Posts Tagged ‘Bulgarian Prisoners’ Rehabilitation Association’

Message in Solidarity with the Resistance in Greek Prisons from the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

International Solidarity with the Greek Prison Resisters Now!

There have been rolling strikes and protests throughout Greek prisons in reaction to the SYRIZA Party led coalition government’s plans to bring into force increased repressive legal measures into the prison law codes.

In May, prisoners from A, B and C wings of Korydallos Prison, Greece’s main prison located in Piraeus, announced the formation of the Coordinating Struggle Committee to express the opinions of prisoners from Korydallos and other prisons who have decided to join the protests, to issue regular updates regarding prisoner protests and to communicate with people outside the prisons who stand in solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the prisoners. This statement was translated into English and can be read on the Enough Is Enough blog here. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman target in far-right smear campaign (Bulgaria)

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

From a comrade of ABC Brighton

Antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman is currently a target for far-right smear campaign after he had been nominated to a “Human of the Year 2015” award by the human rights NGO Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. His nomination said as follows:

“In his work as Chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoners Rehabilitation Association (BPRA) Jock Palfreeman directly defends the human rights of prisoners in Bulgaria. Though consequential work to reform the criminal justice system of Bulgaria, the human rights of all Bulgarian citizens are enhanced. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Assault On Prisoners In Sofia Central Prison, October 17 (Bulgaria)

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

via Brighton ABC:

Jock Palfreeman, a young Australian anti-fascist currently serving a 20-year prison sentence for defending 2 young Roma lads being brutally attacked by fascist thugs, was attacked along with a group of his fellow prisoners on October 17. here is a statement released by him:

On the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Rehabilitation Association’s blog I have up until now not written much if anything about myself in an attempt to keep the Association’s blog neutral and equal for all issues and prisoners in Bulgaria and specifically Sofia Central Prison. However, I have done this at the expense of not reporting the prison’s attacks against myself for my unionism and solidarity with other prisoners, in an attempt to reform the corrupt prison administration, however on Thursday 17th of October an incident occurred involving myself that must be published. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle