Posts Tagged ‘Germany’

Germany: Cop Cars Torched in Frankfurt / Offenbach

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018

IT: Offenbach, Germania – Incediate auto della polizia contro la repressione e in solidarietà alla resistenza di Hambach

Yes, this is an attack against the police. This is an attack against the state power that the police represent. This is an attack against a regulatory power that for many people means daily humiliation, violence and exclusion.

In Offenbach, many people hate the police. On the night of the 13th to the 14th of September 2018 we torched some cop cars in the parking lot of the cop station in Offenbach am Main.

The letter claiming responsibility which was also sent to the media:

The best way to explain what we do is that everyone can understand the image of burning cop cars.

Yes, this is an attack against the police. This is an attack against the state power that the police represent. This is an attack against a regulatory power that for many people means daily humiliation, violence and exclusion.

In Offenbach, many people hate the police. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Journalist fell from tree and died – activists demand immediate intervention stop in Hambach Forest (Germany)

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

A friend who has accompanied us as a journalist for a long time in the forest, fell today [19/9] from a suspension bridge over 20 meters high in Beechtown and died. At that time police and RWE tried to evict the tree house village. The SEK [special forces cops] was in the process of arresting an activist near the suspension bridge. Our friend was apparently on the way there when he fell.

We are deeply shaken. All our thoughts and desires are with him. Our compassion goes to all the relatives, friends and people who feel concerned.

We urge the police and RWE to leave the forest immediately and stop this dangerous operation. No further lives may be endangered.

What is needed now is a moment of rest.

Even if this is difficult for you at the moment, just as it is difficult for us to give such a factual hint: We recommend, in order to protect all activists, do not give any statements, nor even make any testimonies at the police. The accident must and will be reappraised, but the police are not the place to do that. Their interest is to blame activists.


via ABC Rhineland

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Berlin: War on the war! Fire for DGAP – German Society for Foreign Politics (Germany)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

With this we take responsibility for the incendiary device we placed in front of the building of the German Society for Foreign Politics (DGAP) in Drake-/Rauchstraße (Tiergarten) in the night of 21.8.18.

13 litres of a petrol-oil-mixture shall be the beginning of putting an end to the undisturbed and fearless existence of the DGAP as a political advisor of the German war society.

Since the beginning of this year increased attacks against the war industry, their profiteers and financiers take and took place over all the German controlled territory. We join these attacks and let the fire speak from our side. War starts here! War on the war!

War starts here, in the halls of politics. War starts everywhere, where people throw away their empathy, to profit from the globalized misery. In the war-industry, the thinktanks of science, in the faceless administration of bureaucracy, in the form of uniformed slaves, who receive and obey orders in rank and file. War starts between human beings, when concurrence and aspiration to power reigns over solidarity and the free development of the individual.

German Security – Profit through war

Through the choice of the DGAP as the target of our incendiary device we declare the ideological architects of German-European hegemonic politics, the scientists and forerunners of a security paradigm which works with as well as alongside of warmongers and in this way are our enemies. What they declare about security is not ours. Their foreign policy is a policy of order. And their order needs tanks against uprisings and frigates against inflatable dinghies, it builds fences against the suppressed and works continuously to extend their ongoing misery. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Demo at US consulate in solidarity with prison strike (Germany)

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018

The solidarity groups of Germany’s Incarcerated Workers’ Union (GG/BO), with the support of the anarchist workers’ union (FAU), are calling for a protest to take place in front of the US consulate of Leipzig on August 21st, which is the start date of a nationwide prison strike in the USA.

You can find the call on the blog of the GG/BO solidarity group of Jena and on the website of GG/BO.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Smoke Signals – A conversation in the aftermath of G20 in Hamburg (Germany)

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

First appeared as „Ein Gespräch mit einigen Militanten über die informelle Koordinierung im Vorfeld der G20“ in Rauchzeichen, a magazine published by Autonomous Groups, Fall 2017 and now first published in English on Anarhija. This is late, but not too late. We can use this conversation to prepare something for the coming black bloc attack next year in Biarritz/France, where the G7 summit will be end of Summer 2019.

AG: At the end of the summer of 2016, several communiques propose an informal coordination of radical groups in the run-up to the G20 summit in Hamburg. You took part in it. What interventions were you aiming for and which perspectives did it entail for you?

[Chuzpe]: “On the occasion of several big events like the G8 in Heiligendamm in 2007 or around the Destroika prior to the inauguration of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt in 2015, there have been similar proposals and radical campaigns. It is not a very new idea. Starting from an anarchist analysis, I see the necessity of a permanent conflictuality and I’m sceptical towards this staging of a political play where everyone has its role. Focusing on such an event leads often to the side-lining of everyday struggles. But at the same time, I see the possibility of a tension opening up in such moments, in which the scope of our interventions can amplify. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Rostock, Germany: Police Station Attacked

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

21.07.18: During the early morning hours of July 20th, we attacked the police station on Ulmen street in Rostock with fireworks.

