Posts Tagged ‘Animal Liberation’

Alleged ELF and ALF Fugitive, Joseph Dibee, Arrested After 12 Years (USA)

Monday, August 13th, 2018

From Earth First! Newswire

UPDATE 12:20 PM 8/11/2018: Joseph’s contact info has been added to the bottom of this post.

Joseph Mahmoud Dibee, an alleged member of the Earth Liberation Front group “The Family,” has been arrested in Cuba and is now being held in Oregon. Cuban authorities, with assistance from the FBI and other US government agencies, detained Dibee in Cuba shortly before he was set to board a plane to Russia. He has been held in the Multnomah County Detention Center in Portland since Thursday afternoon.

He appeared in federal court in Oregon yesterday afternoon. He pleaded not guilty to three counts of arson and conspiracy charges. He told the judge he understood his rights and said nothing else.

He will now face federal criminal charges in Oregon, California, and Washington. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Update on the trial of comrades Sven and Natasha (UK)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

Sven and Natasha had a short court hearing at Winchester on Wednesday 8th November. After a long time of ongoing negotiations in the background, their legal teams were able to meet with the prosecution and settle on a deal for both defendants that they were relatively satisfied with. They agreed to a non-cooperative plea deal which involved admissions of guilt about their own activities within the ‘conspiracy‘.

They did not relate to any other people. As a result, Sven and Natasha both entered guilty pleas for ‘conspiracy to blackmail’, and were bailed to await sentencing.

This now means that there will be no trial or any further hearings, with exception of sentencing, a date for which is still due to be decided.

(We expect it to be mid December or the start of January)

Thanks everyone for the ongoing support, we’ll keep you all posted as soon as there will be any development.

Unfortunately the website is down because of some server issue beyond our control, but it is being fixed and will be live again by the end of the week, hopefully.

From freesvenandnatasha.org


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Hunger Strike: Statement from Walter Bond recorded by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (USA)

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Statement from Walter Bond recorded by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office on 11/15/17

(Audio Message)


“Since my arrival in Greenville two-and-a-half years ago, my
communications with the world have been made incredibly difficult and at
times impossible. I have been repeatedly denied books, magazines,
letters and pictures. It’s standard operating procedure that my mail –
be it my email or snail mail — is habitually days, weeks and even
months late. It is not at all uncommon for my mail, both incoming and
outgoing, to simply never arrive.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Month of actions as the Animal Liberation Front gets active for Winter (UK)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

Animal Liberation Front comrades in UK are getting active again despite years of repression and clampdowns by the state. Here’s a quick list of actions that happened over the last month. Reports from Bite Back:

Anonymous report:

8 November 2017

“Several turkeys liberated from concentration camps (aka farms) in the UK last night.”


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Santiago: University Animal Experimentation Laboratory Trashed, 120 Rats Liberated (Chile)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

During the first week of October, 2017, persons unknown were able to enter the University of Chile’s science faculty at the Juan Gomez Milla Campus on Macul and Grecia avenues.

After having previously identified a laboratory for animal experimentation, the unknown persons entered it, released the animals imprisoned there (mainly rodents) and destroyed the infrastructure of the lab along with all the ‘research’ documents that were inside it. The unknown persons managed to escape without being detected or identified.

During the days that followed, it was confirmed that 120 laboratory rodents were released, they were being experimented on to test the physiological effects of climate change. The ‘Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Animals’ (CICUA) – the name of the organization responsible for approving, supervising and certifying the use of animals for experimentation – stated that the animals were not being abused, and also noted that “most of the released rodents suffer from afflictions and will not survive for long since they require the assistance of humans for their well-being and survival”. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

International Week of Action against Speciesism : Oct 30 – Nov 5

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

An international call for a week of action against speciesism, from October 30 and November 5, has been launched through social media. It encourages folks to carry out all kinds of actions, from street propaganda (paintings, posters, distribution of leaflets …) to workshops/forums and debates in your meeting spaces, to self-organizing various actions against specific businesses with the tools that each person may consider appropriate, to mass mobilizations and demonstrations.

May each one be organized as it suits each one involved, and may they shake all the cages. In memory of Barry Horne and all the human and nonhuman victims of speciesism and domination.

Both individual and collective measures of struggle are valid; from diffusion actions to mobilizations.

Solidarity between species is not just a written word!

The call out translated in several languages

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Santiago: Liberation of a rabbit in memory of Barry Horne, 15 years since his death (Chile)

Friday, November 11th, 2016

The rabbit was released from a tiny cage and given a new loving home in memory of Animal Liberation Front warrior Barry Horne, who died on hunger strike until death in defense of all life 15 years ago. For the animals.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Interview with Yesim Nurova, animal liberationist (Turkey)

Saturday, September 24th, 2016

Yesim Nurova is a journalist affiliated with R9 Media. She is an animal rights activist known throughout Turkey and Europe. She has organized and led some of the largest animal liberation and animal rights demonstrations and protests, many with a Direct Action component, in Asia. Also, she is the Founder of the Spanish language A.L.F Frente de Liberación Animal Liberation/Animal Rights Community, an animal liberation and animal rights online resource for Spanish speaking activists around the world.

