reports that two more people may have been arrested as well. More information as it becomes available.

Solidarity with Pola Roupa and Revolutionary Struggle!

From our comrades in Greece we have learned that during the arrest of comrade Pola Roupa (member of Revolutionary Struggle and partner of the comrade Nikos Maziotis, also a member of Revolutionary Struggle), that the police kidnapped and detained her 6 year old son.

The child is being held in a hospital room under armed guard and the police are refusing to allow family members or legal representatives to see him. Although we do not know if he is being interrogated it is worth noting that it is illegal under Greek law to interrogate a minor without the presence of a parent / guardian or lawyer.

In response to the state’s vengeful kidnapping and detention of their son, comrades Pola and Nikos have begun a hunger and thirst strike to demand that their child be released from police custody and into the care of close relatives. The 25 year old woman comrade who was arrested with Pola has also begun a hunger strike with the same demands as Pola and Nikos. She is being held under guard in hospital with a serious injury to her arm. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

NYE Prison Demos Around The World

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

In many countries around the world activists showed solidarity with prisoners on New Years Eve.

Image: Prison demo in Dortmund, Germany.

Every year anarchists and other leftwing activists protest on New Years Eve at prisons around the world against the prison system and to show solidarity with prisoners.

We publish a few images from last nights prison demos. (more…)

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Athens: ATM of Piraeus Bank destroyed (Greece)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

In the evening of Friday December 16th, shortly before 20:00, we decided to pay a visit to the Piraeus Bank branch located at Canningos Sq. After smashing the ATM screen and the windows next to it with a hammer, we poured gasoline on the machine and torched it. Before leaving, we also threw a molotov to the ex-Ministry of Commerce located opposite the bank.

This action is dedicated to the memory of anarchist-nihilist Sebastian Oversluij, who was shot dead by a security guard while attempting to expropriate a BancoEstado branch in Santiago, Chile, on December 11th 2013.

This is also an act of complicity in solidarity with anarchist Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, who is held captive in the Chilean dungeons for taking revenge for the loss of Sebastián by opening fire against another private security guard of the same bank on January 21st 2014.


via ContraInfo

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