This was in response to the completely unnecessary raids on the homes of our comrades in Greifswald. On Thursday morning, a total of 100 cops were used to search houses and apartments. This was obviously meant to send a clear message to those of us who are committed to the struggle for a better society and countering the shift to the right in society as a whole. Of course the police operation was immediately celebrated by the AfD.*

But in these times of right-wing and authoritarian mobilizations, they give us something to oppose, because the cops are always in opposition to our ideas for a liberated society.

No peace with the police! ACAB

*Translation note: Far-right political party Alternative für Deutschland / Alternative for Germany


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Posted in Direct Action

Plakat: Solidarität mit den Anarchistischen Gefangenen in Indonesien

Sunday, July 22nd, 2018

„Knast ist ein Meilenstein auf dem Pfad, den der Revolutionär in Richtung Freiheit geht. Es ist ein vorüber gehender Aufenthalt, aber nicht das Ende.“ Verschwörung der Feuerzellen (CCF)

Am 1. Mai 2018 wurden dutzende AnarchistInnen in Yogyakarta während eines wütenden Krawalls gegen den Sultan und das NYIA Mega-Flughafen Projekt, welches die Kulon Progo Coastal Community bedroht, verhaftet. 11 AnarchistInnen sind immer noch eingesperrt, weil sie gegen die Bullen und die Schläger das Sultans gekämpft haben. Dem Gefährten Ucil wird vorgeworfen Polizeimotorräder mit Molotov-Cocktails angegriffen zu haben. Der indonesische Staat hat diesen Moment benutzt, um die anarchistische Bewegung auf dem Archipel mit Repression zu überziehen, außerdem sind einige GefährtInnen im Untergrund oder es wird gegen sie ermittelt. Lasst uns den Funken der revolutionären Solidarität entzünden und die schwarze Internationale entfachen. Feuer den Unternehmen, den Investoren, dem Tourismus und den Banken, die in Indonesien tätig sind.

„Bedauerlicherweise ist der Traum, den wir in unseren Herzen tragen, zu bedeutend, als dass wir die Gefahr unterlaufen könnten, uns selbst an der monströsen Wand der Autorität wieder zu finden, die aufgebaut wurde, um Staat und Kapital zu verteidigen.“Nicola Gai

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Car Belonging to Police and Military Supplier Dräger Torched in Berlin (Germany)

Monday, July 16th, 2018

16.07.18: Last night a car belonging to the company Dräger was torched on Hänsel street in Baumschulenweg. Among other things, this corporation that is listed on the stock exchange, manufactures gas masks for police and military use.

In 2010, Dräger locations in Berlin and Cologne were attacked with paint:

“We hit Dräger because it is one of the biggest supporters of the international torture and murder scene, and in addition to sponsoring the police congrees, Dräger is also a leading international security and medical technology company”.

From the Dräger annual report:

“Demand for our products increased in 2017, especially in Poland, Great Britain, Austria and Germany, as well as in Romania, Russia and Turkey…The increased demand for security products in particular contributed to the positive development of an increase in orders for medical technology too”.

Freedom For All G20 Prisoners!


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Posted in Direct Action

Frankfurt: Arson Attack Against Deutsche Bahn – 6 Vehicles Destroyed (Germany)

Friday, July 6th, 2018

06.07.18: Last night we destroyed 6 Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) vehicles near Frankfurt West railway station. We are opposed to German support for the war of aggression by the Turkish government in Northern Syria as well as the ongoing raids and arrests of left-wing activists.

We set fire to six Deutsche Bahn vehicles used for making repairs. We deliberately carried out our action in a way that ensured there was no danger to anybody. Deutsche Bahn is a leading logistics partner of NATO. Dying and killing in the name of our ‘democracies’ is not an option for us. We will continue to side with the revolutionary forces in Syria and elsewhere.

Here in Germany there are enough reasons too, we do not even know where to start with this police state: the complete erosion of what once referred to itself as a constitutional state. Mass public manhunts. The raids against German technology associations because they have a donation account for a legal US email provider and for using an email address that was used to promote protests against the AFD! (Alternative for Deutschland, right-wing populist party)* Or the banning of Linksunten Indymedia. Or the arrests in the Rhine-Main area for alleged participation in the G20 protests. Or the searches in France, because those affected allegedly raised their arms at the G20. What a complete misunderstanding of every situation in the Schanze.**

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: Solidarity with Nantes! Arson Attack Against a Van Belonging to Prison Service Provider SPIE (Germany)

Thursday, July 5th, 2018

05.07.18: The wave of exuberant hatred for the arbitrariness of uniformed individuals spills once more across the borders of France to us. For the last two nights in Nantes, hundreds of teenagers have destroyed shops, set fire to cars and attacked the CRS (Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité / general reserve of the French National Police) with Molotovs.

