We give you the freedom to choose your own support team

Better Caring is an online community for people who need support to connect with those who would like to provide it, from their local area, based on mutual interests to build long lasting relationships

Start searching Australia’s largest and most diverse online community of independent support workers today

We give you the freedom to choose your own support team

Better Caring is an online community for people who need support to find, hire and manage local care and support workers based on criteria that they consider most important

Start searching Australia’s largest and most diverse online community of independent care and support workers today


It’s easy to build out your support team in three steps

Step 1


Sign up to Better Caring for free, then begin your search for independent care and support workers in your area.

Step 2


Contact support workers directly to get to know them better. When you find your match, agree rates, hours and services that work for you both.

Step 3

Approve & pay

Once the service has been received, payment is automatically made through the Better Caring website.

We can help if you’re government funded

You can use Better Caring if you are NDIS funded or have a Home Care Package. Explore your options here

Safety & Peace of Mind

Your safety and peace of mind are our top priority. Because quality support is at our core, all workers meet strict core standards.

Strict Approval Process

All support workers meet strict criteria, including reference and key qualification checks.

High Safety Priority

All support workers undergo police checks and verifications for added peace of mind.

Insurance Coverage

All support workers are covered by comprehensive insurance to guarantee peace of mind.

Design your care to fit your life

Search based on the things that matter to you and tailor your care to suit your life.

Social Support

The ability to do all the social activities you love and enjoy, or need to attend.

Nursing Services

Qualified professionals you can trust to provide high quality clinical care.

Domestic Assistance

Maintain your daily routines with help around the house and garden.

Personal Care

Day to day assistance with showering, toileting, meal prep or help with medication.

Therapy Supports

Qualified Allied Health practitioners to plan and maintain tailored therapy.

Independent Living

Transport assistance and in-home support to maintain your daily routines.

Better Pricing

We cut out the middleman to empower both you and your support workers.

Our users pay less

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    Choose and manage the right support to suit your budget with transparent pricing.

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    Gain more hours of support and higher quality care for your loved ones.

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    Pay privately or use government funding, such as NDIS or CDC.

Find a support worker

Our workers earn more

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    Workers earn what they deserve by setting their own hourly rates.

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    Lower fees means more of your budget goes directly to your support team.

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    Our system handles payment, so workers can focus on what really matters – you.

Become a support worker

The Support Team You Deserve



“The best benefit of using Better Caring was having a really personalised, flexible service that delivered above and beyond our expectations. It’s become a new life for my father. His life is improving, and it’s marvelous.



“I am so excited about Better Caring. All the staff at Better Caring and my support workers are always happy to help. I like being able to choose who supports me and what they help me with. My new support workers are helping me make a plan for the future.”

pictured with his support worker


“Better Caring have provided three excellent and professional carers who regularly support my son, Nick, to participate in varied and fulfilling social activities. They are prepared to work with me as far as times and dates are concerned. They are skilled in all aspects of my son’s needs and have certainly broadened the scope of his community access opportunities.”



“Although I am only 102, I do need a little Better Caring and I must say that it’s absolutely wonderful. I could choose my own people… I got a wonderful girl, a dancer, who was also a carer, so we were able to work together on my new dance production. I also have plenty of time with them, it’s not just rushing in and doing the washing up, we do creative work together.

Empower your loved one to live an independent life.

Get Started

Find the right support and make a real difference. Search Australia’s largest and most diverse online community of independent, local home care and support workers.

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