Q-Where are you from?

I live in Turkey.

Q-What organization(s) are you involved with?

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office where I’m an Advisor and Liaison for Europe. Also, I’m a Journalist affiliated with New York City based R9 Media.

Q-Why are you an activist? How did you get involved in the fight for
animal liberation?

I’m an Animal Liberation Activist because animals are the most oppressed beings on the planet. They suffer and endure so much pain at the hands of and service towards humanity. Worldwide there are factory farms, fur farms, leather factories, slaughterhouses, circuses and zoos. All of which imprison them and subject them to violence and exploit them for goods, resources and entertainment. They are slaughtered for food, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, medical testing and medical products. This is unacceptable in the twenty-first century. Animals have the right to live free of suffering and exploitation at the hands of humans. Fighting for the freedom of animals is my fight. I, and in fact all people, have an ethical responsibility towards animals. They cannot fight for their own freedom so the responsibility falls to Activists. They must be liberated from their slavery and I’m in solidarity with them. I’m fighting for their freedom. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Animal Liberation: Open rescue in July – Solidarity to vegan prisoner Osman Evcan (Czech Republic)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

A cold night, rain and thundering far away. Totally wet sitting nearby the enclosure and waiting until the patrol comes.

It’s safe. We can go.

We know this place, so the rescue is done quickly.

We have took four chickens and going away. Four chickens whose world was changed in a few minutes.

Click for photos

Few words from the anonymous team member

For the first time in my life I can see how the animals live in the factory farms.

There is a very strictly scheduled mode. Light clock timer determining night and day, right now imitating night by darkness. I am shining with the flash-lamp over the hall where hundreds of chickens survive – sentenced to death alive. There’s no time to think about daily cruelty and torture. It’s time to take action.

From today, rescue is an indispensable part of my life. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Butcher Shops Sabotaged in Santiago by Animal Liberation Front (Chile)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

“…with simple materials we sabotaged the locks so that the owners of this so-called ‘job’ can have it clear in their heads that there are subjects that do not want and do not respect the commercialization of humiliation, suffering and death of animals.”Javier Recabarren affiliate cell of ALF

The ALF assumes the low-scale sabotage committed during the night of July 28 in the periphery of Santiago against 2 butcher shops, 1 private dwelling (butcher owner’s house), 1 access fence into the butcher and other shops, and lastly, 1 shop selling chicken.

The flow of commercialization in the shops selling dead animals was interrupted as we filled tens of their locks with liquid steel, which the bastard owners discovered later that morning with surprise. In the following days, we left a message on paper, making it very clear why this action was committed.

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Posted in Direct Action

Support animal liberation prisoners Nicole & Joseph (USA)

Saturday, May 14th, 2016

In early 2016, Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane signed non-cooperating plea agreements in which they pled guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Joseph and Nicole were accused of releasing thousands of animals from fur farms, and causing damage to other businesses associated with the fur industry, in the summer and autumn of 2013.

In May, ed-trio.com/buy-viagra-online Joseph was sentenced to two years in prison. Nicole will be sentenced in June (details to come).

Write to Joseph at:

Joseph Buddenberg #12746-111
MCC San Diego
808 Union Street
San Diego, CA 92101

For more background on their case, see here.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Tampere: Dairy and meat companies paintbombed 11th of April (Finland)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

In a cold world,
in the cold north,
our hearts still always have warmth to share for those
who’ve had to sacrifice their freedom in the struggle for freedom for all.

On the night of Monday 11th of April, 2016, in Tampere, Finland, milk company Valio’s dairy plant got a paintbomb on its facade, as did meat company Saarioinen.

Happy birthday Abdul “Lone Wolf“!!

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Santiago: Corte de calle por la liberación animal (Chile)

Monday, February 1st, 2016

El día viernes 29/1 un grupo anónimo levantó barricadas en santiago en el contexto de la convocatoria internacional por la liberación animal, en la cual se han desarrollado diversas acciones propagandísticas por el cierre de las cárceles/zoológicos.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Winter European Speaking Tour – Learning from SHAC/Free Sven and Natasha

Friday, January 29th, 2016

From Free Sven and Natasha:

We are pleased to announce our Winter European Speaking Tour across
France, the Basque Country & Spain.

Dates, Locations & Times:

Friday 29th January – Dijon | 7pm | Eternel Detour, 16ter rue de
Fontaine-lès-Dijon 21000 Dijon

Saturday 30th January – Grenoble | 2pm (Vegan food from 12pm) |
Parpaing Paillette (habitation and events squat), 104 avenue Ambroise
Croizat, Saint Martin D’here

Saturday 30th January – Lyon | 8pm | l’Atelier des Canulars Canulars
Workshop, 91 rue Montesquieu, Lyon

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Postal address of Osman Evcan, vegan comrade imprisoned in Kocaeli #1 F-Type Prison (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Postal address of the imprisoned vegan comrade, info via ABC Istanbul, write here or send a card to the recovering hungerstriker:

Osman Evcan
Kocaeli 1 Nolu F Tipi Cezaevi

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Posted in Prison Struggle