Aboubakar was executed on Tuesday night in a suburb of Nantes in his car by a police officer after he was placed under arrest during a vehicle inspection…

The police spread their version that they were in danger and it was in self-defense. It is obvious that the ‘legitimacy’ of the murder that they make public is found only in the self-created legitimacy of the police apparatus. Since we refuse to recognize that law, there can never be legitimacy for execution by a cop. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Attack on Russian Visa Center (Germany)

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Unknown persons destroyed the windows of the Russian visacenter in Kanalstr. 14a, Hamburg, the night of the 22.06. Also “FUCK FIFA!”, “FIGHT REPRESSION!” and”(A)” was spraypainted to the facade.

Since autumn 2017 there happen repressive attacks against anarchists in different Russian cities, in Belarus and on Krim. With torture, intimidation, blackmail and imprisonment they are targeted. At the same time the football worldcup is one of the biggest spectacles of power that is happening in Russia. The rich can enrich themself even more and behind the cameras, all this, as with the Olympic games or summit-meetings, can be used to develop repression and control against maginalised, poor and unwanted social groups and to develop aggressive gentrification.

Freedom and solidarity don’t need Visa!

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin, Germany: Incendiary Actions Against Telekom, Deutsche Bahn and Vodafone

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Berlin, June 2018

Restructuring power via digitization is in full swing. Hardly anything that cannot be complemented by a ‘smart’ in its name and thus a new place in this world has escaped this process. Everything is networked. Cameras, sensors and chips are constantly sending and letting things communicate. ‘Big Data’ is the currency of tomorrow. Even our relationships, actions and thinking are permanently exposed to digital access. Reduced to information, we feed the algorithms of the machines, helping to make the future manageable and controllable.

It’s not always easy to hold on to the possibility of destroying this system as the rapid pace of the technological attack is widening and the net of domination stretches around us. All the more important are the moments of counterattack to reject the powerlessness that is spreading in the face of current developments. So we are all the more pleased that the answers to the misery produced by the colonization of the world via techno-industrial hegemony are found again and again in Berlin. Within the context of the planned Google campus in Kreuzberg, a fight has developed that is not only aimed at the tech giants and their universe, but also at the social level. Self-organization, direct communication and the power of the attack are the means of choice. Various acts of sabotage, such as the one last March by ‘Vulkangruppe NetzHerrschaft zerreißen’ have shown that the infrastructure of the flow of goods, communication and data networks is vulnerable and can be disrupted by arson attacks against cable networks and sensitive radio antennas. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Urgent call to defend Hambach Forest as the chainsaws and evictions begin (Germany)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Urgent Call from HAMBACH FOREST

The courtcase which gave the Forest of Hambach a little more time to prepare for cutting season is lost. RWE started today with clearing bushes to prepare for total cutting. The preparations for an massive police action are obviously building. They announced that they want to evict the whole occupation. We expect them at the latest on Monday for evictions. They are already in the forest protecting machinery.

But to make it possible that Hambach Forest stays we need you and your frieds/comr@des!

At best come around.

At best bring with you:

– sleeping bag, mattress
– your friends
– an idea of what you wanna do (the Infrastructre of RWE is too huge for them to protect it all)
– waterproof boots, camouflage-clothing
– camera (for recording police violence)
– working gloves
– toothbrush
– 1st aid stuff
– rainstuff
– a small tent (not necessary but if you have)
– no drugs
– no passport (if you need it for travelling, bury it somewhere in the woods)

What you can do from outside:

– spread the news
– do what ever you like to show solidarity
– distract police forces (they will need cops from all germany to evict us)
– attack the veins of capitalism & its fossil fuel industry
– dont get caught
– dont forget them in the cages

See you on the barricades

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Schleswig-Holstein: Police Patrol Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with Imprisoned Comrades (Germany)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

Flensburg, November 10, 2017

On the night of 10.11.2017, a patrol car at Harrislee police station (Flensburg area) was torched. Solidarity with the prisoners from the G20 processes that began on calendar week 45. Freedom for Fabio, Christian and all other comrades affected by repression! Freedom for all political prisoners, you are not forgotten!

via Chronik, Insurrection News.

*Translation note: This action was originally posted on Indymedia in Germany but was removed due to censorship.

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Posted in Direct Action

Soli-text from R94, Berlin, to Insurrection Festival, Athens (Germany, Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

They call it „Dangerzone“* – but it is just an ungovernable neigbourhood

Greetings from Berlin to Athens

We, individuals and groups from the Rigaer Street, welcome the initiative, to start a discussion about an insurrection and fill it with experiences from the past, current theories and practical possibilities. This is how we understood the call for the Insurrection Festival in Athens.

In the program, we discovered several aspects, that we in the Nordkiez of Friedrichshain are engaged in. There is no anarchist, anti authoritarian or left radical movement in Berlin, there is just a scene. The dullness of the majority of a fascist society, makes it complicated to get moving. In order to destroy overall power structures, we need to search for the confrontation in our local communities. A concentration of people, ideas and structures working against the state, are necessary to be able to protect oneself from outside aggression and be able to actually develop. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy